1 | 1 | simandl | <div id="select">[websvn:lang_form]<div>[websvn:lang_select]<span class="submit">[websvn:lang_submit]</span></div>[websvn:lang_endform]</div> |
2 | | | <h1>Subversion Repositories</h1> |
3 | | | |
4 | | | <div id="info"> |
5 | | | <h2>About</h2> |
6 | | | <dl> |
7 | | | <dt>Summary:</dt> |
8 | | | <dd>You can customize this short message in the index.tmpl of this template in order to tell your visitors what they find in your repositories.</dd> |
9 | | | <dd>Visit <a href="http://www.websvn.info">www.websvn.info</a> for more information about WebSVN.</dd> |
10 | | | <dd>Learn more about Subversion at <a href="http://subversion.tigris.org">subversion.tigris.org</a>.</dd> |
11 | | | </dl> |
12 | | | </div> |
13 | | | |
14 | | | <div id="wrap"> |
15 | | | <h2 class="regular">Subversion Repositories</h2> |
16 | | | |
17 | | | [websvn-test:flatview] |
18 | | | <dl class="projectlist"> |
19 | | | <dt>Subversion Repositories:</dt> |
20 | | | [websvn-startlisting] |
21 | | | <dd>[websvn:projlink]</dd> |
22 | | | [websvn-endlisting] |
23 | | | </dl> |
24 | | | [websvn-else] |
25 | | | <div class="projectlisthead">Subversion Repositories:</div> |
26 | | | <div class="projectlist"> |
27 | | | [websvn-startlisting] |
28 | | | [websvn-test:isprojlink] |
29 | | | <div class="project">[websvn:listitem]</div> |
30 | | | [websvn-else] |
31 | | | [websvn:listitem] |
32 | | | [websvn-endtest] |
33 | | | [websvn-endlisting] |
34 | | | </div> |
35 | | | [websvn-endtest] |
36 | | | </div> |