#!/usr/bin/perl # # Run this periodicaly by cron as root # # # WeatherStats # # version: 0.6 # # author: Adam Pribyl, covex@lowlevel.cz # url: http://meteolinger.lowlevel.cz/ # desc: perl scripts to save weather conditions from TOPCOM 265 NE Weather station into RRD tool chain # deps: wwsr, perl, rrdtools (best >= 1.0.42) # lic: GNU GPL # howto use: call this every 2 minutes from crontab as root # sub help { print "usage: \n"; print " weatherstats -a reads out the data from the weather station and stores them in round robin database\n"; print " weatherstats -a -g reads out the data and generates graphs\n"; exit(0); } sub callsys { my @cmd = @_; # debug messages if ( $en_dbg == 1 ) { $out = ""; print "---- DBG: WeatherStats: Issuing command:\n @cmd\n"; } else { $out = "> /dev/null"; } system("@cmd $out"); my $err = $?/256; if ( $err > 0 ) { die "ERROR: WeatherStats: System error nr. $err while executing @cmd" } } sub insertdb { my $rrdbn = $_[0]; my $value = $_[1]; my $scale = $_[2]; my $wname = $_[3]; my $value_type = $rrdbn; $tm = time; $min = "U"; $max = "U"; #unlimited if ($rrdbn =~ /temperature/) { $min = "-60"; $max = "60"; $value_type =~ s/temperature//g; $value_type =~ s/_//g; push(@{$temperature{$value_type}}, $wname); push(@{$temperature{$value_type}}, $value); push(@{$temperature{$value_type}}, $scale); $rrdbn = "temperature_".$value_type; } elsif ($rrdbn eq "wind_speed" or $rrdbn eq "wind_gust") { $min = "0"; $max = "100"; #m/s > 330km/h $value_type =~ s/wind//g; $value_type =~ s/_//g; push(@{$wind{$value_type}}, $wname); push(@{$wind{$value_type}}, $value); push(@{$wind{$value_type}}, $scale); $rrdbn = "wind_".$value_type; } elsif ($rrdbn eq "wind_direction") { $min = "0"; $max = "15"; $value_type =~ s/wind//g; $value_type =~ s/_//g; push(@{$wind{$value_type}}, $wname); push(@{$wind{$value_type}}, $value); push(@{$wind{$value_type}}, $scale); $rrdbn = "wind_".$value_type; } elsif ($rrdbn =~ /humidity/) { $min = "0"; $max = "100"; #% $value_type =~ s/humidity//g; $value_type =~ s/_//g; push(@{$humidity{$value_type}}, $wname); push(@{$humidity{$value_type}}, $value); push(@{$humidity{$value_type}}, $scale.$scale); $rrdbn = "humidity_".$value_type; } elsif ($rrdbn eq "rain_1h") { $min = "0"; $max = "100"; #mm/h $value_type =~ s/rain//g; $value_type =~ s/_//g; push(@{$rain{$value_type}}, $wname); push(@{$rain{$value_type}}, $value); push(@{$rain{$value_type}}, $scale); $rrdbn = "rain_".$value_type; } elsif ($rrdbn eq "rain_total") { $value_type =~ s/rain//g; $value_type =~ s/_//g; push(@{$rain{$value_type}}, $wname); push(@{$rain{$value_type}}, $value); push(@{$rain{$value_type}}, $scale); $rrdbn = "rain_".$value_type; } elsif ($rrdbn =~ /pressure/) { $min = "800"; $max = "1200"; $value_type =~ s/pressure//g; $value_type =~ s/_//g; push(@{$pressure{$value_type}}, $wname); push(@{$pressure{$value_type}}, $value); push(@{$pressure{$value_type}}, $scale); $rrdbn = "pressure_".$value_type; } if ( !( -e $rrdbp.$rrdbn.".rrd") ) { # every 120s (2min), 600s maximum interval between feeding data # 1. AVERAGE, every 1st value, store 720 (30*24) values (1day) # 2. AVERAGE, every 30th value (each hour), store 720 values (30days) # 3. AVERAGE, every 720th value (each day), store 5*365 values (5 year) # same for MAX values &callsys($rrdtoolp." create ".$rrdbp.$rrdbn.".rrd --start $tm -s 120 \\ DS:".$value_type.":GAUGE:600:".$min.":".$max." \\ RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:720 \\ RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:30:720 \\ RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:720:1825 \\ RRA:MAX:0.5:1:720 \\ RRA:MAX:0.5:30:720 \\ RRA:MAX:0.5:720:1825 \\ "); # print "Database $rrdbn created.\n"; return(0); } else { &callsys($rrdtoolp." update ".$rrdbp.$rrdbn.".rrd ".$tm.":".$value); }; }; sub create_graphs_for { my %hasharray = %{$_[0]}; my $wname = $_[1]; my %gtimes = ( "1h" => 3600, "6h" => 21600, "24h" => 86400, "7d" => 604800, "30d" => 2592000, "1y" => 31536000, "5y" => 157680000 ); my @color = ( "#dc0000", "#dc00dc", "#5800dc", "#009bdc", "#00dc87" ); my $coloridx = 0; # N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNw my @direction_cols = ( "#ff0000", "#ff6600", "#ffcc00", "#ccff00", "#66ff00", "#00ff00", "#00ff66", "#00ffcc", "#00ccff", "#0066ff", "#0000ff", "#6600ff", "#cc00ff", "#ff00cc", "#ff0066", "#ff0000"); foreach $gtime (keys %gtimes) { $arguments = ""; $coloridx = 0; $img = $wwwdir.$wname."_".$gtime.".gif"; $cmd_arguments = $rrdtoolp." graph ".$img." --start -".$gtimes{$gtime}." --width 550 --height 150 --vertical-label \"".ucfirst($wname)."\" --watermark \"WeatherStats\" \\"; #jak udelat scale?? --vertical-label".$scale\" \\"; $cmd_arguments = $rrdtoolp." graph ".$img." --start -".$gtimes{$gtime}." --width 550 --height 150 --vertical-label \"".ucfirst($wname)."\" \\"; #jak udelat scale?? --vertical-label".$scale\" \\"; # compile the graphs arguments if ($wname eq "temperature") { foreach $atribute (keys %hasharray) { if ($atribute =~ /out/) { $scale = ${$hasharray{$atribute}}[2]; $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":AVERAGE "; $arguments = $arguments."LINE1:".$atribute.$color[$coloridx].":\"".${$hasharray{$atribute}}[0]."\" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MIN:\"Min\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":AVERAGE:\"Avg\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MAX:\"Max\\: %4.2lf ".$scale."\\j\" "; $coloridx++; } } $arguments = $arguments."HRULE:0#474747"; $cmd_arguments_tmp = $cmd_arguments; $cmd_arguments_tmp =~ s/$gtime/out_$gtime/g; &callsys($cmd_arguments_tmp.$arguments); $arguments = ""; $coloridx = 0; foreach $atribute (keys %hasharray) { $scale = ${$hasharray{$atribute}}[2]; $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":AVERAGE "; $arguments = $arguments."LINE1:".$atribute.$color[$coloridx].":\"".${$hasharray{$atribute}}[0]."\" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MIN:\"Min\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":AVERAGE:\"Avg\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MAX:\"Max\\: %4.2lf ".$scale."\\j\" "; $coloridx++; } $arguments = $arguments."HRULE:0#474747"; } elsif ($wname eq "wind") { foreach $atribute (keys %hasharray) { if ($atribute eq "direction") { $scale = ${$hasharray{$atribute}}[2]; if ($gtime = "24h") { $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":AVERAGE "; } else { $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":MAX "; } $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:North=".$atribute.",0,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:NNE=".$atribute.",1,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:NE=".$atribute.",2,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:ENE=".$atribute.",3,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:East=".$atribute.",4,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:ESE=".$atribute.",5,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:SE=".$atribute.",6,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:SSE=".$atribute.",7,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:South=".$atribute.",8,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:SSW=".$atribute.",9,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:SW=".$atribute.",10,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:WSW=".$atribute.",11,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:West=".$atribute.",12,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:WNW=".$atribute.",13,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:NW=".$atribute.",14,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:NNW=".$atribute.",15,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:North".$direction_cols[0].":N "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:NNE".$direction_cols[1].": "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:NE".$direction_cols[2].":NE "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:ENE".$direction_cols[3].": "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:East".$direction_cols[4].":E "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:ESE".$direction_cols[5].": "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:SE".$direction_cols[6].":SE "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:SSE".$direction_cols[7].": "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:South".$direction_cols[8].":S "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:SSW".$direction_cols[9].": "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:SW".$direction_cols[10].":SW "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:WSW".$direction_cols[11].": "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:West".$direction_cols[12].":W "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:WNW".$direction_cols[13].": "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:NW".$direction_cols[14].":\"NW\\l\" "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:NNW".$direction_cols[15].": "; } else { $scale = ${$hasharray{$atribute}}[2]; $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":MAX "; $arguments = $arguments."LINE1:".$atribute.$color[$coloridx].":\"".${$hasharray{$atribute}}[0]."\" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MIN:\"Min\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":AVERAGE:\"Avg\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MAX:\"Max\\: %4.2lf ".$scale."\\j\" "; $coloridx++; } } } elsif ($wname eq "rain") { foreach $atribute (keys %hasharray) { if ($atribute eq "1h") { $scale = ${$hasharray{$atribute}}[2]; $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":AVERAGE "; $arguments = $arguments."LINE1:".$atribute.$color[$coloridx].":\"".${$hasharray{$atribute}}[0]."\" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MIN:\"Min\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":AVERAGE:\"Avg\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MAX:\"Max\\: %4.2lf ".$scale."\\j\" "; $coloridx++; $cmd_arguments_tmp = $cmd_arguments; $cmd_arguments_tmp =~ s/$gtime/1h_$gtime/g; &callsys($cmd_arguments_tmp.$arguments); $arguments = ""; } else { $scale = ${$hasharray{$atribute}}[2]; $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":AVERAGE "; $arguments = $arguments."LINE1:".$atribute.$color[$coloridx].":\"".${$hasharray{$atribute}}[0]."\" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MIN:\"Min\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":AVERAGE:\"Avg\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MAX:\"Max\\: %4.2lf ".$scale."\\j\" "; $coloridx++; } } } else { foreach $atribute (keys %hasharray) { $scale = ${$hasharray{$atribute}}[2]; $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":AVERAGE "; $arguments = $arguments."LINE1:".$atribute.$color[$coloridx].":\"".${$hasharray{$atribute}}[0]."\" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MIN:\"Min\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":AVERAGE:\"Avg\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MAX:\"Max\\: %4.2lf ".$scale."\\j\" "; $coloridx++; } } &callsys($cmd_arguments.$arguments); } } sub create_graphs { &create_graphs_for(\%temperature, "temperature"); &create_graphs_for(\%humidity, "humidity"); &create_graphs_for(\%wind, "wind"); &create_graphs_for(\%rain, "rain"); &create_graphs_for(\%pressure, "pressure"); } sub print_header { open (INDEX, ">$wwwdir"."index\.html.new") || die "ERROR: WeatherStats: Could not create $wwwdir index.html.new"; print INDEX "\nWeather statistic from WATSON W-8681 \n\n"; print INDEX "\"WATSON\n"; print INDEX "

Weather statistic

\n"; $date = `date`; print INDEX "

Generated: ".$date."

\n"; print INDEX "

Station altitude: ".$altitude."mnm

\n"; } sub print_footer { print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX ""; close INDEX; open (INDEX, ">$wwwdir"."index\.html") || die "ERROR: WeatherStats: Could not create $wwwdir index.html"; open (INDEX_NEW, "$wwwdir"."index\.html.new") || die "ERROR: WeatherStats: Could not create $wwwdir index.html"; while () { print INDEX $_ }; close INDEX_NEW; close INDEX; unlink "index.html.new"; } sub print_body_line { my @atribute = @_; printf INDEX "
\n %.1f %s\n
\n", $atribute[3], $atribute[4]; } sub print_page { my $page = $_[0]; open ( PAGE, ">$wwwdir".$page."\.html") || die "ERROR: WeatherStats: Could not create page $wwwdir $rrdbn"; print PAGE "\nWeather statistic from TOPCOM 265 NE\n\n"; print PAGE "


\n"; print PAGE "
\n"; print PAGE "
\n"; print PAGE "
\n"; print PAGE "
\n"; print PAGE "
\n"; print PAGE "
\n"; print PAGE "
\n"; print PAGE ""; close PAGE } sub print_body_begin { my $wtype = $_[0]; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "".ucfirst($wtype)."
\n"; } sub print_body { $wtype = "temperature"; &print_body_begin($wtype); $wtype = "temperature_out"; &print_body_begin($wtype); print INDEX "
\n"; &print_page($wtype); $wtype = "temperature"; foreach $atribute (keys %temperature) { &print_body_line($wtype,$atribute, ${$temperature{$atribute}}[0], ${$temperature{$atribute}}[1], ${$temperature{$atribute}}[2]); } print INDEX "\n"; &print_page($wtype); $wtype = "humidity"; &print_body_begin($wtype); foreach $atribute (keys %humidity) { &print_body_line($wtype, $atribute, ${$humidity{$atribute}}[0], ${$humidity{$atribute}}[1], "%"); } print INDEX "\n"; &print_page($wtype); $wtype = "wind"; &print_body_begin($wtype); foreach $atribute (keys %wind) { &print_body_line($wtype, $atribute, ${$wind{$atribute}}[0], ${$wind{$atribute}}[1], ${$wind{$atribute}}[2]); } print INDEX "\n"; &print_page($wtype); $wtype = "rain"; &print_body_begin($wtype); $wtype = "rain_1h"; &print_body_begin($wtype); print INDEX "\n"; &print_page($wtype); $wtype = "rain"; foreach $atribute (keys %rain) { &print_body_line($wtype, $atribute, ${$rain{$atribute}}[0], ${$rain{$atribute}}[1], ${$rain{$atribute}}[2]); } print INDEX "\n"; &print_page($wtype); $wtype = "pressure"; &print_body_begin($wtype); foreach $atribute (keys %pressure) { &print_body_line("$wtype", $atribute, ${$pressure{$atribute}}[0], ${$pressure{$atribute}}[1], ${$pressure{$atribute}}[2]); } print INDEX "\n"; &print_page($wtype); } ################# ##### MAIN ###### ################# @wwsr = `/usr/local/bin/wwsr -y`; #@wwsr = `cat wwsr6.out`; #@wwsr = `tail -14 /var/www/html/wwss/log`; $wwwdir = "/home/www/html/wwss/"; #$wwwdir = "wwss/"; $en_dbg = 0; $rrdtoolp = "/usr/bin/rrdtool"; $rrdbp = "/opt/meteolinger/rrd/"; #$rrdbp = "wwss/"; $graphs = 0; # What options are defined on command line? if ( defined($ARGV[0]) ) { for ($i = 0; $i < @ARGV; $i++) { $argmnt = $ARGV[$i]; if ($argmnt eq "-g") { $graphs = 1; } if ($argmnt eq "-a") { if (defined ($ARGV[$i+1] and length($ARGV[$i+1] == 1)) ) { $altitude = $ARGV[$i+1]; $i++; } else { die "ERROR: Unknown or missing argument to -a" } } } } else { &help; }; open (LOG, ">>$wwwdir"."log") || die "ERROR: no log"; print LOG "------- ".`date`; for ($i=0;$i<=($#wwsr-1);$i++) { print LOG $wwsr[$i]; } close LOG; for ($i=0;$i<=($#wwsr-1);$i++) { if ($wwsr[$i] =~ /^For postprocessing/) { $wwsr[$i] = ""; last; } else { $wwsr[$i] = ""; } if ($i==($#wwsr-1)) { print INDEX "ERROR: wwsr output - for postprocessing sequence not found!
"; for ($ii=0;$ii<=($#wwsr-1);$ii++) { print INDEX $wwsr[$ii]."
"; } } } # define main hashes for value groups %temperature = (); %pressure = (); %humidity = (); %wind = (); %rain = (); # store all values that wwsr returns foreach $line (@wwsr) { chomp $line; if ( $line ne "" ) { @aline = split ("\t", $line); ($value, $scale) = split (" ", $aline[1]); # $value = $aline[$#aline]; #posledni prvek je hodnota $rrdbn = $aline[0]; $rrdbn =~ s/ /_/g; $rrdbn = lc($rrdbn); if ($rrdbn eq "interval") { next }; &insertdb($rrdbn,$value,$scale,$aline[0]); # &print_page($rrdbn,$aline[0]); # &print_body($rrdbn,$value,$aline[0],$scale); } }; # additional calculate values $rrdbnt = "temperature_feelout"; $wname = "Feels like temperature"; $value = ${$wind{'speed'}}[1]; $tout = ${$temperature{'outdoor'}}[1]; # windchill calculation is only valid for wind speed > 4.5km/h ~ 1.25m/s and $tout < 10C if ($value > 1.25 and $tout < 10) { #Convert $value=m/s $ws=km/h $ws=$value*3.6; $ws = $ws**0.16; #Wind chill $twc = 13.12+(0.6215*$tout)-(11.37*($ws))+((0.3965*$tout)*($ws)); } else { $twc = $tout; } &insertdb($rrdbnt,$twc,"C",$wname); $rrdbnt = "pressure_airsea"; $wname = "Air pressure sea"; $value = ${$pressure{'air'}}[1]; $scale = ${$pressure{'air'}}[2]; # aaMADIS calculation $k1 = 0.190284; # discrepency with calculated k1 probably because Smithsonian used less precise gas constant and gravity values $k2 = 8.4184960528E-5; # (standardLapseRate / standardTempK) * (Power(standardSLP, k1) $aps = ((($value-0.3)**$k1)+($k2*$altitude))**(1/$k1); # Power(Power(pressureHPa - 0.3, k1) + (k2 * elevationM), 1/k1); &insertdb($rrdbnt,$aps,$scale,$wname); $rrdbnt = "temperature_dewout"; $wname = "Due point temperature"; $value = ${$humidity{'outdoor'}}[1]; $tdp = $tout-((100-$value)/5); # aproximation &insertdb($rrdbnt,$tdp,"C",$wname); &print_header; &print_body; &print_footer; if ($graphs == 1) { &create_graphs; } #!/usr/bin/perl # # Run this periodicaly by cron as root # # # WeatherStats # # version: 0.6 # # author: Adam Pribyl, covex@lowlevel.cz # url: http://meteolinger.lowlevel.cz/ # desc: perl scripts to save weather conditions from TOPCOM 265 NE Weather station into RRD tool chain # deps: wwsr, perl, rrdtools (best >= 1.0.42) # lic: GNU GPL # howto use: call this every 2 minutes from crontab as root # sub help { print "usage: \n"; print " weatherstats -a reads out the data from the weather station and stores them in round robin database\n"; print " weatherstats -a -g reads out the data and generates graphs\n"; exit(0); } sub callsys { my @cmd = @_; # debug messages if ( $en_dbg == 1 ) { $out = ""; print "---- DBG: WeatherStats: Issuing command:\n @cmd\n"; } else { $out = "> /dev/null"; } system("@cmd $out"); my $err = $?/256; if ( $err > 0 ) { die "ERROR: WeatherStats: System error nr. $err while executing @cmd" } } sub insertdb { my $rrdbn = $_[0]; my $value = $_[1]; my $scale = $_[2]; my $wname = $_[3]; my $value_type = $rrdbn; $tm = time; $min = "U"; $max = "U"; #unlimited if ($rrdbn =~ /temperature/) { $min = "-60"; $max = "60"; $value_type =~ s/temperature//g; $value_type =~ s/_//g; push(@{$temperature{$value_type}}, $wname); push(@{$temperature{$value_type}}, $value); push(@{$temperature{$value_type}}, $scale); $rrdbn = "temperature_".$value_type; } elsif ($rrdbn eq "wind_speed" or $rrdbn eq "wind_gust") { $min = "0"; $max = "100"; #m/s > 330km/h $value_type =~ s/wind//g; $value_type =~ s/_//g; push(@{$wind{$value_type}}, $wname); push(@{$wind{$value_type}}, $value); push(@{$wind{$value_type}}, $scale); $rrdbn = "wind_".$value_type; } elsif ($rrdbn eq "wind_direction") { $min = "0"; $max = "15"; $value_type =~ s/wind//g; $value_type =~ s/_//g; push(@{$wind{$value_type}}, $wname); push(@{$wind{$value_type}}, $value); push(@{$wind{$value_type}}, $scale); $rrdbn = "wind_".$value_type; } elsif ($rrdbn =~ /humidity/) { $min = "0"; $max = "100"; #% $value_type =~ s/humidity//g; $value_type =~ s/_//g; push(@{$humidity{$value_type}}, $wname); push(@{$humidity{$value_type}}, $value); push(@{$humidity{$value_type}}, $scale.$scale); $rrdbn = "humidity_".$value_type; } elsif ($rrdbn eq "rain_1h") { $min = "0"; $max = "100"; #mm/h $value_type =~ s/rain//g; $value_type =~ s/_//g; push(@{$rain{$value_type}}, $wname); push(@{$rain{$value_type}}, $value); push(@{$rain{$value_type}}, $scale); $rrdbn = "rain_".$value_type; } elsif ($rrdbn eq "rain_total") { $value_type =~ s/rain//g; $value_type =~ s/_//g; push(@{$rain{$value_type}}, $wname); push(@{$rain{$value_type}}, $value); push(@{$rain{$value_type}}, $scale); $rrdbn = "rain_".$value_type; } elsif ($rrdbn =~ /pressure/) { $min = "800"; $max = "1200"; $value_type =~ s/pressure//g; $value_type =~ s/_//g; push(@{$pressure{$value_type}}, $wname); push(@{$pressure{$value_type}}, $value); push(@{$pressure{$value_type}}, $scale); $rrdbn = "pressure_".$value_type; } if ( !( -e $rrdbp.$rrdbn.".rrd") ) { # every 120s (2min), 600s maximum interval between feeding data # 1. AVERAGE, every 1st value, store 720 (30*24) values (1day) # 2. AVERAGE, every 30th value (each hour), store 720 values (30days) # 3. AVERAGE, every 720th value (each day), store 5*365 values (5 year) # same for MAX values &callsys($rrdtoolp." create ".$rrdbp.$rrdbn.".rrd --start $tm -s 120 \\ DS:".$value_type.":GAUGE:600:".$min.":".$max." \\ RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:720 \\ RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:30:720 \\ RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:720:1825 \\ RRA:MAX:0.5:1:720 \\ RRA:MAX:0.5:30:720 \\ RRA:MAX:0.5:720:1825 \\ "); # print "Database $rrdbn created.\n"; return(0); } else { &callsys($rrdtoolp." update ".$rrdbp.$rrdbn.".rrd ".$tm.":".$value); }; }; sub create_graphs_for { my %hasharray = %{$_[0]}; my $wname = $_[1]; my %gtimes = ( "24h" => 86400, "30d" => 2592000, "1y" => 31536000, "5y" => 157680000 ); my @color = ( "#dc0000", "#dc00dc", "#5800dc", "#009bdc", "#00dc87" ); my $coloridx = 0; # N NNE NE ENE E ESE SE SSE S SSW SW WSW W WNW NW NNw my @direction_cols = ( "#ff0000", "#ff6600", "#ffcc00", "#ccff00", "#66ff00", "#00ff00", "#00ff66", "#00ffcc", "#00ccff", "#0066ff", "#0000ff", "#6600ff", "#cc00ff", "#ff00cc", "#ff0066", "#ff0000"); foreach $gtime (keys %gtimes) { $arguments = ""; $coloridx = 0; $img = $wwwdir.$wname."_".$gtime.".gif"; $cmd_arguments = $rrdtoolp." graph ".$img." --start -".$gtimes{$gtime}." --width 550 --height 150 --vertical-label \"".ucfirst($wname)."\" --watermark \"WeatherStats\" \\"; #jak udelat scale?? --vertical-label".$scale\" \\"; $cmd_arguments = $rrdtoolp." graph ".$img." --start -".$gtimes{$gtime}." --width 550 --height 150 --vertical-label \"".ucfirst($wname)."\" \\"; #jak udelat scale?? --vertical-label".$scale\" \\"; # compile the graphs arguments if ($wname eq "temperature") { foreach $atribute (keys %hasharray) { if ($atribute =~ /out/) { $scale = ${$hasharray{$atribute}}[2]; $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":AVERAGE "; $arguments = $arguments."LINE1:".$atribute.$color[$coloridx].":\"".${$hasharray{$atribute}}[0]."\" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MIN:\"Min\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":AVERAGE:\"Avg\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MAX:\"Max\\: %4.2lf ".$scale."\\j\" "; $coloridx++; } } $arguments = $arguments."HRULE:0#474747"; $cmd_arguments_tmp = $cmd_arguments; $cmd_arguments_tmp =~ s/$gtime/out_$gtime/g; &callsys($cmd_arguments_tmp.$arguments); $arguments = ""; $coloridx = 0; foreach $atribute (keys %hasharray) { $scale = ${$hasharray{$atribute}}[2]; $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":AVERAGE "; $arguments = $arguments."LINE1:".$atribute.$color[$coloridx].":\"".${$hasharray{$atribute}}[0]."\" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MIN:\"Min\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":AVERAGE:\"Avg\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MAX:\"Max\\: %4.2lf ".$scale."\\j\" "; $coloridx++; } $arguments = $arguments."HRULE:0#474747"; } elsif ($wname eq "wind") { foreach $atribute (keys %hasharray) { if ($atribute eq "direction") { $scale = ${$hasharray{$atribute}}[2]; if ($gtime = "24h") { $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":AVERAGE "; } else { $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":MAX "; } $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:North=".$atribute.",0,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:NNE=".$atribute.",1,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:NE=".$atribute.",2,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:ENE=".$atribute.",3,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:East=".$atribute.",4,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:ESE=".$atribute.",5,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:SE=".$atribute.",6,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:SSE=".$atribute.",7,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:South=".$atribute.",8,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:SSW=".$atribute.",9,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:SW=".$atribute.",10,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:WSW=".$atribute.",11,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:West=".$atribute.",12,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:WNW=".$atribute.",13,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:NW=".$atribute.",14,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."CDEF:NNW=".$atribute.",15,GE,-4,* "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:North".$direction_cols[0].":N "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:NNE".$direction_cols[1].": "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:NE".$direction_cols[2].":NE "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:ENE".$direction_cols[3].": "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:East".$direction_cols[4].":E "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:ESE".$direction_cols[5].": "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:SE".$direction_cols[6].":SE "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:SSE".$direction_cols[7].": "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:South".$direction_cols[8].":S "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:SSW".$direction_cols[9].": "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:SW".$direction_cols[10].":SW "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:WSW".$direction_cols[11].": "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:West".$direction_cols[12].":W "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:WNW".$direction_cols[13].": "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:NW".$direction_cols[14].":\"NW\\l\" "; $arguments = $arguments."AREA:NNW".$direction_cols[15].": "; } else { $scale = ${$hasharray{$atribute}}[2]; $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":MAX "; $arguments = $arguments."LINE1:".$atribute.$color[$coloridx].":\"".${$hasharray{$atribute}}[0]."\" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MIN:\"Min\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":AVERAGE:\"Avg\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MAX:\"Max\\: %4.2lf ".$scale."\\j\" "; $coloridx++; } } } elsif ($wname eq "rain") { foreach $atribute (keys %hasharray) { if ($atribute eq "1h") { $scale = ${$hasharray{$atribute}}[2]; $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":AVERAGE "; $arguments = $arguments."LINE1:".$atribute.$color[$coloridx].":\"".${$hasharray{$atribute}}[0]."\" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MIN:\"Min\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":AVERAGE:\"Avg\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MAX:\"Max\\: %4.2lf ".$scale."\\j\" "; $coloridx++; $cmd_arguments_tmp = $cmd_arguments; $cmd_arguments_tmp =~ s/$gtime/1h_$gtime/g; &callsys($cmd_arguments_tmp.$arguments); $arguments = ""; } else { $scale = ${$hasharray{$atribute}}[2]; $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":AVERAGE "; $arguments = $arguments."LINE1:".$atribute.$color[$coloridx].":\"".${$hasharray{$atribute}}[0]."\" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MIN:\"Min\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":AVERAGE:\"Avg\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MAX:\"Max\\: %4.2lf ".$scale."\\j\" "; $coloridx++; } } } else { foreach $atribute (keys %hasharray) { $scale = ${$hasharray{$atribute}}[2]; $arguments = $arguments."DEF:".$atribute."=".$rrdbp.$wname."_".$atribute.".rrd:".$atribute.":AVERAGE "; $arguments = $arguments."LINE1:".$atribute.$color[$coloridx].":\"".${$hasharray{$atribute}}[0]."\" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MIN:\"Min\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":AVERAGE:\"Avg\\: %4.2lf \" "; $arguments = $arguments."GPRINT:".$atribute.":MAX:\"Max\\: %4.2lf ".$scale."\\j\" "; $coloridx++; } } &callsys($cmd_arguments.$arguments); } } sub create_graphs { &create_graphs_for(\%temperature, "temperature"); &create_graphs_for(\%humidity, "humidity"); &create_graphs_for(\%wind, "wind"); &create_graphs_for(\%rain, "rain"); &create_graphs_for(\%pressure, "pressure"); } sub print_header { open (INDEX, ">$wwwdir"."index\.html.new") || die "ERROR: WeatherStats: Could not create $wwwdir index.html.new"; print INDEX "\nWeather statistic from WATSON W-8681 \n\n"; print INDEX "\"WATSON\n"; print INDEX "

Weather statistic

\n"; $date = `date`; print INDEX "

Generated: ".$date."

\n"; print INDEX "

Station altitude: ".$altitude."mnm

\n"; } sub print_footer { print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX ""; close INDEX; open (INDEX, ">$wwwdir"."index\.html") || die "ERROR: WeatherStats: Could not create $wwwdir index.html"; open (INDEX_NEW, "$wwwdir"."index\.html.new") || die "ERROR: WeatherStats: Could not create $wwwdir index.html"; while () { print INDEX $_ }; close INDEX_NEW; close INDEX; unlink "index.html.new"; } sub print_body_line { my @atribute = @_; printf INDEX "\n", $atribute[3], $atribute[4]; } sub print_page { my $page = $_[0]; open ( PAGE, ">$wwwdir".$page."\.html") || die "ERROR: WeatherStats: Could not create page $wwwdir $rrdbn"; print PAGE "\nWeather statistic from TOPCOM 265 NE\n\n"; print PAGE "


\n"; print PAGE "
\n"; print PAGE "
\n"; print PAGE "
\n"; print PAGE "
\n"; print PAGE ""; close PAGE } sub print_body_begin { my $wtype = $_[0]; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "".ucfirst($wtype)."
\n"; } sub print_body { $wtype = "temperature"; &print_body_begin($wtype); $wtype = "temperature_out"; &print_body_begin($wtype); print INDEX "
\n"; &print_page($wtype); $wtype = "temperature"; foreach $atribute (keys %temperature) { &print_body_line($wtype,$atribute, ${$temperature{$atribute}}[0], ${$temperature{$atribute}}[1], ${$temperature{$atribute}}[2]); } print INDEX "\n"; &print_page($wtype); $wtype = "humidity"; &print_body_begin($wtype); foreach $atribute (keys %humidity) { &print_body_line($wtype, $atribute, ${$humidity{$atribute}}[0], ${$humidity{$atribute}}[1], ${$humidity{$atribute}}[2]); } print INDEX "\n"; &print_page($wtype); $wtype = "wind"; &print_body_begin($wtype); foreach $atribute (keys %wind) { &print_body_line($wtype, $atribute, ${$wind{$atribute}}[0], ${$wind{$atribute}}[1], ${$wind{$atribute}}[2]); } print INDEX "\n"; &print_page($wtype); $wtype = "rain"; &print_body_begin($wtype); $wtype = "rain_1h"; &print_body_begin($wtype); print INDEX "\n"; &print_page($wtype); $wtype = "rain"; foreach $atribute (keys %rain) { &print_body_line($wtype, $atribute, ${$rain{$atribute}}[0], ${$rain{$atribute}}[1], ${$rain{$atribute}}[2]); } print INDEX "\n"; &print_page($wtype); $wtype = "pressure"; &print_body_begin($wtype); foreach $atribute (keys %pressure) { &print_body_line("$wtype", $atribute, ${$pressure{$atribute}}[0], ${$pressure{$atribute}}[1], ${$pressure{$atribute}}[2]); } print INDEX "\n"; &print_page($wtype); } ################# ##### MAIN ###### ################# @wwsr = `/usr/local/bin/wwsr -y`; #@wwsr = `cat wwsr6.out`; #@wwsr = `tail -14 /var/www/html/wwss/log`; $wwwdir = "/home/www/html/wwss/"; #$wwwdir = "wwss/"; $en_dbg = 0; $rrdtoolp = "/usr/bin/rrdtool"; $rrdbp = "/opt/meteolinger/rrd/"; #$rrdbp = "wwss/"; $graphs = 0; # What options are defined on command line? if ( defined($ARGV[0]) ) { for ($i = 0; $i < @ARGV; $i++) { $argmnt = $ARGV[$i]; if ($argmnt eq "-g") { $graphs = 1; } if ($argmnt eq "-a") { if (defined ($ARGV[$i+1] and length($ARGV[$i+1] == 1)) ) { $altitude = $ARGV[$i+1]; $i++; } else { die "ERROR: Unknown or missing argument to -a" } } } } else { &help; }; open (LOG, ">>$wwwdir"."log") || die "ERROR: no log"; print LOG "------- ".`date`; for ($i=0;$i<=($#wwsr-1);$i++) { print LOG $wwsr[$i]; } close LOG; for ($i=0;$i<=($#wwsr-1);$i++) { if ($wwsr[$i] =~ /^For postprocessing/) { $wwsr[$i] = ""; last; } else { $wwsr[$i] = ""; } if ($i==($#wwsr-1)) { print INDEX "ERROR: wwsr output - for postprocessing sequence not found!
"; for ($ii=0;$ii<=($#wwsr-1);$ii++) { print INDEX $wwsr[$ii]."
"; } } } # define main hashes for value groups %temperature = (); %pressure = (); %humidity = (); %wind = (); %rain = (); # store all values that wwsr returns foreach $line (@wwsr) { chomp $line; if ( $line ne "" ) { @aline = split ("\t", $line); ($value, $scale) = split (" ", $aline[1]); # $value = $aline[$#aline]; #posledni prvek je hodnota $rrdbn = $aline[0]; $rrdbn =~ s/ /_/g; $rrdbn = lc($rrdbn); if ($rrdbn eq "interval") { next }; &insertdb($rrdbn,$value,$scale,$aline[0]); # &print_page($rrdbn,$aline[0]); # &print_body($rrdbn,$value,$aline[0],$scale); } }; # additional calculate values $rrdbnt = "temperature_feelout"; $wname = "Feels like temperature"; $value = ${$wind{'speed'}}[1]; $tout = ${$temperature{'outdoor'}}[1]; # windchill calculation is only valid for wind speed > 4.5km/h ~ 1.25m/s and $tout < 10C if ($value > 1.25 and $tout < 10) { #Convert $value=m/s $ws=km/h $ws=$value*3.6; $ws = $ws**0.16; #Wind chill $twc = 13.12+(0.6215*$tout)-(11.37*($ws))+((0.3965*$tout)*($ws)); } else { $twc = $tout; } &insertdb($rrdbnt,$twc,"C",$wname); $rrdbnt = "pressure_airsea"; $wname = "Air pressure sea"; $value = ${$pressure{'air'}}[1]; $scale = ${$pressure{'air'}}[2]; # aaMADIS calculation $k1 = 0.190284; # discrepency with calculated k1 probably because Smithsonian used less precise gas constant and gravity values $k2 = 8.4184960528E-5; # (standardLapseRate / standardTempK) * (Power(standardSLP, k1) $aps = ((($value-0.3)**$k1)+($k2*$altitude))**(1/$k1); # Power(Power(pressureHPa - 0.3, k1) + (k2 * elevationM), 1/k1); &insertdb($rrdbnt,$aps,$scale,$wname); $rrdbnt = "temperature_dewout"; $wname = "Due point temperature"; $value = ${$humidity{'outdoor'}}[1]; $tdp = $tout-((100-$value)/5); # aproximation &insertdb($rrdbnt,$tdp,"C",$wname); &print_header; &print_body; &print_footer; if ($graphs == 1) { &create_graphs; } WebSVN - weatherstats - Diff - Rev 2 and 1 - /weatherstats


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