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// Sample Pluggable datasource for PHP Weathermap 0.9
// - read a pair of values from a database, and return it
// TARGET dbplug:databasename:username:pass:hostkey
class WeatherMapDataSource_tabfile extends WeatherMapDataSource {
function Recognise($targetstring)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// function ReadData($targetstring, $configline, $itemtype, $itemname, $map)
function ReadData($targetstring, &$map, &$item)
$itemname = $item->name;
$fd=fopen($targetstring, "r");
if ($fd)
while (!feof($fd))
$buffer=fgets($fd, 4096);
# strip out any Windows line-endings that have gotten in here
$buffer=str_replace("\r", "", $buffer);
if (preg_match("/^$itemname\t(\d+\.?\d*[KMGT]*)\t(\d+\.?\d*[KMGT]*)/", $buffer, $matches))
$stats = stat($targetstring);
$data_time = $stats['mtime'];
else {
// some error code to go in here
debug ("TabText ReadData: Couldn't open ($targetstring). \n"); }
debug ("TabText ReadData: Returning ($inbw,$outbw,$data_time)\n");
return ( array($inbw,$outbw,$data_time) );
// vim:ts=4:sw=4: