sortByGroup(); if ($config->flatIndex) { // Create the flat view $projects = $config->getRepositories(); $i = 0; $listing = array(); foreach ($projects as $project) { if ($project->hasReadAccess("/", true)) { $url = $config->getURL($project, '', 'dir'); $listing[$i]["rowparity"] = $i % 2; $listing[$i]["projlink"] = "".$project->getDisplayName().""; $i++; } } $vars["flatview"] = true; $vars["treeview"] = false; } else { // Create the tree view $projects = $config->getRepositories(); reset($projects); $i = 0; $listing = array(); $curgroup = NULL; $parity = 0; foreach ($projects as $project) { if ($project->hasReadAccess("/", true)) { $listing[$i] = array(); if ($curgroup != $project->group) { // TODO: this should be de-soupified if (!empty($curgroup)) { // Close the switchcontent div $listing[$i]["listitem"] = "\n"; } else { $listing[$i]["listitem"] = ""; } $listing[$i]["isprojlink"] = false; $listing[$i]["isgrouphead"] = true; $curgroup = $project->group; $id = strtr(base64_encode('grp'.$curgroup), array('+' => '-', '/' => '_', '=' => '')); $listing[$i]["listitem"] .= "
"; $i++; $listing[$i] = array(); } $listing[$i]["isgrouphead"] = false; $listing[$i]["isprojlink"] = true; $url = $config->getURL($project, '', 'dir'); $listing[$i]["listitem"] = "".$project->name."\n"; $listing[$i]["rowparity"] = $parity % 2; $parity++; $i++; } } if (!empty($curgroup)) { // Close the switchcontent div $listing[$i]["isprojlink"] = false; $listing[$i]["isgrouphead"] = false; $listing[$i]["listitem"] = "
"; } $vars["flatview"] = false; $vars["treeview"] = true; $vars["opentree"] = $config->openTree; } if (!$config->multiViews) { $vars['indexurl'] = $config->getURL($rep, '', 'index'); } $vars["version"] = $version; parseTemplate($config->getTemplatePath()."header.tmpl", $vars, $listing); parseTemplate($config->getTemplatePath()."index.tmpl", $vars, $listing); parseTemplate($config->getTemplatePath()."footer.tmpl", $vars, $listing); WebSVN - websvn - Blame - Rev 4 - /index.php


Subversion Repositories:
[/] [index.php] - Blame information for rev 4


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