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/* ****************************************** *
* *
* (c)2003 by Jan Krupa (krupaj@mobilnews.cz) *
* http://www.mobilnews.cz/honza/ *
* *
* ****************************************** */
function return_ap_index($comp_ar, $comp_ar_num, $ap_name) {
// Return computer index in array
for ($ix1 = 0; ($ix1 < $comp_ar_num); $ix1++) {
$comp_ar_tmp0 = $comp_ar[$ix1][0];
$comp_ar_tmp1 = $comp_ar[$ix1][1];
if ( (substr($comp_ar_tmp0, 0, 1) == "!")
|| (substr($comp_ar_tmp0, 0, 1) == "$")
|| (substr($comp_ar_tmp0, 0, 1) == "%") ) { $comp_ar_tmp0 = substr($comp_ar_tmp0, 1, (strlen($comp_ar_tmp0)-1)); }
if ( ($comp_ar_tmp0 == $ap_name) // name
|| ($comp_ar_tmp1 == $ap_name) ) { // ip
return $ix1;
return (-1);
function return_ip_state($state_ar, $state_ar_num, $state_type, $state_ip) {
// Return ip address state
// $state_type - 0 = availability, 1 = packet loss
for ($ix1 = 0; ($ix1 < $state_ar_num); $ix1++) {
if ($state_ar[$ix1][0] == $state_ip) {
return $state_ar[$ix1][(1+$state_type)];
return (-1);
function return_link_str1($in_s1) {
$l_tmp_pat = "";
$l_tmp_chr = '0'; if (strlen($in_s1) > 1) { $l_tmp_chr = substr($in_s1, (strlen($in_s1)-2), 1); }
for ($j1 = 0; ($j1 < (substr($in_s1, (strlen($in_s1)-1), 1) + 1)); $j1++) {
$l_tmp_pat = $l_tmp_pat . $l_tmp_chr;
return $l_tmp_pat;
function assign_color($im, $in_col) {
// Assign defined color to line
$ln_color=ImageColorExact($im, 180, 180, 180);
switch ($in_col) {
case '-' : $ln_color = ImageColorExact($im, 255, 255, 255); break;
case 1 : $ln_color = ImageColorExact($im, 0, 0, 0); break;
case 2 : $ln_color = ImageColorExact($im, 180, 0, 0); break;
case 3 : $ln_color = ImageColorExact($im, 0, 180, 0); break;
case 4 : $ln_color = ImageColorExact($im, 0, 0, 180); break;
case 5 : $ln_color = ImageColorExact($im, 255, 0, 255); break; // magenta
case 6 : $ln_color = ImageColorExact($im, 180, 180, 0); break; // yellow
case 7 : $ln_color = ImageColorExact($im, 0, 180, 180); break; // white blue
case 8 : $ln_color = ImageColorExact($im, 255, 0, 0); break;
case 9 : $ln_color = ImageColorExact($im, 0, 255, 0); break;
return $ln_color;
function placeAP ($im, $x1, $y1, $ap_name, $ap_ip, $ap_type, $ap_state, $ap_lat) {
// Place computer on the map
$ap_showip = 1;
if ($ap_ip == "") { $ap_showip = 0; }
// ! ... hide ip and packet latency information
// $ ... hide ip
// % ... hide packet latency information
$ap_name_show = $ap_name;
if ( (substr($ap_name, 0, 1) == "!") || (substr($ap_name, 0, 1) == "$") ) {
$ap_showip = 0;
$ap_name_show = substr($ap_name, 1, (strlen($ap_name)-1));
$ap_lat_show = $ap_lat;
if ( (substr($ap_name, 0, 1) == "!") || (substr($ap_name, 0, 1) == "%") ) {
$ap_lat_show = 0;
$ap_name_show = substr($ap_name, 1, (strlen($ap_name)-1)); // not needed if ! (already done in previous step)
$ap_xsize = 40;
$ap_ysize = 20;
$ap_rowh = $ap_ysize/2;
$ap_name_font = 1;
$ap_lat_font = 1;
$ap_ip_font = 1;
if ($ap_showip == 0) { $ap_ysize=$ap_ysize/2; }
$ap_name_size = ImageFontWidth($ap_name_font)*strlen($ap_name_show);
$ap_ip_size = ImageFontWidth($ap_ip_font)*strlen($ap_ip);
$ap_lat_size = ImageFontWidth($ap_lat_font)*strlen(round($ap_lat_show))+3;
if ($ap_lat_show == 0) { $ap_lat_size = 1; }
if (($ap_name_size + $ap_lat_size + 4) > ($ap_xsize)) {
$ap_xsize = $ap_name_size + $ap_lat_size + 4;
if (($ap_ip_size + 10) > $ap_xsize) {
$ap_xsize = $ap_ip_size + 10;
if (($ap_ip_size + 5) > ($ap_xsize)) {
$ap_xsize = $ap_ip_size + 5;
switch ($ap_state) {
case 0 : $ap_color = ImageColorExact($im, 255, 0, 0); $ap_color2=ImageColorExact($im, 255, 140, 140); break;
case 1 : $ap_color = ImageColorExact($im, 0, 255, 0); $ap_color2=ImageColorExact($im, 140, 255, 140); break;
case 2 : $ap_color = ImageColorExact($im, 180, 180, 180); $ap_color2=ImageColorExact($im, 220, 220, 220); break;
ImageRectangle($im, ($x1-($ap_xsize/2)), ($y1-($ap_ysize/2)), ($x1+($ap_xsize/2)), ($y1+($ap_ysize/2)), ImageColorExact($im, 0, 0, 0));
ImageFilledRectangle($im, ($x1-($ap_xsize/2-1)), ($y1-($ap_ysize/2-1)), ($x1+($ap_xsize/2-$ap_lat_size)), ($y1-($ap_ysize/2-$ap_rowh)), $ap_color);
if ($ap_showip == 1) {
ImageLine($im, ($x1-($ap_xsize/2-1)), ($y1-($ap_ysize/2-1-$ap_rowh)), ($x1+($ap_xsize/2-1)), ($y1-($ap_ysize/2-1-$ap_rowh)), ImageColorExact($im, 140, 140, 140));
if ($ap_lat_show !=0 ) {
if ($ap_lat_show < 15) {
ImageFilledRectangle($im, ($x1+($ap_xsize/2-$ap_lat_size+2)), ($y1-($ap_ysize/2-1)), ($x1+($ap_xsize/2-1)), ($y1-($ap_ysize/2-$ap_rowh)), $ap_color2);
} else {
ImageFilledRectangle($im, ($x1+($ap_xsize/2-$ap_lat_size+2)), ($y1-($ap_ysize/2-1)), ($x1+($ap_xsize/2-1)), ($y1-($ap_ysize/2-$ap_rowh)), ImageColorExact($im, 255, 140, 140));
ImageLine($im, ($x1+($ap_xsize/2-$ap_lat_size+1)), ($y1-($ap_ysize/2-1)), ($x1+($ap_xsize/2-$ap_lat_size+1)), ($y1-($ap_ysize/2-$ap_rowh)),ImageColorExact($im, 140, 140, 140));
ImageString($im, $ap_lat_font, ($x1+($ap_xsize/2)-$ap_lat_size+3), $y1-($ap_ysize/2-1), round($ap_lat_show), ImageColorExact($im, 0, 0, 0));
if ($ap_showip == 1) {
ImageFilledRectangle($im, ($x1-($ap_xsize/2-1)), ($y1-($ap_ysize/2-2-$ap_rowh)), ($x1+($ap_xsize/2-1)), ($y1+($ap_ysize/2-1)), ImageColorExact($im, 220, 220, 220));
for ($i=1; $i<=$ap_type; $i++) {
ImageRectangle($im, ($x1-($ap_xsize/2)-$i), ($y1-($ap_ysize/2)-$i), ($x1+($ap_xsize/2)+$i), ($y1+($ap_ysize/2)+$i), ImageColorExact($im, 0, 0, 0));
ImageString($im, $ap_name_font, ($x1-($ap_name_size/2)-($ap_lat_size/2)+2), $y1-($ap_ysize/2-2), $ap_name_show, ImageColorExact($im, 0, 0, 0));
if ($ap_showip == 1) {
ImageString($im, $ap_ip_font, ($x1-$ap_ip_size/2), ($y1+2), $ap_ip, ImageColorExact($im, 0, 0, 0));
function placeLN($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $lnd) {
// Place link onto map
// Find out how to draw lines
$ln_dir = 0; // 0 = horizontal, 1 = verical
$tmp_x = abs($x1 - $x2);
$tmp_y = abs($y1 - $y2);
if ($tmp_x > $tmp_y) {
$ln_dir = 1;
if ($ln_dir == 0) {
// Horizontal
$tmp_s1 = $x1 - round(strlen($lnd) / 2);
for ($ix1 = $tmp_s1; $ix1 < ($tmp_s1 + strlen($lnd)); $ix1++) {
ImageLine($im, $ix1, $y1, ($x2 - $x1 + $ix1), $y2, assign_color($im, substr($lnd, ($ix1 - $tmp_s1), 1)));
else {
// Vertical
$tmp_s1 = $y1 - round(strlen($lnd) / 2);
for ($ix1 = $tmp_s1; $ix1 < ($tmp_s1 + strlen($lnd)); $ix1++) {
ImageLine($im, $x1, $ix1, $x2, ($y2 - $y1 + $ix1), assign_color($im, substr($lnd, ($ix1 - $tmp_s1), 1)));
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
$image_filename = $argv[1];
// Basic definitions
$calstats_version = "0.1.1";
$calstats_id = "CaLStats";
$image_date_lu = "Last update ";
// Date
$a_date = getdate();
$a_date_minutes = $a_date['minutes']; if ($a_date_minutes < 10) { $a_date_minutes = "0" . $a_date_minutes; }
$a_date_seconds = $a_date['seconds']; if ($a_date_seconds < 10) { $a_date_seconds = "0" . $a_date_seconds; }
$image_date = $image_date_lu . $a_date['mday'] . " " . $a_date['month'] . " " . $a_date['year'] . " "
. $a_date['hours'] . ":" . $a_date_minutes . ":" . $a_date_seconds;
// --- Load config file - begin -------------------------------------------
$file_in = fopen($image_filename . ".config", "r");
if (!$file_in) { exit; }
$fin_line=rtrim(fgets($file_in, 1024));
$image_title = strtok($fin_line, ";");
$image_xsize = strtok(";");
$image_ysize = strtok(";");
$image_legend = strtok(";"); // legend location
// --- Load config file - end ---------------------------------------------
// --- Load computer data - begin -----------------------------------------
$file_in = fopen($image_filename . ".comp", "r");
if (!$file_in) { exit; }
$comp_num = 0;
while (!feof($file_in)) {
$fin_line=rtrim(fgets($file_in, 1024));
$a_comp[$comp_num][0] = strtok($fin_line, ";"); // name
$a_comp[$comp_num][1] = strtok(";"); // ip
$a_comp[$comp_num][2] = strtok(";"); // type
$a_comp[$comp_num][3] = strtok(";"); // x1
$a_comp[$comp_num][4] = strtok(";"); // y1
// --- Load computer data - end -------------------------------------------
// --- Load links data - begin --------------------------------------------
$link_show = 1;
if (file_exists($image_filename . ".link")) {
$file_in = fopen($image_filename . ".link", "r");
if (!$file_in) { exit; }
$link_num = 0;
while (!feof($file_in)) {
$fin_line=rtrim(fgets($file_in, 1024));
$link_tmp_type = strtok($fin_line, ";"); // link_type
$a_link[$link_num][0] = $link_tmp_type;
$link_tmp = strtok(";");
while ($link_tmp != "") {
$a_link[$link_num][0] = $link_tmp_type;
$a_link[$link_num][3] = 0; // was it drawed on the screen
$a_link[$link_num][1] = $link_tmp; // comp
$link_tmp = strtok(";");
$a_link[$link_num][2] = $link_tmp; // comp
if ($link_tmp != "") { $link_num++; }
else {
// --- Load links data - end ----------------------------------------------
// --- Load legend data - begin -------------------------------------------
$legend_show = 1;
if (file_exists($image_filename . ".legend")) {
$file_in = fopen($image_filename . ".legend", "r");
if (!$file_in) { exit; }
$legend_num = 0;
while (!feof($file_in)) {
$fin_line=rtrim(fgets($file_in, 1024));
$a_legend[$legend_num][0] = strtok($fin_line, ";"); // name
$a_legend[$legend_num][1] = strtok(";"); // ip
else {
$legend_show = 0;
// --- Load legend data - end ---------------------------------------------
// --- Load links state - begin -------------------------------------------
$file_in = fopen($image_filename . ".state", "r");
if (!$file_in) { exit; }
$state_num = 0;
while (!feof($file_in)) {
$fin_line=rtrim(fgets($file_in, 1024));
$a_state[$state_num][0] = strtok($fin_line, ";"); // ip
$a_state[$state_num][1] = strtok(";"); // available
$a_state[$state_num][2] = strtok(";"); // packet loss
// --- Load links state - end ---------------------------------------------
Header("Content-type: image/png");
$im = ImageCreate($image_xsize, $image_ysize);
$im_white = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 255, 255);
$im_black = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 0);
$im_gray1 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 140, 140, 140);
$im_gray2 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 180, 180, 180);
$im_gray3 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 200, 200, 200);
$im_gray4 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 220, 220, 220);
$im_gray5 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 240, 240, 240);
$im_red = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 0, 0);
$im_green = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 255, 0);
$im_blue = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 255);
$im_red2 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 180, 0, 0);
$im_green2 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 180, 0);
$im_blue2 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 0, 180);
$im_magenta2 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 180, 0, 180);
$im_yellow2 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 180, 180, 0);
$im_wblue2 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 0, 180, 180);
$im_red3 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 255, 140, 140);
$im_green3 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 140, 255, 140);
$im_blue3 = ImageColorAllocate($im, 140, 140, 255);
ImageRectangle($im, 0, 0, ($image_xsize-1), ($image_ysize-1), $im_black);
ImageFilledRectangle($im, 1, 1, ($image_xsize-2), 15, $im_black);
ImageString($im, 3, 5, 1, $image_title, $im_white);
ImageString($im, 2, ($image_xsize-ImageFontWidth(2)*strlen($image_date)-5), 1, $image_date, $im_gray4);
ImageStringUp($im, 1, ($image_xsize-10), ($image_ysize-5), $calstats_id . " " . $calstats_version, $im_gray2);
// Place links
if ($link_show == 1) {
for ($i1 = 0; ($i1 < $link_num); $i1++) {
if ($a_link[$i1][3] == 0) {
$l_pat = return_link_str1($a_link[$i1][0]);
$a_link[$i1][3] = 1;
$i_l1 = return_ap_index($a_comp, $comp_num, $a_link[$i1][1]);
$i_l2 = return_ap_index($a_comp, $comp_num, $a_link[$i1][2]);
for ($i2 = ($i1 + 1); ($i2 < $link_num); $i2++) {
$i_l3_tmp = return_ap_index($a_comp, $comp_num, $a_link[$i2][1]);
$i_l4_tmp = return_ap_index($a_comp, $comp_num, $a_link[$i2][2]);
if ( (($i_l1 == $i_l3_tmp) && ($i_l2 == $i_l4_tmp))
|| (($i_l1 == $i_l4_tmp) && ($i_l2 == $i_l3_tmp)) ) {
$l_pat = $l_pat . "----" . return_link_str1($a_link[$i2][0]);
$a_link[$i2][3] = 1;
placeLN($im, $a_comp[$i_l1][3], $a_comp[$i_l1][4], $a_comp[$i_l2][3], $a_comp[$i_l2][4], $l_pat);
// Place computers
for ($i1=0; ($i1 < $comp_num); $i1++) {
$comp_tmp1 = return_ip_state($a_state, $state_num, 0, $a_comp[$i1][1]);
$comp_tmp2 = return_ip_state($a_state, $state_num, 1, $a_comp[$i1][1]);
if ($a_comp[$i1][1] == "") {
$comp_tmp1 = 2;
$comp_tmp2 = 0;
placeAP($im, $a_comp[$i1][3], $a_comp[$i1][4], $a_comp[$i1][0], $a_comp[$i1][1], $a_comp[$i1][2], $comp_tmp1, $comp_tmp2);
// Draw legend
if ( ($legend_show == 1) && ($image_legend != 0) ) {
$l_num_string = 0;
for ($i1 = 0; ($i1 < $legend_num); $i1++) {
if (strlen($a_legend[$i1][1]) > $l_num_string) {
$l_num_string = strlen($a_legend[$i1][1]);
if ( ($image_legend == 1) || ($image_legend == 3) ) { $l_xloc = 12; } else { $l_xloc = ($image_xsize-37-($l_num_string*ImageFontWidth(2))); }
if ( ($image_legend == 1) || ($image_legend == 2) ) { $l_yloc = 27; } else { $l_yloc = ($image_ysize-12-($legend_num*15)); }
ImageRectangle($im, $l_xloc, ($l_yloc-2), ($l_xloc+25+($l_num_string*ImageFontWidth(2))), ($l_yloc + ($legend_num*15) + 1), $im_gray3);
ImageFilledRectangle($im, ($l_xloc+1), ($l_yloc-1), ($l_xloc+24+($l_num_string*ImageFontWidth(2))), ($l_yloc + ($legend_num*15)), $im_gray5);
for ($i1 = 0; ($i1 < $legend_num); $i1++) {
placeLN($im, ($l_xloc+5), ($l_yloc+7), ($l_xloc+15), ($l_yloc+7), return_link_str1($a_legend[$i1][0]), 2);
ImageString($im, 2, ($l_xloc+20), ($l_yloc), $a_legend[$i1][1], $im_black);
ImagePng ($im);