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function show_editor_startpage()
        global $mapdir, $WEATHERMAP_VERSION, $config_loaded, $cacti_found, $ignore_cacti;


        print '<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="editor.css" />  <script src="editor.js" type="text/javascript"></script><title>PHP Weathermap Editor ' . $WEATHERMAP_VERSION
                . '</title></head><body>';

        print '<div id="nojs" class="alert"><b>WARNING</b> - ';
        print 'Sorry, it\'s partly laziness on my part, but you really need JavaScript enabled and DOM support in your browser to use this editor. It\'s a visual tool, so accessibility is already an issue, if it is, and from a security viewpoint, you\'re already running my ';
        print 'code on your <i>server</i> so either you trust it all having read it, or you\'re already screwed.<P>';
        print 'If it\'s a major issue for you, please feel free to complain. It\'s mainly laziness as I said, and there could be a fallback (not so smooth) mode for non-javascript browsers if it was seen to be worthwhile (I would take a bit of convincing, because I don\'t see a benefit, personally).</div>';
        $errormessage = "";
        if(! $cacti_found && !$ignore_cacti)
                $errormessage .= '$cacti_base is not set correctly. Cacti integration will be disabled in the editor.';
                if($config_loaded != 1) { $errormessage .= " You might need to copy editor-config.php-dist to editor-config.php and edit it."; }
        if($errormessage != '')
                print '<div class="alert" id="nocacti">'.$errormessage.'</div>';

        print '<div id="withjs">';
        print '<div id="dlgStart" class="dlgProperties" ><div class="dlgTitlebar">Welcome</div><div class="dlgBody">';
        print 'Welcome to the PHP Weathermap '.$WEATHERMAP_VERSION.' editor.<p>';
        print '<div style="border: 3px dashed red; background: #055; padding: 5px; font-size: 97%;"><b>NOTE:</b> This editor is not finished! There are many features of ';
        print 'Weathermap that you will be missing out on if you choose to use the editor only.';
        print 'These include: curves, node offsets, font definitions, colour changing, per-node/per-link settings and image uploading. You CAN use the editor without damaging these features if you added them by hand, however.</div><p>';
        print 'Do you want to:<p>';
        print 'Create A New Map:<br>';
        print '<form method="GET">';
        print 'Named: <input type="text" name="mapname" size="20">';

        print '<input name="action" type="hidden" value="newmap">';
        print '<input type="submit" value="Create">';
        print '</form>';
        print 'OR<br />';
        print 'Open An Existing Map (looking in ' . $mapdir . '):<ul class="filelist">';

        $titles = array();

        if (is_dir($mapdir))

                if ($dh)
                        while ($file=readdir($dh))
                                $realfile=$mapdir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;

// if(is_file($realfile) && ( preg_match('/\.conf$/',$file) ))
                                if ( (is_file($realfile)) && (is_readable($realfile)) )
                                        $title='(no title)';
                                        $fd=fopen($realfile, "r");
                                                while (!feof($fd))
                                                        $buffer=fgets($fd, 4096);
                                                        if (preg_match("/^\s*TITLE\s+(.*)/i", $buffer, $matches)) { $title=$matches[1]; }
                                                fclose ($fd);
                                                $titles[$file] = $title;
                                                # print "<li><a href=\"?mapname=$file\">$file</a> - <span class=\"comment\">$title</span></li>\n";

                        closedir ($dh);
                else { print "<LI>Can't Open mapdir to read</LI>"; }
                foreach ($titles as $file=>$title)
                        $title = $titles[$file];
                        print "<li><a href=\"?mapname=$file\">$file</a> - <span class=\"comment\">$title</span></li>\n";

                if ($n == 0) { print "<LI>No files</LI>"; }
        else { print "<LI>NO DIRECTORY named $mapdir</LI>"; }

        print "</UL>";

        print "</div>"; // dlgbody
        print '<div class="dlgHelp" id="start_help">PHP Weathermap ' . $WEATHERMAP_VERSION
                . ' Copyright &copy; 2005-2007 Howard Jones - howie@thingy.com<br />The current version should always be <a href="http://www.network-weathermap.com/">available here</a>, along with other related software. PHP Weathermap is licensed under the GNU Public License, version 2. See COPYING for details. This distribution also includes the Overlib library by Erik Bosrup.</div>';

        print "</div>"; // dlgStart
        print "</div>"; // withjs
        print "</body></html>";

function snap($coord, $gridsnap = 0)
        if ($gridsnap == 0) { return ($coord); }
        else { return ($coord - ($coord % $gridsnap)); }

// Following function is based on code taken from here:
// http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/security.globals.php
// It extracts a set of named variables into the global namespace,
// validating them as they go. Returns True or False depending on if
// validation fails. If it does fail, then nothing is added to the
// global namespace.
function extract_with_validation($array, $paramarray, $prefix = "", $debug = FALSE)

        if ($debug)
                print '<pre>';

        if ($debug)
                print_r ($paramarray);

        if ($debug)
                print_r ($array);

        foreach ($paramarray as $var)

                if ($varreqd == 'req' && !array_key_exists($varname, $array)) { $all_present=FALSE; }

                if (array_key_exists($varname, $array))

                        if ($debug)
                                print "Checking $varname...";


                        switch ($vartype)
                        case 'int':
                                if (!preg_match('/^\-*\d+$/', $varvalue)) { $all_present=FALSE; }


                        case 'float':
                                if (!preg_match('/^\d+\.\d+$/', $varvalue)) { $all_present=FALSE; }


                        case 'yesno':
                                if (!preg_match('/^(y|n|yes|no)$/i', $varvalue)) { $all_present=FALSE; }


                        case 'sqldate':
                                if (!preg_match('/^\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\d$/i', $varvalue)) { $all_present=FALSE; }


                        case 'any':
                                // we don't care at all

                        case 'ip':
                                if (!preg_match(
                                        $varvalue)) { $all_present=FALSE; }


                        case 'alpha':
                                if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z]+$/', $varvalue)) { $all_present=FALSE; }


                        case 'alphanum':
                                if (!preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9]+$/', $varvalue)) { $all_present=FALSE; }


                        case 'bandwidth':
                                if (!preg_match('/^\d+\.?\d*[KMGT]*$/i', $varvalue)) { $all_present=FALSE; }


                                // an unknown type counts as an error, really


                        if ($debug && $waspresent != $all_present) { print "Failed on $varname."; }

                        if ($all_present)
                        if ($debug)
                                print "Skipping $varname\n";

        if ($debug)
                print_r ($candidates);

        if ($all_present)
                foreach ($candidates as $key => $value) { $GLOBALS[$key]=$value; }

        if ($debug)
                print '</pre>';

        return ($all_present);

function get_imagelist($imagedir)
        $imagelist = array();

        if (is_dir($imagedir))

                if ($dh)
                        while ($file=readdir($dh))
                                $realfile=$imagedir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
                $uri = $imagedir . "/" . $file;

                                if(is_file($realfile) && ( preg_match('/\.(gif|jpg|png)$/i',$file) ))
                                        $imagelist[] = $uri;

                        closedir ($dh);
        return ($imagelist);

function handle_inheritance(&$map, &$inheritables)
        foreach ($inheritables as $inheritable)
                $fieldname = $inheritable[1];
                $formname = $inheritable[2];
                $new = $_REQUEST[$formname];
                $old = ($inheritable[0]=='node' ? $map->defaultnode->$fieldname : $map->defaultlink->$fieldname);
                if($old != $new)
                                $map->defaultnode->$fieldname = $new;
                                foreach ($map->nodes as $node)
                                        if($node->$fieldname == $old)
                                                $map->nodes[$node->name]->$fieldname = $new;
                                $map->defaultlink->$fieldname = $new;
                                foreach ($map->links as $link)
                                        if($link->$fieldname == $old)
                                                $map->links[$link->name]->$fieldname = $new;

function get_fontlist(&$map,$name,$current)
        $output = '<select class="fontcombo" name="'.$name.'">';
        # $sortedfonts = $map->fonts;
        # ksort ($sortedfonts);
        foreach ($map->fonts as $fontnumber => $font)
                $output .= '<option ';
                if($current == $fontnumber) $output .= 'SELECTED';
                $output .= ' value="'.$fontnumber.'">'.$fontnumber.' ('.$font->type.')</option>';
        $output .= "</select>";

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