= POLLER_VERBOSITY_DEBUG) { $weathermap_debugging = TRUE; $mode_message = "DEBUG mode is on"; } else { $mode_message = "Normal logging mode. Turn on DEBUG in Cacti for more information"; } $quietlogging = read_config_option("weathermap_quiet_logging"); // moved this outside the module_checks, so there should always be something in the logs! if($quietlogging==0) cacti_log("Weathermap $WEATHERMAP_VERSION starting - $mode_message",true,"WEATHERMAP"); if(module_checks()) { // move to the weathermap folder so all those relatives paths don't *have* to be absolute $orig_cwd = getcwd(); chdir($mydir); // first, see if the output directory even exists if(is_dir($outdir)) { // next, make sure that we stand a chance of writing files //// $testfile = realpath($outdir."weathermap.permissions.test"); $testfile = $outdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."weathermap.permissions.test"; $testfd = fopen($testfile, 'w'); if($testfd) { fclose($testfd); unlink($testfile); $queryrows = db_fetch_assoc("select * from weathermap_maps where active='on' order by sortorder,id"); if( is_array($queryrows) ) { debug("Iterating all maps."); $imageformat = strtolower(read_config_option("weathermap_output_format")); foreach ($queryrows as $map) { $mapfile = $confdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$map['configfile']; $htmlfile = $outdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."weathermap_".$map['id'].".html"; $imagefile = $outdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."weathermap_".$map['id'].".".$imageformat; $thumbimagefile = $outdir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."weathermap_thumb_".$map['id'].".".$imageformat; if(file_exists($mapfile)) { if($quietlogging==0) warn("Map: $mapfile -> $htmlfile & $imagefile"); $wmap = new Weathermap; $wmap->context = "cacti"; // we can grab the rrdtool path from Cacti's config, in this case $wmap->rrdtool = read_config_option("path_rrdtool"); $wmap->ReadConfig($mapfile); $wmap->ReadData(); // $wmap->imageuri = $config['url_path'].'/plugins/weathermap/output/weathermap_'.$map['id'].".".$imageformat; $wmap->imageuri = 'output/weathermap_'.$map['id'].".".$imageformat; if($quietlogging==0) warn("About to write image file. If this is the last message in your log, increase memory_limit in php.ini"); if(function_exists("memory_get_usage")) { $mem_used = nice_bandwidth(memory_get_usage()); $mem_allowed = ini_get("memory_limit"); debug("memory_get_usage() says ".$mem_used."Bytes used. Limit is ".$mem_allowed."\n"); } $wmap->DrawMap($imagefile,$thumbimagefile,read_config_option("weathermap_thumbsize")); if($quietlogging==0) warn("Wrote map to $imagefile and $thumbimagefile"); $fd = @fopen($htmlfile, 'w'); if($fd != FALSE) { fwrite($fd, $wmap->MakeHTML('weathermap_'.$map['id'].'_imap')); fclose($fd); debug("Wrote HTML to $htmlfile"); } else { if(file_exists($htmlfile)) { warn("Failed to overwrite $htmlfile - permissions of existing file are wrong?\n"); } else { warn("Failed to create $htmlfile - permissions of output directory are wrong?\n"); } } db_execute("update weathermap_maps set titlecache='".mysql_real_escape_string($wmap->title)."' where id=".$map['id']); $mapcount++; } else { warn("Mapfile $mapfile is not readable or doesn't exist"); } } debug("Iterated all $mapcount maps."); } else { if($quietlogging==0) warn("No activated maps found."); } } else { warn("Output directory ($outdir) isn't writable (tried to create '$testfile'). No maps created. You probably need to make it writable by the poller process (like you did with the RRA directory)"); } } else { warn("Output directory ($outdir) doesn't exist!. No maps created. You probably need to create that directory, and make it writable by the poller process (like you did with the RRA directory)"); } chdir($orig_cwd); if($quietlogging==0) warn("Weathermap $WEATHERMAP_VERSION run complete - $mapcount maps were run"); } else { warn("Required modules for PHP Weathermap $WEATHERMAP_VERSION were not present. Not running."); } } // vim:ts=4:sw=4: ?> WebSVN - weathermap - Blame - Rev 4 - /lib/poller-common.php


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