If something goes wrong, it's basically a good idea to take a look at the logfiles. Though there's currently a minor problem concerning the logrotation technique which will probably result in some module logs to be lost after the logs are rotated. We'll be working at a better approach after all serious bugs are fixed. You should try to start HotSaNIC "manually" by calling rrdtimer in non-detached debug mode. To do so, change into the HotSaNIC installation directory, stop any running instance of HotSaNIC ( ./rrdgraph stop) and call: "./rdtimer Dd5". This starts HotSaNIC in debug-mode, outputting everything it does (not every single bit though, but the output is quite verbose ;) ) directly to the console. You can see how it initializes the modules, how they are signaled and when the diagrams will be built. Hovever, the diagram ountput will be found in the diagram logfile under "./var/log". WebSVN - hotsanic - Blame - Rev 9 - /branches/HotSaNIC-0.5.0-pre6/Documentation/troubleshooting.txt


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