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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# $Id:,v 1.13 2004/05/29 09:43:00 bernisys Exp $
# include PERL libraries
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
# include HotSaNIC libraries
use lib "../../lib";
use HotSaNICparser;
use HotSaNIChtml;
(my $VERSION = '$Revision: 1.13 $') =~ s/.*(\d+\.\d+).*/$1/;
(my $IDENTIFIER = '$Id:,v 1.13 2004/05/29 09:43:00 bernisys Exp $') =~ s/.*,v (.*) \$/$1/;
# read global settings
$MODNAME=lc HotSaNICparser::get_module_name();
$REFRESH=0 if !defined $REFRESH;
# build time-based .html files
%DESCR=("bytes" => "Bytes in queue", "req" => "Requests in queue");
foreach $time (@TIMES) {
open (FILE,">$WEBDIR/$time.html");
print FILE HotSaNIChtml::create_header($MODNAME,$REFRESH,"$time overview page")."<table>\n";
foreach $proc (keys %DESCR) {
($name = $proc) =~ s/_/:/;
($page=$proc) =~ s/[.:]/_/g;
print FILE HotSaNIChtml::create_table_entry($IMAGEFORMAT,$page,$time,$name,$descr,1);
print FILE "</table>\n".HotSaNIChtml::create_footer($MODNAME);
close FILE;
# build device-based .html files and complete index
open (IDXFILE,">$VARDIR/idxdata");
print IDXFILE HotSaNIChtml::create_overview_table_header($MODNAME,join(" ",@TIMES),1);
foreach $proc (sort keys %DESCR) {
($file=$proc) =~ s/[.:]/_/g;
($name = $proc) =~ s/_/:/;
print IDXFILE HotSaNIChtml::create_overview_table_entry($MODNAME,$IMAGEFORMAT,$num,$file,$name,$description);
close IDXFILE;