Step 1:
Download and unpack it or get it via CVS.
The scripts don't need installation, so you should copy them directly to the desired destination directory.
Step 2:
call ./
This script will try to detect the installation path, pathes to shell-tools needed by the scripts and lets you rudimentary configure the modules.
Step 3:
Edit the main settings file.
Look for occurances of "not configured" and change these entries to valid values.
Step 4:
Do the same with all of your desired modules' settings files
Sometimes there are no further steps necesary, but in many cases the modules need some further configuration of targets.
For your convenience, all settings files will be linked to "./var/settings/".
Step 5:
When all is done, go to the HotSaNIC main-directory and fire it up with:
./rrdgraph start
When no errors occure, your installation should be up and running.