getURL($rep, $sofar, "dir");
$vars["curdirlinks"] .= "[".$subs[$n]."/] ";
if ($dir) {
$vars["curdirlinks"] .= "[".$subs[$n]."/]";
} else {
$vars["curdirlinks"] .= "[".$subs[$n]."]";
// }}}
// {{{ create_anchors
// Create links out of http:// and mailto: tags
// TODO: the target="_blank" nonsense should be optional (or specified by the template)
function create_anchors($text) {
$ret = $text;
// Match correctly formed URLs that aren't already links
$ret = preg_replace("#\b(?\\1://\\2\\3",
// Now match anything beginning with www, as long as it's not //www since they were matched above
$ret = preg_replace("#\b(?www.\\1\\2",
// Match email addresses
$ret = preg_replace("#\b([\w\-_.]+)@([\w\-.]+)\b#i",
return $ret;
// }}}
// {{{ getFullURL
function getFullURL($loc) {
$protocol = 'http';
} else if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && (strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'off')) {
$protocol = 'https';
$port = ':'.$_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'];
if ((':80' == $port && 'http' == $protocol) || (':443' == $port && 'https' == $protocol)) {
$port = '';
} else if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) {
$host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
} else if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) {
$host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$port;
} else if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) {
$host = $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].$port;
} else {
print 'Unable to redirect';
// make sure we have a directory to go to
if (empty($loc)) {
$loc = '/';
} else if ($loc{0} != '/') {
$loc = '/'.$loc;
$url = $protocol . '://' . $host . $loc;
return $url;
// }}}
// {{{ hardspace
// Replace the spaces at the front of a line with hard spaces
// XXX: this is an unnecessary function; you can prevent whitespace from being
// trimmed via CSS (use the "white-space: pre;" properties). ~J
// in the meantime, here's an improved function (does nothing)
function hardspace($s) {
return '' . expandTabs($s) . '
// }}}
// {{{ expandTabs
* Expands the tabs in a line that may or may not include HTML.
* Enscript generates code with HTML, so we need to take that into account.
* @param string $s Line of possibly HTML-encoded text to expand
* @param int $tabwidth Tab width, -1 to use repository's default, 0 to collapse
* all tabs.
* @return string The expanded line.
* @since 2.1
function expandTabs($s, $tabwidth = -1) {
global $rep;
if ($tabwidth == -1) {
$tabwidth = $rep->getExpandTabsBy();
$pos = 0;
// Parse the string into chunks that are either 1 of: HTML tag, tab char, run of any other stuff
$chunks = preg_split("/((?:<.+?>)|(?:&.+?;)|(?:\t))/", $s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
// Count the sizes of the chunks and replace tabs as we go
for ($i = 0; $i < count($chunks); $i++) {
// make sure we're not dealing with an empty string
if (empty($chunks[$i])) continue;
switch ($chunks[$i]{0}) {
case '<': // HTML tag: ignore its width by doing nothing
case '&': // HTML entity: count its width as 1 char
$pos += 1;
case "\t": // Tab char: replace it with a run of spaces between length tabwidth and 1
$tabsize = $tabwidth - ($pos % $tabwidth);
$chunks[$i] = str_repeat(' ', $tabsize);
$pos += $tabsize;
default: // Anything else: just keep track of its width
$pos += strlen($chunks[$i]);
// Put the chunks back together and we've got the original line, detabbed.
return join('', $chunks);
// }}}
// {{{ datetimeFormatDuration
// Formats a duration of seconds for display.
// $seconds the number of seconds until something
// $nbsp true if spaces should be replaced by nbsp
// $skipSeconds true if seconds should be omitted
// return the formatted duration (e.g. @c "8h 6m 1s")
function datetimeFormatDuration($seconds, $nbsp = false, $skipSeconds = false) {
global $lang;
$neg = false;
if ($seconds < 0) {
$seconds = -$seconds;
$neg = true;
$qty = array();
$names = array($lang["DAYLETTER"], $lang["HOURLETTER"], $lang["MINUTELETTER"]);
$qty[] = (int)($seconds / (60 * 60 * 24));
$seconds %= 60 * 60 * 24;
$qty[] = (int)($seconds / (60 * 60));
$seconds %= 60 * 60;
$qty[] = (int)($seconds / 60);
if (!$skipSeconds) {
$qty[] = (int)($seconds % 60);
$names[] = $lang["SECONDLETTER"];
$text = $neg ? '-' : '';
$any = false;
$count = count($names);
$parts = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
// If a "higher valued" time slot had a value or this time slot
// has a value or this is the very last entry (i.e. all values
// are 0 and we still want to print seconds)
if ($any || $qty[$i] > 0 || $i == $count - 1) {
if ($any) $text .= $nbsp ? ' ' : ' ';
if ($any && $qty[$i] < 10) $text .= '0';
$text .= $qty[$i].$names[$i];
$any = true;
if ($parts >= 2) break;
return $text;
// }}}
// {{{ buildQuery
// Build parameters for url query part
function buildQuery($data, $separator = '&', $key = '') {
if (is_object($data)) $data = get_object_vars($data);
$p = array();
foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
$k = urlencode($k);
if (!empty($key)) $k = $key.'['.$k.']';
if (is_array($v) || is_object($v)) {
$p[] = buildQuery($v, $separator, $k);
} else {
$p[] = $k.'='.urlencode($v);
return implode($separator, $p);
// }}}
// {{{ getUserLanguage
function getUserLanguage($languages, $default, $userchoice) {
global $config;
if (!$config->useAcceptedLanguages()) return $default;
$acceptlangs = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'] : false;
if (!$acceptlangs) return $default;
$langs = array();
$sublangs = array();
foreach (explode(',', $acceptlangs) as $str) {
$a = explode(';', $str, 2);
$lang = trim($a[0]);
$pos = strpos($lang, '-');
if ($pos !== false) $sublangs[] = substr($lang, 0, $pos);
$q = 1.0;
if (sizeof($a) == 2) {
$v = trim($a[1]);
if (substr($v, 0, 2) == 'q=') $q = doubleval(substr($v, 2));
if ($userchoice) $q *= 0.9;
$langs[$lang] = $q;
foreach ($sublangs as $l) if (!isset($langs[$l])) $langs[$l] = 0.1;
if ($userchoice) $langs[$userchoice] = 1.0;
foreach ($langs as $code => $q) {
if (isset($languages[$code])) {
return $code;
return $default;
// }}}
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