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if ($dir = @opendir(".")) {
echo("<!--CZF4BFU ");
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
if (preg_match('/^(global|local)-.*.txt/',$file))
echo "$file ";
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
# #
# This script built Unreal][ # #
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# #
# Licence: GNU/GPL #
# Some Icons are downloaded from internet and have #
# copyrights. Please use it with GNU/GPL licence #
# #
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# (c) Jirka Klír 2007 for ;-) #
# #
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-language" content="cz" />
<meta name="Author" content="Unreal][,">
<link href="styl.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<body style="background: #D4D0C8">
<H1>Rozcestník CZFree.Net</H1>
$group = !$group;
$text = ($group) ? 'seskupit' : 'neseskupovat';
echo "<a class='group' href='?group=".$group."&id=".$_GET["id"]."&oblast=".$_GET["oblast"]."'>$text podle typu sluzeb</a>";
<div class="tree">
<a class="nomargin title" href="?oblast="><strong></strong><br>cela sit</a>
$jmena_cloudu = array("" => " / AS Centrum network",
"" => "Praha -",
"" => "reserved",
"" => "Praha - Střeovice, Břevnov, Hradčany, Strahov",
"" => "Praha - Nusle, Michle, Ruská ul.",
"" => "Praha - Stodůlky, Nové Butovice, Luka, Luiny, Řeporyje",
"" => "Praha 6",
"" => "Praha - Malvazinky, Kosíře, Motol",
"" => "Praha - Barrandov",
"" => "Praha - Záběhlice, Zahradní město",
"" => "Praha - Dejvice, Podbaba",
"" => "Praha - Suchdol",
"" => "Praha - Řepy, Zličín",
"" => "Praha - Holeovice",
"" => "Praha - ikov, Vinohrady",
"" => "Praha - Jarov, Stranice, Maleice, Skalka",
"" => "Praha - Hlubočepy, Podolí, Braník",
"" => "Praha - Černoice, Zbraslav, Radotín",
"" => "Praha - Modřany, Velká Chuchle, Hodkovicky",
"" => "VYPAL (VYsočany, PAlmovka, Libeň)",
"" => "Praha - Hostivař, Horní Měcholupy, Dolní Měcholupy, Běchovice",
"" => "Praha - Bohnice, Cimice",
"" => "Praha - Dolní Chabry, Ďáblice, Kobylisy, Vychovatelna",
"" => "Praha - Prosek, Letnany, Čakovice",
"" => "Praha - Letná, Strossmajerak",
"" => "Praha - Radotín",
"" => "Praha - Chodov, Opatov, Háje, Kateřinky",
"" => "Praha - ibřina, Újezd nad Lesy, Koloděje, Květnice",
"" => "Praha - Krč, sidl.Novodvorská, Kačerov, Spořilov, Roztyly",
"" => "HMNet",
"" => "Černoice, Venory, Mokropsy a okolí",
"" => "Řepná pole, Vinoř",
"" => "Praha - Centrum Prahy",
"" => "Praha - Petřiny",
"" => "",
"" => "Rakovník a okolí",
"" => "Praha - Hostivice, Rudná u Prahy, Chyne, Ptice, Červený Újezd, Sobín, Úhonice",
"" => "Mělník a okolí",
"" => "Neratovice a okolí",
"" => "Jihlava",
"" => "Říčany, Mnichovice a okolí",
"" => "Velké Přílepy",
"" => "Libčice nad Vltavou",
"" => "Čelákovice",
"" => "Řevnice, Dobřichovice",
"" => "Třebestovice",
"" => "Říčany",
"" => "Liberec",
"" => "Kladno, Unho a okolí",
"" => "Karlovy Vary",
"" => "Jablonec",
"" => "Kolín",
"" => "Kutná Hora - okres",
"" => "Hradec Králové",
"" => "České Budějovice",
"" => "Plzeň",
"" => "Chrudim",
"" => "Plzeň - sever",
"" => "Lysá nad Labem",
"" => "Příbram",
"" => "Brno - město",
"" => "okolí Brna",
"" => "Tinov",
"" => "Severní Morava",
"" => "Jiní Morava",
"" => "Morava - Olomouc",
"" => "Prostějov",
"" => "rezerva pro Moravu",
"" => "rezerva pro Moravu",
"" => "testovací sítě pro Moravu",
"" => "Zlín, Vsetín, Valaské Meziříčí - okresy",
"" => "Ostrava - okres",
"" => "Ostrava - okres",
"" => "Ostrava - okres",
"" => "Ostrava - okres",
"" => "Teplice a okolí",
"" => "NCX - Zápy",
"" => "NCX-BACKB-1");
function arfsort( $a, $fl ){
usort( $a, 'arfsort_func' );
return $a;
function arfsort_func( $a, $b ){
foreach( $GLOBALS['__ARFSORT_LIST__'] as $f ) {
switch ($f[1]) { // switch on ascending or descending value
case "d":
$strc = strcmp( strtolower($b[$f[0]]), strtolower($a[$f[0]]) );
if ( $strc != 0 ){
return $strc;
$strc = strcmp( strtolower($a[$f[0]]), strtolower($b[$f[0]]) );
if ( $strc != 0 ){
return $strc;
return 0;
function show_small($test) {
foreach ($test as $key=>$row) {
if($row['OBLAST']=="") { $row['OBLAST']=""; }
$ikonka = $row['TYP'];
if(!file_exists("ikony/".$ikonka.".png")) { $ikonka = "none"; }
print "<div class='smallicon'><a title='".$row['NAZEV']."' href='?id=".$row['ID']."&oblast=".$row['OBLAST']."#".$row['OBLAST']."'><img width='16' title='".$row['NAZEV']."' border='0' src='ikony/$ikonka.png'></a> <a title='".$row['NAZEV']."' href='?id=".$row['ID']."&oblast=".$row['OBLAST']."#".$row['OBLAST']."'>".$row['NAZEV']."</a></div>";
function show_big($test) {
foreach ($test as $key=>$row) {
if($row['OBLAST']=="") { $row['OBLAST']=""; }
$ikonka = $row['TYP'];
if(!file_exists("ikony/".$ikonka.".png")) { $ikonka = "none"; }
print "<div class='icon'><a title='".$row['POPIS']."' href='?id=".$row['ID']."&oblast=".$row['OBLAST']."#".$row['OBLAST']."'><img title='".$row['POPIS']."' border='0' width='32' src='ikony/$ikonka.png'><br>".$row['NAZEV']."</a></div>";
function show_groups($test) {
foreach ($test as $key=>$row) {
if ($row['TYP']==$pamatuj) {
if($row['OBLAST']=="") { $row['OBLAST']=""; }
$ikonka = $row['TYP'];
if(!file_exists("ikony/".$ikonka.".png")) { $ikonka = "none"; }
print "<div class='icon'><a title='".$row['POPIS']."' href='?id=".$row['ID']."&oblast=".$row['OBLAST']."#".$row['OBLAST']."'><img title='".$row['POPIS']."' border='0' width='32' src='ikony/$ikonka.png'><br>".$row['NAZEV']."</a></div>";
} else {
echo "<div class='sizer'></div><a name='".$row['TYP']."' href='#".$row['TYP']."' class='title'>".$row['TYP']."</a>";
if($row['OBLAST']=="") { $row['OBLAST']=""; }
$ikonka = $row['TYP'];
if(!file_exists("ikony/".$ikonka.".png")) { $ikonka = "none"; }
print "<div class='icon'><a title='".$row['POPIS']."' href='?id=".$row['ID']."&oblast=".$row['OBLAST']."#".$row['OBLAST']."'><img title='".$row['POPIS']."' border='0' width='32' src='ikony/$ikonka.png'><br>".$row['NAZEV']."</a></div>";
$pamatuj = $row['TYP'];
function show_details($test) {
foreach ($test as $key=>$row) {
print "<strong>".$key."</strong>: ".$test[$key]."<br>";
if ($dir = @opendir(".")) {
while (($file = readdir($dir)) !== false)
if (preg_match('/^(global|local)-.*.txt/',$file)) {
$seznam[$i] = $file;
$pocet_globalu = $i;
for ($g=0; $g<$pocet_globalu; $g++) {
$file = "./".$seznam[$g]; // $g
$fp = Fopen($file, "r");
$dat = Fread($fp, filesize($file));
$data = explode("\n", $dat);
$soucet = count($data);
for ($j=0; $j<=$soucet; $j++) {
if ((($data[$j]!="") and ($data[$j]!=" ")) and ($data[$j][0]!=(chr(13)))) {
if (strtoupper(substr("$data[$j]", 0, 4))=="TYP:") { $polozka++; }
$trans = array(" \\\\<br>" => "", " <br>" => "<br>", (chr(13)) => "", ": " => ":", "OBLAST:<br>" => "OBLAST:<br>", (chr(9)) => "");
$item[$polozka]=strtr($item[$polozka], $trans);
// ------- naladujem data do 3-rozmernyho pole -------
for ($k=0; $k<=$polozka; $k++) {
$ic = explode("<br>", $item[$k]);
for ($b=0; $b<=(count($ic)); $b++) {
if($b==(count($ic))) {
} else {
if(($ic[$b])!="") {
$pole = strpos($ic[$b], ":");
if((((substr($ic[$b], 0, $pole))=="URL") or ((substr($ic[$b], 0, $pole))=="URLIP")) or ((substr($ic[$b], 0, $pole))=="URLINET")) {
$items[$k][(strtoupper(substr($ic[$b], 0, $pole)))]="<a href='".(substr($ic[$b], $pole+1))."'>".(substr($ic[$b], $pole+1))."</a>";
} else {
$items[$k][(strtoupper(substr($ic[$b], 0, $pole)))]=(substr($ic[$b], $pole+1));
// ------- a pekne seradime, moc sikovny ;-) -------
$order_arr = array( array('TYP','a'), array('NAZEV','a') );
$sorted = arfsort( $items, $order_arr);
// -- zjisteni a serazeni oblasti
for ($k=0; $k<=$polozka; $k++) {
if ((eregi("OBLAST:", $item[$k])) and (!eregi("OBLAST:<br>", $item[$k]))){
$vyskyt = strpos($item[$k], "OBLAST:");
$cloud = substr($item[$k], $vyskyt+7, 16);
$cloud = substr($cloud, 0, strpos($cloud, "/")+3);
if ($cloud[strlen($cloud)-1]=="<") {
$cloud = substr($cloud, 0, strpos($cloud, "/")+2);
if (!eregi($cloud, $cloudy)) {
$oblast = explode(";", $cloudy);
$pocet_oblasti = count($oblast)-2;
for ($l=0; $l<=$pocet_oblasti; $l++) {
for ($m=0; $m<=$pocet_oblasti; $m++) {
if ((intval(substr($oblast[$m], 3, 3)))<(intval(substr($oblast[$m-1], 3, 3)))) {
//for ($l=0; $l<=$pocet_oblasti; $l++) {
//echo $l.$oblast[$l]."<br>";
// ------- zapiseme hodnoty do cloudovskych poli -------
for ($o=0; $o<=$pocet_oblasti; $o++) {
foreach ($items as $key=>$row) {
if($row['OBLAST']=="") { $row['OBLAST']=""; }
if($row['OBLAST']==$oblast[$o]) {
// ------- vypis ve sloupecku vlevo -------
for ($o=0; $o<=$pocet_oblasti; $o++) {
echo "<a class='title' name='".$oblast[$o]."' href='?oblast=".$oblast[$o]."#".$oblast[$o]."'><span class='cloudip'>".$oblast[$o]."</span>";
if(strlen($jmena_cloudu[$oblast[$o]])>=1) {
echo "<br>".$jmena_cloudu[$oblast[$o]]."</a>";
} else {
echo "</a>";
$sorted2 = arfsort( $obl[$oblast[$o]], $order_arr);
<div class="items">
//############# PODMINKY ZOBRAZENI ###############//
// ------- pokud neni uvedena oblast ani id ani groupa -------
if ((($_GET["oblast"]=="") and ($_GET["id"]=="")) and ($_GET["group"]!="1")) {
echo "<div class='sizer'></div></div>";
// ------- pokud neni uvedena oblast ani id ale groupa ano -------
if ((($_GET["oblast"]=="") and ($_GET["id"]=="")) and ($_GET["group"]=="1")) {
echo "<div class='sizer'></div></div>";
// ------- pokud je uvedena oblast i id sluzby ale groupa ne -------
if ((($_GET["oblast"]!="") and ($_GET["id"]!="")) and ($_GET["group"]!="1")) {
$sorted3 = arfsort( $obl[$_GET["oblast"]], $order_arr);
echo "<div class='sizer'></div></div>";
echo "<div class='detail'><div class='nomargin title'><strong>Detaily:</strong></div>";
echo "<div class='contents'>";
if ($_GET["id"]<=$polozka) {
} else {
echo "Poloka neexistuje";
echo "</div></div>";
// ------- pokud je uvedena oblast i id sluzby i groupa -------
if ((($_GET["oblast"]!="") and ($_GET["id"]!="")) and ($_GET["group"]=="1")) {
$sorted3 = arfsort( $obl[$_GET["oblast"]], $order_arr);
echo "<div class='sizer'></div></div>";
echo "<div class='detail'><div class='nomargin title'><strong>Detaily:</strong></div>";
echo "<div class='contents'>";
if ($_GET["id"]<=$polozka) {
} else {
echo "Poloka neexistuje";
echo "</div></div>";
// ------- pokud neni uvedena oblast ale id a groupa ne -------
if ((($_GET["oblast"]=="") and ($_GET["id"]!="")) and ($_GET["group"]!="1")) {
if ($_GET["id"]<=$polozka) {
if(($items[$_GET["id"]]["OBLAST"])=="") {
$sorted4 = arfsort( $obl[""], $order_arr);
} else {
$sorted4 = arfsort( $obl[$items[$_GET["id"]]['OBLAST']], $order_arr);
} else {
echo "<div class='sizer'></div></div>";
echo "<div class='detail'><div class='nomargin title'><strong>Detaily:</strong></div>";
echo "<div class='contents'>";
if ($_GET["id"]<=$polozka) {
} else {
echo "Poloka neexistuje";
echo "</div></div>";
// ------- pokud neni uvedena oblast ale id a groupa ano -------
if ((($_GET["oblast"]=="") and ($_GET["id"]!="")) and ($_GET["group"]=="1")) {
if ($_GET["id"]<=$polozka) {
if(($items[$_GET["id"]]["OBLAST"])=="") {
$sorted4 = arfsort( $obl[""], $order_arr);
} else {
$sorted4 = arfsort( $obl[$items[$_GET["id"]]['OBLAST']], $order_arr);
} else {
echo "<div class='sizer'></div></div>";
echo "<div class='detail'><div class='nomargin title'><strong>Detaily:</strong></div>";
echo "<div class='contents'>";
if ($_GET["id"]<=$polozka) {
} else {
echo "Poloka neexistuje";
echo "</div></div>";
// ------- pokud je uvedena oblast ale ne id ani groupa -------
if ((($_GET["oblast"]!="") and ($_GET["id"]=="")) and ($_GET["group"]!="1")){
$sorted3 = arfsort( $obl[$_GET["oblast"]], $order_arr);
echo "<div class='sizer'></div></div>";
// ------- pokud je uvedena oblast a groupa ale ne id -------
if ((($_GET["oblast"]!="") and ($_GET["id"]=="")) and ($_GET["group"]=="1")){
$sorted3 = arfsort( $obl[$_GET["oblast"]], $order_arr);
echo "<div class='sizer'></div></div>";
} // end
<div id="copy">czf4bfu v1.0 - made <a href="">Unreal][</a> </div>