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package HotSaNICmod::syssnmp;
use lib "../../lib";
use HotSaNICsnmp;
sub version {
($VERSION = '$Revision: 1.29 $') =~ s/.*(\d+\.\d+).*/$1/;
return " $VERSION";
sub sample {
foreach $entry (@{$args{HOST}}) {
my ($host,$community,$item,$dbname,$name,$file,$description,$targets)=HotSaNICmod::common::get_names($entry);
if ($host ne "") {
# Now do the real work ...
if (index($targets,"cpu" )>=0) { do_cpu($host,$community,$args{VARDIR}); }
if (index($targets,"load" )>=0) { do_load($host,$community); }
if (index($targets,"proc" )>=0) { do_proc($host,$community); }
if ( (index($targets,"mem" )>=0) or (index($targets,"swap") >=0) ) { do_mem($host,$community); }
if (index($targets,"users")>=0) { do_users($host,$community); }
# Gather data from SNMP agent
# uptime-oid: .
sub do_cpu {
my ($host,$com,$vardir)=@_;
my $oid = '.'; # enterprises.ucdavis.systemStats
my $suf_user = '.50.0'; # .ssCpuRawUser.0
my $suf_nice = '.51.0'; # .ssCpuRawNice.0
my $suf_system = '.52.0'; # .ssCpuRawSystem.0
my $suf_idle = '.53.0'; # .ssCpuRawIdle.0
my $suf_intr = '.56.0'; # .ssCpuRawIdle.0
undef my %cpu_new;
my $cpu_all;
my %cpu_old = ( user => 0, nice => 0, system => 0, idle => 0 );
my $filename = $vardir."/cpu_".$host.".dat";
defined($res = HotSaNICsnmp::snmp_walk($host, $com, ($oid))) || return undef;
$cpu_new{'user'} = $$res{$oid.$suf_user} || 0;
$cpu_new{'nice'} = $$res{$oid.$suf_nice} || 0;
$cpu_new{'system'} = $$res{$oid.$suf_system} || 0;
$cpu_new{'idle'} = $$res{$oid.$suf_idle} || 0;
$cpu_new{'intr'} = $$res{$oid.$suf_intr} || 0;
if( -e $filename ) {
open(CPUFILE, "$filename");
my $line = do { local $/; <CPUFILE> };
($user,$nice,$system,$idle) = split " ", $line;
close CPUFILE;
$cpu_old{'user'} = $user || 0;
$cpu_old{'nice'} = $nice || 0;
$cpu_old{'system'} = $system || 0;
$cpu_old{'idle'} = $idle || 0;
$cpu_all =
- ($cpu_old{'user'}+$cpu_old{'nice'}+$cpu_old{'system'}+$cpu_old{'idle'});
open(CPUFILE, ">$filename");
print CPUFILE "$cpu_new{'user'} $cpu_new{'nice'} $cpu_new{'system'} $cpu_new{'idle'}";
close CPUFILE;
if ( $cpu_all > 0 ) {
$cpu_new{'user'} = ($cpu_new{'user'}-$cpu_old{'user'})/$cpu_all;
$cpu_new{'nice'} = ($cpu_new{'nice'}-$cpu_old{'nice'})/$cpu_all;
$cpu_new{'system'} = ($cpu_new{'system'}-$cpu_old{'system'})/$cpu_all;
$cpu_new{'idle'} = ($cpu_new{'idle'}-$cpu_old{'idle'})/$cpu_all;
else {
$cpu_new{'user'} = "U";
$cpu_new{'nice'} = "U";
$cpu_new{'system'} = "U";
$cpu_new{'idle'} = "U";
my $rrdname = "cpu_".$host;
if ( $^O =~ /bsd/i ) {
} else {
sub do_load {
my ($host,$com)=@_;
my $oid = '.'; # enterprises.ucdavis.laTable.laEntry.laLoad
my @load;
defined(my $res = HotSaNICsnmp::snmp_walk($host, $com, ($oid))) || return undef;
foreach ( sort keys(%$res) ) {
push @load, $$res{$_} || 0;
my $rrdname = "load_".$host;
sub do_proc {
my ($host,$com)=@_;
my $oid = '.'; # host.hrSWRun.hrSWRunTable.hrSWRunEntry.hrSWRunStatus
my %proc = ( running => 0,
runnable => 0,
notRunnable => 0,
invalid => 0
defined(my $res = HotSaNICsnmp::snmp_walk($host, $com, ($oid))) || return undef;
foreach( keys(%$res) ) {
for ($$res{$_}) {
if (/(1|running)/) { $proc{'running'}++; }
elsif (/(2|runnable)/) { $proc{'runnable'}++; }
elsif (/(3|notRunnable)/) { $proc{'notRunnable'}++; }
elsif (/(4|invalid)/) { $proc{'invalid'}++; }
else { HotSaNIClog::warn("unknown state seen."); }
my $rrdname = "proc_".$host;
sub do_mem {
my ($host,$com)=@_;
my $oid = '.'; # enterprises.ucdavis.memory
my $suf_total = '.5.0'; # .memTotalReal.0
my $suf_free = '.6.0'; # .memAvailReal.0
my $suf_buffer = '.14.0'; # .memBuffer.0
my $suf_cache = '.15.0'; # .memCached.0
my $suf_inactive = '0'; # inactive not readable via snmp
my $suf_swap_total = '.3.0'; # .memTotalSwap.0
my $suf_swap_free = '.4.0'; # .memAvailSwap.0
my %mem;
defined(my $res = HotSaNICsnmp::snmp_walk($host, $com, ($oid))) || return undef;
$mem{'totalReal'} = $$res{$oid.$suf_total} * 1024 || 0;
$mem{'availReal'} = $$res{$oid.$suf_free} * 1024 || 0;
$mem{'buffer'} = $$res{$oid.$suf_buffer} * 1024 || 0;
$mem{'cached'} = $$res{$oid.$suf_cache} * 1024 || 0;
$mem{'totalSwap'} = $$res{$oid.$suf_swap_total} * 1024 || 0;
$mem{'swapFree'} = $$res{$oid.$suf_swap_free} * 1024 || 0;
$mem{'swapUsed'} = $mem{'totalSwap'} - $mem{'swapFree'};
$mem{'shared'} = $mem{'totalReal'}-$mem{'availReal'}-$mem{'buffer'}-$mem{'cached'};
my $rrdname = "mem_".$host;
if ( $^O =~ /bsd/ ) {
# HotSaNICmod::do_rrd("mem","U",time,$memfree,$meminac,$memactv,$memwire,$memcach,$swpfree,$swpused);
} else {
sub do_users {
my ($host,$com)=@_;
my $oid = '.'; # host.hrSystem.hrSystemNumUsers.0
defined(my $res = HotSaNICsnmp::snmp_get($host, $com, ($oid))) || return undef;
my $users=$$res{$oid};
my $rrdname = "users_".$host;