

Subversion Repositories:
[/] [cacti-pick.php] - Rev 138 Go to most recent revision

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// ******************************************
// sensible defaults
$cacti_base = '../../';
$cacti_url = '/';

$config['base_url'] = $cacti_url;


// check if the goalposts have moved
if( is_dir($cacti_base) && file_exists($cacti_base."/include/global.php") )
        // include the cacti-config, so we know about the database
        // $config['base_url'] = $cacti_url;
        $config['base_url'] = (isset($config['url_path'])? $config['url_path'] : $cacti_url);
        $cacti_found = TRUE;
        // print "global";
elseif( is_dir($cacti_base) && file_exists($cacti_base."/include/config.php") )
        // include the cacti-config, so we know about the database

        // $config['base_url'] = $cacti_url;
        $config['base_url'] = (isset($config['url_path'])? $config['url_path'] : $cacti_url);
        $cacti_found = TRUE;
        // print "config";
        $cacti_found = FALSE;

// print $config['base_url'];

// ******************************************

function js_escape($str)
        $str = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $str);
        $str = str_replace("'", "\\\'", $str);

        $str = "'".$str."'";


if(isset($_REQUEST['command']) && $_REQUEST["command"]=='link_step2')
        $dataid = intval($_REQUEST['dataid']);

        $SQL_graphid = "select graph_templates_item.local_graph_id, title_cache FROM graph_templates_item,graph_templates_graph,data_template_rrd where graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id = graph_templates_item.local_graph_id  and task_item_id=data_template_rrd.id and local_data_id=$dataid LIMIT 1;";

        $link = mysql_connect($database_hostname,$database_username,$database_password)
                or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
        mysql_selectdb($database_default,$link) or die('Could not select database: '.mysql_error());

        $result = mysql_query($SQL_graphid) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
        $line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
        $graphid = $line['local_graph_id'];

        <script type="text/javascript">
        function update_source_step2(graphid)
                var graph_url, hover_url;

                var base_url = '<?php echo isset($config['base_url'])?$config['base_url']:''; ?>';

                if (typeof window.opener == "object") {

                        graph_url = base_url + 'graph_image.php?local_graph_id=' + graphid + '&rra_id=0&graph_nolegend=true&graph_height=100&graph_width=300';
                        info_url = base_url + 'graph.php?rra_id=all&local_graph_id=' + graphid;

                        opener.document.forms["frmMain"].link_infourl.value = info_url;
                        opener.document.forms["frmMain"].link_hover.value = graph_url;

        window.onload = update_source_step2(<?php echo $graphid ?>);

This window should disappear in a moment.
        // end of link step 2

if(isset($_REQUEST['command']) && $_REQUEST["command"]=='link_step1')
        <script type="text/javascript" src="editor-resources/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">

        function filterlist(previous)
                var filterstring = $('input#filterstring').val();       
                        $('ul#dslist > li').show();
                                $('ul#dslist > li').hide();
                                $("ul#dslist > li:contains('" + filterstring + "')").show();

        $(document).ready( function() {
                $('span.filter').keyup(function() {
                        var previous = $('input#filterstring').val();
                        setTimeout(function () {filterlist(previous)}, 500);

        function update_source_step1(dataid,datasource)
                var newlocation;
                var fullpath;

                var rra_path = <?php echo js_escape($config['rra_path']); ?>;

                if (typeof window.opener == "object") {
                        fullpath = datasource.replace(/<path_rra>/, rra_path);
                                opener.document.forms["frmMain"].link_target.value = opener.document.forms["frmMain"].link_target.value  + " " + fullpath;
                                opener.document.forms["frmMain"].link_target.value = fullpath;
                        newlocation = 'cacti-pick.php?command=link_step2&dataid=' + dataid;
                        self.location = newlocation;
        function applyDSFilterChange(objForm) {
                strURL = '?host_id=' + objForm.host_id.value;
                strURL = strURL + '&command=link_step1';
                                if( objForm.overlib.checked)
                                        strURL = strURL + "&overlib=1";
                                        strURL = strURL + "&overlib=0";
                                // document.frmMain.link_bandwidth_out_cb.checked
                                if( objForm.aggregate.checked)
                                        strURL = strURL + "&aggregate=1";
                                        strURL = strURL + "&aggregate=0";
                document.location = strURL;
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; }
ul { list-style: none;  margin: 0; padding: 0; }
ul { border: 1px solid black; }
ul li.row0 { background: #ddd;}
ul li.row1 { background: #ccc;}
ul li { border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; border-top: 1px solid #eee; padding: 2px;}
ul li a { text-decoration: none; color: black; }
<title>Pick a data source</title>

        $SQL_picklist = "select data_local.host_id, data_template_data.local_data_id, data_template_data.name_cache, data_template_data.active, data_template_data.data_source_path from data_local,data_template_data,data_input,data_template where data_local.id=data_template_data.local_data_id and data_input.id=data_template_data.data_input_id and data_local.data_template_id=data_template.id ";

        $host_id = -1;
        $overlib = true;
        $aggregate = false;
        if(isset($_REQUEST['aggregate'])) $aggregate = ( $_REQUEST['aggregate']==0 ? false : true);
        if(isset($_REQUEST['overlib'])) $overlib= ( $_REQUEST['overlib']==0 ? false : true);
                $host_id = intval($_REQUEST['host_id']);
                if($host_id>=0) $SQL_picklist .= " and data_local.host_id=$host_id ";
        $SQL_picklist .= " order by name_cache;";
         $hosts = db_fetch_assoc("select id,CONCAT_WS('',description,' (',hostname,')') as name from host order by description,hostname");

<h3>Pick a data source:</h3>

<form name="mini">
if(sizeof($hosts) > 0) {
        print 'Host: <select name="host_id"  onChange="applyDSFilterChange(document.mini)">';

        print '<option '.($host_id==-1 ? 'SELECTED' : '' ).' value="-1">Any</option>';
        print '<option '.($host_id==0 ? 'SELECTED' : '' ).' value="0">None</option>';
        foreach ($hosts as $host)
                print '<option ';
                if($host_id==$host['id']) print " SELECTED ";
                print 'value="'.$host['id'].'">'.$host['name'].'</option>';
        print '</select><br />';

        print '<span class="filter" style="display: none;">Filter: <input id="filterstring" name="filterstring" size="20"> (case-sensitive)<br /></span>';
        print '<input id="overlib" name="overlib" type="checkbox" value="yes" '.($overlib ? 'CHECKED' : '' ).'> <label for="overlib">Also set OVERLIBGRAPH and INFOURL.</label><br />';
        print '<input id="aggregate" name="aggregate" type="checkbox" value="yes" '.($aggregate ? 'CHECKED' : '' ).'> <label for="aggregate">Append TARGET to existing one (Aggregate)</label>';

        print '</form><div class="listcontainer"><ul id="dslist">';

        $queryrows = db_fetch_assoc($SQL_picklist);

        // print $SQL_picklist;

        if( is_array($queryrows)  && sizeof($queryrows) > 0 )
                foreach ($queryrows as $line) {
                        //while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
                        echo "<li class=\"row".($i%2)."\">";
                        $key = $line['local_data_id']."','".$line['data_source_path'];
                        echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"update_source_step1('$key')\">". $line['name_cache'] . "</a>";
                        echo "</li>\n";
                print "<li>No results...</li>";

        // Free resultset

        // Closing connection

} // end of link step 1

if(isset($_REQUEST['command']) && $_REQUEST["command"]=='node_step1')
        $host_id = -1;
        $SQL_picklist = "SELECT graph_templates_graph.id, graph_local.host_id, graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id, graph_templates_graph.height, graph_templates_graph.width, graph_templates_graph.title_cache, graph_templates.name, graph_local.host_id    FROM (graph_local,graph_templates_graph) LEFT JOIN graph_templates ON (graph_local.graph_template_id=graph_templates.id) WHERE graph_local.id=graph_templates_graph.local_graph_id ";
        $overlib = true;
        $aggregate = false;
        if(isset($_REQUEST['aggregate'])) $aggregate = ( $_REQUEST['aggregate']==0 ? false : true);
        if(isset($_REQUEST['overlib'])) $overlib= ( $_REQUEST['overlib']==0 ? false : true);
                $host_id = intval($_REQUEST['host_id']);
                if($host_id>=0) $SQL_picklist .= " and graph_local.host_id=$host_id ";
        $SQL_picklist .= " order by title_cache";       
         $hosts = db_fetch_assoc("select id,CONCAT_WS('',description,' (',hostname,')') as name from host order by description,hostname");      

<script type="text/javascript" src="editor-resources/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

        function filterlist(previous)
                var filterstring = $('input#filterstring').val();       
                        $('ul#dslist > li').show();
                                $('ul#dslist > li').hide();
                                $('ul#dslist > li').contains(filterstring).show();

        $(document).ready( function() {
                $('span.filter').keyup(function() {
                        var previous = $('input#filterstring').val();
                        setTimeout(function () {filterlist(previous)}, 500);

        function applyDSFilterChange(objForm) {
                strURL = '?host_id=' + objForm.host_id.value;
                strURL = strURL + '&command=node_step1';
                                if( objForm.overlib.checked)
                                        strURL = strURL + "&overlib=1";
                                        strURL = strURL + "&overlib=0";
                                //if( objForm.aggregate.checked)
                                //      strURL = strURL + "&aggregate=1";
                                //      strURL = strURL + "&aggregate=0";
                document.location = strURL;
        <script type="text/javascript">

        function update_source_step1(graphid)
                var graph_url, hover_url;

                var base_url = '<?php echo isset($config['base_url'])?$config['base_url']:''; ?>';

                if (typeof window.opener == "object") {

                        graph_url = base_url + 'graph_image.php?rra_id=0&graph_nolegend=true&graph_height=100&graph_width=300&local_graph_id=' + graphid;
                        info_url = base_url + 'graph.php?rra_id=all&local_graph_id=' + graphid;

                        // only set the overlib URL unless the box is checked
                        if( document.forms['mini'].overlib.checked)
                                opener.document.forms["frmMain"].node_infourl.value = info_url;
                        opener.document.forms["frmMain"].node_hover.value = graph_url;
<style type="text/css">
body { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; }
ul { list-style: none;  margin: 0; padding: 0; }
ul { border: 1px solid black; }
ul li.row0 { background: #ddd;}
ul li.row1 { background: #ccc;}
ul li { border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; border-top: 1px solid #eee; padding: 2px;}
ul li a { text-decoration: none; color: black; }
<title>Pick a graph</title>


#       print "Cacti is ".$config["cacti_version"];

#       $SQL_picklist = "select data_template_data.local_data_id, data_template_data.name_cache, data_template_data.active, data_template_data.data_source_path from data_local,data_template_data,data_input,data_template  left join data_input on data_input.id=data_template_data.data_input_id left join data_template on data_local.data_template_id=data_template.id where data_local.id=data_template_data.local_data_id order by name_cache;";
#       $SQL_picklist = "select data_template_data.local_data_id, data_template_data.name_cache, data_template_data.active, data_template_data.data_source_path from data_local,data_template_data,data_input,data_template where data_local.id=data_template_data.local_data_id and data_input.id=data_template_data.data_input_id and data_local.data_template_id=data_template.id order by name_cache;";

        #$link = mysql_connect($database_hostname,$database_username,$database_password)
        #  or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
        #  mysql_selectdb($database_default,$link) or die('Could not select database: '.mysql_error());

        #$result = mysql_query($SQL_picklist) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());

<h3>Pick a graph:</h3>

<form name="mini">
if(sizeof($hosts) > 0) {
        print 'Host: <select name="host_id"  onChange="applyDSFilterChange(document.mini)">';

        print '<option '.($host_id==-1 ? 'SELECTED' : '' ).' value="-1">Any</option>';
        print '<option '.($host_id==0 ? 'SELECTED' : '' ).' value="0">None</option>';
        foreach ($hosts as $host)
                print '<option ';
                if($host_id==$host['id']) print " SELECTED ";
                print 'value="'.$host['id'].'">'.$host['name'].'</option>';
        print '</select><br />';

        print '<span class="filter" style="display: none;">Filter: <input id="filterstring" name="filterstring" size="20"> (case-sensitive)<br /></span>';
        print '<input id="overlib" name="overlib" type="checkbox" value="yes" '.($overlib ? 'CHECKED' : '' ).'> <label for="overlib">Set both OVERLIBGRAPH and INFOURL.</label><br />';
        // print '<input id="aggregate" name="aggregate" type="checkbox" value="yes" '.($aggregate ? 'CHECKED' : '' ).'> <label for="aggregate">Append TARGET to existing one (Aggregate)</label>';

        print '</form><div class="listcontainer"><ul id="dslist">';

        $queryrows = db_fetch_assoc($SQL_picklist);

        // print $SQL_picklist;

        if( is_array($queryrows) && sizeof($queryrows) > 0)
                foreach ($queryrows as $line) {
                        //while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
                        echo "<li class=\"row".($i%2)."\">";
                        $key = $line['local_graph_id'];
                        echo "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"update_source_step1('$key')\">". $line['title_cache'] . "</a>";
                        echo "</li>\n";
                print "No results...";

        // Free resultset

        // Closing connection
} // end of node step 1

// vim:ts=4:sw=4:

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