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// Pluggable datasource for PHP Weathermap 0.9
// - return a live SNMP value
// doesn't work well with large values like interface counters (I think this is a rounding problem)
// - also it doesn't calculate rates. Just fetches a value.
// useful for absolute GAUGE-style values like DHCP Lease Counts, Wireless AP Associations, Firewall Sessions
// which you want to use to colour a NODE
// You could also fetch interface states from IF-MIB with it.
// TARGET snmp:public:hostname:
// (that is, TARGET snmp:community:host:in_oid:out_oid
class WeatherMapDataSource_snmp extends WeatherMapDataSource {
function Init(&$map)
if(function_exists('snmpget')) { return(TRUE); }
debug("SNMP DS: snmpget() not found. Do you have the PHP SNMP module?\n");
function Recognise($targetstring)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
function ReadData($targetstring, &$map, &$item)
$community = $matches[1];
$host = $matches[2];
$in_oid = $matches[3];
$out_oid = $matches[4];
$was = snmp_get_quick_print();
$in_result = snmpget($host,$community,$in_oid,1000000,2);
$out_result = snmpget($host,$community,$out_oid,1000000,2);
debug ("SNMP ReadData: Got $in_result and $out_result\n");
if($in_result) { $in_bw = $in_result; }
if($out_result) { $out_bw = $out_result;}
$data_time = time();
debug ("SNMP ReadData: Returning ($inbw,$outbw,$data_time)\n");
return ( array($inbw,$outbw,$data_time) );
// vim:ts=4:sw=4: