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package HotSaNICmod::OSdep;
use RRDs;
use lib "../../lib";
sub version {
($VERSION = '$Revision: 1.4 $') =~ s/.*(\d+\.\d+).*/$1/;
return "$^ $VERSION";
sub sample {
my %args=@_;
if ( (! -e "acct_int.dat") || (! -e "acct_ext.dat")) {
system("$IPTABLES -L acct_int_other -xvn > acct_int.dat");
system("$IPTABLES -L acct_ext_other -xvn > acct_ext.dat");
foreach $prt ("tcp","udp") {
system("$IPTABLES -L acct_int_$prt -xvn | sed 's/all/$prt/g' >> acct_int.dat");
system("$IPTABLES -L acct_ext_$prt -xvn | sed 's/all/$prt/g' >> acct_ext.dat");
system("$IPTABLES -L acct_int_$prt -xvn >> acct_int.dat");
system("$IPTABLES -L acct_ext_$prt -xvn >> acct_ext.dat");
my %acct_int_old=readfile("acct_int.dat",$IPTABLES);
my %acct_ext_old=readfile("acct_ext.dat",$IPTABLES);
system("$IPTABLES -L acct_int_other -xvn > acct_int.dat");
system("$IPTABLES -L acct_ext_other -xvn > acct_ext.dat");
foreach $prt ("tcp","udp") {
system("$IPTABLES -L acct_int_$prt -xvn | sed 's/all/$prt/g' >> acct_int.dat");
system("$IPTABLES -L acct_ext_$prt -xvn | sed 's/all/$prt/g' >> acct_ext.dat");
my %acct_int=readfile("acct_int.dat",$IPTABLES);
my %acct_ext=readfile("acct_ext.dat",$IPTABLES);
my $time=time;
foreach my $nn (sort(keys(%acct_int))) {
foreach my $nn (sort(keys(%acct_ext))) {
sub readfile {
my ($file,$IPTABLES)=@_;
my $ip="";
undef my %hash;
open (FILE,$file);
while (<FILE>) {
if (index($IPTABLES,"ipchains") >= 0 ) { ($pkt,$bytes,$target,$proto,$opt,$tosa,$tosx,$ifname,$src,$dst)=split; }
else { ($pkt,$bytes,$target,$proto,$opt,$in,$out,$src,$dst)=split; }
if ($pkt =~ /^[0-9]*$/ ) {
if ($dst eq "") { ($proto,$opt,$in,$out,$src,$dst)=($target,$proto,$opt,$in,$out,$src); }
if ($src eq "") { $ip=$dst;$dir=1; } elsif ($dst eq "") { $ip=$src;$dir=0; }
if ($proto eq "all") { $prt=1 };
if ($proto eq "tcp") { $prt=3 };
if ($proto eq "udp") { $prt=5 };
if ($ip ne "") {$hash{"$ip"}[$prt+$dir]=$bytes;}
close (FILE);
return %hash;
sub updatedb {
my ($MODNAME,$time,$name,$tcpin,$udpin,$otherin,$tcpout,$udpout,$otherout)=@_;
$name =~ s/\//_/g;
if ( !-e "rrd/$name.rrd") { system "./makerrd $name U"; }
RRDs::update "rrd/$name.rrd",$time.":".$tcpin.":".$udpin.":".$otherin.":".$tcpout.":".$udpout.":".$otherout;
if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { print time," ",$MODNAME,": unable to update `$name.rrd': $ERROR\n"; }