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// RRDtool datasource plugin.
// gauge:filename.rrd:ds_in:ds_out
// filename.rrd:ds_in:ds_out
// filename.rrd:ds_in:ds_out
class WeatherMapDataSource_rrd extends WeatherMapDataSource {
function Init(&$map)
if (file_exists($map->rrdtool)) {
if((function_exists('is_executable')) && (!is_executable($map->rrdtool)))
warn("RRD DS: RRDTool exists but is not executable?\n");
// normally, DS plugins shouldn't really pollute the logs
// this particular one is important to most users though...
warn("RRD DS: Can't find RRDTOOL. Check line 29 of the 'weathermap' script.\nRRD-based TARGETs will fail.\n");
{ // unlikely to ever occur
warn("RRD DS: Can't find RRDTOOL. Check your Cacti config.\n");
function Recognise($targetstring)
return TRUE;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// Actually read data from a data source, and return it
// returns a 3-part array (invalue, outvalue and datavalid time_t)
// invalue and outvalue should be -1,-1 if there is no valid data
// data_time is intended to allow more informed graphing in the future
function ReadData($targetstring, &$map, &$item)
$in_ds = "traffic_in";
$out_ds = "traffic_out";
$rrdfile = $targetstring;
$multiplier = 8;
$data_time = 0;
$in_ds = $matches[2];
$out_ds = $matches[3];
$rrdfile = $matches[1];
debug("Special DS names seen ($in_ds and $out_ds).\n");
$rrdfile = $matches[1];
$rrdfile = $matches[1];
$multiplier = 1;
// we get the last 800 seconds of data - this might be 1 or 2 lines, depending on when in the
// cacti polling cycle we get run. This ought to stop the 'some lines are grey' problem that some
// people were seeing
// $item->add_note("rrdversion","1.3");
debug ("RRD ReadData: Target DS names are $in_ds and $out_ds\n");
$period = intval($map->get_hint('rrd_period'));
if($period == 0) $period = 800;
$start = $map->get_hint('rrd_start');
if($start == '') {
$start = "now-$period";
$end = "now";
$end = "start+".$period;
$command = '"'.$map->rrdtool . '" fetch "'.$rrdfile.'" AVERAGE --start '.$start.' --end '.$end;
$command=$map->rrdtool . " fetch $rrdfile AVERAGE --start $start --end $end";
debug ("RRD ReadData: Running: $command\n");
$pipe=popen($command, "r");
$lines=array ();
$count = 0;
$linecount = 0;
if (isset($pipe))
$headings=fgets($pipe, 4096);
fgets($pipe, 4096); // skip the blank line
while (!feof($pipe))
$line=fgets($pipe, 4096);
debug ("> " . $line);
pclose ($pipe);
debug("RRD ReadData: Read $linecount lines from rrdtool\n");
foreach ($rlines as $line)
debug ("--" . $line . "\n");
$cols=preg_split("/\s+/", $line);
foreach ($cols as $col)
# if( ! is_numeric($col) ) { $dataok=0; }
if (trim($col) != '' && !preg_match('/^\d+\.?\d*e?[+-]?\d*:?$/i', $col))
debug ("RRD ReadData: $ii: This isn't a number: [$col]\n");
# if($col=='nan') { $dataok=0; }
if ($gotline == 0 && $dataok == 1 && trim($line) != '')
debug ("RRD ReadData: Found a good line: $line ($headings)\n");
warn("RRD ReadData: failed to open pipe to RRDTool: ".$php_errormsg."\n");
if ($theline != '')
if ($countwas > 2) { warn
("RRD ReadData: Data is not most recent entry ($countwas) for link: $targetstring\n"); }
debug ("RRD ReadData: Our line is $theline\n");
$cols=preg_split("/\s+/", $theline);
// this replace fudges 1.2.x output to look like 1.0.x
// then we can treat them both the same.
$heads=preg_split("/\s+/", preg_replace("/^\s+/","timestamp ",$headings) );
# $values = array_combine($heads,$cols);
for ($i=0, $cnt=count($cols); $i < $cnt; $i++) { $values[$heads[$i]] = $cols[$i]; }
// as long as no-one actually manages to create an RRD with a DS of '-', then this will just fall through to 0 for '-'
if( isset($values[$in_ds]) || isset($values[$out_ds]) )
$inbw=0; $outbw=0;
if(isset($values[$in_ds]) ) $inbw=$values[$in_ds] * $multiplier;
if(isset($values[$out_ds]) ) $outbw=$values[$out_ds] * $multiplier;
$data_time = $values['timestamp'];
$data_time = preg_replace("/:/","",$data_time);
warn("RRD ReadData: Neither of your DS names ($in_ds & $out_ds) were found, even though there was a valid data line. Maybe they are wrong?");
warn ("Target $rrdfile doesn't exist. Is it a file?\n");
debug ("RRD ReadData: Returning ($inbw,$outbw,$data_time)\n");
return( array($inbw, $outbw, $data_time) );
// vim:ts=4:sw=4: