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package HotSaNICmod::common;
sub version {
($VERSION = '$Revision: 1.10 $') =~ s/.*(\d+\.\d+).*/$1/;
return " $VERSION";
sub configure {
my %MODCONF=HotSaNICparser::get_moduleconfig(".",(DRIVE=>"array"));
foreach my $dev (@{$MODCONF{DRIVE}}) {
if ( index($dev,":") >0 ) { $MODCONF{NFSPARTS}++; }
if ( index($dev,"SNMP:") >=0) { $MODCONF{USE_SNMP}=1; }
# check if "df" command supports the "-l" option
my $RC=system "df -l >/dev/null 2>&1";
if ($RC == 0) { $MODCONF{"df -l"}=1; }
return %MODCONF
sub get_names {
my $entry=shift || ",";
my $host="";
my $community="";
my ($item,$description)=split /,/,$entry;
if( index($item, "SNMP:") >= 0) { (undef,$host,$community,$item) = split /:/, $item; }
if ($host ne "") { $name="$host:$item"; }
else { $name=$item; }
($dbname=$name) =~ s/[\/:]/_/g;
($file=$dbname) =~ s/^_*//g;
return ($host,$community,$item,$dbname,$name,$file,$description);