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// PHP Weathermap 0.97a
// Copyright Howard Jones, 2005-2010
// Released under the GNU Public License
// Utility functions
// Check for GD & PNG support This is just in here so that both the editor and CLI can use it without the need for another file
function module_checks()
if (!extension_loaded('gd'))
warn ("\n\nNo image (gd) extension is loaded. This is required by weathermap. [WMWARN20]\n\n");
warn ("\nrun check.php to check PHP requirements.\n\n");
return (FALSE);
if (!function_exists('imagecreatefrompng'))
warn ("Your GD php module doesn't support PNG format. [WMWARN21]\n");
warn ("\nrun check.php to check PHP requirements.\n\n");
return (FALSE);
if (!function_exists('imagecreatetruecolor'))
warn ("Your GD php module doesn't support truecolor. [WMWARN22]\n");
warn ("\nrun check.php to check PHP requirements.\n\n");
return (FALSE);
if (!function_exists('imagecopyresampled'))
warn ("Your GD php module doesn't support thumbnail creation (imagecopyresampled). [WMWARN23]\n");
return (TRUE);
function debug($string)
global $weathermap_debugging;
global $weathermap_map;
global $weathermap_debug_suppress;
if ($weathermap_debugging)
$calling_fn = "";
$bt = debug_backtrace();
$index = 1;
# $class = (isset($bt[$index]['class']) ? $bt[$index]['class'] : '');
$function = (isset($bt[$index]['function']) ? $bt[$index]['function'] : '');
$index = 0;
$file = (isset($bt[$index]['file']) ? basename($bt[$index]['file']) : '');
$line = (isset($bt[$index]['line']) ? $bt[$index]['line'] : '');
$calling_fn = " [$function@$file:$line]";
if(is_array($weathermap_debug_suppress) && in_array(strtolower($function),$weathermap_debug_suppress)) return;
// use Cacti's debug log, if we are running from the poller
if (function_exists('debug_log_insert') && (!function_exists('show_editor_startpage')))
{ cacti_log("DEBUG:$calling_fn " . ($weathermap_map==''?'':$weathermap_map.": ") . rtrim($string), true, "WEATHERMAP"); }
$stderr=fopen('php://stderr', 'w');
fwrite($stderr, "DEBUG:$calling_fn " . ($weathermap_map==''?'':$weathermap_map.": ") . $string);
fclose ($stderr);
// mostly this is overkill, but it's sometimes useful (mainly in the editor)
$log=fopen('debug.log', 'a');
fwrite($log, "DEBUG:$calling_fn " . ($weathermap_map==''?'':$weathermap_map.": ") . $string);
fclose ($log);
function warn($string,$notice_only=FALSE)
global $weathermap_map;
global $weathermap_warncount;
$message = "";
$message .= "WARNING: ";
$message .= ($weathermap_map==''?'':$weathermap_map.": ") . rtrim($string);
// use Cacti's debug log, if we are running from the poller
if (function_exists('cacti_log') && (!function_exists('show_editor_startpage')))
{ cacti_log($message, true, "WEATHERMAP"); }
$stderr=fopen('php://stderr', 'w');
fwrite($stderr, $message."\n");
fclose ($stderr);
function js_escape($str, $wrap=TRUE)
$str=str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $str);
$str=str_replace('"', '\\"', $str);
if($wrap) $str='"' . $str . '"';
return ($str);
function mysprintf($format,$value,$kilo=1000)
$output = "";
debug("mysprintf: $format $value\n");
$spec = $matches[1];
$places = 2;
if($spec !='')
if($matches[2] != '') $places=$matches[2];
// we don't really need the justification (pre-.) part...
debug("KMGT formatting $value with $spec.\n");
$result = nice_scalar($value, $kilo, $places);
$output = preg_replace("/%".$spec."k/",$format,$result);
debug("Falling through to standard sprintf\n");
$output = sprintf($format,$value);
return $output;
// ParseString is based on code from:
function ParseString($input)
$output = array(); // Array of Output
$cPhraseQuote = null; // Record of the quote that opened the current phrase
$sPhrase = null; // Temp storage for the current phrase we are building
// Define some constants
$sTokens = " \t"; // Space, Tab
$sQuotes = "'\""; // Single and Double Quotes
// Start the State Machine
// Get the next token, which may be the first
$sToken = isset($sToken)? strtok($sTokens) : strtok($input, $sTokens);
// Are there more tokens?
if ($sToken === false)
// Ensure that the last phrase is marked as ended
$cPhraseQuote = null;
// Are we within a phrase or not?
if ($cPhraseQuote !== null)
// Will the current token end the phrase?
if (substr($sToken, -1, 1) === $cPhraseQuote)
// Trim the last character and add to the current phrase, with a single leading space if necessary
if (strlen($sToken) > 1) $sPhrase .= ((strlen($sPhrase) > 0)? ' ' : null) . substr($sToken, 0, -1);
$cPhraseQuote = null;
// If not, add the token to the phrase, with a single leading space if necessary
$sPhrase .= ((strlen($sPhrase) > 0)? ' ' : null) . $sToken;
// Will the current token start a phrase?
if (strpos($sQuotes, $sToken[0]) !== false)
// Will the current token end the phrase?
if ((strlen($sToken) > 1) && ($sToken[0] === substr($sToken, -1, 1)))
// The current token begins AND ends the phrase, trim the quotes
$sPhrase = substr($sToken, 1, -1);
// Remove the leading quote
$sPhrase = substr($sToken, 1);
$cPhraseQuote = $sToken[0];
$sPhrase = $sToken;
// If, at this point, we are not within a phrase, the prepared phrase is complete and can be added to the array
if (($cPhraseQuote === null) && ($sPhrase != null))
$output[] = $sPhrase;
$sPhrase = null;
while ($sToken !== false); // Stop when we receive FALSE from strtok()
return $output;
// wrapper around imagecolorallocate to try and re-use palette slots where possible
function myimagecolorallocate($image, $red, $green, $blue)
// it's possible that we're being called early - just return straight away, in that case
if(!isset($image)) return(-1);
$existing=imagecolorexact($image, $red, $green, $blue);
if ($existing > -1)
return $existing;
return (imagecolorallocate($image, $red, $green, $blue));
function screenshotify($input)
$tmp = $input;
$tmp = preg_replace("/\b\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\b/","",$tmp);
$tmp = preg_replace("/([A-Za-z]{3,})/e","str_repeat('x',strlen('\\1'))",$tmp);
function render_colour($col)
if (($col[0] == -1) && ($col[1] == -1) && ($col[1] == -1)) { return 'none'; }
else if (($col[0] == -2) && ($col[1] == -2) && ($col[1] == -2)) { return 'copy'; }
else if (($col[0] == -3) && ($col[1] == -3) && ($col[1] == -3)) { return 'contrast'; }
else { return sprintf("%d %d %d", $col[0], $col[1], $col[2]); }
// take the same set of points that imagepolygon does, but don't close the shape
function imagepolyline($image, $points, $npoints, $color)
for ($i=0; $i < ($npoints - 1); $i++)
imageline($image, $points[$i * 2], $points[$i * 2 + 1], $points[$i * 2 + 2], $points[$i * 2 + 3],
// draw a filled round-cornered rectangle
function imagefilledroundedrectangle($image , $x1 , $y1 , $x2 , $y2 , $radius, $color)
imagefilledrectangle($image, $x1,$y1+$radius, $x2,$y2-$radius, $color);
imagefilledrectangle($image, $x1+$radius,$y1, $x2-$radius,$y2, $color);
imagefilledarc($image, $x1+$radius, $y1+$radius, $radius*2, $radius*2, 0, 360, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
imagefilledarc($image, $x2-$radius, $y1+$radius, $radius*2, $radius*2, 0, 360, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
imagefilledarc($image, $x1+$radius, $y2-$radius, $radius*2, $radius*2, 0, 360, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
imagefilledarc($image, $x2-$radius, $y2-$radius, $radius*2, $radius*2, 0, 360, $color, IMG_ARC_PIE);
# bool imagefilledarc ( resource $image , int $cx , int $cy , int $width , int $height , int $start , int $end , int $color , int $style )
// draw a round-cornered rectangle
function imageroundedrectangle( $image , $x1 , $y1 , $x2 , $y2 , $radius, $color )
imageline($image, $x1+$radius, $y1, $x2-$radius, $y1, $color);
imageline($image, $x1+$radius, $y2, $x2-$radius, $y2, $color);
imageline($image, $x1, $y1+$radius, $x1, $y2-$radius, $color);
imageline($image, $x2, $y1+$radius, $x2, $y2-$radius, $color);
imagearc($image, $x1+$radius, $y1+$radius, $radius*2, $radius*2, 180, 270, $color);
imagearc($image, $x2-$radius, $y1+$radius, $radius*2, $radius*2, 270, 360, $color);
imagearc($image, $x1+$radius, $y2-$radius, $radius*2, $radius*2, 90, 180, $color);
imagearc($image, $x2-$radius, $y2-$radius, $radius*2, $radius*2, 0, 90, $color);
function imagecreatefromfile($filename)
$formats = imagetypes();
if (is_readable($filename))
list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($filename);
if(imagetypes() & IMG_GIF)
warn("Image file $filename is GIF, but GIF is not supported by your GD library. [WMIMG01]\n");
if(imagetypes() & IMG_JPEG)
warn("Image file $filename is JPEG, but JPEG is not supported by your GD library. [WMIMG02]\n");
if(imagetypes() & IMG_PNG)
warn("Image file $filename is PNG, but PNG is not supported by your GD library. [WMIMG03]\n");
warn("Image file $filename wasn't recognised (type=$type). Check format is supported by your GD library. [WMIMG04]\n");
warn("Image file $filename is unreadable. Check permissions. [WMIMG05]\n");
return $bgimage;
// taken from here:
// ( with some bugfixes and changes)
// Much nicer colorization than imagefilter does, AND no special requirements.
// Preserves white, black and transparency.
function imagecolorize($im, $r, $g, $b)
//We will create a monochromatic palette based on
//the input color
//which will go from black to white
//Input color luminosity: this is equivalent to the
//position of the input color in the monochromatic
$lum_inp = round(255 * ($r + $g + $b) / 765); //765=255*3
//We fill the palette entry with the input color at its
//corresponding position
$pal[$lum_inp]['r'] = $r;
$pal[$lum_inp]['g'] = $g;
$pal[$lum_inp]['b'] = $b;
//Now we complete the palette, first we'll do it to
//the black,and then to the white.
//FROM input to black
//how many colors between black and input
$steps_to_black = $lum_inp;
//The step size for each component
if ($steps_to_black)
$step_size_red = $r / $steps_to_black;
$step_size_green = $g / $steps_to_black;
$step_size_blue = $b / $steps_to_black;
for ($i = $steps_to_black; $i >= 0; $i--)
$pal[$steps_to_black - $i]['r'] = $r - round($step_size_red * $i);
$pal[$steps_to_black - $i]['g'] = $g - round($step_size_green * $i);
$pal[$steps_to_black - $i]['b'] = $b - round($step_size_blue * $i);
//From input to white:
//how many colors between input and white
$steps_to_white = 255 - $lum_inp;
if ($steps_to_white)
$step_size_red = (255 - $r) / $steps_to_white;
$step_size_green = (255 - $g) / $steps_to_white;
$step_size_blue = (255 - $b) / $steps_to_white;
$step_size_red = $step_size_green = $step_size_blue = 0;
//The step size for each component
for ($i = ($lum_inp + 1); $i <= 255; $i++)
$pal[$i]['r'] = $r + round($step_size_red * ($i - $lum_inp));
$pal[$i]['g'] = $g + round($step_size_green * ($i - $lum_inp));
$pal[$i]['b'] = $b + round($step_size_blue * ($i - $lum_inp));
//--- End of palette creation
//Now,let's change the original palette into the one we
for ($c = 0; $c < imagecolorstotal($im); $c++)
$col = imagecolorsforindex($im, $c);
$lum_src = round(255 * ($col['red'] + $col['green'] + $col['blue']) / 765);
$col_out = $pal[$lum_src];
# printf("%d (%d,%d,%d) -> %d -> (%d,%d,%d)\n", $c,
# $col['red'], $col['green'], $col['blue'],
# $lum_src,
# $col_out['r'], $col_out['g'], $col_out['b']
# );
imagecolorset($im, $c, $col_out['r'], $col_out['g'], $col_out['b']);
// find the point where a line from x1,y1 through x2,y2 crosses another line through x3,y3 and x4,y4
// (the point might not be between those points, but beyond them)
// - doesn't handle parallel lines. In our case we will never get them.
// - make sure we remove colinear points, or this will not be true!
function line_crossing($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2, $x3,$y3,$x4,$y4)
// First, check that the slope isn't infinite.
// if it is, tweak it to be merely huge
if($x1 != $x2) { $slope1 = ($y2-$y1)/($x2-$x1); }
else { $slope1 = 1e10; debug("Slope1 is infinite.\n");}
if($x3 != $x4) { $slope2 = ($y4-$y3)/($x4-$x3); }
else { $slope2 = 1e10; debug("Slope2 is infinite.\n");}
$a1 = $slope1;
$a2 = $slope2;
$b1 = -1;
$b2 = -1;
$c1 = ($y1 - $slope1 * $x1 );
$c2 = ($y3 - $slope2 * $x3 );
$det_inv = 1/($a1*$b2 - $a2*$b1);
$xi = (($b1*$c2 - $b2*$c1)*$det_inv);
$yi = (($a2*$c1 - $a1*$c2)*$det_inv);
// rotate a list of points around cx,cy by an angle in radians, IN PLACE
function RotateAboutPoint(&$points, $cx,$cy, $angle=0)
$npoints = count($points)/2;
$ox = $points[$i*2] - $cx;
$oy = $points[$i*2+1] - $cy;
$rx = $ox * cos($angle) - $oy*sin($angle);
$ry = $oy * cos($angle) + $ox*sin($angle);
$points[$i*2] = $rx + $cx;
$points[$i*2+1] = $ry + $cy;
// calculate the points for a span of the curve. We pass in the distance so far, and the array index, so that
// the chunk of array generated by this function can be array_merged with existing points from before.
// Considering how many array functions there are, PHP has horrible list support
// Each point is a 3-tuple - x,y,distance - which is used later to figure out where the 25%, 50% marks are on the curve
function calculate_catmull_rom_span($startn, $startdistance, $numsteps, $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3)
$Ap_x=-$x0 + 3 * $x1 - 3 * $x2 + $x3;
$Bp_x=2 * $x0 - 5 * $x1 + 4 * $x2 - $x3;
$Cp_x=-$x0 + $x2;
$Dp_x=2 * $x1;
$Ap_y=-$y0 + 3 * $y1 - 3 * $y2 + $y3;
$Bp_y=2 * $y0 - 5 * $y1 + 4 * $y2 - $y3;
$Cp_y=-$y0 + $y2;
$Dp_y=2 * $y1;
for ($i=0; $i <= $numsteps; $i++)
$t=$i / $numsteps;
$t2=$t * $t;
$t3=$t2 * $t;
$x=(($Ap_x * $t3) + ($Bp_x * $t2) + ($Cp_x * $t) + $Dp_x) / $d;
$y=(($Ap_y * $t3) + ($Bp_y * $t2) + ($Cp_y * $t) + $Dp_y) / $d;
if ($i > 0)
$step=sqrt((($x - $lx) * ($x - $lx)) + (($y - $ly) * ($y - $ly)));
$distance=$distance + $step;
return array($allpoints, $distance, $n);
function find_distance_coords(&$pointarray,$distance)
// We find the nearest lower point for each distance,
// then linearly interpolate to get a more accurate point
// this saves having quite so many points-per-curve
$index=find_distance($pointarray, $distance);
$ratio=($distance - $pointarray[$index][2]) / ($pointarray[$index + 1][2] - $pointarray[$index][2]);
$x = $pointarray[$index][0] + $ratio * ($pointarray[$index + 1][0] - $pointarray[$index][0]);
$y = $pointarray[$index][1] + $ratio * ($pointarray[$index + 1][1] - $pointarray[$index][1]);
function find_distance_coords_angle(&$pointarray,$distance)
// This is the point we need
list($x,$y,$index) = find_distance_coords($pointarray,$distance);
// now to find one either side of it, to get a line to find the angle of
$left = $index;
$right = $left+1;
$max = count($pointarray)-1;
// if we're right up against the last point, then step backwards one
# if($left<=0) { $left = 0; }
$x1 = $pointarray[$left][0];
$y1 = $pointarray[$left][1];
$x2 = $pointarray[$right][0];
$y2 = $pointarray[$right][1];
$dx = $x2 - $x1;
$dy = $y2 - $y1;
$angle = rad2deg(atan2(-$dy,$dx));
// return the index of the point either at (unlikely) or just before the target distance
// we will linearly interpolate afterwards to get a true point - pointarray is an array of 3-tuples produced by the function above
function find_distance(&$pointarray, $distance)
$right=count($pointarray) - 1;
if ($left == $right)
return ($left);
// if the distance is zero, there's no need to search (and it doesn't work anyway)
if($distance==0) return($left);
// if it's a point past the end of the line, then just return the end of the line
// Weathermap should *never* ask for this, anyway
if ($pointarray[$right][2] < $distance) { return ($right); }
// if somehow we have a 0-length curve, then don't try and search, just give up
// in a somewhat predictable manner
if ($pointarray[$left][2] == $pointarray[$right][2]) { return ($left); }
while ($left <= $right)
$mid=floor(($left + $right) / 2);
if (($pointarray[$mid][2] < $distance) && ($pointarray[$mid + 1][2] >= $distance)) { return $mid; }
if ($distance <= $pointarray[$mid][2]) { $right=$mid - 1; }
else { $left=$mid + 1; }
print "FELL THROUGH\n";
die ("Howie's crappy binary search is wrong after all.\n");
// Give a list of key points, calculate a curve through them
// return value is an array of triples (x,y,distance)
function calc_curve(&$in_xarray, &$in_yarray,$pointsperspan = 32)
// search through the point list, for consecutive duplicate points
// (most common case will be a straight link with both NODEs at the same place, I think)
// strip those out, because they'll break the binary search/centre-point stuff
for ($i=0; $i < count($in_xarray); $i++)
if (($in_xarray[$i] == $last_x) && ($in_yarray[$i] == $last_y)) { debug
("Dumping useless duplicate point on curve\n"); }
// only proceed if we still have at least two points!
if(count($xarray) <= 1)
warn ("Arrow not drawn, as it's 1-dimensional.\n");
return (array(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
// duplicate the first and last points, so that all points are drawn
// (C-R normally would draw from x[1] to x[n-1]
array_unshift($xarray, $xarray[0]);
array_unshift($yarray, $yarray[0]);
array_push($xarray, $x);
array_push($xarray, $x);
array_push($yarray, $y);
array_push($yarray, $y);
// add in the very first point manually (the calc function skips this one to avoid duplicates, which mess up the distance stuff)
for ($i=0; $i < ($npoints - 3); $i++)
$np)=calculate_catmull_rom_span($np, $distance, $pointsperspan, $xarray[$i],
$yarray[$i], $xarray[$i + 1], $yarray[$i + 1], $xarray[$i + 2],
$yarray[$i + 2], $xarray[$i + 3], $yarray[$i + 3]);
$curvepoints=$curvepoints + $newpoints;
return ($curvepoints);
// Give a list of key points, calculate a "curve" through them
// return value is an array of triples (x,y,distance)
// this is here to mirror the real 'curve' version when we're using angled VIAs
// it means that all the stuff that expects an array of points with distances won't be upset.
function calc_straight(&$in_xarray, &$in_yarray,$pointsperspan = 12)
// search through the point list, for consecutive duplicate points
// (most common case will be a straight link with both NODEs at the same place, I think)
// strip those out, because they'll break the binary search/centre-point stuff
for ($i=0; $i < count($in_xarray); $i++)
if (($in_xarray[$i] == $last_x) && ($in_yarray[$i] == $last_y)) { debug
("Dumping useless duplicate point on curve\n"); }
// only proceed if we still have at least two points!
if(count($xarray) <= 1)
warn ("Arrow not drawn, as it's 1-dimensional.\n");
return (array(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL));
for ($i=0; $i < ($npoints -1); $i++)
// still subdivide the straight line, becuase other stuff makes assumptions about
// how often there is a point - at least find_distance_coords_angle breaks
$newdistance = sqrt( pow($xarray[$i+1] - $xarray[$i],2) + pow($yarray[$i+1] - $yarray[$i],2) );
$dx = ($xarray[$i+1] - $xarray[$i])/$pointsperspan;
$dy = ($yarray[$i+1] - $yarray[$i])/$pointsperspan;
$dd = $newdistance/$pointsperspan;
for($j=0; $j< $pointsperspan; $j++)
$x = $xarray[$i]+$j*$dx;
$y = $yarray[$i]+$j*$dy;
$d = $distance + $j*$dd;
$curvepoints[] = array($x,$y,$d);
$distance += $newdistance;
$curvepoints[] = array($xarray[$npoints-1],$yarray[$npoints-1],$distance);
# print_r($curvepoints);
return ($curvepoints);
function calc_arrowsize($width,&$map,$linkname)
// this is so I can use it in some test code - sorry!
if($map !== NULL)
if ($map->links[$linkname]->arrowstyle == 'compact')
if (preg_match('/(\d+) (\d+)/', $map->links[$linkname]->arrowstyle, $matches))
$arrowsize = $width * $arrowlengthfactor;
$arrowwidth = $width * $arrowwidthfactor;
return( array($arrowsize,$arrowwidth) );
function draw_straight($image, &$curvepoints, $widths, $outlinecolour, $fillcolours, $linkname, &$map,
$q2_percent=50, $unidirectional=FALSE)
$totaldistance = $curvepoints[count($curvepoints)-1][DISTANCE];
$halfway = $totaldistance;
$dirs = array(OUT);
$q2_percent = 100;
$halfway = $totaldistance * ($q2_percent/100);
list($halfway_x,$halfway_y,$halfwayindex) = find_distance_coords($curvepoints,$halfway);
$spine[OUT] = $curvepoints;
// we'll split the spine in half here.
# $q2_percent = 50;
$halfway = $totaldistance * ($q2_percent/100);
$dirs = array(OUT,IN);
# $dirs = array(IN);
list($halfway_x,$halfway_y,$halfwayindex) = find_distance_coords($curvepoints,$halfway);
# print "Midpoint is: $totaldistance $halfway $halfwayindex $halfway_x,$halfway_y\n";
$spine[OUT] = array();
$spine[IN] = array();
$npoints = count($curvepoints)-1;
for($i=0; $i<=$halfwayindex; $i++)
$spine[OUT] []= $curvepoints[$i];
// finally, add the actual midpoint
$spine[OUT] []= array($halfway_x,$halfway_y, $halfway);
// and then from the end to the middle for the other arrow
for($i=$npoints; $i>$halfwayindex; $i--)
// copy the original spine, but reversing the distance calculation
$spine[IN] []= array($curvepoints[$i][X], $curvepoints[$i][Y], $totaldistance - $curvepoints[$i][DISTANCE]);
// finally, add the actual midpoint
$spine[IN] []= array($halfway_x,$halfway_y, $totaldistance - $halfway);
# wm_draw_marker_box($image,$map->selected, $halfway_x, $halfway_y );
// now we have two seperate spines, with distances, so that the arrowhead is the end of each.
// (or one, if it's unidir)
// so we can loop along the spine for each one as a seperate entity
// we calculate the arrow size up here, so that we can decide on the
// minimum length for a link. The arrowheads are the limiting factor.
list( $arrowsize[IN], $arrowwidth[IN] ) = calc_arrowsize( $widths[IN], $map, $linkname );
list( $arrowsize[OUT], $arrowwidth[OUT] ) = calc_arrowsize( $widths[OUT], $map, $linkname );
// the 1.2 here is empirical. It ought to be 1 in theory.
// in practice, a link this short is useless anyway, especially with bwlabels.
$minimumlength = 1.2*($arrowsize[IN]+$arrowsize[OUT]);
foreach ($dirs as $dir)
# draw_spine($image, $spine[$dir],$map->selected);
#draw_spine_chain($image, $spine[$dir],$map->selected,3);
#print "=================\n$linkname/$dir\n";
$n = count($spine[$dir]) - 1;
$l = $spine[$dir][$n][DISTANCE];
#print "L=$l N=$n\n";
// loop increment, start point, width, labelpos, fillcolour, outlinecolour, commentpos
$arrowsettings = array(+1, 0, $widths[$dir], 0, $fillcolours[$dir], $outlinecolour, 5);
# print "Line is $n points to a distance of $l\n";
if($l < $minimumlength)
warn("Skipping too-short line.\n");
$arrow_d = $l - $arrowsize[$dir];
# print "LENGTHS $l $arrow_d ".$arrowsize[$dir]."\n";
list($pre_mid_x,$pre_mid_y,$pre_midindex) = find_distance_coords($spine[$dir], $arrow_d);
# print "POS $pre_mid_x,$pre_mid_y $pre_midindex\n";
$out = array_slice($spine[$dir], 0, $pre_midindex);
$out []= array($pre_mid_x, $pre_mid_y, $arrow_d);
# wm_draw_marker_diamond($image, $map->selected, $pre_mid_x, $pre_mid_y, 5);
# imagearc($image,$pre_mid_x, $pre_mid_y ,15,15,0,360,$map->selected);
# imagearc($image,$spine[$dir][$pre_midindex+1][X],$spine[$dir][$pre_midindex+1][Y],20,20,0,360,$map->selected);
# imagearc($image,$spine[$dir][$pre_midindex][X],$spine[$dir][$pre_midindex][Y],20,20,0,360,$map->selected);
$spine[$dir] = $out;
$adx=($halfway_x - $pre_mid_x);
$ady=($halfway_y - $pre_mid_y);
$ll=sqrt(($adx * $adx) + ($ady * $ady));
$anx = $ady / $ll;
$any = -$adx / $ll;
$ax1 = $pre_mid_x + $widths[$dir] * $anx;
$ay1 = $pre_mid_y + $widths[$dir] * $any;
$ax2 = $pre_mid_x + $arrowwidth[$dir] * $anx;
$ay2 = $pre_mid_y + $arrowwidth[$dir] * $any;
$ax3 = $halfway_x;
$ay3 = $halfway_y;
$ax5 = $pre_mid_x - $widths[$dir] * $anx;
$ay5 = $pre_mid_y - $widths[$dir] * $any;
$ax4 = $pre_mid_x - $arrowwidth[$dir] * $anx;
$ay4 = $pre_mid_y - $arrowwidth[$dir] * $any;
# draw_spine($image,$spine[$dir],$map->selected);
$simple = simplify_spine($spine[$dir]);
$newn = count($simple);
# draw_spine($image,$simple,$map->selected);
# print "Simplified to $newn points\n";
# if($draw_skeleton) draw_spine_chain($im,$simple,$blue, 12);
# draw_spine_chain($image,$simple,$map->selected, 12);
# draw_spine_chain($image,$spine[$dir],$map->selected, 10);
# draw_spine_chain($image,$simple,$map->selected, 12);
# draw_spine($image,$simple,$map->selected);
// now do the actual drawing....
$finalpoints = array();
$reversepoints = array();
$finalpoints[] = $simple[0][X];
$finalpoints[] = $simple[0][Y];
$reversepoints[] = $simple[0][X];
$reversepoints[] = $simple[0][Y];
// before the main loop, add in the jump out to the corners
// if this is the first step, then we need to go from the middle to the outside edge first
// ( the loop may not run, but these corners are required)
$i = 0;
$v1 = new Vector($simple[$i+1][X] - $simple[$i][X], $simple[$i+1][Y] - $simple[$i][Y]);
$n1 = $v1->get_normal();
$finalpoints[] = $simple[$i][X] + $n1->dx*$widths[$dir];
$finalpoints[] = $simple[$i][Y] + $n1->dy*$widths[$dir];
$reversepoints[] = $simple[$i][X] - $n1->dx*$widths[$dir];
$reversepoints[] = $simple[$i][Y] - $n1->dy*$widths[$dir];
$max_start = count($simple)-2;
# print "max_start is $max_start\n";
for ($i=0; $i <$max_start; $i++)
$v1 = new Vector($simple[$i+1][X] - $simple[$i][X], $simple[$i+1][Y] - $simple[$i][Y]);
$v2 = new Vector($simple[$i+2][X] - $simple[$i+1][X], $simple[$i+2][Y] - $simple[$i+1][Y]);
$n1 = $v1->get_normal();
$n2 = $v2->get_normal();
$capping = FALSE;
// figure out the angle between the lines - for very sharp turns, we should do something special
// (actually, their normals, but the angle is the same and we need the normals later)
$angle = rad2deg(atan2($n2->dy,$n2->dx) - atan2($n1->dy,$n1->dx));
if($angle > 180) $angle -= 360;
if($angle < -180) $angle += 360;
$capping = TRUE;
# print "Would cap. ($angle)\n";
// $capping = FALSE; // override that for now
// now figure out the geometry for where the next corners are
list($xi1,$yi1) = line_crossing( $simple[$i][X] + $n1->dx * $widths[$dir], $simple[$i][Y] + $n1->dy * $widths[$dir],
$simple[$i+1][X] + $n1->dx * $widths[$dir], $simple[$i+1][Y] + $n1->dy * $widths[$dir],
$simple[$i+1][X] + $n2->dx * $widths[$dir], $simple[$i+1][Y] + $n2->dy * $widths[$dir],
$simple[$i+2][X] + $n2->dx * $widths[$dir], $simple[$i+2][Y] + $n2->dy * $widths[$dir]
list($xi2,$yi2) = line_crossing( $simple[$i][X] - $n1->dx * $widths[$dir], $simple[$i][Y] - $n1->dy * $widths[$dir],
$simple[$i+1][X] - $n1->dx * $widths[$dir], $simple[$i+1][Y] - $n1->dy * $widths[$dir],
$simple[$i+1][X] - $n2->dx * $widths[$dir], $simple[$i+1][Y] - $n2->dy * $widths[$dir],
$simple[$i+2][X] - $n2->dx * $widths[$dir], $simple[$i+2][Y] - $n2->dy * $widths[$dir]
$finalpoints[] = $xi1;
$finalpoints[] = $yi1;
$reversepoints[] = $xi2;
$reversepoints[] = $yi2;
// in here, we need to decide which is the 'outside' of the corner,
// because that's what we flatten. The inside of the corner is left alone.
// - depending on the relative angle between the two segments, it could
// be either one of these points.
list($xi3,$yi3) = line_crossing( $simple[$i][X] + $n1->dx*$widths[$dir], $simple[$i][Y] + $n1->dy*$widths[$dir],
$simple[$i+1][X] + $n1->dx*$widths[$dir], $simple[$i+1][Y] + $n1->dy*$widths[$dir],
$simple[$i+1][X] - $n2->dx*$widths[$dir], $simple[$i+1][Y] - $n2->dy*$widths[$dir],
$simple[$i+2][X] - $n2->dx*$widths[$dir], $simple[$i+2][Y] - $n2->dy*$widths[$dir]
list($xi4,$yi4) = line_crossing( $simple[$i][X] - $n1->dx*$widths[$dir], $simple[$i][Y] - $n1->dy*$widths[$dir],
$simple[$i+1][X] - $n1->dx*$widths[$dir], $simple[$i+1][Y] - $n1->dy*$widths[$dir],
$simple[$i+1][X] + $n2->dx*$widths[$dir], $simple[$i+1][Y] + $n2->dy*$widths[$dir],
$simple[$i+2][X] + $n2->dx*$widths[$dir], $simple[$i+2][Y] + $n2->dy*$widths[$dir]
if($angle < 0)
$finalpoints[] = $xi3;
$finalpoints[] = $yi3;
$finalpoints[] = $xi4;
$finalpoints[] = $yi4;
$reversepoints[] = $xi2;
$reversepoints[] = $yi2;
$reversepoints[] = $xi4;
$reversepoints[] = $yi4;
$reversepoints[] = $xi3;
$reversepoints[] = $yi3;
$finalpoints[] = $xi1;
$finalpoints[] = $yi1;
// at this end, we add the arrowhead
$finalpoints[] = $ax1;
$finalpoints[] = $ay1;
$finalpoints[] = $ax2;
$finalpoints[] = $ay2;
$finalpoints[] = $ax3;
$finalpoints[] = $ay3;
$finalpoints[] = $ax4;
$finalpoints[] = $ay4;
$finalpoints[] = $ax5;
$finalpoints[] = $ay5;
$numpoints += 5;
// combine the forwards and backwards paths, to make a complete loop
for($i=($numrpoints-1)*2; $i>=0; $i-=2)
$x = $reversepoints[$i];
$y = $reversepoints[$i+1];
$finalpoints[] = $x;
$finalpoints[] = $y;
// $finalpoints[] contains a complete outline of the line at this stage
if (!is_null($fillcolours[$dir]))
wimagefilledpolygon($image, $finalpoints, count($finalpoints) / 2, $arrowsettings[4]);
debug("Not drawing $linkname ($dir) fill because there is no fill colour\n");
$areaname = "LINK:L" . $map->links[$linkname]->id . ":$dir";
$map->imap->addArea("Polygon", $areaname, '', $finalpoints);
debug ("Adding Poly imagemap for $areaname\n");
if (!is_null($outlinecolour))
wimagepolygon($image, $finalpoints, count($finalpoints) / 2, $arrowsettings[5]);
debug("Not drawing $linkname ($dir) outline because there is no outline colour\n");
// top-level function that takes a two lists to define some points, and draws a weathermap link
// - this takes care of all the extras, like arrowheads, and where to put the bandwidth labels
// curvepoints is an array of the points the curve passes through
// width is the link width (the actual width is twice this)
// outlinecolour is a GD colour reference
// fillcolours is an array of two more colour references, one for the out, and one for the in spans
function draw_curve($image, &$curvepoints, $widths, $outlinecolour, $fillcolours, $linkname, &$map,
$q2_percent=50, $unidirectional=FALSE)
// now we have a 'spine' - all the central points for this curve.
// time to flesh it out to the right width, and figure out where to draw arrows and bandwidth boxes...
// get the full length of the curve from the last point
$totaldistance = $curvepoints[count($curvepoints)-1][2];
// find where the in and out arrows will join (normally halfway point)
$halfway = $totaldistance * ($q2_percent/100);
$dirs = array(OUT,IN);
// for a unidirectional map, we just ignore the second half (direction = -1)
$halfway = $totaldistance;
$dirs = array(OUT);
// loop increment, start point, width, labelpos, fillcolour, outlinecolour, commentpos
$arrowsettings[OUT] = array(+1, 0, $widths[OUT], 0, $fillcolours[OUT], $outlinecolour, 5);
$arrowsettings[IN] = array(-1, count($curvepoints) - 1, $widths[IN], 0, $fillcolours[IN], $outlinecolour, 95);
// we calculate the arrow size up here, so that we can decide on the
// minimum length for a link. The arrowheads are the limiting factor.
list($arrowsize[IN],$arrowwidth[IN]) = calc_arrowsize($widths[IN], $map, $linkname);
list($arrowsize[OUT],$arrowwidth[OUT]) = calc_arrowsize($widths[OUT], $map, $linkname);
// the 1.2 here is empirical. It ought to be 1 in theory.
// in practice, a link this short is useless anyway, especially with bwlabels.
$minimumlength = 1.2*($arrowsize[IN]+$arrowsize[OUT]);
# warn("$linkname: Total: $totaldistance $arrowsize $arrowwidth $minimumlength\n");
if($totaldistance <= $minimumlength)
warn("Skipping drawing very short link ($linkname). Impossible to draw! Try changing WIDTH or ARROWSTYLE? [WMWARN01]\n");
list($halfway_x,$halfway_y,$halfwayindex) = find_distance_coords($curvepoints,$halfway);
// loop over direction here
// direction is 1.0 for the first half (forwards through the pointlist), and -1.0 for the second half (backwards from the end)
// - used as a multiplier on anything that looks forwards or backwards through the list
foreach ($dirs as $dir)
$direction = $arrowsettings[$dir][0];
// $width = $widths[$dir];
// this is the last index before the arrowhead starts
list($pre_mid_x,$pre_mid_y,$pre_midindex) = find_distance_coords($curvepoints,$halfway - $direction * $arrowsize[$dir]);
# if ($direction < 0) { $start=count($curvepoints) - 1; }
# else { $start=0; }
$start = $arrowsettings[$dir][1];
for ($i=$start; $i != $pre_midindex; $i+=$direction)
// for each point on the spine, produce two points normal to it's direction,
// each is $width away from the spine, but we build up the two lists in the opposite order,
// so that when they are joined together, we get one continuous line
$dx=$curvepoints[$i + $direction][0] - $curvepoints[$i][0];
$dy=$curvepoints[$i + $direction][1] - $curvepoints[$i][1];
$l=sqrt(($dx * $dx) + ($dy * $dy));
$nx=$dy / $l;
$ny=-$dx / $l;
$there_points[]=$curvepoints[$i][0] + $direction * $widths[$dir] * $nx;
$there_points[]=$curvepoints[$i][1] + $direction * $widths[$dir] * $ny;
$back_points[]=$curvepoints[$i][0] - $direction * $widths[$dir] * $nx;
$back_points[]=$curvepoints[$i][1] - $direction * $widths[$dir] * $ny;
// all the normal line is done, now lets add an arrowhead on
$adx=($halfway_x - $pre_mid_x);
$ady=($halfway_y - $pre_mid_y);
$l=sqrt(($adx * $adx) + ($ady * $ady));
$anx=$ady / $l;
$any=-$adx / $l;
$there_points[]=$pre_mid_x + $direction * $widths[$dir] * $anx;
$there_points[]=$pre_mid_y + $direction * $widths[$dir] * $any;
$there_points[]=$pre_mid_x + $direction * $arrowwidth[$dir] * $anx;
$there_points[]=$pre_mid_y + $direction * $arrowwidth[$dir] * $any;
$there_points[]=$pre_mid_x - $direction * $arrowwidth[$dir] * $anx;
$there_points[]=$pre_mid_y - $direction * $arrowwidth[$dir] * $any;
$there_points[]=$pre_mid_x - $direction * $widths[$dir] * $anx;
$there_points[]=$pre_mid_y - $direction * $widths[$dir] * $any;
// all points done, now combine the lists, and produce the final result.
$metapts = "";
$metapts .= " $x $y";
} while (!is_null($y));
if ($direction < 0) $arrayindex=0;
if (!is_null($fillcolours[$arrayindex]))
wimagefilledpolygon($image, $there_points, count($there_points) / 2, $arrowsettings[$dir][4]);
debug("Not drawing $linkname ($dir) fill because there is no fill colour\n");
# $areaname = "LINK:" . $linkname. ":$dir";
$areaname = "LINK:L" . $map->links[$linkname]->id . ":$dir";
$map->imap->addArea("Polygon", $areaname, '', $there_points);
debug ("Adding Poly imagemap for $areaname\n");
if (!is_null($outlinecolour))
wimagepolygon($image, $there_points, count($there_points) / 2, $arrowsettings[$dir][5]);
debug("Not drawing $linkname ($dir) outline because there is no outline colour\n");
// Take a spine, and strip out all the points that are co-linear with the points either side of them
function simplify_spine(&$input, $epsilon=1e-10)
$output = array();
$output []= $input[0];
$c = count($input)-2;
for($n=1; $n<=$c; $n++)
$x = $input[$n][X];
$y = $input[$n][Y];
// figure out the area of the triangle formed by this point, and the one before and after
$a = abs($input[$n-1][X] * ( $input[$n][Y] - $input[$n+1][Y] )
+ $input[$n][X] * ( $input[$n+1][Y] - $input[$n-1][Y] )
+ $input[$n+1][X] * ( $input[$n-1][Y] - $input[$n][Y] ) );
# print "$n $x,$y $a";
if ( $a > $epsilon)
// if(1==1)
$output []= $input[$n];
# print " KEEP";
// ignore n
# print " SKIP";
# print "\n";
debug("Skipped $skip points of $c\n");
# print "------------------------\n";
$output []= $input[$c+1];
return $output;
function unformat_number($instring, $kilo = 1000)
if (preg_match("/([0-9\.]+)(M|G|K|T|m|u)/", $instring, $matches))
if ($matches[2] == 'K') { $number=$number * $kilo; }
if ($matches[2] == 'M') { $number=$number * $kilo * $kilo; }
if ($matches[2] == 'G') { $number=$number * $kilo * $kilo * $kilo; }
if ($matches[2] == 'T') { $number=$number * $kilo * $kilo * $kilo * $kilo; }
// new, for absolute datastyle. Think seconds.
if ($matches[2] == 'm') { $number=$number / $kilo; }
if ($matches[2] == 'u') { $number=$number / ($kilo * $kilo); }
else { $number=floatval($instring); }
return ($number);
// given a compass-point, and a width & height, return a tuple of the x,y offsets
function calc_offset($offsetstring, $width, $height)
debug("Numeric Offset found\n");
$multiply = 1;
if( isset($matches[2] ) )
$multiply = intval($matches[2])/100;
debug("Percentage compass offset: multiply by $multiply");
$height = $height * $multiply;
$width = $width * $multiply;
switch (strtoupper($matches[1]))
case 'N':
return (array(0, -$height / 2));
case 'S':
return (array(0, $height / 2));
case 'E':
return (array(+$width / 2, 0));
case 'W':
return (array(-$width / 2, 0));
case 'NW':
return (array(-$width / 2, -$height / 2));
case 'NE':
return (array($width / 2, -$height / 2));
case 'SW':
return (array(-$width / 2, $height / 2));
case 'SE':
return (array($width / 2, $height / 2));
case 'C':
return (array(0, 0));
elseif( preg_match("/(-?\d+)r(\d+)$/i",$offsetstring,$matches) )
$angle = intval($matches[1]);
$distance = intval($matches[2]);
$x = $distance * sin(deg2rad($angle));
$y = - $distance * cos(deg2rad($angle));
return (array($x,$y));
warn("Got a position offset that didn't make sense ($offsetstring).");
return (array(0, 0));
// These next two are based on perl's Number::Format module
// by William R. Ward, chopped down to just what I needed
function format_number($number, $precision = 2, $trailing_zeroes = 0)
if ($number < 0)
$number=round($number, $precision);
if (strlen($integer) < strlen($number)) { $decimal=substr($number, strlen($integer) + 1); }
if (!isset($decimal)) { $decimal=''; }
$integer=$sign * $integer;
if ($decimal == '') { return ($integer); }
else { return ($integer . "." . $decimal); }
function nice_bandwidth($number, $kilo = 1000,$decimals=1,$below_one=TRUE)
if ($number == 0)
return '0';
$mega=$kilo * $kilo;
$giga=$mega * $kilo;
$tera=$giga * $kilo;
$milli = 1/$kilo;
$micro = 1/$mega;
$nano = 1/$giga;
if ($number >= $tera)
elseif ($number >= $giga)
elseif ($number >= $mega)
elseif ($number >= $kilo)
elseif ($number >= 1)
$number = $number;
elseif (($below_one==TRUE) && ($number >= $milli))
elseif (($below_one==TRUE) && ($number >= $micro))
elseif (($below_one==TRUE) && ($number >= $nano))
$result=format_number($number, $decimals) . $suffix;
return ($result);
function nice_scalar($number, $kilo = 1000, $decimals=1)
$suffix = '';
$prefix = '';
if ($number == 0)
return '0';
if($number < 0)
$number = -$number;
$prefix = '-';
$mega=$kilo * $kilo;
$giga=$mega * $kilo;
$tera=$giga * $kilo;
if ($number > $tera)
elseif ($number > $giga)
elseif ($number > $mega)
elseif ($number > $kilo)
elseif ($number > 1)
$number = $number;
elseif ($number < (1 / ($kilo)))
$number=$number * $mega;
elseif ($number < 1)
$number=$number * $kilo;
$result = $prefix . format_number($number, $decimals) . $suffix;
return ($result);
// ***********************************************
// we use enough points in various places to make it worth a small class to save some variable-pairs.
class Point
var $x, $y;
function Point($x=0,$y=0)
$this->x = $x;
$this->y = $y;
// similarly for 2D vectors
class Vector
var $dx, $dy;
function Vector($dx=0,$dy=0)
$this->dx = $dx;
$this->dy = $dy;
function get_normal()
$len = $this->length();
$nx1 = $this->dy / $len;
$ny1 = -$this->dx / $len;
return( new Vector($nx1, $ny1));
function normalise()
$len = $this->length();
$this->dx = $this->dx/$len;
$this->dy = $this->dy/$len;
function length()
return( sqrt(($this->dx)*($this->dx) + ($this->dy)*($this->dy)) );
class Colour
var $r,$g,$b, $alpha;
// take in an existing value and create a Colour object for it
function Colour()
if(func_num_args() == 3) # a set of 3 colours
$this->r = func_get_arg(0); # r
$this->g = func_get_arg(1); # g
$this->b = func_get_arg(2); # b
#print "3 args";
#print $this->as_string()."--";
if( (func_num_args() == 1) && gettype(func_get_arg(0))=='array' ) # an array of 3 colours
#print "1 args";
$ary = func_get_arg(0);
$this->r = $ary[0];
$this->g = $ary[1];
$this->b = $ary[2];
// Is this a transparent/none colour?
function is_real()
if($this->r >= 0 && $this->g >=0 && $this->b >= 0)
return true;
return false;
// Is this a transparent/none colour?
function is_none()
if($this->r == -1 && $this->g == -1 && $this->b == -1)
return true;
return false;
// Is this a contrast colour?
function is_contrast()
if($this->r == -3 && $this->g == -3 && $this->b == -3)
return true;
return false;
// Is this a copy colour?
function is_copy()
if($this->r == -2 && $this->g == -2 && $this->b == -2)
return true;
return false;
// allocate a colour in the appropriate image context
// - things like scale colours are used in multiple images now (the scale, several nodes, the main map...)
function gdallocate($image_ref)
return NULL;
return(myimagecolorallocate($image_ref, $this->r, $this->g, $this->b));
// based on an idea from:
function contrast_ary()
if( (($this->r + $this->g + $this->b) > 500)
|| ($this->g > 140)
return( array(0,0,0) );
return( array(255,255,255) );
function contrast()
return( new Colour($this->contrast_ary() ) );
// make a printable version, for debugging
// - optionally take a format string, so we can use it for other things (like WriteConfig, or hex in stylesheets)
function as_string($format = "RGB(%d,%d,%d)")
return (sprintf($format, $this->r, $this->g, $this->b));
function as_config()
return $this->as_string("%d %d %d");
function as_html()
return $this->as_string("#%02x%02x%02x");
return "";
// A series of wrapper functions around all the GD function calls
// - I added these in so I could make a 'metafile' easily of all the
// drawing commands for a map. I have a basic Perl-Cairo script that makes
// anti-aliased maps from these, using Cairo instead of GD.
function metadump($string, $truncate=FALSE)
// comment this line to get a metafile for this map
$fd = fopen("metadump.txt","w+");
$fd = fopen("metadump.txt","a");
function metacolour(&$col)
return ($col['red1']." ".$col['green1']." ".$col['blue1']);
function wimagecreate($width,$height)
metadump("NEWIMAGE $width $height");
function wimagefilledrectangle( $image ,$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color )
if ($color===NULL) return;
$col = imagecolorsforindex($image, $color);
$r = $col['red']; $g = $col['green']; $b = $col['blue']; $a = $col['alpha'];
$r = $r/255; $g=$g/255; $b=$b/255; $a=(127-$a)/127;
metadump("FRECT $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $r $g $b $a");
return(imagefilledrectangle( $image ,$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color ));
function wimagerectangle( $image ,$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color )
if ($color===NULL) return;
$col = imagecolorsforindex($image, $color);
$r = $col['red']; $g = $col['green']; $b = $col['blue']; $a = $col['alpha'];
$r = $r/255; $g=$g/255; $b=$b/255; $a=(127-$a)/127;
metadump("RECT $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 $r $g $b $a");
return(imagerectangle( $image ,$x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color ));
function wimagepolygon($image, $points, $num_points, $color)
if ($color===NULL) return;
$col = imagecolorsforindex($image, $color);
$r = $col['red']; $g = $col['green']; $b = $col['blue']; $a = $col['alpha'];
$r = $r/255; $g=$g/255; $b=$b/255; $a=(127-$a)/127;
$pts = "";
for ($i=0; $i < $num_points; $i++)
$pts .= $points[$i * 2]." ";
$pts .= $points[$i * 2+1]." ";
metadump("POLY $num_points ".$pts." $r $g $b $a");
return(imagepolygon($image, $points, $num_points, $color));
function wimagefilledpolygon($image, $points, $num_points, $color)
if ($color===NULL) return;
$col = imagecolorsforindex($image, $color);
$r = $col['red']; $g = $col['green']; $b = $col['blue']; $a = $col['alpha'];
$r = $r/255; $g=$g/255; $b=$b/255; $a=(127-$a)/127;
$pts = "";
for ($i=0; $i < $num_points; $i++)
$pts .= $points[$i * 2]." ";
$pts .= $points[$i * 2+1]." ";
metadump("FPOLY $num_points ".$pts." $r $g $b $a");
return(imagefilledpolygon($image, $points, $num_points, $color));
function wimagecreatetruecolor($width, $height)
metadump("BLANKIMAGE $width $height");
return imagecreatetruecolor($width,$height);
function wimagettftext($image, $size, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $file, $string)
if ($color===NULL) return;
$col = imagecolorsforindex($image, $color);
$r = $col['red']; $g = $col['green']; $b = $col['blue']; $a = $col['alpha'];
$r = $r/255; $g=$g/255; $b=$b/255; $a=(127-$a)/127;
metadump("TEXT $x $y $angle $size $file $r $g $b $a $string");
return(imagettftext($image, $size, $angle, $x, $y, $color, $file, $string));
function wm_draw_marker_diamond($im, $col, $x, $y, $size=10)
$points = array();
$points []= $x-$size;
$points []= $y;
$points []= $x;
$points []= $y-$size;
$points []= $x+$size;
$points []= $y;
$points []= $x;
$points []= $y+$size;
$num_points = 4;
imagepolygon($im, $points, $num_points, $col);
function wm_draw_marker_box($im, $col, $x, $y, $size=10)
$points = array();
$points []= $x-$size;
$points []= $y-$size;
$points []= $x+$size;
$points []= $y-$size;
$points []= $x+$size;
$points []= $y+$size;
$points []= $x-$size;
$points []= $y+$size;
$num_points = 4;
imagepolygon($im, $points, $num_points, $col);
function wm_draw_marker_circle($im, $col, $x, $y, $size=10)
imagearc($im,$x, $y ,$size,$size,0,360,$col);
function draw_spine_chain($im,$spine,$col, $size=10)
$newn = count($spine);
for ($i=0; $i < $newn; $i++)
function dump_spine($spine)
print "===============\n";
for($i=0; $i<count($spine); $i++)
printf (" %3d: %d,%d (%d)\n", $i, $spine[$i][X], $spine[$i][Y], $spine[$i][DISTANCE] );
print "===============\n";
function draw_spine($im, $spine,$col)
$max_i = count($spine)-1;
for ($i=0; $i <$max_i; $i++)
// vim:ts=4:sw=4: