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#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $NAME="";
# check commandline arguments
my $cmd=shift;
if ($cmd eq "-p") { print_rows(@ARGV); }
elsif ($cmd eq "-c") { check_thresholds(@ARGV); }
else { helptext(); exit; }
sub check_thresholds {
if ( ($#ARGV != 6) && ($#ARGV != 11) ) {
print "\nUSAGE: $NAME -c <module> <database> <row> <consolidation> <timespan> <lt|eq|gt> <threshold> [-m <> <> <> <>]\n\n";
open LINES,"rrdtool fetch ./modules/$module/rrd/$db.rrd -s -$time $consolidation|";
close LINES;
print @lines;
if ($func eq "gt") { $function="higher than"; }
elsif ($func eq "eq") { $function="equal"; }
elsif ($func eq "lt") { $function="lower than"; }
foreach (@lines) {
# first line contains data-row names
if ($num == -1) {
if ((! /nan/) && ( /:/)) {
# process lines containing valid values
$vmin=$val if $vmin>$val;
$vmax=$val if $vmax<$val;
if (($func eq "gt") && ($val>$threshold)) { $caught++; }
elsif (($func eq "eq") && ($val==$threshold)) { $caught++; }
elsif (($func eq "lt") && ($val<$threshold)) { $caught++; }
# check if there was at least one valid line
if ($num > 0) { $vavg=$vsum/$num; } else { $vavg=-1; $num=-1; }
if ($num == $caught) {
my @message;
($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime(time);
if ($isdst) { $dst="(DST)"; } else { $dst=""; }
$mday="0".$mday if $mday<10;
$mon="0".$mon if $mon<10;
$sec="0".$sec if $sec<10;
$min="0".$min if $min<10;
$hour="0".$hour if $hour<10;
my @message=("HotSaNIC THRESHOLD WARNING!","","Date : $dow, $year-$mon-$mday","Time : $hour:$min:$sec $dst","Module : $module","database: $db","data-row: ".@names[$row-1],"","","$consolidation value constantly $function $threshold over the last $time seconds.",(sprintf "minimum: %12.2f",$vmin),(sprintf "average: %12.2f",$vavg),(sprintf "maximum: %12.2f",$vmax),"");
if ($cmd eq "-m") {
print "sending...\n";
else { print join("\n",@message),"\n"; }
sub print_rows {
if ($#ARGV != 1) {
print "\nUSAGE: $NAME -p <module> <database>\n\n";
open LINES,"rrdtool fetch ./modules/$module/rrd/$db.rrd -s -1 MAX|";
( $line=<LINES> ) =~ s/^\s*//g;
close LINES;
print "Row numbers for $module - $db.rrd\n";
foreach (split /\s+/,$line) { print $n++." -> $_\n"; }
sub sendmail {
use Net::SMTP;
my $SMTP_Host = shift || "";
my $account = shift || "dummy";
my $sender = shift || "hotsanic-system";
my $recipient = shift || "admin";
my @message = (@_);
unshift @message,"From: HotSaNIC <$sender>","";
unshift @message,"Subject: HotSaNIC threshold warning";
# add line-breaks (\r\n) to text
@message = map { $_."\r\n" } @message;
my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new( $SMTP_Host, Helo => $account, Debug => 0 );
my $OK;
$OK = $smtp->mail($sender);
if (! $OK) { return "ERROR: sender unknown: \"$sender\""; }
$OK = $smtp->recipient( $recipient );
if (! $OK) { return "ERROR: recipient invalid: \"$recipient\""; }
# Nachricht senden
$OK = $smtp->data(\@message);
if (! $OK) { return "ERROR: message could not be delivered: \"$!\""; }
# Ordungsgemäss beim Server abmelden
$OK = $smtp->quit();
if (! $OK) { return "ERROR: could not close connection.\"$!\""; }
sub helptext {
print "
$NAME -c <module> <database> <row> <consolidation> <timespan> <lt|eq|gt> <threshold>
check the given database for given events and print results to running shell.
$NAME -p <module> <database>
print DB-internal names.
$NAME -c ... -m <SMTPhost> <SMTPaccount> <sender> <recipient>
mails the results in the given way
$NAME -f config_file
check all targets configured in config_file. (not implemented yet!)
<module> name of the module to query (you have to be in the HotSaNIC main directory)
<database> name of the database to query
<data-row-number> number of the database-row
\"?\" to show row names
[MAX|MIN|AVERAGE] consolidation function of the data-row you like to query
<timespan> timespan backwards from now in seconds
[lt|eq|gt] threshold functions
lt -> test if values are less than <threshold>
eq -> test if values are equal <threshold>
gt -> test if values are greater than <threshold>
<threshold> threshold value
$NAME -c traffic eth0 1 MAX 120 gt 100000
generates a warning message if the incoming traffic (row 1) of the traffic on eth0 exceeded 100000 bytes/s over the last 2 minutes
$NAME -c system cpu 4 MAX 120 lt 0.3
generates a warning message if the idle-time (row 4) of your CPU was constantly lower than 30% over the last 2 minutes