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package HotSaNICmod::syssnmp;
use lib "../../lib";
use HotSaNICsnmp;
sub version {
($VERSION = '$Revision: 1.1 $') =~ s/.*(\d+\.\d+).*/$1/;
return " $VERSION";
sub sample {
my %args=@_;
my $oid = '.'; # enterprises.ucdavis.dskTable.dskEntry
my $suf_device = '.3.'; # .dskDevice
my $suf_total = '.6.'; # .dskTotal
my $suf_used = '.8.'; # .dskUsed
if (@{$args{DRIVE}} > 0) {
undef my %devmax;
undef my %devuse;
undef my %devyes;
undef my %devsnmp;
# check which drives should be sampled
foreach my $entry (@{$args{DRIVE}}) {
my ($host,$community,$item,$dbname,$name,$file,$description)=HotSaNICmod::common::get_names($entry);
if ($host ne "") {
my $key = "$host"."_$community";
if (defined($devsnmp{$key})) { push @{$devsnmp{$key}}, $item; }
else {$devsnmp{$key} = [ $item ]; }
# Begin SNMP conversation here
foreach $remote ( keys(%devsnmp) ) {
my ($host, $com) = split "_", $remote;
my $res = HotSaNICsnmp::snmp_walk($host, $com, ($oid));
if(keys(%$res) == 0) {
foreach my $dev (@{$devsnmp{$remote}}) {
$devyes{$host."_".$dev} = 1;
$devmax{$host."_".$dev} = "U";
$devuse{$host."_".$dev} = "U";
else {
for (my $i=1; defined($$res{$oid.$suf_device.$i}); $i++) {
my $dev = $$res{$oid.$suf_device.$i};
for (@{$devsnmp{$remote}}) {
if($_ eq $dev) {
my $total = $$res{$oid.$suf_total.$i};
my $used = $$res{$oid.$suf_used.$i};
$devyes{$host."_".$dev} = 1;
$devmax{$host."_".$dev} = $total*1024;
$devuse{$host."_".$dev} = $used *1024;
# End SNMP conversation here
# here begins the evaluation of all sampled data:
foreach $name (keys %devmax) {
# check if the device shall really be sampled
if ( defined($devyes{$name}) ) {
(my $rrdname = $name) =~ s/(\/|:)/_/g;