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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<bindings xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/xbl" xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
        moz-behaviors.xml - version 1.1 (pre-release) (2005/05/15)
        Copyright 2004-2005, Dean Edwards
        Web: http://dean.edwards.name/moz-behaviors/

        This software is licensed under the CC-GNU LGPL
        Web: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/LGPL/2.1/

fix CSSStyleDeclaration pixel*.__defineGetter__
behaviors FAQ
test Event.returnValue


allow upper case tags/attributes
support for external JS files
better support for oncontentready/ondocumentready
support for multiple behaviors in css


<!-- add a behavior through css -->
<binding id="behavior" extends="#-moz-behaviors">

<binding id="-moz-behaviors" extends="#-moz-ie">
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  htc extensions for mozilla
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

/* here we define the addBehavior/removeBehavior methods for an element
   these methods are used to add and remove all dhtml behaviors

var _cookie = -1; // no support for removeBehavior yet

// implement the addBehavior method for all elements
Element.prototype.addBehavior = function(_url) {
try {
        // calling this method with the first argument as zero
        //  initialises the object's behaviors
        if (_url === 0) {
                // grab the htc's url from the css setting
                var $binding = getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue("-moz-binding");
                $binding = $binding.replace(/^url\(([^)]*)\)$/, "$1").split("#");
                if ($binding) {
                        var $path = $binding[0].replace(/[^\/]+$/, "");
                        // support multiple behaviors
                        var $htcs = $binding[1].split("|");
                        var i = $htcs.length;
                        while (i--) this.addBehavior($path + $htcs[i]);
        if (!_url) return;

        // check the cache
        if (!document.behaviorUrns[_url]) {
                // constants
                var $SEPARATOR = ";";

                function _getTagName($node) {
                        var $tagName = $node.tagName.toLowerCase();
                        // this fixes a bug(?) in Mozilla 1.6b that includes the
                        //  namespace prefix in the tagName
                        return $tagName.slice($tagName.indexOf(":") + 1);

                function _getAttribute($node, $attribute) {
                        return $node.getAttribute($attribute) || $node.getAttribute($attribute.toUpperCase());

                // this function converts elements in a behavior to a program
                //  declaration, for example:
                //    <public:attach for="window" event="onload" handler="init"/>
                //  becomes:
                //    window.addEventListener("load", init);
                function _asDeclaration($behaviorNode) {
                        switch (_getTagName($behaviorNode)) {
                                case "event":
                                        var id = _getAttribute($behaviorNode, "id");
                                        return (id) ? "var " + id + "={fire:function(event){element.fireEvent('" +
                                                _getAttribute($behaviorNode, "name") + "',event)}}" : "";
                                case "property":
                                        var $name = _getAttribute($behaviorNode, "name");
                                        var $get = _getAttribute($behaviorNode, "get") || "function(){return getAttribute('" +
                                                $name + "')}";
                                        $get = "__defineGetter__('" + $name + "'," + $get + ")";
                                        var $put = _getAttribute($behaviorNode, "put") || "";
                                        if ($put) $put += ".call(element,value);";
                                        $put = "function(value){" + $put + "setAttribute('" + $name + "',value)}";
                                        $put = "__defineSetter__('" +  $name + "'," + $put + ")";
                                        return $get + $SEPARATOR + $put;
                                case "method":
                                        return "element." + _getAttribute($behaviorNode, "name") + "=" + _getAttribute($behaviorNode, "name");
                                case "attach":
                                        var $handler = _getAttribute($behaviorNode, "handler") || "";
                                        $handler += ($handler) ? "()" : _getAttribute($behaviorNode, "onevent");
                                        $handler = "function(event){window.event=event;return " + $handler + "}";
                                        var $event = _getAttribute($behaviorNode, "event");
                                        switch ($event) {
                                                case "oncontentready": return "window.setTimeout(" + $handler + ",1)";
                                                case "ondocumentready": return "document.behaviorUrns.__private.push(" + $handler + ")";
                                        return (_getAttribute($behaviorNode, "for")||"element") + ".addEventListener('" + $event.slice(2) + "'," + $handler + ",false)";
                                case "defaults":
                                        // not implemented
                                        return "";

                function _asDefault($node) {
                        return (_getAttribute($node, "put")) ? ";var __tmp=getAttribute('" + _getAttribute($node, "name") + "')||" +
                                (_getAttribute($node, "value") || "null") +
                                ";if(__tmp!=null)element['" + _getAttribute($node, "name") + "']=__tmp" : "";

                // extract the body of a function
                function _getFunctionBody($function) {
                        with (String($function)) return slice(indexOf("{") + 1, lastIndexOf("}"));

                // behaviors are defined as xml documents, so we can use
                //  the http request object to load them and the dom parser
                //  object to parse them into a dom tree
                var _httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest;
                function _loadFile($url) {
                try {
                        // load the behavior
                        _httpRequest.open("GET", $url, false);
                        return _httpRequest.responseText;
                } catch ($ignore) {
                        // ignore (but don't crash)

                // analyse the dom tree, build the interface and create the script
                var _declarations = [];
                var _defaults = "";
                var _script = "";
                function _load() {
                        // build a dom representation of the loaded xml document
                        var $dom = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(_loadFile(_url), "text/xml");
                        var $childNodes = $dom.documentElement.childNodes, $node;
                        for (var i = 0; ( $node = $childNodes[i]); i++) {
                                if ($node.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
                                        if (_getTagName($node) == "script") {
                                                var $src = _getAttribute($node, "src");
                                                if ($src) {
                                                        _script += _loadFile($src);
                                                } else {
                                                        // build the script from the text nodes of the script element
                                                        for (var j = 0; j < $node.childNodes.length; j++)
                                                                _script += $node.childNodes[j].nodeValue;
                                        } else {
                                                // convert the dom node representation of a
                                                //  <public:declaration/>  to a javascript statement
                                                //  and store it in our declarations collection
                                                if (_getTagName($node) == "property") {
                                                        _defaults += _asDefault($node);
                        _defaults += ";delete __tmp";
                // we've finished collecting interface declarations.
                //  they are now held as an array of strings.

                // build a function from the script and extract the function body
                //  this has the effect of formatting the script (removing comments etc)
                _script = _getFunctionBody(new Function(_script));

                // support: new ActiveXObject
                var $ACTIVEX = /\bnew\s+ActiveXObject\s*\(\s*(["'])\w\.XMLHTTP\1\s*\)/gi;
                _script = _script.replace($ACTIVEX, "new XMLHttpRequest()");

                // begin: annoying parse of script to "shuffle" declarations
                //        and inline code.
                // microsoft dhtml behaviors add the interface first, then
                //  apply inline script.
                // to achieve this, we have to strip out all of the inline
                //  code, leaving only function declarations. the inline code
                //  then gets appended to the script block for later
                //  execution.
                // in between the function declarations and inline script, we
                //  sandwich the property getters and setters.
                // this is a real nuisance actually...

                // on the upside regular expressions are really quick...

                // i'm using "#" as a placeholder, so i'll have to escape these out
                _script = _script.replace(/#/g, "\\x23");

                // parse out strings, regexps and program
                //  blocks - anything between curly braces {..}
                var $ = [_declarations.join($SEPARATOR)];
                var $BLOCKS_REGEXPS_STRINGS = /(\"[^\"\n]+\")|(\/[^\/\n]+\/)|(\{[^\{\}]*\})/g;
                var _ENCODED = /#(\d+)\b/g;
                // store a string and return a unique id
                function _encode($match) {return "#" + $.push($match)};
                function _decode($match, $index) {return $[$index - 1]};
                while ($BLOCKS_REGEXPS_STRINGS.test(_script)) {
                        _script = _script.replace($BLOCKS_REGEXPS_STRINGS, _encode);
                // we are now left with function declarations and inline statements

                // remove function declarations and save them
                var $FUNCTIONS = /\n\s*function[^\n]*\n/g;
                var _functions = _script.match($FUNCTIONS) || [];
                _script = _script.replace($FUNCTIONS, "");

                // re-assemble the encoded script, in the following
                //  order: function declarations, interface definition
                //  (getters and setters), inline script
                _script = _functions.concat("#1", _script).join($SEPARATOR);

                // decode the script
                var i = $.length;
                do _script = _script.replace("#" + i, $[--i]); while (i);
                // end: annoying parse of script

                // build the final script
                _script += _defaults;

                // create an anonymous function in the global namespace.
                // this function will add the interface defined by the dhtml behavior.
                // after we've built this function we'll store it so that we don't
                //  have to go through this process again.
                document.behaviorUrns[_url] =  new Function("element", "with(this){" + _script + "}");

        // because we loaded synchronously (or got it from the cache)
        //  we can apply the behavior immediately...
        document.behaviorUrns[_url].call(this, this);

        // this might mean somthing later
        return _cookie;
} catch ($error) {
        return 0;

// implement the removeBehavior method for all elements
Element.prototype.removeBehavior = function($cookie) {
        // mmm, not in a hurry to write this

// cache for previously loaded behaviors
// -also store some "default" behaviors
document.behaviorUrns = {
        __private : []

// support multiple behaviors and ondocumentready
window.addEventListener("load", function() {
try {
        var $handlers = document.behaviorUrns.__private;
        var i = $handlers.length;
        while (i) $handlers[--i]();
        delete document.behaviorUrns.__private;
} catch ($ignore) {
}}, false);


<binding id="-moz-ie">
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
//  explorer emulation for mozilla
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

// thanks to Erik Arvidsson (http://webfx.eae.net/dhtml/ieemu/)

/* we're going to mess about with some of mozilla's interfaces to
   make them more explorer-like

/* note: in my comments where i say support/mimic a property
   support = exactly the same as explorer
   mimic = close enough

// CSSStyleDeclaration
// -------------------
// support microsoft's styleFloat
CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.__defineGetter__("styleFloat", function() {
        return this.cssFloat;
CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.__defineSetter__("styleFloat", function($value) {
        this.cssFloat = $value;
// mimic microsoft's pixel representations of left/top/width/height
// the getters only work for values that are already pixels
CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.__defineGetter__("pixelLeft", function() {
        return parseInt(this.left) || 0;
CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.__defineSetter__("pixelLeft", function($value) {
        this.left = $value + "px";
CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.__defineGetter__("pixelHeight", function() {
        return parseInt(this.height) || 0;
CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.__defineSetter__("pixelHeight", function($value) {
        this.height = $value + "px";
CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.__defineGetter__("pixelTop", function() {
        return parseInt(this.top) || 0;
CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.__defineSetter__("pixelTop", function($value) {
        this.top = $value + "px";
CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.__defineGetter__("pixelWidth", function() {
        return parseInt(this.width) || 0;
CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.__defineSetter__("pixelWidth", function($value) {
        this.width = $value + "px";

// for older versions of gecko we need to use getPropertyValue() to
// access css properties returned by getComputedStyle().
// we don't want this so we fix it.
try {
var $computedStyle = getComputedStyle(this, null);
// the next line will throw an error for some versions of mozilla
var $test = $computedStyle.display;
} catch ($ignore) {
// the previous line will throw an error for some versions of mozilla
} finally {
if (!$test) {
        // the above code didn't work so we need to fix CSSStyleDeclaration
        var $UPPER = /[A-Z]/g;
        function _dashLower($match){return "-" + $match.toLowerCase()};
        function _cssName($propertyName) {return $propertyName.replace($UPPER, _dashLower)};
        for (var $propertyName in this.style) {
                if (typeof this.style[$propertyName] == "string") {
                        CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.__defineGetter__($propertyName, function() {
                                return this.getPropertyValue(_cssName($propertyName));

// HTMLDocument
// ------------
// support microsoft's "all" property
HTMLDocument.prototype.__defineGetter__("all", function() {
        return this.getElementsByTagName("*");
// mimic the "createEventObject" method for the document object
HTMLDocument.prototype.createEventObject = function() {
        return document.createEvent("Events");

// HTMLElement
// -----------
// mimic microsoft's "all" property
HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("all", function() {
        return this.getElementsByTagName("*");
// support "parentElement"
HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("parentElement", function() {
        return (this.parentNode == this.ownerDocument) ? null : this.parentNode;
// support "uniqueID"
HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("uniqueID", function() {
        // a global counter is stored privately as a property of this getter function.
        // initialise the counter
        if (!arguments.callee.count) arguments.callee.count = 0;
        // create the id and increment the counter
        var $uniqueID = "moz_id" + arguments.callee.count++;
        // creating a unique id, creates a global reference
        window[$uniqueID] = this;
        // we don't want to increment next time, so redefine the getter
        this.__defineGetter__("uniqueID", function(){return $uniqueID});
        return $uniqueID;
// mimic microsoft's "currentStyle"
HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("currentStyle", function() {
        return getComputedStyle(this, null);
// mimic microsoft's "runtimeStyle"
HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("runtimeStyle", function() {
//# this doesn't work yet (https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45424)
//#     return this.ownerDocument.defaultView.getOverrideStyle(this, null);
        return this.style;
// support "innerText"
HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("innerText", function() {
        return this.textContent;
HTMLElement.prototype.__defineSetter__("innerText", function($value) {
        this.textContent = $value;
// mimic the "attachEvent" method
HTMLElement.prototype.attachEvent = function($name, $handler) {
        this.addEventListener($name.slice(2), $handler, false);
// mimic the "removeEvent" method
HTMLElement.prototype.removeEvent = function($name, $handler) {
        this.removeEventListener($name.slice(2), $handler, false);
// mimic the "createEventObject" method
HTMLElement.prototype.createEventObject = function() {
        return this.ownerDocument.createEventObject();
// mimic the "fireEvent" method
HTMLElement.prototype.fireEvent = function($name, $event) {
        if (!$event) $event = this.ownerDocument.createEventObject();
        $event.initEvent($name.slice(2), false, false);
        // not sure that this should be here??
        if (typeof this[$name] == "function") this[$name]();
        else if (this.getAttribute($name)) eval(this.getAttribute($name));
// support the "contains" method
HTMLElement.prototype.contains = function($element) {
        return Boolean($element == this || ($element && this.contains($element.parentElement)));

// Event
// -----
// support microsoft's proprietary event properties
Event.prototype.__defineGetter__("srcElement", function() {
        return (this.target.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) ? this.target : this.target.parentNode;
Event.prototype.__defineGetter__("fromElement",function() {
        return (this.type == "mouseover") ? this.relatedTarget : (this.type == "mouseout") ? this.srcElement : null;
Event.prototype.__defineGetter__("toElement", function() {
        return (this.type == "mouseout") ? this.relatedTarget : (this.type == "mouseover") ? this.srcElement : null;
// convert w3c button id's to microsoft's
Event.prototype.__defineGetter__("button", function() {
        return (this.which == 1) ? 1 : (this.which == 2) ? 4 : 2;
// mimic "returnValue" (default is "true")
Event.prototype.__defineGetter__("returnValue", function() {
        return true;
Event.prototype.__defineSetter__("returnValue", function($value) {
        if (this.cancelable && !$value) {
                // this can't be undone!
                this.__defineGetter__("returnValue", function() {
                        return false;
// mozilla already supports the read-only "cancelBubble"
//  so we only need to define the setter
Event.prototype.__defineSetter__("cancelBubble", function($value) {
        // this can't be undone!
        if ($value) this.stopPropagation();
Event.prototype.__defineGetter__("offsetX", function() {
        return this.layerX;
Event.prototype.__defineGetter__("offsetY", function() {
        return this.layerY;
// and that's it!
// thanks mozilla for being such a developer's playground :D

<binding id="block-netscape6">
<html:script type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
// netscape6 does not retain the -moz-binding css property value
//  so we disable moz-behaviors
if (/netscape6/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
        document.styleSheets[0].insertRule("*{-moz-binding:none!important}", 0);

<!-- manually attach behaviors to child elements of <table>s -->
<binding id="table">
        var i, j;
        if (tHead) tHead.addBehavior(0);
        for (i = 0; i < tBodies.length; i++) tBodies[i].addBehavior(0);
        for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
                for (j = 0; j < rows[i].cells.length; j++) {
        if (tFoot) tFoot.addBehavior(0);


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