#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; # # $Id: rrdtimer.pl,v 1.3 2003/10/16 10:25:36 bernisys Exp $ # # use Getopt::Long; use FindBin; use lib "./lib"; use lib $FindBin::RealBin; use HotSaNICparser; use subs qw(main_loop call_modules call_module_read daemonize); # let all outputs be flushed directly $|=1; # set commandline correctly $0="rrdtimer"; (my $CALLDIR=$FindBin::RealBin) =~ s/\/rrdtimer//g; (my $VERSION = '$Revision: 1.3 $') =~ s/.*(\d+\.\d+).*/$1/; (my $IDENTIFIER = '$Id: rrdtimer.pl,v 1.3 2003/10/16 10:25:36 bernisys Exp $') =~ s/.*,v (.*) \$/$1/; print "reading & checking config ($CALLDIR/settings) ...\n"; my %CONFIG=HotSaNICparser::get_config($CALLDIR); $CONFIG{MODULEDIR}=$CONFIG{DAEMONDIR}."/modules"; $CONFIG{SCHEDULED}=1; print "evaluating cmdline arguments...\n"; my ($debuglevel,$runmode)=check_for_args(@ARGV); if ($debuglevel>$CONFIG{"DEBUGLEVEL"}) { $CONFIG{"DEBUGLEVEL"}=$debuglevel; } if ($CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL} >0) { foreach my $k (keys %CONFIG) { print "$k=$CONFIG{$k}\n"; }} if ($runmode < 128) { exit 0; } my $PID=HotSaNICparser::get_pid($CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL},$CONFIG{PIDFILE},"rrdtimer"); if ( $PID>0 ) { print "\nAnother process is running on PID $PID - daemon stopped.\n\n"; exit 1; } my $debug=""; if (($runmode&1)>0) { print "Debug mode enabled!\nIdentifier: $IDENTIFIER,\nLogdir: ",$CONFIG{LOGDIR},"\nPIDfile: ",$CONFIG{PIDFILE},"\n\n"; $debug="d"; } my @PIDs; my %PIDs; daemonize(); $SIG{TERM} = \&signalhandler; $SIG{HUP} = \&signalhandler; $SIG{USR1} = \&signalhandler; $SIG{USR2} = \&signalhandler; main_loop(); ###################################################################### # # # SUBROUTINES BEGIN HERE # # # ###################################################################### ###################################################################### # # signal-handler # TERM -> terminate daemon and modules # HUP -> re-configure # USR1 -> kill daemon only # USR2 -> kill modules only # sub signalhandler { my ($sig)=@_; if (defined $sig) { if (($sig eq "TERM") ||($sig eq "USR2")) { print time,"Stopping all running modules.\n"; if (@PIDs) { kill "TERM", @PIDs; @PIDs=(); } } if (($sig eq "TERM") || ($sig eq "USR1")) { print time,"Daemon exiting normally.\n"; if (-e $CONFIG{PIDFILE}) { unlink $CONFIG{PIDFILE}; print "PID-file removed.\n"; } close STDIN; close STDOUT; close STDERR; exit 0; } if ($sig eq "HUP") { print time," HUP signal received - signal not implemented yet...\n"; foreach (keys %CONFIG) { print $_," -> ",$CONFIG{$_},"\n"; } # TODO: # # - kill unused modules # - start configured modules (if necessary) # - re-configure all modules # } } } ###################################################################### # # the main loop executes all timed scripts: # # modules/*/read-data every >=10 sec. (hardcoded) # modules/*/diagrams every $DTIME # convert() every $CTIME if $CONVERTMETHOD is other than "HTML" # scan_for_modules() every $STIME # sub main_loop { my ($now,$last,$sleeptime,$lastscan,$lastdiagram,$lastconvert,@modules); $now=time; $last=$now-100; $lastscan=$now; $lastdiagram=int($now/$CONFIG{DTIME})*$CONFIG{DTIME}; $lastconvert=int($now/$CONFIG{CTIME})*$CONFIG{CTIME}; @modules=HotSaNICparser::scan_for_modules($CONFIG{MODULEDIR},$CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL},$CONFIG{RUN}); if ($CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL} > 0) { print time,": initializing modules...\n"; } initialize_modules(@modules); %PIDs=call_modules(@modules); @PIDs=keys(%PIDs); while () { $now=time; # if ($last+10 <= $now) { if ($CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL} > 0) { print "$now: main loop running\n"; } # scan for modules and (re-)start them if necessary # if ($lastscan+$CONFIG{STIME} <= $now) { @modules=HotSaNICparser::scan_for_modules($CONFIG{MODULEDIR},$CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL},$CONFIG{RUN}); %PIDs=call_modules(@modules); @PIDs=keys(%PIDs); $lastscan=$now; if ($CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL} < 0) { logrotate(); } } # for each module call the read-data script. # if ($CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL} > 0) { print "$now: signaling ",join " ",@PIDs,"\n"; } if (@PIDs) { if ($CONFIG{SCHEDULED} == 0) { kill "SIGUSR1", @PIDs; } else { foreach (@PIDs) { kill "SIGUSR1", $_; my $wait=int($CONFIG{SCHEDULE_MIN}+rand($CONFIG{SCHEDULE_MAX}-$CONFIG{SCHEDULE_MIN}))/1000; if ($CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL} >3) { print "$wait($PIDs{$_}) "; } select(undef,undef,undef,$wait); } if ($CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL} >3) { print "\n"; } } } $last=$now; # } # check if diagrams have to be built. # if ($lastdiagram+$CONFIG{DTIME} <= $now) { my $append; if ($CONFIG{DIAGRAMLOG} eq "all") { $append=1; } call_script($CONFIG{DAEMONDIR},"diagrams.pl",5,$CONFIG{LOGDIR}."/diagram.log",$append); $lastdiagram+=$CONFIG{DTIME}; # check if mainpage-diagrams have to be generated. # if (($lastconvert+$CONFIG{CTIME} <= $now) && ($CONFIG{CONVERTMETHOD} ne "HTML")) { call_script($CONFIG{DAEMONDIR},"convert.pl",0); $lastconvert+=$CONFIG{CTIME}; } } $sleeptime=10-(time % 10); sleep $sleeptime; } } ###################################################################### # # call init script in each module (if available) # sub initialize_modules { my (@modules)=@_; my ($name,$ouser,$osystem,$user,$system,$utime,$stime); print time," Initializing modules...\n"; for $name (@modules) { unlink $CONFIG{MODULEDIR}."/$name/*.dat"; # unlink $CONFIG{MODULEDIR}."/$name/*.pid"; unlink $CONFIG{MODULEDIR}."/$name/*.old"; if ( -e $CONFIG{MODULEDIR}."/$name/init" ) { print time," initializing ",$name,"\n"; system "cd ".$CONFIG{MODULEDIR}."/$name; ./init"; print time," initializing of ",$name," DONE!\n\n"; } } print time," END Initializing modules...\n","-" x 50,"\n\n"; } ###################################################################### # # start read-data.pl script in each module # sub call_modules { my (@modules)=@_; my %PIDs; my $nicelevel="0"; # iterate through all configured modules... # for my $module (@modules) { chdir $CONFIG{MODULEDIR}."/$module"; my $PID=HotSaNICparser::get_pid($CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL}); # if not running, start the module and wait for PIDfile to be generated # if ($PID == 0) { my $count=-1; print "\nstarting module: \"$module\"\n"; if (-e "./running.pid") { if ($CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL}>1) { print "removing old PIDfile...\n"; } unlink "./running.pid"; } if (-e "./read-data-wrapper.pl") { system("nice -$nicelevel ./read-data-wrapper.pl start $module"); } else { system("nice -$nicelevel ./read-data.pl start $module"); } $count=0; while ( ($count<20) && (! -s "./running.pid") ) { $count++; print "."; sleep 1; } $PID=HotSaNICparser::get_pid($CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL}); } if ($PID >0) { print "$module running on PID $PID\n\n"; $PIDs{$PID}=$module; } } return %PIDs; } ###################################################################### # # call external script (incl. sanity checking etc) # sub call_script { my ($path,$script,$nicelevel,$output,$append)=@_; if (! defined $append) { $append=0; } if ( index("1 yes",lc $append) < 0) { rename $output,"$output.old"; } if (! defined $output) { $output=""; } if (! defined $nicelevel) { $nicelevel=0; } if ( (defined $path) && (defined $script) ) { print time,": executing $path/$script with nice $nicelevel\n"; if ( -e "$path/$script") { if ($output ne "") { if ($nicelevel ne 0) {system ("cd \"$path\"; nice -$nicelevel ./$script >$output &"); } else {system ("cd \"$path\"; ./$script >$output &"); } } else { if ($nicelevel ne 0) {system ("cd \"$path\"; nice -$nicelevel ./$script &"); } else {system ("cd \"$path\"; ./$script &"); } } } else { print time.": script not found! Check your installation.\n"; } } } ###################################################################### # # fork into background # sub daemonize { print "entering daemon mode...\n"; if ($debug eq "") { close STDIN; close STDOUT; close STDERR; if (open(DEVTTY, "/dev/tty")) { ioctl(DEVTTY,0x20007471,0); close DEVTTY; } open STDIN,"/dev/null"; open STDOUT,">>".$CONFIG{LOGDIR}."/HotSaNIC.log"; open STDERR,">&STDOUT"; chdir "/"; fork && exit 0; print "\n\n----------------------------------------\n"; print time,": archiver successfully forked into background and running on PID $$\n"; } else { print time,": archiver running in debug-mode on PID $$\n"; } open FILE,">".$CONFIG{PIDFILE}; print FILE $$; close FILE; } ###################################################################### # # rotate logfiles # sub logrotate { my ($size,$file); if ((defined $CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL}) && ($CONFIG{DEBUGLEVEL} < 0)) { $file=$CONFIG{LOGDIR}."/HotSaNIC.log"; (undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef,$size,undef,undef,undef,undef,undef) = stat($file); if (defined $size) { if ($size > $CONFIG{LOGSIZE}) { print time," $file exceeding ",$CONFIG{LOGSIZE}," bytes - rotating - keeping ",$CONFIG{LOGBACKUPS}," backups.\n"; for (my $nn=$CONFIG{LOGBACKUPS};$nn>1;$nn--) { if ( -e "$file.$nn" ) { unlink "$file.$nn"; } if ( -e "$file.".($nn-1) ) { rename "$file.".($nn-1),"$file.".$nn; } } close STDOUT; rename $file,"$file.1"; open STDOUT,">>$file"; close STDERR; rename $file,"$file.1"; open STDERR,">>$file"; } } } } ###################################################################### # # evaluate commandline arguments # sub check_for_args { my @args=@_; # set initial values # my $debuglevel=-1; my $runmode=0; # Check if we were called with any options # foreach my $arg (@args) { if (index($arg,"d") >= 0) { $runmode|=1; } if (index($arg,"D") >= 0) { $runmode|=128; } if (index($arg,"?") >= 0) { $runmode|=256; } $arg=~ s/[a-zA-Z]//g; if ($arg =~ /[0-9]/) { if ($arg > 0) { $debuglevel=$arg; } } } if (($runmode == 0) || ($runmode > 255)) { print "rrdtimer - CVS version $VERSION ($IDENTIFIER) - OS: $^O\n"; print "usage:\nrrdtimer [options[debuglevel]]\n options:\n"; print " D - enter daemon-mode (i.e. start the main loop)\n"; print " d - enter debugging mode (don't fork into background)\n"; print "\n"; exit 0; } return ($debuglevel,$runmode); } WebSVN - hotsanic - Blame - Rev 24 - /trunk/rrdtimer.pl


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