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// PHP Weathermap 0.92
// Copyright Howard Jones, 2005-2007 howie@thingy.com
// http://www.network-weathermap.com/
// Released under the GNU Public License

require_once "HTML_ImageMap.class.php";


// Turn on ALL error reporting for now.
error_reporting (E_ALL);

// parameterise the in/out stuff a bit

// Utility functions
// Check for GD & PNG support This is just in here so that both the editor and CLI can use it without the need for another file
function module_checks()
        if (!extension_loaded('gd'))
                warn ("\n\nNo image (gd) extension is loaded. This is required by weathermap.\n\n");
                warn ("\nrun check.php to check PHP requirements.\n\n");

                return (FALSE);

        if (!function_exists('imagecreatefrompng'))
                warn ("Your GD php module doesn't support PNG format.\n");
                warn ("\nrun check.php to check PHP requirements.\n\n");
                return (FALSE);

        if (!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor'))
                warn ("Your GD php module doesn't support truecolor.\n");
                warn ("\nrun check.php to check PHP requirements.\n\n");
                return (FALSE);

        if (!function_exists('imagecopyresampled'))
                warn ("Your GD php module doesn't support thumbnail creation (imagecopyresampled).\n");
        return (TRUE);

function debug($string)
        global $weathermap_debugging;

        if ($weathermap_debugging)
                // use Cacti's debug log, if we are running from the poller
                if (function_exists('debug_log_insert') && (!function_exists('show_editor_startpage')))
                { cacti_log(rtrim($string), true, "WEATHERMAP"); }
                        $stderr=fopen('php://stderr', 'w');
                        fwrite($stderr, $string);
                        fclose ($stderr);

function warn($string)
        // use Cacti's debug log, if we are running from the poller
        if (function_exists('cacti_log') && (!function_exists('show_editor_startpage')))
        { cacti_log(rtrim($string), true, "WEATHERMAP"); }
                $stderr=fopen('php://stderr', 'w');
                fwrite($stderr, $string);
                fclose ($stderr);

function js_escape($str, $wrap=TRUE)
        $str=str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $str);
        $str=str_replace("'", "\\'", $str);

        if($wrap) $str="'" . $str . "'";

        return ($str);

function mysprintf($format,$value,$kilo=1000)
        $output = "";

        debug("mysprintf: $format $value\n");
                $spec = $matches[1];
                $places = 2;
                if($spec !='')
                        if($matches[2] != '') $places=$matches[2];
                        // we don't really need the justification (pre-.) part...
                debug("KMGT formatting $value with $spec.\n");
                $result = nice_scalar($value, $kilo, $places);
                $output = preg_replace("/%".$spec."k/",$format,$result);
                debug("Falling through to standard sprintf\n");
                $output = sprintf($format,$value);
        return $output;

// wrapper around imagecolorallocate to try and re-use palette slots where possible
function myimagecolorallocate($image, $red, $green, $blue)
        // it's possible that we're being called early - just return straight away, in that case
        if(!isset($image)) return(-1);
        $existing=imagecolorexact($image, $red, $green, $blue);

        if ($existing > -1)
                return $existing;

        return (imagecolorallocate($image, $red, $green, $blue));

function render_colour($col)
        if (($col[0] < 0) && ($col[1] < 0) && ($col[1] < 0)) { return 'none'; }
        else { return sprintf("%d %d %d", $col[0], $col[1], $col[2]); }

// take the same set of points that imagepolygon does, but don't close the shape
function imagepolyline($image, $points, $npoints, $color)
        for ($i=0; $i < ($npoints - 1);
        $i++) { imageline($image, $points[$i * 2], $points[$i * 2 + 1], $points[$i * 2 + 2], $points[$i * 2 + 3],
                $color); }

function imagecreatefromfile($filename)
        $formats = imagetypes();
        if (is_readable($filename))
                list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($filename);
                case IMAGETYPE_GIF:
                        if(imagetypes() & IMG_GIF)
                                warn("Image file $filename is GIF, but GIF is not supported by your GD library.\n");    

                case IMAGETYPE_JPEG:
                        if(imagetypes() & IMG_JPEG)
                                warn("Image file $filename is JPEG, but JPEG is not supported by your GD library.\n");    

                case IMAGETYPE_PNG:
                        if(imagetypes() & IMG_PNG)
                                warn("Image file $filename is PNG, but PNG is not supported by your GD library.\n");    

                        warn("Image file $filename wasn't recognised (type=$type). Check format is supported by your GD library.\n");
                warn("Image file $filename is unreadable. Check permissions.\n");    
        return $bgimage;

// rotate a list of points around cx,cy by an angle in radians, IN PLACE
function RotateAboutPoint(&$points, $cx,$cy, $angle=0)
        $npoints = count($points)/2;
                $ox = $points[$i*2] - $cx;
                $oy = $points[$i*2+1] - $cy;
                $rx = $ox * cos($angle) - $oy*sin($angle);
                $ry = $oy * cos($angle) + $ox*sin($angle);
                $points[$i*2] = $rx + $cx;
                $points[$i*2+1] = $ry + $cy;

// calculate the points for a span of the curve. We pass in the distance so far, and the array index, so that
// the chunk of array generated by this function can be array_merged with existing points from before.
// Considering how many array functions there are, PHP has horrible list support
// Each point is a 3-tuple - x,y,distance - which is used later to figure out where the 25%, 50% marks are on the curve
function calculate_catmull_rom_span($startn, $startdistance, $numsteps, $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3)
        $Ap_x=-$x0 + 3 * $x1 - 3 * $x2 + $x3;
        $Bp_x=2 * $x0 - 5 * $x1 + 4 * $x2 - $x3;
        $Cp_x=-$x0 + $x2;
        $Dp_x=2 * $x1;

        $Ap_y=-$y0 + 3 * $y1 - 3 * $y2 + $y3;
        $Bp_y=2 * $y0 - 5 * $y1 + 4 * $y2 - $y3;
        $Cp_y=-$y0 + $y2;
        $Dp_y=2 * $y1;



        for ($i=0; $i <= $numsteps; $i++)
                $t=$i / $numsteps;
                $t2=$t * $t;
                $t3=$t2 * $t;
                $x=(($Ap_x * $t3) + ($Bp_x * $t2) + ($Cp_x * $t) + $Dp_x) / $d;
                $y=(($Ap_y * $t3) + ($Bp_y * $t2) + ($Cp_y * $t) + $Dp_y) / $d;

                if ($i > 0)
                        $step=sqrt((($x - $lx) * ($x - $lx)) + (($y - $ly) * ($y - $ly)));
                        $distance=$distance + $step;



        return array($allpoints, $distance, $n);

function find_distance_coords(&$pointarray,$distance)
        // We find the nearest lower point for each distance,
        // then linearly interpolate to get a more accurate point
        // this saves having quite so many points-per-curve
        $index=find_distance($pointarray, $distance);

        $ratio=($distance - $pointarray[$index][2]) / ($pointarray[$index + 1][2] - $pointarray[$index][2]);
        $x = $pointarray[$index][0] + $ratio * ($pointarray[$index + 1][0] - $pointarray[$index][0]);
        $y = $pointarray[$index][1] + $ratio * ($pointarray[$index + 1][1] - $pointarray[$index][1]);

function find_distance_coords_angle(&$pointarray,$distance)
        // This is the point we need
        list($x,$y,$index) = find_distance_coords($pointarray,$distance);
        // now to find one either side of it, to get a line to find the angle of
        $left = $index;
        $right = $left+1;
        $max = count($pointarray)-1;
        // if we're right up against the last point, then step backwards one
        # if($left<=0) { $left = 0; }

        $x1 = $pointarray[$left][0];
        $y1 = $pointarray[$left][1];
        $x2 = $pointarray[$right][0];
        $y2 = $pointarray[$right][1];

        $dx = $x2 - $x1;
        $dy = $y2 - $y1;
        $angle = rad2deg(atan2(-$dy,$dx));

// return the index of the point either at (unlikely) or just before the target distance
// we will linearly interpolate afterwards to get a true point - pointarray is an array of 3-tuples produced by the function above
function find_distance(&$pointarray, $distance)
        $right=count($pointarray) - 1;

        if ($left == $right)
                return ($left);

        // if it's a point past the end of the line, then just return the end of the line
        // Weathermap should *never* ask for this, anyway
        if ($pointarray[$right][2] < $distance) { return ($right); }

        // if somehow we have a 0-length curve, then don't try and search, just give up
        // in a somewhat predictable manner
        if ($pointarray[$left][2] == $pointarray[$right][2]) { return ($left); }

        while ($left <= $right)
                $mid=floor(($left + $right) / 2);

                if (($pointarray[$mid][2] < $distance) && ($pointarray[$mid + 1][2] >= $distance)) { return $mid; }

                if ($distance <= $pointarray[$mid][2]) { $right=$mid - 1; }
                else { $left=$mid + 1; }

        print "FELL THROUGH\n";
        die ("Howie's crappy binary search is wrong after all.\n");

// Give a list of key points, calculate a curve through them
// return value is an array of triples (x,y,distance)
function calc_curve(&$in_xarray, &$in_yarray,$pointsperspan = 12)
        // search through the point list, for consecutive duplicate points
        // (most common case will be a straight link with both NODEs at the same place, I think)
        // strip those out, because they'll break the binary search/centre-point stuff


        for ($i=0; $i < count($in_xarray); $i++)
                if (($in_xarray[$i] == $last_x) && ($in_yarray[$i] == $last_y)) { debug
                        ("Dumping useless duplicate point on curve\n"); }


        // only proceed if we still have at least two points!
        if(count($xarray) <= 1)
                warn ("Arrow not drawn, as it's 1-dimensional.\n");
                return (array(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));

        // duplicate the first and last points, so that all points are drawn
        // (C-R normally would draw from x[1] to x[n-1]
        array_unshift($xarray, $xarray[0]);
        array_unshift($yarray, $yarray[0]);

        array_push($xarray, $x);
        array_push($xarray, $x);
        array_push($yarray, $y);
        array_push($yarray, $y);



        // add in the very first point manually (the calc function skips this one to avoid duplicates, which mess up the distance stuff)


        for ($i=0; $i < ($npoints - 3); $i++)
                        $np)=calculate_catmull_rom_span($np,     $distance,  $pointsperspan,  $xarray[$i],
                        $yarray[$i],     $xarray[$i + 1], $yarray[$i + 1], $xarray[$i + 2],
                        $yarray[$i + 2], $xarray[$i + 3], $yarray[$i + 3]);
                $curvepoints=$curvepoints + $newpoints;

        return ($curvepoints);

function calc_arrowsize($width,&$map,$linkname)

        if ($map->links[$linkname]->arrowstyle == 'compact')

        if (preg_match('/(\d+) (\d+)/', $map->links[$linkname]->arrowstyle, $matches))

        $arrowsize = $width * $arrowlengthfactor;
        $arrowwidth = $width * $arrowwidthfactor;
        return( array($arrowsize,$arrowwidth) );

// top-level function that takes a two lists to define some points, and draws a weathermap link
// - this takes care of all the extras, like arrowheads, and where to put the bandwidth labels
//    curvepoints is an array of the points the curve passes through
//    width is the link width (the actual width is twice this)
//    outlinecolour is a GD colour reference
//    fillcolours is an array of two more colour references, one for the out, and one for the in spans
function draw_curve($image, &$curvepoints, $width, $outlinecolour, $comment_colour, $fillcolours, $linkname, &$map,
        // now we have a 'spine' - all the central points for this curve.
        // time to flesh it out to the right width, and figure out where to draw arrows and bandwidth boxes...
        $unidirectional = FALSE;
        // get the full length of the curve from the last point
        $totaldistance = $curvepoints[count($curvepoints)-1][2];
        // find where the in and out arrows will join (normally halfway point)
        $halfway = $totaldistance * ($q2_percent/100);
        $dirs = array(OUT,IN);

        // for a unidirectional map, we just ignore the second half (direction = -1)
                $halfway = $totaldistance;
                $dirs = array(OUT);
        // loop increment, start point, width, labelpos, fillcolour, outlinecolour, commentpos
        $arrowsettings[OUT] = array(+1, 0, $width, 0, $fillcolours[OUT], $outlinecolour, 5);
        $arrowsettings[IN] = array(-1, count($curvepoints) - 1, $width, 0, $fillcolours[IN], $outlinecolour, 95);

        // we calculate the arrow size up here, so that we can decide on the
        // minimum length for a link. The arrowheads are the limiting factor.
        list($arrowsize,$arrowwidth) = calc_arrowsize($width,$map,$linkname);
        // the 2.7 here is empirical. It ought to be 2 in theory.
        // in practice, a link this short is useless anyway, especially with bwlabels.
        $minimumlength = 2.7*$arrowsize;

        # warn("$linkname: Total: $totaldistance $arrowsize $arrowwidth $minimumlength\n");
        if($totaldistance <= $minimumlength)
                warn("Skipping drawing very short link ($linkname). Impossible to draw! Try changing WIDTH or ARROWSTYLE?\n");

        list($halfway_x,$halfway_y,$halfwayindex) = find_distance_coords($curvepoints,$halfway);

        // loop over direction here
        // direction is 1.0 for the first half (forwards through the pointlist), and -1.0 for the second half (backwards from the end)
        //  - used as a multiplier on anything that looks forwards or backwards through the list

        foreach ($dirs as $dir)
                $direction = $arrowsettings[$dir][0];
                // this is the last index before the arrowhead starts
                list($pre_mid_x,$pre_mid_y,$pre_midindex) = find_distance_coords($curvepoints,$halfway - $direction * $arrowsize);

                # if ($direction < 0) { $start=count($curvepoints) - 1; }
                # else { $start=0; }
                $start = $arrowsettings[$dir][1];

                for ($i=$start; $i != $pre_midindex; $i+=$direction)
                        // for each point on the spine, produce two points normal to it's direction,
                        // each is $width away from the spine, but we build up the two lists in the opposite order,
                        // so that when they are joined together, we get one continuous line

                        $dx=$curvepoints[$i + $direction][0] - $curvepoints[$i][0];
                        $dy=$curvepoints[$i + $direction][1] - $curvepoints[$i][1];
                        $l=sqrt(($dx * $dx) + ($dy * $dy));
                        $nx=$dy / $l;
                        $ny=-$dx / $l;

                        $there_points[]=$curvepoints[$i][0] + $direction * $width * $nx;
                        $there_points[]=$curvepoints[$i][1] + $direction * $width * $ny;

                        $back_points[]=$curvepoints[$i][0] - $direction * $width * $nx;
                        $back_points[]=$curvepoints[$i][1] - $direction * $width * $ny;

                // all the normal line is done, now lets add an arrowhead on

                $adx=($halfway_x - $pre_mid_x);
                $ady=($halfway_y - $pre_mid_y);
                $l=sqrt(($adx * $adx) + ($ady * $ady));

                $anx=$ady / $l;
                $any=-$adx / $l;

                $there_points[]=$pre_mid_x + $direction * $width * $anx;
                $there_points[]=$pre_mid_y + $direction * $width * $any;

                $there_points[]=$pre_mid_x + $direction * $arrowwidth * $anx;
                $there_points[]=$pre_mid_y + $direction * $arrowwidth * $any;


                $there_points[]=$pre_mid_x - $direction * $arrowwidth * $anx;
                $there_points[]=$pre_mid_y - $direction * $arrowwidth * $any;

                $there_points[]=$pre_mid_x - $direction * $width * $anx;
                $there_points[]=$pre_mid_y - $direction * $width * $any;

                // all points done, now combine the lists, and produce the final result.

                } while (!is_null($y));


                if ($direction < 0) $arrayindex=1;

                if (!is_null($fillcolours[$arrayindex]))
                        { imagefilledpolygon($image, $there_points, count($there_points) / 2, $arrowsettings[$dir][4]); }
                $map->imap->addArea("Polygon", "LINK:" . $linkname, '', $there_points);
                debug ("Adding Poly imagemap for $linkname\n");

                if (!is_null($outlinecolour))
                        imagepolygon($image, $there_points, count($there_points) / 2, $arrowsettings[$dir][5]);

function unformat_number($instring, $kilo = 1000)

        if (preg_match("/([0-9\.]+)(M|G|K|T|m|u)/", $instring, $matches))

                if ($matches[2] == 'K') { $number=$number * $kilo; }
                if ($matches[2] == 'M') { $number=$number * $kilo * $kilo; }
                if ($matches[2] == 'G') { $number=$number * $kilo * $kilo * $kilo; }
                if ($matches[2] == 'T') { $number=$number * $kilo * $kilo * $kilo * $kilo; }
                // new, for absolute datastyle. Think seconds.
                if ($matches[2] == 'm') { $number=$number / $kilo; }
                if ($matches[2] == 'u') { $number=$number / ($kilo * $kilo); }
        else { $number=floatval($instring); }

        return ($number);

// given a compass-point, and a width & height, return a tuple of the x,y offsets
function calc_offset($offsetstring, $width, $height)
                debug("Numeric Offset found\n");
                switch (strtoupper($offsetstring))
                case 'N':
                        return (array(0, -$height / 2));


                case 'S':
                        return (array(0, $height / 2));


                case 'E':
                        return (array(+$width / 2, 0));


                case 'W':
                        return (array(-$width / 2, 0));


                case 'NW':
                        return (array(-$width / 2, -$height / 2));


                case 'NE':
                        return (array($width / 2, -$height / 2));


                case 'SW':
                        return (array(-$width / 2, $height / 2));


                case 'SE':
                        return (array($width / 2, $height / 2));


                        return (array(0, 0));


// These next two are based on perl's Number::Format module
// by William R. Ward, chopped down to just what I needed

function format_number($number, $precision = 2, $trailing_zeroes = 0)

        if ($number < 0)

        $number=round($number, $precision);

        if (strlen($integer) < strlen($number)) { $decimal=substr($number, strlen($integer) + 1); }

        if (!isset($decimal)) { $decimal=''; }

        $integer=$sign * $integer;

        if ($decimal == '') { return ($integer); }
        else { return ($integer . "." . $decimal); }

function nice_bandwidth($number, $kilo = 1000,$decimals=1)

        if ($number == 0)
                return '0';

        $mega=$kilo * $kilo;
        $giga=$mega * $kilo;
        $tera=$giga * $kilo;

        if ($number > $tera)
        elseif ($number > $giga)
        elseif ($number > $mega)
        elseif ($number > $kilo)

        $result=format_number($number, $decimals) . $suffix;
        return ($result);

function nice_scalar($number, $kilo = 1000, $decimals=1)

        if ($number == 0)
                return '0';

        $mega=$kilo * $kilo;
        $giga=$mega * $kilo;
        $tera=$giga * $kilo;

        if ($number > $tera)
        elseif ($number > $giga)
        elseif ($number > $mega)
        elseif ($number > $kilo)
        elseif ($number < (1 / ($kilo)))
                $number=$number * $mega;
        elseif ($number < 1)
                $number=$number * $kilo;

        $result=format_number($number, $decimals) . $suffix;
        return ($result);

// ***********************************************

// we use enough points in various places to make it worth a small class to save some variable-pairs.
class Point
        var $x, $y;
        function Point($x=0,$y=0)
                $this->x = $x;
                $this->y = $y;

// similarly for 2D vectors
class Vector
        var $dx, $dy;
        function Vector($dx=0,$dy=0)
                $this->dx = $dx;
                $this->dy = $dy;
        function normalise()
                $len = $this->length();
                $this->dx = $this->dx/$len;
                $this->dy = $this->dy/$len;
        function length()
                return( sqrt(($this->dx)*($this->dx) + ($this->dy)*($this->dy)) );

// ***********************************************

// template class for data sources. All data sources extend this class.
// I really wish PHP4 would just die overnight
class WeatherMapDataSource
        // Initialize - called after config has been read (so SETs are processed)
        // but just before ReadData. Used to allow plugins to verify their dependencies
        // (if any) and bow out gracefully. Return FALSE to signal that the plugin is not
        // in a fit state to run at the moment.
        function Init(&$map) { return TRUE; }

        // called with the TARGET string. Returns TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether it wants to handle this TARGET
        // called by map->ReadData()
        function Recognise( $targetstring ) { return FALSE; }

        // the actual ReadData
        //   returns an array of two values (in,out). -1,-1 if it couldn't get valid data
        //   configline is passed in, to allow for better error messages
        //   itemtype and itemname may be used as part of the target (e.g. for TSV source line)
        function ReadData($targetstring, $configline, $itemtype, $itemname, $map) { return (array(-1,-1)); }

// template classes for the pre- and post-processor plugins
class WeatherMapPreProcessor
        function run($map) { return FALSE; }

class WeatherMapPostProcessor
        function run($map) { return FALSE; }

// ***********************************************

// Links, Nodes and the Map object inherit from this class ultimately.
// Just to make some common code common.
class WeatherMapBase
        var $notes = array();
        var $hints = array();
        var $inherit_fieldlist;

        function add_note($name,$value)
                $this->notes[$name] = $value;

        function get_note($name)

        function add_hint($name,$value)
                $this->hints[$name] = $value;
                # warn("Adding hint $name to ".$this->my_type()."/".$this->name."\n");

        function get_hint($name)

// The 'things on the map' class. More common code (mainly variables, actually)
class WeatherMapItem extends WeatherMapBase
        var $owner;

        var $configline;
        var $infourl;
        var $overliburl;
        var $overlibwidth, $overlibheight;
        var $overlibcaption;
        var $my_default;

        function my_type() {  return "ITEM"; }


class WeatherMapNode extends WeatherMapItem
        var $owner;
        var $x,
        var $original_x, $original_y,$relative_resolved;
        var $width,
        var $label, $proclabel,
        var $name;
        var $infourl;
        var $notes;
        var $overliburl;
        var $overlibwidth,
        var $overlibcaption;
        var $maphtml;
        var $selected = 0;
        var $iconfile, $iconscalew, $iconscaleh;
        var $targets = array();
        var $bandwidth_in,         $bandwidth_out;
        var $inpercent, $outpercent;
        var $max_bandwidth_in,     $max_bandwidth_out;
        var $max_bandwidth_in_cfg, $max_bandwidth_out_cfg;
        var $labeloffset, $labeloffsetx, $labeloffsety;
        var $inherit_fieldlist;

        var $labelbgcolour;
        var $labeloutlinecolour;
        var $labelfontcolour;
        var $labelfontshadowcolour;
        var $cachefile;
        var $usescale;
        var $inscalekey,$outscalekey;
        # var $incolour,$outcolour;
        var $scalevar;
        var $notestext;
        var $image;
        var $centre_x, $centre_y;
        var $relative_to;

        function WeatherMapNode()
                                'my_default' => NULL,
                                'label' => '',
                                'proclabel' => '',
                                'usescale' => 'DEFAULT',
                                'scalevar' => 'in',
                                'labelfont' => 3,
                                'relative_to' => '',
                                'relative_resolved' => FALSE,
                                'x' => 0,
                                'y' => 0,
                                'inscalekey'=>'', 'outscalekey'=>'',
                                'original_x' => 0,
                                'original_y' => 0,
                                'iconfile' => '',
                                'iconscalew' => 0,
                                'iconscaleh' => 0,
                                'targets' => array(),
                                'infourl' => '',
                                'notestext' => '',
                                'notes' => array(),
                                'hints' => array(),
                                'overliburl' => '',
                                'overlibwidth' => 0,
                                'overlibheight' => 0,
                                'overlibcaption' => '',
                                'labeloutlinecolour' => array(0, 0, 0),
                                'labelbgcolour' => array(255, 255, 255),
                                'labelfontcolour' => array(0, 0, 0),
                                'labelfontshadowcolour' => array(-1, -1, -1),
                                'labeloffset' => '',
                                'labeloffsetx' => 0,
                                'labeloffsety' => 0,
                                'max_bandwidth_in' => 100,
                                'max_bandwidth_out' => 100,
                                'max_bandwidth_in_cfg' => '100',
                                'max_bandwidth_out_cfg' => '100'

                $this->width = 0;
                $this->height = 0;
                $this->centre_x = 0;
                $this->centre_y = 0;
                $this->image = NULL;

        function my_type() {  return "NODE"; }

        // make a mini-image, containing this node and nothing else
        // figure out where the real NODE centre is, relative to the top-left corner.
        function pre_render($im, &$map)
                // apparently, some versions of the gd extension will crash
                // if we continue...
                if($this->label == '' && $this->iconfile=='') return;

                // start these off with sensible values, so that bbox
                // calculations are easier.
                $icon_x1 = $this->x; $icon_x2 = $this->x;
                $icon_y1 = $this->y; $icon_y2 = $this->y;
                $label_x1 = $this->x; $label_x2 = $this->x;
                $label_y1 = $this->y; $label_y2 = $this->y;
                $boxwidth = 0; $boxheight = 0;
                $icon_w = 0;
                $icon_h = 0;

                // figure out a bounding rectangle for the label
                if ($this->label != '')
                        $padding = 4.0;
                        $padfactor = 1.0;

                        $this->proclabel = $map->ProcessString($this->label,$this);

                        list($strwidth, $strheight) = $map->myimagestringsize($this->labelfont, $this->proclabel);

                        $boxwidth = ($strwidth * $padfactor) + $padding;
                        $boxheight = ($strheight * $padfactor) + $padding;

                        debug ("Node->pre_render: Label Metrics are: $strwidth x $strheight -> $boxwidth x $boxheight\n");

                        $label_x1 = $this->x - ($boxwidth / 2);
                        $label_y1 = $this->y - ($boxheight / 2);

                        $label_x2 = $this->x + ($boxwidth / 2);
                        $label_y2 = $this->y + ($boxheight / 2);

                        $txt_x = $this->x - ($strwidth / 2);
                        $txt_y = $this->y + ($strheight / 2);

                        # $this->width = $boxwidth;
                        # $this->height = $boxheight;
                        $map->nodes[$this->name]->width = $boxwidth;
                        $map->nodes[$this->name]->height = $boxheight;

                        # print "TEXT at $txt_x , $txt_y\n";


                // figure out a bounding rectangle for the icon
                if ($this->iconfile != '')
                        $this->iconfile = $map->ProcessString($this->iconfile ,$this);
                        if (is_readable($this->iconfile))
                                imagealphablending($im, true);
                                // draw the supplied icon, instead of the labelled box

                                $icon_im = imagecreatefromfile($this->iconfile);
                                # $icon_im = imagecreatefrompng($this->iconfile);

                                if ($icon_im)
                                        $icon_w = imagesx($icon_im);
                                        $icon_h = imagesy($icon_im);

                                        if(($this->iconscalew * $this->iconscaleh) > 0)
                                                imagealphablending($icon_im, true);

                                                debug("SCALING ICON here\n");
                                                if($icon_w > $icon_h)
                                                        $scalefactor = $icon_w/$this->iconscalew;
                                                        $scalefactor = $icon_h/$this->iconscaleh;
                                                $new_width = $icon_w / $scalefactor;
                                                $new_height = $icon_h / $scalefactor;
                                                $scaled = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
                                                imagecopyresampled($scaled, $icon_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $icon_w, $icon_h);
                                                $icon_im = $scaled;
                                                $icon_w = imagesx($icon_im);
                                                $icon_h = imagesy($icon_im);

                                        $icon_x1 = $this->x - $icon_w / 2;
                                        $icon_y1 = $this->y - $icon_h / 2;
                                        $icon_x2 = $this->x + $icon_w / 2;
                                        $icon_y2 = $this->y + $icon_h / 2;

                                        # $this->width = imagesx($icon_im);
                                        # $this->height = imagesy($icon_im);
                                        $map->nodes[$this->name]->width = imagesx($icon_im);
                                        $map->nodes[$this->name]->height = imagesy($icon_im);

                                        $map->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "NODE:" . $this->name, '', array($icon_x1, $icon_y1, $icon_x2, $icon_y2));

                                else { warn ("Couldn't open PNG ICON: " . $this->iconfile . " - is it a PNG?\n"); }
                                warn ("ICON " . $this->iconfile . " does not exist, or is not readable. Check path and permissions.\n");

                // do any offset calculations

                if ( ($this->labeloffset != '') && (($this->iconfile != '')) )
                        $this->labeloffsetx = 0;
                        $this->labeloffsety = 0;

                        list($dx, $dy) = calc_offset($this->labeloffset,
                                ($icon_w + $boxwidth -1),
                                ($icon_h + $boxheight)

                        $this->labeloffsetx = $dx;
                        $this->labeloffsety = $dy;


                $label_x1 += $this->labeloffsetx;
                $label_x2 += $this->labeloffsetx;
                $label_y1 += $this->labeloffsety;
                $label_y2 += $this->labeloffsety;

                if($this->label != '')
                        $map->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "NODE:" . $this->name, '', array($label_x1, $label_y1, $label_x2, $label_y2));

                // work out the bounding box of the whole thing

                $bbox_x1 = min($label_x1,$icon_x1);
                $bbox_x2 = max($label_x2,$icon_x2)+1;
                $bbox_y1 = min($label_y1,$icon_y1);
                $bbox_y2 = max($label_y2,$icon_y2)+1;

                #           imagerectangle($im,$bbox_x1,$bbox_y1,$bbox_x2,$bbox_y2,$map->selected);
                #         imagerectangle($im,$label_x1,$label_y1,$label_x2,$label_y2,$map->black);
                #       imagerectangle($im,$icon_x1,$icon_y1,$icon_x2,$icon_y2,$map->black);

                // create TWO imagemap entries - one for the label and one for the icon
                // (so we can have close-spaced icons better)              

                $temp_width = $bbox_x2-$bbox_x1;
                $temp_height = $bbox_y2-$bbox_y1;
                // create an image of that size and draw into it
                $node_im=imagecreatetruecolor($temp_width,$temp_height );
                // ImageAlphaBlending($node_im, FALSE); 
                imageSaveAlpha($node_im, TRUE);

                imagefill($node_im, 0, 0, $nothing);

                // imagefilledrectangle($node_im,0,0,$temp_width,$temp_height,  $nothing);

                $label_x1 -= $bbox_x1;
                $label_x2 -= $bbox_x1;
                $label_y1 -= $bbox_y1;
                $label_y2 -= $bbox_y1;

                $icon_x1 -= $bbox_x1;
                $icon_x2 -= $bbox_x1;
                $icon_y1 -= $bbox_y1;
                $icon_y2 -= $bbox_y1;

                // Draw the icon, if any
                        imagecopy($node_im, $icon_im, $icon_x1, $icon_y1, 0, 0, imagesx($icon_im), imagesy($icon_im));

                // Draw the label, if any
                if ($this->label != '')
                        $txt_x -= $bbox_x1;
                        $txt_x += $this->labeloffsetx;
                        $txt_y -= $bbox_y1;
                        $txt_y += $this->labeloffsety;

                        #       print "FINAL TEXT at $txt_x , $txt_y\n";

                        // if there's an icon, then you can choose to have no background
                        $col = -1;
                        // if a target is specified, and you haven't forced no background, then the background will
                        // come from the SCALE in USESCALE
                        if( !empty($this->targets) && $this->usescale != 'none' )
                                $pc = 0;
                                if($this->scalevar == 'in')
                                        $pc = $this->inpercent;
                                if($this->scalevar == 'out')
                                        $pc = $this->outpercent;
                                // debug("Choosing NODE BGCOLOR for ".$this->name." based on $pc %\n");
                                    list($col,$node_scalekey) = $map->ColourFromPercent($pc, $this->usescale,$this->name);
                                    // $map->nodes[$this->name]->scalekey = $node_scalekey;
                        elseif($this->labelbgcolour != array(-1,-1,-1))
                                $col=myimagecolorallocate($node_im, $this->labelbgcolour[0], $this->labelbgcolour[1], $this->labelbgcolour[2]);

                        if($col != -1)
                            imagefilledrectangle($node_im, $label_x1, $label_y1, $label_x2, $label_y2, $col);

                        if ($this->selected)
                                imagerectangle($node_im, $label_x1, $label_y1, $label_x2, $label_y2, $map->selected);
                                // would be nice if it was thicker, too...
                                imagerectangle($node_im, $label_x1 + 1, $label_y1 + 1, $label_x2 - 1, $label_y2 - 1, $map->selected);
                                if ($this->labeloutlinecolour != array(-1,-1,-1))
                                                $this->labeloutlinecolour[1], $this->labeloutlinecolour[2]);
                                        imagerectangle($node_im, $label_x1, $label_y1, $label_x2, $label_y2, $col);

                        if ($this->labelfontshadowcolour != array(-1,-1,-1))
                                $col=myimagecolorallocate($im, $this->labelfontshadowcolour[0], $this->labelfontshadowcolour[1],
                                $map->myimagestring($node_im, $this->labelfont, $txt_x + 1, $txt_y + 1, $this->proclabel, $col);

                        $col=myimagecolorallocate($node_im, $this->labelfontcolour[0], $this->labelfontcolour[1],
                        $map->myimagestring($node_im, $this->labelfont, $txt_x, $txt_y, $this->proclabel, $col);

                # imagerectangle($node_im,$label_x1,$label_y1,$label_x2,$label_y2,$map->black);
                # imagerectangle($node_im,$icon_x1,$icon_y1,$icon_x2,$icon_y2,$map->black);              

                $map->nodes[$this->name]->centre_x = $this->x - $bbox_x1;
                $map->nodes[$this->name]->centre_y = $this->y - $bbox_y1;


                        imageellipse($node_im, $this->centre_x, $this->centre_y, 8, 8, $map->selected);

                        foreach (array("N","S","E","W","NE","NW","SE","SW") as $corner)
                                list($dx, $dy)=calc_offset($corner, $this->width, $this->height);
                                imageellipse($node_im, $this->centre_x + $dx, $this->centre_y + $dy, 5, 5, $map->selected);    

                # $this->image = $node_im;
                $map->nodes[$this->name]->image = $node_im;

        function update_cache($cachedir,$mapname)
                $cachename = $cachedir."/node_".md5($mapname."/".$this->name).".png";
                // save this image to a cache, for the editor

        // draw the node, using the pre_render() output
        function NewDraw($im, &$map)
                // take the offset we figured out earlier, and just blit
                // the image on. Who says "blit" anymore?

                // it's possible that there is no image, so better check.
                        imagealphablending($im, true);
                        imagecopy ( $im, $this->image, $this->x - $this->centre_x, $this->y - $this->centre_y, 0, 0, imagesx($this->image), imagesy($this->image) );


        // take the pre-rendered node and write it to a file so that
        // the editor can get at it.
        function WriteToCache()
        function DrawNINK($im, &$map, $size=32)
                $quarter = $size/4;
                $x = $this->x;
                $y = $this->y;
                $col1 = imagecolorallocate($im,255,0,0);
                $col2 = imagecolorallocate($im,0,255,0);
                $outline = imagecolorallocate($im,255,255,255);
                $font = 2;
                // draw in the text shadows first, if needed
                if ($this->labelfontshadowcolour != array(-1,-1,-1))
                        $col=myimagecolorallocate($im, $this->labelfontshadowcolour[0], $this->labelfontshadowcolour[1],
                        imagestring($im, $font, 1 + $x - imagefontwidth($font)*2, 1 + $y-$quarter-imagefontheight($font)/2,"2.5M",$col);
                        imagestring($im, $font, 1 + $x - imagefontwidth($font)*2, 1 + $y+$quarter-imagefontheight($font)/2,"786M",$col);
                imagestring($im, $font, $x - imagefontwidth($font)*2, $y-$quarter-imagefontheight($font)/2,"2.5M",$outline);
                imagestring($im, $font, $x - imagefontwidth($font)*2, $y+$quarter-imagefontheight($font)/2,"786M",$outline);

        function calc_size()

                // calculate the size of the NODE box, so we can make links end at corners.
                if ($this->label != '')

                        list($strwidth, $strheight)=$this->owner->myimagestringsize($font, $this->label);

                        $boxwidth=$strwidth * 1.1;
                        $boxheight=$strheight * 1.1;


                // if there's an icon, then that's what the corners relate to
                if ($this->iconfile != '')
                        # $temp_im=imagecreatefrompng($this->iconfile);
                        $temp_im = imagecreatefromfile($this->iconfile);

                        if ($temp_im)

                        imagedestroy ($temp_im);

                debug ("PRECALC $this->name: $this->width x $this->height\n");

        function Reset(&$newowner)

                if (isset($this->owner->defaultnode) && $this->name != 'DEFAULT') {
                        // use the defaults from DEFAULT
                        $this->my_default = $this->owner->defaultnode;
                        // use the default defaults
                        foreach (array_keys($this->inherit_fieldlist)as $fld)
                        { $this->$fld = $this->inherit_fieldlist[$fld]; }
                # warn($this->name.": ".var_dump($this->hints)."\n");
                # warn("DEF: ".var_dump($this->owner->defaultnode->hints)."\n");
                #if($this->name == 'North')
        #               warn("In Reset, North says: ".$this->nodes['North']->hints['sigdigits']."\n");
        #       }

        function CopyFrom(&$source)
                foreach (array_keys($this->inherit_fieldlist)as $fld) { $this->$fld=$source->$fld; }

        function WriteConfig($fd)

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                        ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['label'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->label);

                if ($this->label != $comparison) { $output.="\tLABEL " . $this->label . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['infourl'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->infourl);

                if ($this->infourl != $comparison) { $output.="\tINFOURL " . $this->infourl . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['notestext'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->notestext);

                if ($this->notestext != $comparison) { $output.="\tNOTES " . $this->notestext . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['overliburl'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->overliburl);

                if ($this->overliburl != $comparison) { $output.="\tOVERLIBGRAPH " . $this->overliburl . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['iconfile'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->iconfile);
                if ($this->iconfile != $comparison) { 
                        $output.="\tICON ";
                        if($this->iconscalew > 0) {
                                $output .= $this->iconscalew." ".$this->iconscaleh." ";
                        $output .= $this->iconfile . "\n"; 

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                        ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['labelfont'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->labelfont);

                if ($this->labelfont != $comparison) { $output.="\tLABELFONT " . $this->labelfont . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['labeloffset'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->labeloffset);

                if ($this->labeloffset != $comparison) { $output.="\tLABELOFFSET " . $this->labeloffset . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['targets'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->targets);

                if ($this->targets != $comparison)

                        foreach ($this->targets as $target) { $output.=" " . $target[4]; }


                $comparison = ($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                        ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['usescale'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->usescale);
                $comparison2 = ($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                        ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['scalevar'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->scalevar);

                if ( ($this->usescale != $comparison) || ($this->scalevar != $comparison2) )
                { $output.="\tUSESCALE " . $this->usescale . " " . $this->scalevar . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['overlibcaption'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->overlibcaption);

                if ($this->overlibcaption != $comparison) { $output.="\tOVERLIBCAPTION " . $this->overlibcaption . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['overlibwidth'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->overlibwidth);

                if ($this->overlibwidth != $comparison) { $output.="\tOVERLIBWIDTH " . $this->overlibwidth . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['overlibheight'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->overlibheight);

                if ($this->overlibheight != $comparison) { $output.="\tOVERLIBHEIGHT " . $this->overlibheight . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['labelbgcolour'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->labelbgcolour);

                if ($this->labelbgcolour != $comparison) { $output.="\tLABELBGCOLOR " . render_colour(
                        . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['labelfontcolour']
                : $this->owner->defaultnode->labelfontcolour);

                if ($this->labelfontcolour != $comparison) { $output.="\tLABELFONTCOLOR " . render_colour(
                        . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['labeloutlinecolour']
                : $this->owner->defaultnode->labeloutlinecolour);

                if ($this->labeloutlinecolour != $comparison) { $output.="\tLABELOUTLINECOLOR " . render_colour(
                        $this->labeloutlinecolour) . "\n";

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['labelfontshadowcolour']
                        : $this->owner->defaultnode->labelfontshadowcolour);

                if ($this->labelfontshadowcolour != $comparison)
                { $output.="\tLABELFONTSHADOWCOLOR " . render_colour($this->labelfontshadowcolour) . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['labeloffsetx'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->labeloffsetx);
                $comparison2=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                        ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['labeloffsety'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->labeloffsety);

                if (($this->labeloffsetx != $comparison) || ($this->labeloffsety != $comparison2))
                { $output.="\tLABELOFFSET " . $this->labeloffsetx . " " . $this->labeloffsety . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['x'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->x);
                $comparison2=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['y'] : $this->owner->defaultnode->y);

                if (($this->x != $comparison) || ($this->y != $comparison2))
                        if($this->relative_to == '')
                        { $output.="\tPOSITION " . $this->x . " " . $this->y . "\n"; }
                        { $output.="\tPOSITION " . $this->relative_to . " " .  $this->original_x . " " . $this->original_y . "\n"; }

                if (($this->max_bandwidth_in != $this->owner->defaultnode->max_bandwidth_in)
                        || ($this->max_bandwidth_out != $this->owner->defaultnode->max_bandwidth_out)
                                || ($this->name == 'DEFAULT'))
                        if ($this->max_bandwidth_in == $this->max_bandwidth_out)
                        { $output.="\tMAXVALUE " . $this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg . "\n"; }
                        else { $output
                        .="\tMAXVALUE " . $this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg . " " . $this->max_bandwidth_out_cfg . "\n"; }
        foreach ($this->hints as $hintname=>$hint)
                  // all hints for DEFAULT node are for writing
                  // only changed ones, or unique ones, otherwise
                    ($this->name == 'DEFAULT')
                            $this->owner->defaultnode->hints[$hintname] != $hint)
                    $output .= "\tSET $hintname $hint\n";

                if ($output != '')
                        fwrite($fd, "NODE " . $this->name . "\n");
                        fwrite($fd, "$output\n");

        function asJS()
                $js.="Nodes[" . js_escape($this->name) . "] = {";
                $js.="x:" . $this->x . ", ";
                $js.="y:" . $this->y . ", ";
                $js.="label:" . js_escape($this->label) . ", ";
                $js.="name:" . js_escape($this->name) . ", ";
                $js.="infourl:" . js_escape($this->infourl) . ", ";
                $js.="overlibcaption:" . js_escape($this->overlibcaption) . ", ";
                $js.="overliburl:" . js_escape($this->overliburl) . ", ";
                $js.="overlibwidth:" . $this->overlibheight . ", ";
                $js.="overlibheight:" . $this->overlibwidth . ", ";
                $js.="iconfile:" . js_escape($this->iconfile);
                return $js;

        function asJSON()
                $js = '';
                $js .= "" . js_escape($this->name) . ": {";
                $js .= "x:" . ($this->x - $this->centre_x). ", ";
                $js .= "y:" . ($this->y - $this->centre_y) . ", ";
                $js .= "label:" . js_escape($this->label) . ", ";
                $js .= "name:" . js_escape($this->name) . ", ";
                $js .= "infourl:" . js_escape($this->infourl) . ", ";
                $js .= "overliburl:" . js_escape($this->overliburl) . ", ";
                $js.="overlibcaption:" . js_escape($this->overlibcaption) . ", ";

                $js .= "overlibwidth:" . $this->overlibheight . ", ";
                $js .= "overlibheight:" . $this->overlibwidth . ", ";
                $js .= "iconfile:" . js_escape($this->iconfile). ", ";
                $js .= "iconcachefile:" . js_escape($this->cachefile);
                $js .= "},\n";
                return $js;

        // Set the bandwidth for this link. Convert from KMGT as necessary
        function SetBandwidth($inbw, $outbw)

                $kilo = $this->owner->kilo;
                $this->max_bandwidth_in=unformat_number($inbw, $kilo);
                $this->max_bandwidth_out=unformat_number($outbw, $kilo);
                debug (sprintf("Setting bandwidth (%s -> %d bps, %s -> %d bps, KILO = %d)\n", $inbw, $this->max_bandwidth_in, $outbw, $this->max_bandwidth_out, $kilo)); 

        function Draw($im, &$map)

                // we do this little bit first, so that the label-offset stuff can know it
                if ($this->label != '')

                        list($strwidth, $strheight)=$map->myimagestringsize($font, $this->label);

                        $boxwidth=$strwidth * 1.0;
                        $boxheight=$strheight * 1.0;

                        debug ("Node->Draw: Metrics are: $font $strwidth x $strheight -> $boxwidth x $boxheight\n");

                if ($this->iconfile != '')
                        if (is_readable($this->iconfile))
                                imagealphablending($im, true);
                                // draw the supplied icon, instead of the labelled box

                                if ($temp_im)
                                        $x1=$this->x - $w / 2;
                                        $y1=$this->y - $h / 2;
                                        $x2=$this->x + $w / 2;
                                        $y2=$this->y + $h / 2;

                                        imagecopy($im, $temp_im, $x1, $y1, 0, 0, $w, $h);
                                        $map->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "NODE:" . $this->name, '', array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2));
                                        imagedestroy ($temp_im);

                                        if ($this->labeloffset != '')

                                                list($dx, $dy)=calc_offset($this->labeloffset, ($w + $strwidth), ($h + $strheight));

                                else { warn ("Couldn't open PNG ICON: " . $this->iconfile . " - is it a PNG?\n"); }
                        else { warn ("ICON " . $this->iconfile
                                . " does not exist, or is not readble. Check path and permissions.\n"); }

                if ($this->label != '')
                        $x=$this->x + $this->labeloffsetx;
                        $y=$this->y + $this->labeloffsety;

                        $x1 = $x - ($boxwidth / 2) - 2;
                        $x2 = $x + ($boxwidth / 2) + 2;
                        $y1 = $y - ($boxheight / 2) - 2;
                        $y2 = $y + ($boxheight / 2) + 2;

                        $txt_x = $x - $strwidth / 2;
                        $txt_y = $y + $strheight / 2;

                        if ($this->iconfile == '')
                                if ($this->labelbgcolour != array
                                        $col=myimagecolorallocate($im, $this->labelbgcolour[0], $this->labelbgcolour[1],
                                        imagefilledrectangle($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $col);

                                if ($this->selected)
                                        imagerectangle($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $map->selected);
                                        // would be nice if it was thicker, too...
                                        imagerectangle($im, $x1 - 1, $y1 - 1, $x2 + 1, $y2 + 1, $map->selected);
                                        if ($this->labeloutlinecolour != array
                                                $col=myimagecolorallocate($im,                          $this->labeloutlinecolour[0],
                                                        $this->labeloutlinecolour[1], $this->labeloutlinecolour[2]);
                                                imagerectangle($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $col);

                        if ($this->labelfontshadowcolour != array
                                $col=myimagecolorallocate($im, $this->labelfontshadowcolour[0], $this->labelfontshadowcolour[1],
                                $map->myimagestring($im, $font, $txt_x + 1, $txt_y + 1, $this->label, $col);

                        $col=myimagecolorallocate($im, $this->labelfontcolour[0], $this->labelfontcolour[1],
                        $map->myimagestring($im, $font, $txt_x, $txt_y, $this->label, $col);

                        $map->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "NODE:" . $this->name, '', array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2));


class WeatherMapLink extends WeatherMapItem
        var $owner,                $name;
        var $maphtml;
        var $a,                    $b; // the ends - references to nodes
        var $width,                $arrowstyle;
        var $bwfont,               $labelstyle, $labelboxstyle;
        var $overliburl,           $infourl;
        var $notes;
        var $overlibcaption;
        var $overlibwidth,         $overlibheight;
        var $bandwidth_in,         $bandwidth_out;
        var $max_bandwidth_in,     $max_bandwidth_out;
        var $max_bandwidth_in_cfg, $max_bandwidth_out_cfg;
        var $targets = array();
        var $a_offset,             $b_offset;
        var $in_ds,                $out_ds;
        var $selected;
        var $inpercent,            $outpercent;
        var $inherit_fieldlist;
        var $vialist = array();
        var $usescale; 
        var $outlinecolour;
        var $bwoutlinecolour;
        var $bwboxcolour;
        var $commentfont,$notestext;
        var $inscalekey,$outscalekey;
        # var $incolour,$outcolour;
        var $commentfontcolour;
        var $bwfontcolour;
        # var $incomment, $outcomment;
        var $comments = array();
        var $curvepoints;
        var $labeloffset_in, $labeloffset_out;
        var $commentoffset_in, $commentoffset_out;

        function WeatherMapLink() { $this->inherit_fieldlist=array
                        'my_default' => NULL,
                        'width' => 7,
                        'commentfont' => 1,
                        'bwfont' => 2,
                        'labeloffset_out' => 25,
                        'labeloffset_in' => 75,
                        'commentoffset_out' => 5,
                        'commentoffset_in' => 95,
                        'arrowstyle' => 'classic',
                        'usescale' => 'DEFAULT',
                        'targets' => array(),
                        'infourl' => '',
                        'notestext' => '',
                        'notes' => array(),
                        'hints' => array(),
                        'comments' => array('',''),
                        'overliburl' => '',
                        'labelstyle' => 'percent',
                        'labelboxstyle' => 'classic',
                        'overlibwidth' => 0,
                        'overlibheight' => 0,
                        'outlinecolour' => array(0, 0, 0),
                        'bwoutlinecolour' => array(0, 0, 0),
                        'bwfontcolour' => array(0, 0, 0),
                        'bwboxcolour' => array(255, 255, 255),
                        'commentfontcolour' => array(192,192,192),
                        'inpercent'=>0, 'outpercent'=>0,
                        'inscalekey'=>'', 'outscalekey'=>'',
                        # 'incolour'=>-1,'outcolour'=>-1,
                        'a_offset' => 'C',
                        'b_offset' => 'C',
                        #'incomment' => '',
                        #'outcomment' => '',
                        'overlibcaption' => '',
                        'max_bandwidth_in' => 100000000,
                        'max_bandwidth_out' => 100000000,
                        'max_bandwidth_in_cfg' => '100M',
                        'max_bandwidth_out_cfg' => '100M'
        // $this->a_offset = 'C';
        // $this->b_offset = 'C';
        //  $this->targets = array();

        function Reset(&$newowner)

                if (isset($this->owner->defaultlink) && $this->name != 'DEFAULT') {
                        // use the defaults from DEFAULT
                        $this->my_default = $this->owner->defaultlink;
                        foreach (array_keys($this->inherit_fieldlist)as
                                $fld) { $this->$fld=$this->inherit_fieldlist[$fld]; }

        function my_type() {  return "LINK"; }

        function CopyFrom($source)
                foreach (array_keys($this->inherit_fieldlist)as $fld) { $this->$fld = $source->$fld; }

        // Set the bandwidth for this link. Convert from KMGT as necessary
        function SetBandwidth($inbw, $outbw)
                $kilo = $this->owner->kilo;
                $this->max_bandwidth_in=unformat_number($inbw, $kilo);
                $this->max_bandwidth_out=unformat_number($outbw, $kilo);
                debug (sprintf("Setting bandwidth (%s -> %d bps, %s -> %d bps, KILO = %d)\n", $inbw, $this->max_bandwidth_in, $outbw,
 $this->max_bandwidth_out, $kilo));

        function DrawComments($image,$col,$width)
                $curvepoints =& $this->curvepoints;
                $last = count($curvepoints)-1;
                $totaldistance = $curvepoints[$last][2];
                $start[OUT] = 0;
                $commentpos[OUT] = $this->commentoffset_out;
                $commentpos[IN] = $this->commentoffset_in;
                $start[IN] = $last;
                foreach (array(OUT,IN) as $dir)
                        // Time to deal with Link Comments, if any
                        $comment = $this->owner->ProcessString($this->comments[$dir], $this);
                        if($comment != '')
                                // XXX - redundant extra variable
                                $startindex = $start[$dir];
                                $extra_percent = $commentpos[$dir];
                                $font = $this->commentfont;
                                // nudge pushes the comment out along the link arrow a little bit
                                // (otherwise there are more problems with text disappearing underneath links)
                                # $nudgealong = 0; $nudgeout=0;
                                $nudgealong = intval($this->get_hint("comment_nudgealong"));
                                $nudgeout = intval($this->get_hint("comment_nudgeout"));
                                $extra = ($totaldistance * ($extra_percent/100));
                                # $comment_index = find_distance($curvepoints,$extra);
                                list($x,$y,$comment_index,$angle) = find_distance_coords_angle($curvepoints,$extra);
                                $dx = $x - $curvepoints[$comment_index][0];
                                $dy = $y - $curvepoints[$comment_index][1];
                                #$ratio = ($extra - $curvepoints[$comment_index][2]) / ($curvepoints[$comment_index + 1][2] - $curvepoints[$comment_index][2]);
                                #$dx = -$curvepoints[$startindex][0] +  ($curvepoints[$comment_index][0] + $ratio * ($curvepoints[$comment_index + 1][0] - $curvepoints[$comment_index][0]));
                                #$dy = -$curvepoints[$startindex][1] +  ($curvepoints[$comment_index][1] + $ratio * ($curvepoints[$comment_index + 1][1] - $curvepoints[$comment_index][1]));
                                // we need the angle to draw the text 
                                #$angle = rad2deg(atan2(-$dy,$dx));
                                // find the normal to our link, so we can get outside the arrow
                                $l=sqrt(($dx * $dx) + ($dy * $dy));
                                $dx = $dx/$l;   $dy = $dy/$l;
                                $nx = $dy;  $ny = -$dx;
                                # warn($commentpos[$dir]." $extra/$totaldistance ".$comment_index."\n");
                                # warn("$dx/$dy  $nx/$ny\n");
                                #$edge_x = $x + $nudge*$dx + $nx * ($width + 4);
                                #$edge_y = $y + $nudge*$dy + $ny * ($width + 4);
                                $flipped = FALSE;                               
                                // if the text will be upside-down, rotate it, flip it, and right-justify it
                                // not quite as catchy as Missy's version
                                        # $col = $map->selected;
                                        $angle -= 180;
                                        if($angle < -180) $angle +=360;
                                        $edge_x = $x + $nudgealong*$dx - $nx * ($width + 4 + $nudgeout);
                                        $edge_y = $y + $nudgealong*$dy - $ny * ($width + 4 + $nudgeout);
                                        # $comment .= "@";
                                        $flipped = TRUE;
                                        $edge_x = $x + $nudgealong*$dx + $nx * ($width + 4 + $nudgeout);
                                        $edge_y = $y + $nudgealong*$dy + $ny * ($width + 4 + $nudgeout);
                                list($textlength, $textheight) = $this->owner->myimagestringsize($font, $comment);
                                if( !$flipped && ($extra + $textlength) > $totaldistance)
                                        $edge_x -= $dx * $textlength;
                                        $edge_y -= $dy * $textlength;
                                        # $comment .= "#";
                                if( $flipped && ($extra - $textlength) < 0)
                                        $edge_x += $dx * $textlength;
                                        $edge_y += $dy * $textlength;
                                        # $comment .= "%";
                                // FINALLY, draw the text!
                                # imagefttext($image, $fontsize, $angle, $edge_x, $edge_y, $col, $font,$comment);
                                $this->owner->myimagestring($image, $font, $edge_x, $edge_y, $comment, $col, $angle);
                                #imagearc($image,$x,$y,10,10,0, 360,$this->owner->selected);
                                #imagearc($image,$edge_x,$edge_y,10,10,0, 360,$this->owner->selected);

        function Draw($im, &$map)
                // Get the positions of the end-points

                // Adjust them if there's an offset requested

#               $b_height=$map->nodes[$this->b->name]->height;
#               $b_width=$map->nodes[$this->b->name]->width;

                list($dx, $dy)=calc_offset($this->a_offset, $map->nodes[$this->a->name]->width, $map->nodes[$this->a->name]->height);

                list($dx, $dy)=calc_offset($this->b_offset, $map->nodes[$this->b->name]->width, $map->nodes[$this->b->name]->height);


                if ($this->outlinecolour != array(-1,-1,-1))
                                        $im, $this->outlinecolour[0], $this->outlinecolour[1],

                if ($this->commentfontcolour != array(-1,-1,-1))
                                        $im, $this->commentfontcolour[0], $this->commentfontcolour[1],

                $xpoints = array ( );
                $ypoints = array ( );


                # warn("There are VIAs.\n");
                foreach ($this->vialist as $via)
                        # imagearc($im, $via[0],$via[1],20,20,0,360,$map->selected);


                list($link_in_colour,$link_in_scalekey) = $map->ColourFromPercent($this->inpercent,$this->usescale,$this->name);
                list($link_out_colour,$link_out_scalekey) = $map->ColourFromPercent($this->outpercent,$this->usescale,$this->name);
        //      $map->links[$this->name]->inscalekey = $link_in_scalekey;
        //      $map->links[$this->name]->outscalekey = $link_out_scalekey;
                // these will replace the one above, ultimately.
                // for bulging animations
                if ( ($map->widthmod) || ($map->get_hint('link_bulge') == 1))
                        // a few 0.1s and +1s to fix div-by-zero, and invisible links
                        $link_width = (($link_width * $this->inpercent * 1.5 + 0.1) / 100) + 1;
                        // these too
                        $link_in_width = (($link_in_width * $this->inpercent * 1.5 + 0.1) / 100) + 1;
                        $link_out_width = (($link_out_width * $this->outpercent * 1.5 + 0.1) / 100) + 1;

                // Calculate the spine points - the actual curve        
                $this->curvepoints = calc_curve($xpoints, $ypoints);
                draw_curve($im, $this->curvepoints,
                        $link_width, $outline_colour, $comment_colour, array($link_in_colour, $link_out_colour),
                        $this->name, $map);


                $curvelength = $this->curvepoints[count($this->curvepoints)-1][2];
                // figure out where the labels should be, and what the angle of the curve is at that point
                list($q1_x,$q1_y,$junk,$q1_angle) = find_distance_coords_angle($this->curvepoints,($this->labeloffset_out/100)*$curvelength);
                list($q3_x,$q3_y,$junk,$q3_angle) = find_distance_coords_angle($this->curvepoints,($this->labeloffset_in/100)*$curvelength);

                # imageline($im, $q1_x+20*cos(deg2rad($q1_angle)),$q1_y-20*sin(deg2rad($q1_angle)), $q1_x-20*cos(deg2rad($q1_angle)), $q1_y+20*sin(deg2rad($q1_angle)), $this->owner->selected );
                # imageline($im, $q3_x+20*cos(deg2rad($q3_angle)),$q3_y-20*sin(deg2rad($q3_angle)), $q3_x-20*cos(deg2rad($q3_angle)), $q3_y+20*sin(deg2rad($q3_angle)), $this->owner->selected );

                # warn("$q1_angle $q3_angle\n");

                if (!is_null($q1_x))


                        if ($map->sizedebug)

                        foreach (array($inbound, $outbound)as $task)

                                if ($this->labelstyle != 'none')
                                        debug("Bandwidth is ".$task[5]."\n");
                                        if ($this->labelstyle == 'bits') { $thelabel=nice_bandwidth($task[5], $this->owner->kilo); }
                                        elseif ($this->labelstyle == 'unformatted') { $thelabel=$task[5]; }
                                        elseif ($this->labelstyle == 'percent') { $thelabel=format_number($task[4]) . "%"; }

                                        $padding = intval($this->get_hint('bwlabel_padding'));          

                                        if($this->labelboxstyle == 'angled')
                                                $map->DrawLabelRotated($im, $task[0],            $task[1],$task[6],           $thelabel, $this->bwfont, $padding,
                                                        $this->name,  $this->bwfontcolour, $this->bwboxcolour, $this->bwoutlinecolour,$map);
                                                $map->DrawLabel($im, $task[0],            $task[1],           $thelabel, $this->bwfont, $padding,
                                                        $this->name,  $this->bwfontcolour, $this->bwboxcolour, $this->bwoutlinecolour,$map);

        function WriteConfig($fd)

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                        ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['infourl'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->infourl);

                if ($this->infourl != $comparison) { $output.="\tINFOURL " . $this->infourl . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['notestext'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->notestext);

                if ($this->notestext != $comparison) { $output.="\tNOTES " . $this->notestext . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['overliburl'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->overliburl);

                if ($this->overliburl != $comparison) { $output.="\tOVERLIBGRAPH " . $this->overliburl . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['overlibcaption'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->overlibcaption);

                if ($this->overlibcaption != $comparison) { $output.="\tOVERLIBCAPTION " . $this->overlibcaption . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['overlibwidth'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->overlibwidth);

                if ($this->overlibwidth != $comparison) { $output.="\tOVERLIBWIDTH " . $this->overlibwidth . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['overlibheight'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->overlibheight);

                if ($this->overlibheight != $comparison) { $output.="\tOVERLIBHEIGHT " . $this->overlibheight . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['arrowstyle'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->arrowstyle);

                if ($this->arrowstyle != $comparison) { $output.="\tARROWSTYLE " . $this->arrowstyle . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? ($this->inherit_fieldlist['labelstyle']) : ($this->owner->defaultlink->labelstyle));
                if ($this->labelstyle != $comparison) { $output.="\tBWLABEL " . $this->labelstyle . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? ($this->inherit_fieldlist['labelboxstyle']) : ($this->owner->defaultlink->labelboxstyle));
                if ($this->labelboxstyle != $comparison) { $output.="\tBWSTYLE " . $this->labelboxstyle . "\n"; }

                $comparison = ($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['labeloffset_in'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->labeloffset_in);
                $comparison2 = ($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                        ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['labeloffset_out'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->labeloffset_out);

                if ( ($this->labeloffset_in != $comparison) || ($this->labeloffset_out != $comparison2) )
                { $output.="\tBWLABELPOS " . $this->labeloffset_in . " " . $this->labeloffset_out . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? ($this->inherit_fieldlist['commentoffset_in'].":".$this->inherit_fieldlist['commentoffset_out']) : ($this->owner->defaultlink->commentoffset_in.":".$this->owner->defaultlink->commentoffset_out));
                $mine = $this->commentoffset_in.":".$this->commentoffset_out;
                if ($mine != $comparison) { $output.="\tCOMMENTPOS " . $this->commentoffset_in." ".$this->commentoffset_out. "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['targets'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->targets);

                if ($this->targets != $comparison)

                        foreach ($this->targets as $target) { $output.=" " . $target[4]; }


                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                        ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['usescale'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->usescale);
                if ($this->usescale != $comparison) { $output.="\tUSESCALE " . $this->usescale . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['comments'][IN] : $this->owner->defaultlink->comments[IN]);
                if ($this->comments[IN] != $comparison) { $output.="\tINCOMMENT " . $this->comments[IN] . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['comments'][OUT] : $this->owner->defaultlink->comments[OUT]);
                if ($this->comments[OUT] != $comparison) { $output.="\tOUTCOMMENT " . $this->comments[OUT] . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['usescale'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->usescale);
                if ($this->usescale != $comparison) { $output.="\tUSESCALE " . $this->usescale . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['bwfont'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->bwfont);

                if ($this->bwfont != $comparison) { $output.="\tBWFONT " . $this->bwfont . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['commentfont'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->commentfont);

                if ($this->commentfont != $comparison) { $output.="\tCOMMENTFONT " . $this->commentfont . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['width'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->width);

                if ($this->width != $comparison) { $output.="\tWIDTH " . $this->width . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['outlinecolour'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->outlinecolour);

                if ($this->outlinecolour != $comparison) { $output.="\tOUTLINECOLOR " . render_colour(
                        . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['bwoutlinecolour']
                : $this->owner->defaultlink->bwoutlinecolour);

                if ($this->bwoutlinecolour != $comparison) { $output.="\tBWOUTLINECOLOR " . render_colour(
                        . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['bwfontcolour'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->bwfontcolour);

                if ($this->bwfontcolour != $comparison) { $output.="\tBWFONTCOLOR " . render_colour(
                        $this->bwfontcolour) . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['commentfontcolour'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->commentfontcolour);

                if ($this->commentfontcolour != $comparison) { $output.="\tCOMMENTFONTCOLOR " . render_colour(
                        $this->commentfontcolour) . "\n"; }

                $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT'
                ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['bwboxcolour'] : $this->owner->defaultlink->bwboxcolour);

                if ($this->bwboxcolour != $comparison) { $output.="\tBWBOXCOLOR " . render_colour(
                        $this->bwboxcolour) . "\n"; }

                if (isset($this->a) && isset($this->b))
                        $output.="\tNODES " . $this->a->name;

                        if ($this->a_offset != 'C')
                                $output.=":" . $this->a_offset;

                        $output.=" " . $this->b->name;

                        if ($this->b_offset != 'C')
                                $output.=":" . $this->b_offset;


                if (count($this->vialist) > 0)
                        foreach ($this->vialist as $via)
                                $output.=sprintf("\tVIA %d %d\n", $via[0], $via[1]);

                if (($this->max_bandwidth_in != $this->owner->defaultlink->max_bandwidth_in)
                        || ($this->max_bandwidth_out != $this->owner->defaultlink->max_bandwidth_out)
                                || ($this->name == 'DEFAULT'))
                        if ($this->max_bandwidth_in == $this->max_bandwidth_out)
                        { $output.="\tBANDWIDTH " . $this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg . "\n"; }
                        else { $output
                        .="\tBANDWIDTH " . $this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg . " " . $this->max_bandwidth_out_cfg . "\n"; }

        foreach ($this->hints as $hintname=>$hint)
                  // all hints for DEFAULT node are for writing
                  // only changed ones, or unique ones, otherwise
                    ($this->name == 'DEFAULT')
                            $this->owner->defaultlink->hints[$hintname] != $hint)
                    $output .= "\tSET $hintname $hint\n";

                if ($output != '')
                        fwrite($fd, "LINK " . $this->name . "\n");
                        fwrite($fd, "$output\n");

        function asJS()
                $js.="Links[" . js_escape($this->name) . "] = {";

                if ($this->name != 'DEFAULT')
                        $js.="a:'" . $this->a->name . "', ";
                        $js.="b:'" . $this->b->name . "', ";

                $js.="width:'" . $this->width . "', ";


                foreach ($this->targets as $target) { $tgt.=$target[4] . ' '; }


                $js.="bw_in:" . js_escape($this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg) . ", ";
                $js.="bw_out:" . js_escape($this->max_bandwidth_out_cfg) . ", ";

                $js.="name:" . js_escape($this->name) . ", ";
                $js.="overlibwidth:'" . $this->overlibheight . "', ";
                $js.="overlibheight:'" . $this->overlibwidth . "', ";
                $js.="overlibcaption:" . js_escape($this->overlibcaption) . ", ";

                $js.="infourl:" . js_escape($this->infourl) . ", ";
                $js.="overliburl:" . js_escape($this->overliburl);
                return $js;

        function asJSON()
                $js.="" . js_escape($this->name) . ": {";

                if ($this->name != 'DEFAULT')
                        $js.="a:'" . $this->a->name . "', ";
                        $js.="b:'" . $this->b->name . "', ";

                $js.="width:'" . $this->width . "', ";


                foreach ($this->targets as $target) { $tgt.=$target[4] . ' '; }


                $js.="bw_in:" . js_escape($this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg) . ", ";
                $js.="bw_out:" . js_escape($this->max_bandwidth_out_cfg) . ", ";

                $js.="name:" . js_escape($this->name) . ", ";
                $js.="overlibwidth:'" . $this->overlibheight . "', ";
                $js.="overlibheight:'" . $this->overlibwidth . "', ";
                $js.="overlibcaption:" . js_escape($this->overlibcaption) . ", ";

                $js.="infourl:" . js_escape($this->infourl) . ", ";
                $js.="overliburl:" . js_escape($this->overliburl);
                return $js;


class WeatherMap extends WeatherMapBase
        var $nodes = array(); // an array of WeatherMapNodes
        var $links = array(); // an array of WeatherMapLinks
        var $texts = array(); // an array containing all the extraneous text bits
        var $used_images = array(); // an array of image filenames referred to (used by editor)
        var $background;
        var $htmlstyle;
        var $imap;
        var $colours;
        var $configfile;
        var $imagefile,
        var $rrdtool;
        var $title,
        var $kilo;
        var $sizedebug,
        var $linkfont,
        // var $bg_r, $bg_g, $bg_b;
        var $timex,
        var $width,
        var $keyx,
        var $titlex,
        var $keytext,
                $stamptext, $datestamp;
        var $htmloutputfile,
        var $defaultlink,
        var $need_size_precalc;
        var $keystyle,$keysize;
        var $rrdtool_check;
        var $inherit_fieldlist;
        var $context;
        var $cachefolder,$mapcache;
        var $name;
        var $black,

        var $datasourceclasses;
        var $preprocessclasses;
        var $postprocessclasses;
        var $activedatasourceclasses;

        function WeatherMap()
                                'width' => 800,
                                'height' => 600,
                                'kilo' => 1000,
                                'numscales' => array('DEFAULT' => 0),
                                'datasourceclasses' => array(),
                                'preprocessclasses' => array(),
                                'postprocessclasses' => array(),
                                'context' => '',
                                'dumpconfig' => FALSE,
                                'rrdtool_check' => '',
                                'background' => '',
                                'imageoutputfile' => '',
                                'htmloutputfile' => '',
                                'labelstyle' => 'percent', // redundant?
                                'htmlstyle' => 'static',
                                'keystyle' => array('DEFAULT' => 'classic'),
                                'title' => 'Network Weathermap',
                                'keytext' => array('DEFAULT' => 'Traffic Load'),
                                'keyx' => array('DEFAULT' => -1),
                                'keyy' => array('DEFAULT' => -1),
                                'keysize' => array('DEFAULT' => 400),
                                'stamptext' => 'Created: %b %d %Y %H:%M:%S',
                                'keyfont' => 4,
                                'titlefont' => 2,
                                'timefont' => 2,                                
                                'timex' => 0,
                                'timey' => 0,
                                'titlex' => -1,
                                'titley' => -1,
                                'cachefolder' => 'cached',
                                'mapcache' => '',
                                'sizedebug' => FALSE,
                                'debugging' => FALSE,
                                'widthmod' => FALSE,
                                'name' => 'MAP'


        function Reset()
                foreach (array_keys($this->inherit_fieldlist)as $fld) { $this->$fld=$this->inherit_fieldlist[$fld]; }

                // these two are used for default settings
                $this->defaultlink=new WeatherMapLink;

                $this->defaultnode=new WeatherMapNode;


                                ); // an array of WeatherMapNodes

                                ); // an array of WeatherMapLinks

                $this->imap=new HTML_ImageMap('weathermap');

                debug ("Adding default map colour set.\n");
                                'KEYTEXT' => array('bottom' => -2, 'top' => -1, 'red1' => 0, 'green1' => 0, 'blue1' => 0),
                                'KEYBG' => array('bottom' => -2, 'top' => -1, 'red1' => 255, 'green1' => 255, 'blue1' => 255),
                                'BG' => array('bottom' => -2, 'top' => -1, 'red1' => 255, 'green1' => 255, 'blue1' => 255),
                                'TITLE' => array('bottom' => -2, 'top' => -1, 'red1' => 0, 'green1' => 0, 'blue1' => 0),
                                'TIME' => array('bottom' => -2, 'top' => -1, 'red1' => 0, 'green1' => 0, 'blue1' => 0)

                foreach ($defaults as $key => $def) { $this->colours['DEFAULT'][$key]=$def; }


                // $this->bg_r = 255;
                // $this->bg_g = 255;
                // $this->bg_b = 255;


                // Adding these makes the editor's job a little easier, mainly
                for($i=1; $i<=5; $i++)
                        $this->fonts[$i]->type="GD builtin";

                $this->LoadPlugins('data', 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'datasources');
                $this->LoadPlugins('pre', 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'pre');
                $this->LoadPlugins('post', 'lib' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'post');

                debug("WeatherMap class Reset() complete\n");

        function myimagestring($image, $fontnumber, $x, $y, $string, $colour, $angle=0)
                // if it's supposed to be a special font, and it hasn't been defined, then fall through
                if ($fontnumber > 5 && !isset($this->fonts[$fontnumber]))
                        warn ("Using a non-existent special font ($fontnumber) - falling back to internal GD fonts\n");
                        if($angle != 0) warn("Angled text doesn't work with non-FreeType fonts\n");

                if (($fontnumber > 0) && ($fontnumber < 6))
                        imagestring($image, $fontnumber, $x, $y - imagefontheight($fontnumber), $string, $colour);
                        if($angle != 0) warn("Angled text doesn't work with non-FreeType fonts\n");
                        // look up what font is defined for this slot number
                        if ($this->fonts[$fontnumber]->type == 'truetype')
                                imagettftext($image, $this->fonts[$fontnumber]->size, $angle, $x, $y,
                                        $colour, $this->fonts[$fontnumber]->file, $string);

                        if ($this->fonts[$fontnumber]->type == 'gd')
                                imagestring($image, $this->fonts[$fontnumber]->gdnumber,
                                        $x,      $y - imagefontheight($this->fonts[$fontnumber]->gdnumber),
                                        $string, $colour);
                                if($angle != 0) warn("Angled text doesn't work with non-FreeType fonts\n");

        function myimagestringsize($fontnumber, $string)
                if (($fontnumber > 0) && ($fontnumber < 6))
                { return array(imagefontwidth($fontnumber) * strlen($string), imagefontheight($fontnumber)); }
                        // look up what font is defined for this slot number
                        if (!isset($this->fonts[$fontnumber]))
                                warn ("Using a non-existent special font ($fontnumber) - falling back to internal GD fonts\n");
                                return array(imagefontwidth($fontnumber) * strlen($string), imagefontheight($fontnumber));
                                if ($this->fonts[$fontnumber]->type == 'truetype')
                                        $bounds=imagettfbbox($this->fonts[$fontnumber]->size, 0, $this->fonts[$fontnumber]->file,
                                        return (array($bounds[4] - $bounds[0], $bounds[1] - $bounds[5]));

                                if ($this->fonts[$fontnumber]->type == 'gd')
                                { return array(imagefontwidth($this->fonts[$fontnumber]->gdnumber) * strlen($string),
                                        imagefontheight($this->fonts[$fontnumber]->gdnumber)); }

        function ProcessString($input,&$context, $include_notes=TRUE)
                $output = $input;

                # debug("ProcessString: input is $input\n");

                # while( preg_match("/(\{[^}]+\})/",$input,$matches) )
                while( preg_match("/(\{(?:node|map|link)[^}]+\})/",$input,$matches) )
                        $value = "[UNKNOWN]";
                        $format = "";
                        $key = $matches[1];
                #       debug("ProcessString: working on ".$key."\n");

                        if ( preg_match("/\{(node|map|link):([^}]+)\}/",$key,$matches) )
                                $type = $matches[1];
                                $args = $matches[2];
                #               debug("ProcessString: type is ".$type.", arguments are ".$args."\n");

                                if($type == 'map')
                                        $the_item = $this;
                                                $args = $matches[1];
                                                $format = $matches[2];

                                if(($type == 'link') || ($type == 'node'))
                                                $itemname = $matches[1];
                                                $args = $matches[2];
                                                $format = $matches[3];

                #                               debug("ProcessString: item is $itemname, and args are now $args\n");

                                                $the_item = NULL;
                                                if( ($itemname == "this") && ($type == strtolower($context->my_type())) )
                                                        $the_item = $context;
                                                elseif( ($itemname == "parent") && ($type == strtolower($context->my_type())) && ($type=='node') && ($context->relative_to != '') )
                                                        $the_item = $this->nodes[$context->relative_to]; 
                                                        if( ($type == 'link') && isset($this->links[$itemname]) )
                                                                $the_item = $this->links[$itemname];
                                                        if( ($type == 'node') && isset($this->nodes[$itemname]) )
                                                                $the_item = $this->nodes[$itemname];

                                        warn("ProcessString: $key refers to unknown item\n");
                                #       warn($the_item->name.": ".var_dump($the_item->hints)."\n");
                                        debug("ProcessString: Found appropriate item: ".get_class($the_item)." ".$the_item->name."\n");                         
                                        # warn($the_item->name."/hints: ".var_dump($the_item->hints)."\n");
                                        # warn($the_item->name."/notes: ".var_dump($the_item->notes)."\n");
                                        // SET and notes have precedent over internal properties
                                        // this is my laziness - it saves me having a list of reserved words
                                        // which are currently used for internal props. You can just 'overwrite' any of them.
                                                $value = $the_item->hints[$args];
                                                debug("ProcessString: used hint\n");
                                        // for some things, we don't want to allow notes to be considered.
                                        // mainly - TARGET (which can define command-lines), shouldn't be
                                        // able to get data from uncontrolled sources (i.e. data sources rather than SET in config files).
                                        elseif($include_notes && isset($the_item->notes[$args]))
                                                $value = $the_item->notes[$args];
                                                debug("ProcessString: used note\n");
                                                $value = $the_item->$args;
                                                debug("ProcessString: used internal property\n");

                        // format, and sanitise the value string here, before returning it

                        debug("ProcessString: replacing ".$key." with $value\n");

                        # if($format != '') $value = sprintf($format,$value);
                        if($format != '') 

                #               debug("Formatting with mysprintf($format,$value)\n");
                                $value = mysprintf($format,$value);

                #       debug("ProcessString: formatted to $value\n");
                        $input = str_replace($key,'',$input);
                        $output = str_replace($key,$value,$output);
                #debug("ProcessString: output is $output\n");
                return ($output);

function RandomData()
        foreach ($this->links as $link)
                $this->links[$link->name]->bandwidth_in=rand(0, $link->max_bandwidth_in);
                $this->links[$link->name]->bandwidth_out=rand(0, $link->max_bandwidth_out);

function LoadPlugins( $type="data", $dir="lib/datasources" )
        debug("Beginning to load $type plugins from $dir\n");
        # $this->datasourceclasses = array();

        if(!$dh) {      // try to find it with the script, if the relative path fails
                $srcdir = substr($_SERVER['argv'][0], 0, strrpos($_SERVER['argv'][0], DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR));
                $dh = opendir($srcdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir);
                if ($dh) $dir = $srcdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$dir;

        if ($dh)
                while ($file=readdir($dh))
                        $realfile = $dir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;

                        if( is_file($realfile) && preg_match( '/\.php$/', $realfile ) )
                                debug("Loading $type Plugin class from $file\n");

                                include_once( $realfile );
                                $class = preg_replace( "/\.php$/", "", $file );
                                if($type == 'data') 
                                        $this->datasourceclasses [$class]= $class;
                                if($type == 'pre') $this->preprocessclasses [$class]= $class;
                                if($type == 'post') $this->postprocessclasses [$class]= $class;

                                debug("Loaded $type Plugin class $class from $file\n");
                                debug("Skipping $file\n");
                warn("Couldn't open $type Plugin directory ($dir). Things will probably go wrong.\n");

function ReadData()

        debug("Running Init() for Data Source Plugins...\n");
        foreach ($this->datasourceclasses as $ds_class)
                debug("Running $ds_class"."->Init()\n");
                $ret = call_user_func(array($ds_class, 'Init'), $this);
                if(! $ret)
                        debug("Removing $ds_class from Data Source list, since Init() failed\n");
                        # unset($this->datasourceclasses[$ds_class]);
        debug("Finished Initialising Plugins...\n");

        debug ("================== ReadData: Updating link data for all links and nodes\n");

        if ($this->sizedebug == 0)

                $allitems = array(&$this->links, &$this->nodes);

                while( list($kk,) = each($allitems))
                        # $objects = &$this->links;
                        $objects = &$allitems[$kk];

                        while (list($k,) = each($objects))
                                $myobj = &$objects[$k];

                                $type = $myobj->my_type();
                                debug ("\n\nReadData for $type $name: \n");

                                if (count($myobj->targets)>0)
                                        foreach ($myobj->targets as $target)
                                                debug ("ReadData: New Target: $target[0]\n");

                                                $in = 0;
                                                $out = 0;
                                                if ($target[4] != '')
                                                        // processstring won't use notes (only hints) for this string
                                                        $targetstring = $this->ProcessString($target[4], $myobj, FALSE);
                                                        if($target[4] != $targetstring) debug("Targetstring is now $targetstring\n");
                                                        // if the targetstring starts with a -, then we're taking this value OFF the aggregate
                                                        $multiply = 1;
                                                                $targetstring = $matches[1];
                                                                $multiply = -1;
                                                        $matched = FALSE;
                                                        $matched_by = '';
                                                        foreach ($this->datasourceclasses as $ds_class)
                                                                        $recognised = call_user_func(array($ds_class, 'Recognise'), $targetstring);
                                                                        if( $recognised )
                                                                                        debug("ReadData: Matched for $ds_class. Calling ${ds_class}->ReadData()\n");

                                                                                        // line number is in $target[3]
                                                                                        # list($in,$out,$datatime) =  call_user_func( array($ds_class, 'ReadData'), $targetstring, $this, $myobj );
                                                                                        list($in,$out,$datatime) =  call_user_func_array( array($ds_class, 'ReadData'), array($targetstring, &$this, &$myobj));
                                                                                        warn("ReadData: $type $name, target: $targetstring on config line $target[3] was recognised as a valid TARGET by a plugin that is unable to run ($ds_class)\n");
                                                                                $matched = TRUE;
                                                                                $matched_by = $ds_class;

                                                        if(! $matched)
                                                                // **
                                                                warn("ReadData: $type $name, target: $target[4] on config line $target[3] was not recognised as a valid TARGET\n");

                                                        if (($in < 0) || ($out < 0))
                                                                // **
                                                                        ("ReadData: $type $name, target: $targetstring on config line $target[3] had no valid data, according to $matched_by\n");

                                                        $total_in=$total_in + $multiply*$in;
                                                        $total_out=$total_out + $multiply*$out;
                                        debug("ReadData: No targets for $type $name\n");

                                # $this->links[$name]->bandwidth_in=$total_in;
                                # $this->links[$name]->bandwidth_out=$total_out;
                                $myobj->bandwidth_in = $total_in;
                                $myobj->bandwidth_out = $total_out;
                                $myobj->outpercent = (($total_out) / ($myobj->max_bandwidth_out)) * 100;
                                $myobj->inpercent = (($total_in) / ($myobj->max_bandwidth_in)) * 100;           
                                list($incol,$inscalekey) = $this->ColourFromPercent($myobj->inpercent,$myobj->usescale,$myobj->name);
                                list($outcol,$outscalekey) = $this->ColourFromPercent($myobj->outpercent,$myobj->usescale,$myobj->name);
                                // $myobj->incolour = $incol;
                                $myobj->inscalekey = $inscalekey;
                                // $myobj->outcolour = $outcol;
                                $myobj->outscalekey = $outscalekey;
                                debug ("ReadData: Setting $total_in,$total_out\n");
                debug ("\nReadData Completed.\n--------------\n");              

// nodename is a vestigal parameter, from the days when nodes where just big labels
function DrawLabel($im, $x, $y, $text, $font, $padding, $linkname, $textcolour, $bgcolour, $outlinecolour, &$map)
        list($strwidth, $strheight)=$this->myimagestringsize($font, $text);


        $x1=$x - ($strwidth / 2) - $padding - $extra;
        $x2=$x + ($strwidth / 2) + $padding + $extra;
        $y1=$y - ($strheight / 2) - $padding - $extra;
        $y2=$y + ($strheight / 2) + $padding + $extra;

        if ($bgcolour != array
                $bgcol=myimagecolorallocate($im, $bgcolour[0], $bgcolour[1], $bgcolour[2]);
                imagefilledrectangle($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $bgcol);

        if ($outlinecolour != array
                $outlinecol=myimagecolorallocate($im, $outlinecolour[0], $outlinecolour[1], $outlinecolour[2]);
                imagerectangle($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $outlinecol);

        $textcol=myimagecolorallocate($im, $textcolour[0], $textcolour[1], $textcolour[2]);
        $this->myimagestring($im, $font, $x - $strwidth / 2, $y + $strheight / 2 + 1, $text, $textcol);

        $this->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "LINK:".$linkname, '', array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2));


// nodename is a vestigal parameter, from the days when nodes where just big labels
function DrawLabelRotated($im, $x, $y, $angle, $text, $font, $padding, $linkname, $textcolour, $bgcolour, $outlinecolour, &$map)
        list($strwidth, $strheight)=$this->myimagestringsize($font, $text);

                $angle -= 180;
                if($angle < -180) $angle +=360;

        $rangle = -deg2rad($angle);


        $x1= $x - ($strwidth / 2) - $padding - $extra;
        $x2= $x + ($strwidth / 2) + $padding + $extra;
        $y1= $y - ($strheight / 2) - $padding - $extra;
        $y2= $y + ($strheight / 2) + $padding + $extra;
        // a box. the last point is the start point for the text.
        $points = array($x1,$y1, $x1,$y2, $x2,$y2, $x2,$y1,   $x-$strwidth/2, $y+$strheight/2 + 1);
        $npoints = count($points)/2;
        RotateAboutPoint($points, $x,$y, $rangle);
        if ($bgcolour != array
                $bgcol=myimagecolorallocate($im, $bgcolour[0], $bgcolour[1], $bgcolour[2]);
                # imagefilledrectangle($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $bgcol);

        if ($outlinecolour != array
                $outlinecol=myimagecolorallocate($im, $outlinecolour[0], $outlinecolour[1], $outlinecolour[2]);
                # imagerectangle($im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $outlinecol);

        $textcol=myimagecolorallocate($im, $textcolour[0], $textcolour[1], $textcolour[2]);
        $this->myimagestring($im, $font, $points[8], $points[9], $text, $textcol,$angle);

        $this->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "LINK:".$linkname, '', array($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2));


function ColourFromPercent($percent,$scalename="DEFAULT",$name="")
        $col = NULL;

                if ($percent > 100)
                        warn ("ColourFromPercent: Clipped $name $percent% to 100%\n");

                foreach ($colours as $key => $colour)
                        if (($percent >= $colour['bottom']) and ($percent <= $colour['top']))
                                // we get called early now, so might not need to actually allocate a colour
                                        if (isset($colour['red2']))
                                                if($colour["bottom"] == $colour["top"])
                                                        $ratio = 0;
                                                        $ratio=($percent - $colour["bottom"]) / ($colour["top"] - $colour["bottom"]);
                                                $r=$colour["red1"] + ($colour["red2"] - $colour["red1"]) * $ratio;
                                                $g=$colour["green1"] + ($colour["green2"] - $colour["green1"]) * $ratio;
                                                $b=$colour["blue1"] + ($colour["blue2"] - $colour["blue1"]) * $ratio;
                                                $col = myimagecolorallocate($this->image, $r, $g, $b);
                                        else {
                                                $col = $colour['gdref1'];
                warn("ColourFromPercent: Attempted to use non-existent scale: $scalename for $name\n");

        // you'll only get grey for a COMPLETELY quiet link if there's no 0 in the SCALE lines
        if ($percent == 0) { return array($this->grey,''); }

        // and you'll only get white for a link with no colour assigned
        return array($this->white,'');

function coloursort($a, $b)
        if ($a['bottom'] == $b['bottom'])
                if($a['top'] < $b['top']) { return -1; };
                if($a['top'] > $b['top']) { return 1; };
                return 0;

        if ($a['bottom'] < $b['bottom']) { return -1; }

        return 1;

function DrawLegend_Horizontal($im,$scalename="DEFAULT",$width=400)


        debug("Drawing $nscales colours into SCALE\n");



        # $width = 400;
        $scalefactor = $width/100;

        list($tilewidth, $tileheight)=$this->myimagestringsize($font, "100%");
        $box_left = $x;
        $scale_left = $box_left + 4 + $scalefactor/2;
        $box_right = $scale_left + $width + $tilewidth + 4 + $scalefactor/2;
        $scale_right = $scale_left + $width;

        $box_top = $y;
        $scale_top = $box_top + $tileheight + 6;
        $scale_bottom = $scale_top + $tileheight * 1.5;
        $box_bottom = $scale_bottom + $tileheight * 2 + 6;

        imagefilledrectangle($im, $box_left, $box_top, $box_right, $box_bottom,
        imagerectangle($im, $box_left, $box_top, $box_right, $box_bottom,

        $this->myimagestring($im, $font, $scale_left, $scale_bottom + $tileheight * 2 + 2 , $title,

                $dx = $p*$scalefactor;

                if( ($p % 25) == 0)
                        imageline($im, $scale_left + $dx, $scale_top - $tileheight,
                                $scale_left + $dx, $scale_bottom + $tileheight,
                        $labelstring=sprintf("%d%%", $p);
                        $this->myimagestring($im, $font, $scale_left + $dx + 2, $scale_top - 2, $labelstring,

                list($col,$junk) = $this->ColourFromPercent($p,$scalename);
                imagefilledrectangle($im, $scale_left + $dx - $scalefactor/2, $scale_top,
                        $scale_left + $dx + $scalefactor/2, $scale_bottom,

        $this->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "LEGEND:$scalename", '',
                array($box_left, $box_top, $box_right, $box_bottom));


function DrawLegend_Vertical($im,$scalename="DEFAULT",$height=400)


        debug("Drawing $nscales colours into SCALE\n");



        # $height = 400;
        $scalefactor = $height/100;

        list($tilewidth, $tileheight)=$this->myimagestringsize($font, "100%");

        $box_left = $x;
        $box_top = $y;

        $scale_left = $box_left+$scalefactor*2 +4 ;
        $scale_right = $scale_left + $tileheight*2;
        $box_right = $scale_right + $tilewidth + $scalefactor*2 + 4;

        list($titlewidth,$titleheight) = $this->myimagestringsize($font,$title);
        if( ($box_left + $titlewidth + $scalefactor*3) > $box_right)
                $box_right = $box_left + $scalefactor*4 + $titlewidth;

        $scale_top = $box_top + 4 + $scalefactor + $tileheight*2;
        $scale_bottom = $scale_top + $height;
        $box_bottom = $scale_bottom + $scalefactor + $tileheight/2 + 4;

        imagefilledrectangle($im, $box_left, $box_top, $box_right, $box_bottom,
        imagerectangle($im, $box_left, $box_top, $box_right, $box_bottom,

        $this->myimagestring($im, $font, $scale_left-$scalefactor, $scale_top - $tileheight , $title,

                $dy = $p*$scalefactor;
                $dx = $dy;

                if( ($p % 25) == 0)
                        imageline($im, $scale_left - $scalefactor, $scale_top + $dy,
                                $scale_right + $scalefactor, $scale_top + $dy,
                        $labelstring=sprintf("%d%%", $p);
                        $this->myimagestring($im, $font, $scale_right + $scalefactor*2 , $scale_top + $dy + $tileheight/2,
                                $labelstring,  $this->colours['DEFAULT']['KEYTEXT']['gdref1']);

                list($col,$junk) = $this->ColourFromPercent($p,$scalename);
                imagefilledrectangle($im, $scale_left, $scale_top + $dy - $scalefactor/2,
                        $scale_right, $scale_top + $dy + $scalefactor/2,

        $this->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "LEGEND:$scalename", '',
                array($box_left, $box_top, $box_right, $box_bottom));

function DrawLegend_Classic($im,$scalename="DEFAULT")


        debug("Drawing $nscales colours into SCALE\n");

        $hide_zero = intval($this->get_hint("key_hidezero_".$scalename));
        $hide_percent = intval($this->get_hint("key_hidepercent_".$scalename));

        if( ($hide_zero == 1) && isset($colours['0_0']) )



        list($tilewidth, $tileheight)=$this->myimagestringsize($font, "MMMM");
        $tileheight=$tileheight * 1.1;
        $tilespacing=$tileheight + 2;

        if (($x >= 0) && ($y >= 0))

                # $minwidth = imagefontwidth($font) * strlen('XX 100%-100%')+10;
                # $boxwidth = imagefontwidth($font) * strlen($title) + 10;
                list($minwidth, $junk)=$this->myimagestringsize($font, 'MMMM 100%-100%');
                list($boxwidth, $junk)=$this->myimagestringsize($font, $title);


                if ($boxwidth < $minwidth) { $boxwidth=$minwidth; }

                $boxheight=$tilespacing * ($nscales + 1) + 10;


                // allow for X11-style negative positioning
                if ($boxx < 0) { $boxx+=$this->width; }

                if ($boxy < 0) { $boxy+=$this->height; }

                imagefilledrectangle($im, $boxx, $boxy, $boxx + $boxwidth, $boxy + $boxheight,
                imagerectangle($im, $boxx, $boxy, $boxx + $boxwidth, $boxy + $boxheight,
                $this->myimagestring($im, $font, $boxx + 4, $boxy + 4 + $tileheight, $title,

                usort($colours, array("Weathermap", "coloursort"));


                foreach ($colours as $colour)
                        if ($colour['bottom'] >= 0)  
                                #  debug("$i: drawing\n");
                                if( ($hide_zero == 0) || $colour['key'] != '0_0')       
                                        $y=$boxy + $tilespacing * $i + 8;
                                        $x=$boxx + 6;
                                        if (isset($colour['red2']))
                                                for ($n=0; $n <= $tilewidth; $n++)
                                                                =$colour['bottom'] + ($n / $tilewidth) * ($colour['top'] - $colour['bottom']);
                                                        list($col,$junk) = $this->ColourFromPercent($percent,$scalename);
                                                        imagefilledrectangle($im, $x + $n, $y, $x + $n, $y + $tileheight,
                                                // pick a percentage in the middle...
                                                $percent=($colour['bottom'] + $colour['top']) / 2;
                                                list($col,$junk) = $this->ColourFromPercent($percent,$scalename);
                                                imagefilledrectangle($im, $x, $y, $x + $tilewidth, $y + $tileheight,
                                        $labelstring=sprintf("%s-%s", $colour['bottom'], $colour['top']);
                                        if($hide_percent==0) { $labelstring.="%"; }
                                        $this->myimagestring($im, $font, $x + 4 + $tilewidth, $y + $tileheight, $labelstring,

                $this->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "LEGEND:$scalename", '',
                        array($boxx, $boxy, $boxx + $boxwidth, $boxy + $boxheight));
                # $this->imap->setProp("href","#","LEGEND");
                # $this->imap->setProp("extrahtml","onclick=\"position_legend();\"","LEGEND");


function DrawTimestamp($im, $font, $colour)
        // add a timestamp to the corner, so we can tell if it's all being updated
        # $datestring = "Created: ".date("M d Y H:i:s",time());
        # $this->datestamp=strftime($this->stamptext, time());

        list($boxwidth, $boxheight)=$this->myimagestringsize($font, $this->datestamp);

        $x=$this->width - $boxwidth;

        if (($this->timex > 0) && ($this->timey > 0))

        $this->myimagestring($im, $font, $x, $y, $this->datestamp, $colour);

        $this->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "TIMESTAMP", '', array($x, $y, $x + $boxwidth, $y - $boxheight));

function DrawTitle($im, $font, $colour)
        $string = $this->ProcessString($this->title,$this);

        list($boxwidth, $boxheight)=$this->myimagestringsize($font, $string);

        $y=$this->titley - $boxheight;

        if (($this->titlex >= 0) && ($this->titley >= 0))

        $this->myimagestring($im, $font, $x, $y, $string, $colour);

        $this->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "TITLE", '', array($x, $y, $x + $boxwidth, $y - $boxheight));

function ReadConfig($filename)

        $fd=fopen($filename, "r");

        if ($fd)
                $linecount = 0;

                while (!feof($fd))
                        $buffer=fgets($fd, 4096);
                        // strip out any Windows line-endings that have gotten in here
                        $buffer=str_replace("\r", "", $buffer);

                        if (preg_match("/^\s*#/", $buffer)) {
                                // this is a comment line
                                // for any other config elements that are shared between nodes and links, they can use this
                                $curobj = NULL;
                                if($last_seen == "LINK") $curobj = &$curlink;
                                if($last_seen == "NODE") $curobj = &$curnode;

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*(LINK|NODE)\s+(\S+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                        // first, save the previous item, before starting work on the new one
                                        if ($last_seen == "NODE")
                                                if ($curnode->name == 'DEFAULT')
                                                        $this->defaultnode = $curnode;                                  
                                                        debug ("Saving Default Node: " . $curnode->name . "\n");
                                                        debug ("Saving Node: " . $curnode->name . "\n");

                                        if ($last_seen == "LINK")
                                                if ($curlink->name == 'DEFAULT')
                                                        debug ("Saving Default Link: " . $curlink->name . "\n");
                                                        if (isset($curlink->a) && isset($curlink->b))
                                                                debug ("Saving Link: " . $curlink->name . "\n");
                                                        else { warn
                                                                ("Dropping LINK " . $curlink->name . " - it hasn't got 2 NODES!\n"); }

                                        if ($matches[1] == 'LINK')
                                                if ($matches[2] == 'DEFAULT')
                                                        if ($linksseen > 0) { warn
                                                                ("LINK DEFAULT is not the first LINK. Defaults will not apply to earlier LINKs.\n");
                                                        $curlink = $this->defaultlink;
                                                        $curlink=new WeatherMapLink;

                                                $curlink->configline = $linecount;

                                        if ($matches[1] == 'NODE')
                                                if ($matches[2] == 'DEFAULT')
                                                        if ($nodesseen > 0) { warn
                                                                ("NODE DEFAULT is not the first NODE. Defaults will not apply to earlier NODEs.\n");

                                                        $curnode = $this->defaultnode;
                                                        $curnode=new WeatherMapNode;

                                                $curnode->configline = $linecount;

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*POSITION\s+([-+]?\d+)\s+([-+]?\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                        if ($last_seen == 'NODE')

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*POSITION\s+(\S+)\s+([-+]?\d+)\s+([-+]?\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                        if ($last_seen == 'NODE')
                                                $curnode->relative_to = $matches[1];
                                                $curnode->relative_resolved = FALSE;
                                                $curnode->x = $matches[2];
                                                $curnode->y = $matches[3];
                                                $curnode->original_x = $matches[2];
                                                $curnode->original_y = $matches[3];

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*LABEL\s+(.*)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                        if ($last_seen == 'NODE')

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*NODES\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                        if ($last_seen == 'LINK')

                                                foreach (array(1, 2)as $i)

                                                        if (preg_match("/:(NE|SE|NW|SW|N|S|E|W)$/i", $matches[$i], $submatches))
                                                                $nodenames[$i]=preg_replace("/:(NE|SE|NW|SW|N|S|E|W)$/i", '', $matches[$i]);

                                                        if (preg_match("/:([-+]?\d+):([-+]?\d+)$/i", $matches[$i], $submatches))
                                                                $xoff = $submatches[1];
                                                                $yoff = $submatches[2];
                                                                $nodenames[$i]=preg_replace("/:$xoff:$yoff$/i", '', $matches[$i]);

                                                        if (!array_key_exists($nodenames[$i], $this->nodes))
                                                                warn ("Unknown node '" . $nodenames[$i]
                                                                        . "' on line $linecount of config\n");

                                                // TODO - really, this should kill the whole link, and reset for the next one
                                                if ($valid_nodes == 2)
                                                else {
                                                        // this'll stop the current link being added
                                                        $last_seen="broken"; }


                                if (preg_match("/^\s*TARGET\s+(.*)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                        $targets=preg_split('/\s+/', $matches[1], -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
                                        // wipe any existing targets, otherwise things in the DEFAULT accumulate with the new ones
                                        $curobj->targets = array();
                                        foreach ($targets as $target)
                                                // we store the original TARGET string, and line number, along with the breakdown, to make nicer error messages later
                                                if ($curobj)

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*WIDTH\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                        if ($last_seen == 'LINK')
                                        else // we're talking about the global WIDTH

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*HEIGHT\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if ( ($last_seen == 'LINK') && (preg_match("/^\s*INCOMMENT\s+(.*)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches)))
                                        # $curlink->incomment = $matches[1];
                                        $curlink->comments[IN] = $matches[1];

                                if ( ($last_seen == 'LINK') && (preg_match("/^\s*OUTCOMMENT\s+(.*)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches)))
                                        # $curlink->outcomment = $matches[1];
                                        $curlink->comments[OUT] = $matches[1];

                                if ( ($last_seen == 'LINK') && (preg_match("/^\s*(BANDWIDTH|MAXVALUE)\s+(\d+\.?\d*[KMGT]?)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches)))
                                        $curlink->SetBandwidth($matches[2], $matches[2]);
                                if ( ($last_seen == 'LINK') && (preg_match("/^\s*(MAXVALUE|BANDWIDTH)\s+(\d+\.?\d*[KMGT]?)\s+(\d+\.?\d*[KMGT]?)\s*$/i", $buffer,
                                        $curlink->SetBandwidth($matches[2], $matches[3]);

                                if ( ($last_seen == 'NODE') && (preg_match("/^\s*MAXVALUE\s+(\d+\.?\d*[KMGT]?)\s+(\d+\.?\d*[KMGT]?)\s*$/i", $buffer,
                                        $curnode->SetBandwidth($matches[1], $matches[2]);

                                if ( ($last_seen == 'NODE') && (preg_match("/^\s*MAXVALUE\s+(\d+\.?\d*[KMGT]?)\s*$/i", $buffer,
                                        $curnode->SetBandwidth($matches[1], $matches[1]);

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*ICON\s+(\S+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                        if ($last_seen == 'NODE')
                                                        $this->used_images[] = $matches[1];

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*ICON\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                        if ($last_seen == 'NODE')
                                                $this->used_images[] = $matches[3];
                                                $curnode->iconscalew = $matches[1];
                                                $curnode->iconscaleh = $matches[2];

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*SET\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                                // THIS IS NOT UPDATING THE 'REAL' DEFAULT NODE
                                                # warn("POST-SET ".$curobj->name."::".var_dump($curobj->hints)."::\n");
                                                # warn("DEFAULT FIRST SAYS ".$this->defaultnode->hints['sigdigits']."\n");
                                                // it's a global thing, for the map

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*NOTES\s+(.*)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*INFOURL\s+(\S+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*OVERLIBGRAPH\s+(\S+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*OVERLIBCAPTION\s+(.+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*OVERLIBHEIGHT\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*OVERLIBWIDTH\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if ($last_seen == 'NODE' && preg_match("/^\s*LABELFONT\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if ($last_seen == 'NODE' && preg_match(
                                        "/^\s*LABELOFFSET\s+([-+]?\d+)\s+([-+]?\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer,


                                if ($last_seen == 'NODE' && preg_match(
                                        "/^\s*LABELOFFSET\s+(C|NE|SE|NW|SW|N|S|E|W)\s*$/i", $buffer,

                                if ($last_seen == 'LINK' && preg_match("/^\s*VIA\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))


                                if ($last_seen == 'LINK' && preg_match("/^\s*BWFONT\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if ($last_seen == 'LINK' && preg_match("/^\s*COMMENTFONT\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if ($last_seen == 'LINK' && preg_match(
                                        "/^\s*BWLABEL\s+(bits|percent|unformatted|none)\s*$/i", $buffer,

                                if ($last_seen == 'LINK' && preg_match(
                                        "/^\s*BWSTYLE\s+(classic|angled)\s*$/i", $buffer,

                                if ($last_seen == 'LINK' && preg_match(
                                        "/^\s*BWLABELPOS\s+(\d+)\s(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer,
                                        $curlink->labeloffset_in = $matches[1];
                                        $curlink->labeloffset_out = $matches[2];
                                if ($last_seen == 'LINK' && preg_match(
                                        "/^\s*COMMENTPOS\s+(\d+)\s(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer,
                                        $curlink->commentoffset_in = $matches[1];
                                        $curlink->commentoffset_out = $matches[2];

                                if( ($last_seen == 'NODE') && preg_match("/^\s*USESCALE\s+([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)(\s+(in|out))?\s*$/i",$buffer,$matches))
                                        $svar = '';
                                                $svar = trim($matches[2]);
                                        if($matches[1] == 'none')
                                                $curnode->usescale = $matches[1];
                                                if($svar != '')
                                                        $curnode->scalevar = $svar;
                                                $curnode->usescale = $matches[1];
                                                if($svar != '')
                                                        $curnode->scalevar = $svar;

                                if( ($last_seen == 'LINK') && preg_match("/^\s*USESCALE\s+([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*)\s*$/i",$buffer,$matches))
                                        $curlink->usescale = $matches[1];


                                // one REGEXP to rule them all:
                                        $buffer, $matches))
                                        // The default scale name is DEFAULT
                                        if($matches[1]=='') $matches[1] = 'DEFAULT';
                                        else $matches[1] = trim($matches[1]);

                                        $key=$matches[2] . '_' . $matches[3];

                                        $this->colours[$matches[1]][$key]['bottom'] = (float)($matches[2]);
                                        $this->colours[$matches[1]][$key]['top'] = (float)($matches[3]);

                                        $this->colours[$matches[1]][$key]['red1'] = (int)($matches[4]);
                                        $this->colours[$matches[1]][$key]['green1'] = (int)($matches[5]);
                                        $this->colours[$matches[1]][$key]['blue1'] = (int)($matches[6]);

                                        // this is the second colour, if there is one
                                                $this->colours[$matches[1]][$key]['red2'] = (int) ($matches[7]);
                                                $this->colours[$matches[1]][$key]['green2'] = (int) ($matches[8]);
                                                $this->colours[$matches[1]][$key]['blue2'] = (int) ($matches[9]);

                                        if(! isset($this->numscales[$matches[1]]))
                                        // we count if we've seen any default scale, otherwise, we have to add
                                        // one at the end.


                                if (preg_match("/^\s*KEYPOS\s+([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\s+)?(-?\d+)\s+(-?\d+)(.*)/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                        $whichkey = trim($matches[1]);
                                        if($whichkey == '') $whichkey = 'DEFAULT';

                                        if ($extra != '')
                                                $this->keytext[$whichkey] = $extra;
                                                $this->keytext[$whichkey] = "DEFAULT TITLE";
                                                $this->keystyle[$whichkey] = "classic";

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*TITLEPOS\s+(-?\d+)\s+(-?\d+)\s+(.*)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                        if ($extra != '')


                                // truetype font definition (actually, we don't really check if it's truetype) - filename + size
                                if (preg_match("/^\s*FONTDEFINE\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                        if (function_exists("imagettfbbox"))
                                                // test if this font is valid, before adding it to the font table...
                                                $bounds=@imagettfbbox($matches[3], 0, $matches[2], "Ignore me");

                                                if (isset($bounds[0]))
                                                else { warn
                                                        ("Failed to load ttf font " . $matches[2] . " - at config line $linecount\n"); }
                                        else { warn
                                                ("imagettfbbox() is not a defined function. You don't seem to have FreeType compiled into your gd module.\n");


                                // GD font definition (no size here)
                                if (preg_match("/^\s*FONTDEFINE\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                        if ($newfont)
                                        else { warn ("Failed to load GD font: " . $matches[2]
                                                . " ($newfont) at config line $linecount\n"); }


                                if (preg_match("/^\s*KEYFONT\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*TIMEFONT\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*TITLEFONT\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*NODEFONT\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                                ("NODEFONT is deprecated. Use NODE DEFAULT and LABELFONT instead. config line $linecount\n");

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*LINKFONT\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                                ("LINKFONT is deprecated. Use LINK DEFAULT and BWFONT instead. config line $linecount\n");

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*TIMEPOS\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)(.*)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                        if ($extra != '')


                                if(preg_match("/^\s*KEYSTYLE\s+([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_]+\s+)?(classic|horizontal|vertical)\s+?(\d+)?\s*$/i",$buffer, $matches))
                                        $whichkey = trim($matches[1]);
                                        if($whichkey == '') $whichkey = 'DEFAULT';
                                        $this->keystyle[$whichkey] = strtolower($matches[2]);
                                        if(isset($matches[3]) && $matches[3] != '')
                                                $this->keysize[$whichkey] = $matches[3];
                                                $this->keysize[$whichkey] = $this->keysize['DEFAULT'];

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*BWLABELS\s+(bits|percent|none)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                        # $this->labelstyle = strtolower($matches[1]);
                                                ("BWLABELS is deprecated. Use LINK DEFAULT and BWLABEL instead. config line $linecount\n");


                                if (preg_match("/^\s*KILO\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*BACKGROUND\s+(.+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                        $this->used_images[] = $matches[1];

                                if (preg_match(
                                        # "Found colour line for $key\n";


                                if (($last_seen == 'NODE') && (preg_match(
                                        #   print "Found NODE colour line for $key\n";
                                        $field=strtolower($matches[1]) . 'colour';


                                if (($last_seen == 'LINK') && (preg_match(
                                        # print "Found LINK colour line for $key\n";
                                        $field=strtolower($matches[1]) . 'colour';


                                if (($last_seen == 'NODE') && (preg_match(
                                        #  print "Found NODE non-colour line for $key\n";
                                        $field=strtolower($matches[1]) . 'colour';


                                if (($last_seen == 'LINK') && (preg_match(
                                        "/^\s*(BWBOX|BWOUTLINE|OUTLINE)COLOR\s+none\s*$/i", $buffer,
                                        #  print "Found LINK non-colour line for $key\n";
                                        $field=strtolower($matches[1]) . 'colour';


                                if (preg_match("/^\s*HTMLSTYLE\s+(static|overlib)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if ($last_seen == 'LINK' && preg_match(
                                        "/^\s*ARROWSTYLE\s+(classic|compact)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if ($last_seen == 'LINK' && preg_match(
                                        "/^\s*ARROWSTYLE\s+(\d+)\s+(\d+)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                        $curlink->arrowstyle=$matches[1] . ' ' . $matches[2];

                                if ($last_seen == '---' && preg_match(
                                        "/^\s*ARROWSTYLE\s+(classic|compact)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))
                                        warn ("Global ARROWSTYLE is deprecated. Use LINK DEFAULT and ARROWSTYLE instead.\n");

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*TITLE\s+(.*)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*HTMLOUTPUTFILE\s+(.*)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if (preg_match("/^\s*IMAGEOUTPUTFILE\s+(.*)\s*$/i", $buffer, $matches))

                                if ($linematched == 0 && trim($buffer) != '') { warn
                                        ("Unrecognised config on line $linecount: $buffer"); }

                                if ($linematched > 1) { warn
                                ("Same line ($linecount) interpreted twice. This is a program error. Please report to Howie with your config!\nThe line was: $buffer");
                        } // if blankline
                }     // while

                if ($last_seen == "NODE")
                        # $this->nodes[$curnode->name] = $curnode;
                        if ($curnode->name == 'DEFAULT')
                                debug ("Saving Default Node: " . $curnode->name . "\n");
                                debug ("Saving Node: " . $curnode->name . "\n");

                if ($last_seen == "LINK")
                        # $this->links[$curlink->name] = $curlink;
                        if ($curlink->name == 'DEFAULT')
                                debug ("Saving Default Link: " . $curlink->name . "\n");
                                if (isset($curlink->a) && isset($curlink->b))
                                        debug ("Saving Link: " . $curlink->name . "\n");
                                else { warn ("Dropping LINK " . $curlink->name . " - it hasn't got 2 NODES!"); }
        } // if $fd
                warn ("Couldn't open config file $filename for reading\n");
                return (FALSE);

        fclose ($fd);

        // load some default colouring, otherwise it all goes wrong
        if ($scalesseen == 0)
                debug ("Adding default SCALE set.\n");
                                '1_10' => array('bottom' => 1, 'top' => 10, 'red1' => 140, 'green1' => 0, 'blue1' => 255),
                                '10_25' => array('bottom' => 10, 'top' => 25, 'red1' => 32, 'green1' => 32, 'blue1' => 255),
                                '25_40' => array('bottom' => 25, 'top' => 40, 'red1' => 0, 'green1' => 192, 'blue1' => 255),
                                '40_55' => array('bottom' => 40, 'top' => 55, 'red1' => 0, 'green1' => 240, 'blue1' => 0),
                                '55_70' => array('bottom' => 55, 'top' => 70, 'red1' => 240, 'green1' => 240, 'blue1' => 0),
                                '70_85' => array('bottom' => 70, 'top' => 85, 'red1' => 255, 'green1' => 192, 'blue1' => 0),
                                '85_100' => array('bottom' => 85, 'top' => 100, 'red1' => 255, 'green1' => 0, 'blue1' => 0)

                foreach ($defaults as $key => $def)
        else { debug ("Already have $scalesseen scales, no defaults added.\n"); }


        // calculate any relative positions here - that way, nothing else
        // really needs to know about them

        // safety net for cyclic dependencies
                $skipped = 0; $set=0;
                foreach ($this->nodes as $node)
                        if( ($node->relative_to != '') && (!$node->relative_resolved))
                                debug("Resolving relative position for NODE ".$node->name." to ".$node->relative_to."\n");
                                        // check if we are relative to another node which is in turn relative to something
                                        // we need to resolve that one before we can resolve this one!
                                        if(  ($this->nodes[$node->relative_to]->relative_to != '') && (!$this->nodes[$node->relative_to]->relative_resolved) )
                                                debug("Skipping unresolved relative_to. Let's hope it's not a circular one\n");
                                                // save the relative coords, so that WriteConfig can work
                                                // resolve the relative stuff
                                                $newpos_x = $this->nodes[$node->relative_to]->x + $this->nodes[$node->name]->x;
                                                $newpos_y = $this->nodes[$node->relative_to]->y + $this->nodes[$node->name]->y;
                                                $this->nodes[$node->name]->x = $newpos_x;
                                                $this->nodes[$node->name]->y = $newpos_y;                               
                                        warn("NODE ".$node->name." has a relative position to an unknown node!\n");
                debug("Cycle $i - set $set and Skipped $skipped for unresolved dependencies\n");
        } while( ($set>0) && ($i!=0)  );
                warn("There are Circular dependencies in relative POSITION lines for $skipped nodes.\n");

        # warn("---\n\nDEFAULT NODE AGAIN::".var_dump($this->defaultnode->hints)."::\n");
        #warn("DEFAULT NOW SAYS ".$this->defaultnode->hints['sigdigits']."\n");
        #warn("North NOW SAYS ".$this->nodes['North']->hints['sigdigits']."\n");

        debug("Running Pre-Processing Plugins...\n");
        foreach ($this->preprocessclasses as $pre_class)
                debug("Running $pre_class"."->run()\n");
                # call_user_func(array($pre_class, 'run'), $this);
                call_user_func_array(array($pre_class, 'run'), array(&$this));

        debug("Finished Pre-Processing Plugins...\n");

        return (TRUE);

function WriteConfig($filename)
        global $WEATHERMAP_VERSION;

        $fd=fopen($filename, "w");

        if ($fd)
                $output.="# Automatically generated by php-weathermap v$WEATHERMAP_VERSION\n\n";

                if ($this->background != '') { $output.="BACKGROUND " . $this->background . "\n"; }
                        $output.="WIDTH " . $this->width . "\n";
                        $output.="HEIGHT " . $this->height . "\n";

                if ($this->htmlstyle != $this->inherit_fieldlist['htmlstyle'])
                { $output.="HTMLSTYLE " . $this->htmlstyle . "\n"; }

        #       if( $this->keystyle != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keystyle']) { $output .= "KEYSTYLE ".$this->keystyle."\n"; }
                if ($this->kilo != $this->inherit_fieldlist['kilo']) { $output.="KILO " . $this->kilo . "\n"; }


                if (count($this->fonts) > 0)
                        foreach ($this->fonts as $fontnumber => $font)
                                if ($font->type == 'truetype')
                                        $output.=sprintf("FONTDEFINE %d %s %d\n", $fontnumber, $font->file, $font->size);

                                if ($font->type == 'gd')
                                        $output.=sprintf("FONTDEFINE %d %s\n", $fontnumber, $font->file);


                if ($this->keyfont != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keyfont'])
                { $output.="KEYFONT " . $this->keyfont . "\n"; }

                if ($this->timefont != $this->inherit_fieldlist['timefont'])
                { $output.="TIMEFONT " . $this->timefont . "\n"; }

                if ($this->titlefont != $this->inherit_fieldlist['titlefont'])
                { $output.="TITLEFONT " . $this->titlefont . "\n"; }

                if (trim($this->title) != $this->inherit_fieldlist['title'])
                { $output.="TITLE " . $this->title . "\n"; }

                if (trim($this->htmloutputfile) != $this->inherit_fieldlist['htmloutputfile'])
                { $output.="HTMLOUTPUTFILE " . $this->htmloutputfile . "\n"; }

                if (trim($this->imageoutputfile) != $this->inherit_fieldlist['imageoutputfile'])
                { $output.="IMAGEOUTPUTFILE " . $this->imageoutputfile . "\n"; }

                if (($this->timex != $this->inherit_fieldlist['timex'])
                        || ($this->timey != $this->inherit_fieldlist['timey'])
                        || ($this->stamptext != $this->inherit_fieldlist['stamptext']))
                                $output.="TIMEPOS " . $this->timex . " " . $this->timey . " " . $this->stamptext . "\n";

                if (($this->titlex != $this->inherit_fieldlist['titlex'])
                        || ($this->titley != $this->inherit_fieldlist['titley']))
                                $output.="TITLEPOS " . $this->titlex . " " . $this->titley . "\n";


                foreach ($this->colours as $scalename=>$colours)
                  // not all keys will have keypos but if they do, then all three vars should be defined
                if ( (isset($this->keyx[$scalename]))
                        || ($this->keytext[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keytext'])
                        || ($this->keyx[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keyx'])
                        || ($this->keyy[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keyy']))
                                $output.="KEYPOS " . $scalename." ". $this->keyx[$scalename] . " " . $this->keyy[$scalename] . " " . $this->keytext[$scalename] . "\n";

                if ( (isset($this->keystyle[$scalename])) &&  ($this->keystyle[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keystyle']['DEFAULT']) )
                        if ( (isset($this->keysize[$scalename])) &&  ($this->keysize[$scalename] != $this->inherit_fieldlist['keysize']['DEFAULT']) )
                                $extra = " ".$this->keysize[$scalename];
                        $output.="KEYSTYLE  " . $scalename." ". $this->keystyle[$scalename] . $extra . "\n";

                        foreach ($colours as $k => $colour)
                                if ($colour['top'] >= 0)
                                        $top = rtrim(rtrim(sprintf("%f",$colour['top']),"0"),".");
                                        $bottom= rtrim(rtrim(sprintf("%f",$colour['bottom']),"0"),".");

                                        if (!isset($colour['red2']))
                                                $output.=sprintf("SCALE %s %s %s   %d %d %d\n", $scalename,
                                                        $bottom, $top,
                                                        $colour['red1'],            $colour['green1'], $colour['blue1']);
                                                $output.=sprintf("SCALE %s %s %s   %d %d %d   %d %d %d\n", $scalename,
                                                        $bottom, $top,
                                                        $colour['green1'],                     $colour['blue1'],
                                                        $colour['red2'],                       $colour['green2'],
                                else { $output.=sprintf("%sCOLOR %d %d %d\n", $k, $colour['red1'], $colour['green1'],
                                        $colour['blue1']); }
                        $output .= "\n";

                foreach ($this->hints as $hintname=>$hint)
                        $output .= "SET $hintname $hint\n";

                $output.="\n# End of global section\n\n# DEFAULT definitions:\n";

                fwrite($fd, $output);


                fwrite($fd, "\n# End of DEFAULTS section\n\n# Node definitions:\n");

                foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $node->WriteConfig($fd); }

                fwrite($fd, "\n# End of NODE section\n\n# Link definitions:\n");

                foreach ($this->links as $link) { $link->WriteConfig($fd); }

                fwrite($fd, "\n# End of LINK section\n\n# That's All Folks!\n");
                warn ("Couldn't open config file $filename for writing");
                return (FALSE);

        return (TRUE);

// pre-allocate colour slots for the colours used by the arrows
// this way, it's the pretty icons that suffer if there aren't enough colours, and
// not the actual useful data
// we skip any gradient scales
function AllocateScaleColours($im)
        # $colours=$this->colours['DEFAULT'];
        foreach ($this->colours as $scalename=>$colours)
                foreach ($colours as $key => $colour)
                        if (!isset($this->colours[$scalename][$key]['red2']))
                                debug ("AllocateScaleColours: $scalename $key ($r,$g,$b)\n");
                                $this->colours[$scalename][$key]['gdref1']=myimagecolorallocate($im, $r, $g, $b);

function DrawMap($filename = '', $thumbnailfile = '', $thumbnailmax = 250, $withnodes = TRUE)

        debug("Running Post-Processing Plugins...\n");
        foreach ($this->postprocessclasses as $post_class)
                debug("Running $post_class"."->run()\n");
                call_user_func_array(array($post_class, 'run'), array(&$this));
        debug("Finished Post-Processing Plugins...\n");

        $this->datestamp = strftime($this->stamptext, time());

        // do the basic prep work
        if ($this->background != '')
                if (is_readable($this->background))

                        if (!$bgimage) { warn
                                ("Failed to open background image.  One possible reason: Is your BACKGROUND really a PNG?\n");
                else { warn
                        ("Your background image file could not be read. Check the filename, and permissions, for "
                        . $this->background . "\n"); }

        $image=imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);

        # $image = imagecreate($this->width, $this->height);
        if (!$image) { warn
                ("Couldn't create output image in memory (" . $this->width . "x" . $this->height . ")."); }
                ImageAlphaBlending($image, true);
                # imageantialias($image,true);

                // by here, we should have a valid image handle

                // save this away, now

                $this->white=myimagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
                $this->black=myimagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
                $this->grey=myimagecolorallocate($image, 192, 192, 192);
                $this->selected=myimagecolorallocate($image, 255, 0, 0); // for selections in the editor


                // fill with background colour anyway, in case the background image failed to load
                imagefilledrectangle($image, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height, $this->colours['DEFAULT']['BG']['gdref1']);

                if ($bgimage)
                        imagecopy($image, $bgimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height);
                        imagedestroy ($bgimage);

                // Now it's time to draw a map

                # foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $this->nodes[$node->name]->calc_size(); }                    

                foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $node->pre_render($image, $this); }
                foreach ($this->links as $link) { $link->Draw($image, $this); }

                        foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
                                $node->NewDraw($image, $this);
                                # debug($node->name.": ".var_dump($node->notes)."\n");
                        # debug("DEFAULT: ".var_dump($this->defaultnode->notes)."\n");

        foreach ($this->colours as $scalename=>$colours)
                        debug("Drawing KEY for $scalename if necessary.\n");

                        if( (isset($this->numscales[$scalename])) && (isset($this->keyx[$scalename])) && ($this->keyx[$scalename] >= 0) && ($this->keyy[$scalename] >= 0) )
                                if($this->keystyle[$scalename]=='classic') $this->DrawLegend_Classic($image,$scalename);
                                if($this->keystyle[$scalename]=='horizontal') $this->DrawLegend_Horizontal($image,$scalename,$this->keysize[$scalename]);
                                if($this->keystyle[$scalename]=='vertical') $this->DrawLegend_Vertical($image,$scalename,$this->keysize[$scalename]);

                $this->DrawTimestamp($image, $this->timefont, $this->colours['DEFAULT']['TIME']['gdref1']);
                $this->DrawTitle($image, $this->titlefont, $this->colours['DEFAULT']['TITLE']['gdref1']);

                # $this->DrawNINK($image,300,300,48);

                // Ready to output the results...

                if($filename == 'null')
                        // do nothing at all - we just wanted the HTML AREAs for the editor or HTML output
                        if ($filename == '') { imagepng ($image); }
                        else {
                                $result = FALSE;
                                $functions = TRUE;
                                if(function_exists('imagejpeg') && preg_match("/\.jpg/i",$filename))
                                        debug("Writing JPEG file\n");
                                        $result = imagejpeg($image, $filename);
                                elseif(function_exists('imagegif') && preg_match("/\.gif/i",$filename))
                                        debug("Writing GIF file\n");
                                        $result = imagegif($image, $filename);
                                elseif(function_exists('imagepng') && preg_match("/\.png/i",$filename))
                                        debug("Writing PNG file\n");
                                        $result = imagepng($image, $filename);
                                        warn("Failed to write map image. No function existed for the image format you requested.\n");
                                        $functions = FALSE;
                                if(($result==FALSE) && ($functions==TRUE))
                                                warn("Failed to overwrite existing image file $filename - permissions of existing file are wrong?");
                                                warn("Failed to create image file $filename - permissions of output directory are wrong?");

                if($this->context == 'editor2')
                        $cachefile = $this->cachefolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.dechex(crc32($this->configfile))."_bg.png";
                        imagepng($image, $cachefile);
                        $cacheuri = $this->cachefolder.'/'.dechex(crc32($this->configfile))."_bg.png";
                        $this->mapcache = $cacheuri;

                if (function_exists('imagecopyresampled'))
                        // if one is specified, and we can, write a thumbnail too
                        if ($thumbnailfile != '')
                                $result = FALSE;
                                if ($this->width > $this->height) { $factor=($thumbnailmax / $this->width); }
                                else { $factor=($thumbnailmax / $this->height); }

                                $twidth=$this->width * $factor;
                                $theight=$this->height * $factor;

                                $imagethumb=imagecreatetruecolor($twidth, $theight);
                                imagecopyresampled($imagethumb, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $twidth, $theight,
                                        $this->width, $this->height);
                                $result = imagepng($imagethumb, $thumbnailfile);
                                                warn("Failed to overwrite existing image file $filename - permissions of existing file are wrong?");
                                                warn("Failed to create image file $filename - permissions of output directory are wrong?");
                        warn("Skipping thumbnail creation, since we don't have the necessary function.");
                imagedestroy ($image);

function CleanUp()
        // destroy all the images we created, to prevent memory leaks
        foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { if(isset($node->image)) imagedestroy($node->image); }
        #foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { unset($node); }
        #foreach ($this->links as $link) { unset($link); }


function PreloadMapHTML()
        if ($this->htmlstyle == "overlib")
                //   onmouseover="return overlib('<img src=graph.png>',DELAY,250,CAPTION,'$caption');"  onmouseout="return nd();"

                $center_x=$this->width / 2;
                $center_y=$this->height / 2;

                foreach ($this->links as $link)
                        if ( ($link->overliburl != '') || ($link->notestext != '') )
                                # $overlibhtml = "onmouseover=\"return overlib('&lt;img src=".$link->overliburl."&gt;',DELAY,250,CAPTION,'".$link->name."');\"  onmouseout=\"return nd();\"";
                                $mid_x=($a_x + $b_x) / 2;
                                $mid_y=($a_y + $b_y) / 2;

                                # debug($link->overlibwidth."---".$link->overlibheight."---\n");


                                if ($link->overlibwidth != 0)
                                        $left="WIDTH," . $link->overlibwidth . ",";

                                        if ($mid_x > $center_x)

                                if ($link->overlibheight != 0)
                                        $above="HEIGHT," . $link->overlibheight . ",";

                                        if ($mid_y > $center_y)

                                $caption = ($link->overlibcaption != '' ? $link->overlibcaption : $link->name);
                                $caption = $this->ProcessString($caption,$link);

                                $overlibhtml = "onmouseover=\"return overlib('";
                                if($link->overliburl != '')
                                        $overlibhtml .= "&lt;img src=" . $this->ProcessString($link->overliburl,$link) . "&gt;";
                                if($link->notestext != '')
                                        # put in a linebreak if there was an image AND notes
                                        if($link->overliburl != '') $overlibhtml .= '&lt;br /&gt;';
                                        $note = $this->ProcessString($link->notestext,$link);
                                        $note = htmlspecialchars($note, ENT_NOQUOTES);
                                        $note=str_replace("'", "\\&apos;", $note);
                                        $note=str_replace('"', "&quot;", $note);
                                        $overlibhtml .= $note;
                                $overlibhtml .= "',DELAY,250,${left}${above}CAPTION,'" . $caption
                                . "');\"  onmouseout=\"return nd();\"";

                                $this->imap->setProp("extrahtml", $overlibhtml, "LINK:" . $link->name);

                foreach ($this->nodes as $node)
                        if ( ($node->overliburl != '') || ($node->notestext != '') )
                                # $overlibhtml = "onmouseover=\"return overlib('&lt;img src=".$node->overliburl."&gt;',DELAY,250,CAPTION,'".$node->name."');\"  onmouseout=\"return nd();\"";

                                debug ($node->overlibwidth . "---" . $node->overlibheight . "---\n");


                                if ($node->overlibwidth != 0)
                                        $left="WIDTH," . $node->overlibwidth . ",";

                                        if ($node->x > $center_x)

                                if ($node->overlibheight != 0)
                                        $above="HEIGHT," . $node->overlibheight . ",";

                                        if ($node->y > $center_y)

                                $caption = ($node->overlibcaption != '' ? $node->overlibcaption : $node->name);
                                $caption  = $this->ProcessString($caption,$node);

                                $overlibhtml = "onmouseover=\"return overlib('";
                                if($node->overliburl != '')
                                        $overlibhtml .= "&lt;img src=" . $this->ProcessString($node->overliburl,$node) . "&gt;";
                                if($node->notestext != '')
                                        # put in a linebreak if there was an image AND notes
                                        if($node->overliburl != '') $overlibhtml .= '&lt;br /&gt;';
                                        $note = $this->ProcessString($node->notestext,$node);
                                        $note = htmlspecialchars($note, ENT_NOQUOTES);
                                        $note=str_replace("'", "\\&apos;", $note);
                                        $note=str_replace('"', "&quot;", $note);
                                        $overlibhtml .= $note;
                                $overlibhtml .= "',DELAY,250,${left}${above}CAPTION,'" . $caption
                                . "');\"  onmouseout=\"return nd();\"";

                                # $overlibhtml .= " onclick=\"return overlib('Some Test or other',CAPTION,'MENU',)\"";

                                $this->imap->setProp("extrahtml", $overlibhtml, "NODE:" . $node->name);

        if ($this->htmlstyle == 'editor')
                foreach ($this->links as $link) {
                        #   $this->imap->setProp("href","#","LINK:".$link->name);
                        #  $this->imap->setProp("extrahtml","onclick=\"click_handler('link','".$link->name."');\"","LINK:".$link->name);

                foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
                        #    $this->imap->setProp("href","#","NODE:".$node->name);
                        #    $this->imap->setProp("extrahtml","onclick=\"click_handler('node','".$node->name."');\"","NODE:".$node->name);
                        # $this->imap->setProp("extrahtml","onclick=\"alert('".$node->name."');\"","NODE:".$node->name);
                foreach ($this->links as $link)
                        if ($link->infourl != '') { $this->imap->setProp("href", $this->ProcessString($link->infourl,$link),
                                "LINK:" . $link->name); }

                foreach ($this->nodes as $node)
                        if ($node->infourl != '') { $this->imap->setProp("href", $this->ProcessString($node->infourl,$node),
                                "NODE:" . $node->name); }

function asJS()

        $js.="var Links = new Array();\n";

        foreach ($this->links as $link) { $js.=$link->asJS(); }

        $js.="var Nodes = new Array();\n";

        foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $js.=$node->asJS(); }

        return $js;

function asJSON()
        $json = '';

        $json .= "{ \n";

        $json .= "'map': {  \n";
        foreach (array_keys($this->inherit_fieldlist)as $fld)
                $json .= js_escape($fld).": ";
                $json .= js_escape($this->$fld);
                $json .= ",\n";
        $json = rtrim($json,", \n");
        $json .= "\n},\n";

        $json .= "'nodes': {\n";
        $json .= $this->defaultnode->asJSON();
        foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $json .= $node->asJSON(); }
        $json = rtrim($json,", \n");
        $json .= "\n},\n";

        $json .= "'links': {\n";
        $json .= $this->defaultlink->asJSON();
        foreach ($this->links as $link) { $json .= $link->asJSON(); }
        $json = rtrim($json,", \n");
        $json .= "\n},\n";

        $json .= "'imap': [\n";
        $json .= $this->imap->subJSON("NODE:");
        // should check if there WERE nodes...
        $json .= ",\n";
        $json .= $this->imap->subJSON("LINK:");
        $json .= "\n]\n";
        $json .= "\n";

        $json .= ", valid: 1}\n";


// imagemapname is a parameter, so we can stack up several maps in the Cacti plugin
function MakeHTML($imagemapname = "weathermap_imap")


        $html .= '<div class="weathermapimage" style="margin-left: 10px; margin-right: auto; width: '.$this->width.'px;" >';
        if ($this->imageuri != '') { $html.=sprintf(
                '<img src="%s" width="%s" height="%s" border="0" usemap="#'
                . $imagemapname . '" alt="network weathermap" />',
                $this->height); }
        else { $html.=sprintf(
                '<img src="%s" width="%s" height="%s" border="0" usemap="#' . $imagemapname
                . '" alt="network weathermap" />',
                $this->height); }
        $html .= '</div>';

        $html.='<map name="' . $imagemapname . '" id="' . $imagemapname . '">' . "\n";



        return ($html);

// update any editor cache files.
// if the config file is newer than the cache files, or $agelimit seconds have passed,
// then write new stuff, otherwise just return.
// ALWAYS deletes files in the cache folder older than $agelimit, also!
function CacheUpdate($agelimit=600)
        $cachefolder = $this->cachefolder;
        $configchanged = filemtime($this->configfile );
        // make a unique, but safe, prefix for all cachefiles related to this map config
        // we use CRC32 because it makes for a shorter filename, and collisions aren't the end of the world.
        $cacheprefix = dechex(crc32($this->configfile));

        debug("Comparing files in $cachefolder starting with $cacheprefix, with date of $configchanged\n");


        if ($dh)
                while ($file=readdir($dh))
                        $realfile = $cachefolder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;

                        if(is_file($realfile) && ( preg_match('/^'.$cacheprefix.'/',$file) ))
                                //                                            if (is_file($realfile) )
                                if( (filemtime($realfile) < $configchanged) || ((time() - filemtime($realfile)) > $agelimit) ) 
                                        debug("Cache: deleting $realfile\n");

                closedir ($dh);

                foreach ($this->nodes as $node)
                                $nodefile = $cacheprefix."_".dechex(crc32($node->name)).".png";
                                $this->nodes[$node->name]->cachefile = $nodefile;

                $json = "";
                $fd = fopen($cachefolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$cacheprefix."_map.json","w");
                foreach (array_keys($this->inherit_fieldlist)as $fld)
                        $json .= js_escape($fld).": ";
                        $json .= js_escape($this->$fld);
                        $json .= ",\n";
                $json = rtrim($json,", \n");

                $fd = fopen($cachefolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$cacheprefix."_nodes.json","w");
                $json = $this->defaultnode->asJSON();
                foreach ($this->nodes as $node) { $json .= $node->asJSON(); }
                $json = rtrim($json,", \n");

                $fd = fopen($cachefolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$cacheprefix."_links.json","w");
                $json = $this->defaultlink->asJSON();
                foreach ($this->links as $link) { $json .= $link->asJSON(); }
                $json = rtrim($json,", \n");

                $fd = fopen($cachefolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$cacheprefix."_imap.json","w");
                $json = '';
                $nodejson = trim($this->imap->subJSON("NODE:"));
                if($nodejson != '')
                        $json .= $nodejson;
                        // should check if there WERE nodes...
                        $json .= ",\n";
                $json .= $this->imap->subJSON("LINK:");

        else { debug("Couldn't read cache folder.\n"); }
// vim:ts=4:sw=4:

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