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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use lib "../../lib";
use HotSaNICparser;
# read global settings
# read module-specific settings
foreach (HotSaNICparser::read_settings(".")) {
if ($var eq "INTIF") { $INTIF=$value; }
if ($var eq "IPTABLES") { $IPTABLES=$value; }
if ($var eq "EXTIF") { $EXTIF=$value; }
if ($var eq "DEVEXT") {
push @WORLDDEST,$dev;
if ($var eq "DEVINT") {
push @LOCALDEST,$dev;
if ( ! defined $IPTABLES) { die time," ",$MODNAME,": IPTABLES not configured in module settings...\n"; }
print "\nclearing old and setting up new accounting chains\n";
#removing links in main chains
system("$IPTABLES -D INPUT -j acct_input > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -D OUTPUT -j acct_output > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -D FORWARD -j acct_forward > /dev/null");
#recreating main accounting tables
foreach $chain ("input","output","forward") {
system("$IPTABLES -F acct_$chain > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -X acct_$chain > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -N acct_$chain > /dev/null");
#recreating particular accounting tables
foreach $prt ("tcp","udp","other") {
system("$IPTABLES -F acct_ext_$prt > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -F acct_int_$prt > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -X acct_ext_$prt > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -X acct_int_$prt > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -N acct_ext_$prt > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -N acct_int_$prt > /dev/null");
#linking back accounting to main chains
system("$IPTABLES -I INPUT -j acct_input > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I OUTPUT -j acct_output > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I FORWARD -j acct_forward > /dev/null");
# set up Accounting for unique IPs in subnet...
print "\naccounting for local targets\n";
foreach $host (@LOCALDEST) {
print " ",$host,"\n";
foreach $prt ("tcp","udp") {
system("$IPTABLES -A acct_int_$prt -s $host");
system("$IPTABLES -A acct_int_$prt -d $host");
system("$IPTABLES -A acct_int_other -s $host");
system("$IPTABLES -A acct_int_other -d $host");
#this will kick out all tcp and udp from other accounting chain
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_int_other -p tcp -j RETURN");
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_int_other -p udp -j RETURN");
# set up accounting for dedicated networks to local subnet
print "\naccounting for externel targets\n";
foreach $host (@WORLDDEST) {
print " ",$host,"\n";
foreach $prt ("tcp","udp") {
system("$IPTABLES -A acct_ext_$prt -s $host");
system("$IPTABLES -A acct_ext_$prt -d $host");
system("$IPTABLES -A acct_ext_other -s $host");
system("$IPTABLES -A acct_ext_other -d $host");
#this will kick out all tcp and udp from other accounting chain
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_ext_other -p tcp -j RETURN");
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_ext_other -p udp -j RETURN");
print "\nlinking accounting chains to INPUT/OUTPUT chain\n";
foreach $dev (split(/,/,$EXTIF)) {
if ($IPTABLES =~ /ipchains/) {
system("$IPTABLES -I input -i $dev -j acct_ext > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I output -i $dev -j acct_ext > /dev/null");
else {
#this will sent ALL to other chain
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_input -i $dev -p all -j acct_ext_other > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_output -o $dev -p all -j acct_ext_other > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_forward -i $dev -p all -j acct_ext_other > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_forward -o $dev -p all -j acct_ext_other > /dev/null");
foreach $prt ("tcp","udp") {
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_input -i $dev -p $prt -j acct_ext_$prt > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_output -o $dev -p $prt -j acct_ext_$prt > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_forward -i $dev -p $prt -j acct_ext_$prt > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_forward -o $dev -p $prt -j acct_ext_$prt > /dev/null");
foreach $dev (split(/,/,$INTIF)) {
if ($IPTABLES =~ /ipchains/) {
system("$IPTABLES -I input -i $dev -j acct_int > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I output -i $dev -j acct_int > /dev/null");
else {
#this will sent ALL to other chain
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_input -i $dev -p all -j acct_int_other > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_output -o $dev -p all -j acct_int_other > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_forward -i $dev -p all -j acct_int_other > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_forward -o $dev -p all -j acct_int_other > /dev/null");
foreach $prt ("tcp","udp") {
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_input -i $dev -p $prt -j acct_int_$prt > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_output -o $dev -p $prt -j acct_int_$prt > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_forward -i $dev -p $prt -j acct_int_$prt > /dev/null");
system("$IPTABLES -I acct_forward -o $dev -p $prt -j acct_int_$prt > /dev/null");
print "\n\nAll done! - accounting should be running now!\n";