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#!/usr/bin/env perl
# $Id:,v 1.14 2004/07/12 07:50:13 bernisys Exp $
# include PERL libraries
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
# include HotSaNIC libraries
use lib "../../lib";
use lib "./platform";
use HotSaNICparser;
use HotSaNICshellio;
use HotSaNIClog;
use common;
(my $VERSION = '$Revision: 1.14 $') =~ s/.*(\d+\.\d+).*/$1/;
(my $IDENTIFIER = '$Id:,v 1.14 2004/07/12 07:50:13 bernisys Exp $') =~ s/.*,v (.*) \$/$1/;
my $MODNAME=HotSaNICparser::get_module_name();
my %MODCONF=HotSaNICmod::common::configure();
my $OUTFILE="";
if ( ! -e "settings" ) { $OUTFILE="settings"; }
open OUTFILE,">$OUTFILE" || die "could not open ".HotSaNICparser::get_module_name()." settings file for writing.\n";
if (! @{$MODCONF{DEV}}) { @{$MODCONF{DEV}}=get_devs(); }
if (@{$MODCONF{DEV}}) { $MODCONF{DEV}="DEV=\"".join("\"\nDEV=\"",@{$MODCONF{DEV}})."\""; }
else { $MODCONF{DEV}=""; }
# kernel version
# KERNEL=\"2.2\" for 2.1.x and 2.2.x kernels
# KERNEL=\"2.4\" for 2.3.x and 2.4.x kernels
# etc.
# set the correct datasource for kernel 2.4 and later
# use \"stat\" for kernels <2.4 and for 2.4 kernels
# without /proc/partitions stats support
# 2.6 kernels might support /proc/diskstats as well, which
# seems to be pretty identical with /proc/partitions
# SOURCE=\"stat\"
# SOURCE=\"partitions\"
# SOURCE=\"diskstats\"
# all entries have to be of the form:
# DEV=<device>,<device name>
# <device> the device-number as in /proc/stat -> disk_io
# for kernels < 2.3 \"0\" is the first drive, \"1\" the second ...
# <2.3 kernels support (unless patched) only 4 drives.
# <device name> a description for the device
# Example for Kernel >= 2.3:
# DEV=8_0,sda
# DEV=3_0,hda
# DEV=22_0,hdc
# Example for Kernel <= 2.2:
# DEV=0,hda
# DEV=1,hdb
close OUTFILE;
if ($OUTFILE eq "") {
rename "","settings";
print "Please check the settings file and adapt it to satisfy your needs.\n";
sub get_devs {
# see kernel2.4 /usr/src/linux/fs/proc/proc_misc.c
my @devs=();
my %devlist = ( "3_0" => "/dev/hda", "3_64" => "/dev/hdb", "22_0" => "/dev/hdc", "22_64" => "/dev/hdd",
"33_0" => "/dev/hde", "33_64" => "/dev/hdf", "34_0" => "/dev/hdg", "34_64" => "/dev/hdh",
"8_0" => "/dev/sda", "8_1" => "/dev/sdb", "8_2" => "/dev/sdc", "8_3" => "/dev/sdd",
"8_4" => "/dev/sde", "8_5" => "/dev/sdf", "8_6" => "/dev/sdg", "8_7" => "/dev/sdh",
"8_8" => "/dev/sdi", "8_9" => "/dev/sdj", "8_10" => "/dev/sdk", "8_11" => "/dev/sdl",
"8_12" => "/dev/sdm", "8_13" => "/dev/sdn", "8_14" => "/dev/sdo");
if ($^O eq "netbsd") {
open RESULT,"/usr/sbin/iostat -Ix|";
while (<RESULT>) {
my ($drv) = split / /, $_;
next if ($drv =~ /device/ || $drv =~ /md?/ ||$drv =~ /fd?/);
push @devs,"$drv,$drv";
elsif ($^O eq "linux") {
my $usepart=0;
if (-e "/proc/partitions") {
open STAT,"/proc/partitions";
my $check=<STAT>;
if ($check =~ /rio/) {
while (<STAT>) {
if ($_ ne "\n") {
my ($major,$minor,undef,$device)=split;
if (HotSaNICshellio::askyesno("Use $device","y") eq "y") {
push @devs,$major."_$minor,$device";
close STAT;
if ($usepart == 0) {
open STAT,"/proc/stat";
while (<STAT>) {
if (/disk_io/) {
foreach (split) {
next if /disk_io:/;
my $major;
my $minor;
/\(([0-9]+),([0-9]+)\)/, $major=$1, $minor=$2;
my $device=$devlist{$major."_$minor"};
if (HotSaNICshellio::askyesno("Use $device","y") eq "y") {
push @devs,$major."_$minor,$device";
else { print "not supported yet, sorry\n"; }
return @devs;