ReadConfig($input_mapfile); print "Size of source is ".$map->width."x".$map->height."\n"; $rows = intval($map->height/$desired_height)+1; $cols = intval($map->width/$desired_width)+1; $num = $rows * $cols; if($num == 1) { print "This map is already within your constraints.\n"; } else { print "We'll need to make $num ($cols x $rows) smaller maps\n"; for($row=0;$row < $rows; $row++) { for($col=0;$col<$cols; $col++) { print "=====================================\nMaking the submap $col,$row\n"; $min_x = $col*$desired_width; $min_y = $row*$desired_height; $max_x = ($col+1)*$desired_width; $max_y = ($row+1)*$desired_height; print "We'll read the map, and throw out everything not inside ($min_x,$min_y)->($max_x,$max_y)\n"; $map = new WeatherMap; $map->ReadConfig($input_mapfile); foreach ($map->nodes as $node) { $target = $node->name; if( ($node->x < $min_x) || ($node->x >= $max_x) || ($node->y < $min_y) || ($node->y >= $max_y) ) { print "$target falls outside of this map. Deleting it and links that use it.\n"; foreach ($map->links as $link) { if( ($target == $link->a->name) || ($target == $link->b->name) ) { print "link $link->name uses it. Deleted.\n"; unset($map->links[$link->name]); } } unset($map->nodes[$target]); } else { print "$target is OK, but will be moved for the new map from ".$node->x.",".$node->y." to "; $x = $node->x; $y = $node->y; $x = $node->x - $min_x; $y = $node->y - $min_y; $map->nodes[$target]->x = $x; $map->nodes[$target]->y = $y; print "$x,$y\n"; } } $output_mapfile = $input_mapfile."-".$row."-".$col.".conf"; $map->width = $desired_width; $map->height = $desired_height; $map->background=""; $map->WriteConfig($output_mapfile); } } } ?> WebSVN - weathermap - Blame - Rev 12 - /random-bits/map-split.php


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