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# $Id: HotSaNICmod.pm,v 1.21 2004/02/27 09:21:47 bernisys Exp $

package HotSaNICmod;

use HotSaNICparser;
use RRDs;


($VERSION = '$Revision: 1.21 $') =~ s/.*(\d+\.\d+).*/$1/;

# control function to make sure that a module is running only once
# Usage:
#   dupe_control($what,$module-name,$message);
#   $what:
#     start -> call this method at the head of a module to touch the
#               dupe-detection checkfile.
#     stop  -> remove checkfile and exit normally.
#     warn  -> print $message as warning and continue execution.
#     die   -> remove checkfile and stop process with error.
#   The given message will be preceded with a timestamp (in seconds
#   since 1970) and the module-name:
#     <time> MODULE:message\n
sub dupe_control {
  my ($what,$mod,$message)=@_;
  if (!defined $mod) { $mod="(unknown module)"; }
  if (!defined $message) { $message="(unknown reason)"; }
  my $pid=0;
  my $delta=0;
  my $line;

  if ( ($what eq "check") || ($what eq "start") ) { $pid=HotSaNICparser::get_pid($MODARGS{DEBUGLEVEL}); }

  if ($what eq "start") {
    if ($pid > 0) { die time." $mod: process already running on PID $pid for $delta seconds.\n"; }
    open FILE,">running.pid";
    print FILE $$;
    close FILE;
  elsif ($what eq "stop") {
    if (-e "running.pid") { unlink "running.pid"; }
    exit 0;
  elsif ($what eq "die") {
    if (-e "running.pid") { unlink "running.pid"; }
    die time." $mod: $message\n";
  elsif ($what eq "warn") {
    print time," $mod warn: $message\n";
  elsif ($what eq "check") {
    if (!defined $pid) { $pid=0; }
    if (($pid > 0) && (-e "/proc/$pid/stat")) {
      open FILE,"/proc/$pid/stat";
      @fileds=split / /,<FILE>;
      close FILE;
      open FILE,"/proc/uptime";
      close FILE;
      ($uptime)=split / /,$line;
    if (($pid > 0) && ($^O =~ /bsd/)) {
      open FILE,"/proc/$pid/status";
      @fileds=split / /,<FILE>;
      close FILE;
      ($starttime, $msec)= split /,/, $fileds[7];
    if (!defined $delta) { $delta=0; }
    return ($pid,$delta);
  else { print time," $mod: method \"$what\" not supported.\n"; }

# check cmdline arguments
sub init {
  $args=shift || "";

  my $found=0;
  my @possible_args=("start","stop","status","configure","sample","update","version","help","showargs");
  foreach (@possible_args) {
    if ($args eq $_) { $found++; }
  if ($found == 0) { $args=""; }

# import common functions
  my $COM_LIB="./platform/common.pm";
 if ( -e $COM_LIB ) {
    eval { require $COM_LIB; };
    if ($@) { HotSaNICmod::dupe_control("die",$MODNAME,"Error importing common library: $COM_LIB.\n\t$!\n$@\n"); }
   else { HotSaNICmod::dupe_control("die",$MODNAME,"Error importing common library: $COM_LIB.\n\tfile not found.\n"); }


# import OS-specific functions
  my $fallback=0;
  my $OS_LIB="./platform/$^O.pm";
  if ( -e $OS_LIB ) {
    eval { require $OS_LIB; };
    if ($@) { print "Error importing library: $OS_LIB\n\t$!\n$@\n"; $fallback=1; }
  else { print "$MODNAME: Operating system \"$^O\" not supported!\n"; $fallback=1; }

# OS-lib not found -> try to load default lib
  if ($fallback == 1) {
    print "$MODNAME: Falling back to \"default\"\n";
    eval { require "./platform/default.pm"; };
    if ($@) { HotSaNICmod::dupe_control("die",$MODNAME,"Error importing default module.\n$@\n"); }

  if ( $args eq "" ) {
    print "arguments missing!\n";
    print "usage: $0 [start/stop/status/configure/sample/update/version/help/showargs]\n";
    print "\n";

  if ( $args =~ /help/) {
    print "usage: $0 [start/stop/status/configure/sample/update/version/help/showargs]\n";
    print "\n";
    print "alternative usage: send a signal to <module PID>\n";
    print "\n";
    print "argument   signal   function\n";
    print "---------  -------  --------------------------------------------------\n";
    print "start               start module daemon\n";
    print "stop       SIGTERM  terminate module daemon\n";
    print "status              show status of module daemon\n";
    print "configure  SIGHUP   daemon re-reads its config file\n";
    print "sample     SIGUSR1  sample now\n";
    print "update     SIGUSR2  (not implemented yet)\n";
    print "version             show version of OS-dependant module used\n";
    print "showargs            show settings hash\n";
    print "\n";

  if ( ($args =~ /version/) or ($MODARGS{DEBUGLEVEL} > 0) ) {
    push my @VERSIONS,HotSaNICmod::OSdep::version() if defined &HotSaNICmod::OSdep::version; 
    push @VERSIONS,HotSaNICmod::common::version() if defined &HotSaNICmod::common::version;
    push @VERSIONS,syssnmp::version() if defined &syssnmp::version;
    print "$MODNAME: using libs: ",join(" / ",@VERSIONS),"\n";

  if ( $args =~ /start/) {
    my ($pid,$uptime)=HotSaNICmod::dupe_control("check",$MODNAME,"");
    if ($pid > 0) { print "$MODNAME: module already running on PID $pid\n"; }
    else {
      while (1 == 1) { sleep; }
  if ( $args =~ /status/) {
    my ($pid,$uptime)=HotSaNICmod::dupe_control("check",$MODNAME,"");
    if ($pid > 0) {
      print "$MODNAME: module running on PID $pid for $uptime sec.\n";
    else { print "$MODNAME: no process running.\n"; }
    my @DBs=HotSaNICmod::get_DBs();
    my ($min,$max)=HotSaNICmod::get_last_DB_changes();
    if ($min>=0) {
      print "last DB update: $min";
      if ($max != $min) { print " (max: $max)"; }
      print " seconds ago\n";
      print "DBs found:  ",join("\n            ",@DBs),"\n";
  if ( $args =~ /sample/) {
    my ($pid,$uptime)=HotSaNICmod::dupe_control("check",$MODNAME,"");
    if ($pid > 0) { kill "SIGUSR1",$pid; }
    else { print "$MODNAME: no process running.\n"; }
  if ( $args =~ /stop/) {
    my ($pid,$uptime)=HotSaNICmod::dupe_control("check",$MODNAME,"");
    if ($pid > 0) { kill "SIGTERM",$pid; }
    else { print "$MODNAME: no process running.\n"; }
  if ( $args =~ /configure/) {
    my ($pid,$uptime)=HotSaNICmod::dupe_control("check",$MODNAME,"");
    if ($pid > 0) { kill "SIGHUP",$pid; }
    else { print "$MODNAME: no process running.\n"; }
  if ( $args =~ /update/) {
    my ($pid,$uptime)=HotSaNICmod::dupe_control("check",$MODNAME,"");
    if ($pid > 0) { kill "SIGUSR2",$pid; }
    else { print "$MODNAME: no process running.\n"; }

  if ( $args =~ /showargs/) {
    for (sort keys %MODARGS) { print "$_ = ".$MODARGS{$_}."\n"; }

# fork into background
sub daemonize {
# set signal handlers and create background childprocess
  $SIG{TERM} = \&terminate;
  $SIG{HUP} = \&configure;
  $SIG{USR1} = \&sample;
  $SIG{USR2} = \&update;
  fork && exit 0;

# terminate module daemon
sub terminate {

# interface to OS-dependent functions
sub sample {

sub update {

# configure 
#  - parse main settings
#  - parse module settings
#  - set module-specific configuration
sub configure {
  my @CONFmod=HotSaNICparser::read_settings(".",$MODNAME);
  my %CONFglob=HotSaNICparser::get_config("../..",$MODNAME);
  if (scalar(@CONFmod) == 0) { HotSaNICmod::dupe_control("die",$MODNAME,"missing settings file"); }
  if (scalar(keys(%CONFglob)) == 0) { HotSaNICmod::dupe_control("die",$MODNAME,"missing settings file"); }
  if (! -d $CONFglob{VARDIR}."/modules/system") { mkdir $CONFglob{VARDIR}."/modules/system",0755; }

# configure module-specific settings

# configure common module settings
  foreach (@CONFmod) {
    if ($var eq "DEBUGLEVEL") { $MODARGS{DEBUGLEVEL}=$value; }

# add global settings

# returns an array containing all "*.rrd" files in the current module's "rrd" directory
sub get_DBs {
  opendir(DIR,"rrd") || HotSaNICmod::dupe_control("die",$MODARGS{"MODNAME"},"error opening database dir - $!");
  my @DBs=grep(/\.rrd/,readdir(DIR));
  return @DBs;

# returns an array containing the min and max seconds since last DB changes
# if no DBs are found, (-1,-1) will be returned.
sub get_last_DB_changes {

  my @DBs=get_DBs();

  if (!@DBs) { return (-1,-1); }

  my ($min,$max)=(999999999999,0);
  foreach $test (@DBs) {
    if ($mtime<$min) { $min=$mtime; }
    if ($mtime>$max) { $max=$mtime; }

  return ($min,$max);

#  updates a database, creates a new one if necessary
#  do_rrd($database,$maxvalue,$sampletime,@values);
#    $database    name of the database (without ".rrd" suffix)
#    $maxvalue    the maximum value to be expected on this datasource
#                 (needed for DB creation)
#    $sampletime  timestamp of the current sample
#    @values      array of all values for this timestamp
sub do_rrd {
  my $dbname = shift;
  my $dbmax = shift;
  my $time = shift;
  my $values=join(":",@_);

  # build new database if needed
  if ( ! -e "rrd/$dbname.rrd" ) { system("./makerrd","$dbname","$dbmax") }
  # update database
  RRDs::update "rrd/$dbname.rrd", $time.":".$values;
  if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { print $time," ",$MODNAME,": unable to update '$dbname.rrd': $ERROR\n"; }


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