package HotSaNICmod::OSdep; use RRDs; # return module version # sub version { ($VERSION = '$Revision: 1.4 $') =~ s/.*(\d+\.\d+).*/$1/; return "$^ $VERSION"; } # sample data # sub sample { my %args=@_; @sections = split " ", ($args{SECTIONS}); foreach (@sections){ if ($_ eq "cpu") {read_cpu(%args)} if ($_ eq "load") {read_load(%args)} if ($_ eq "proc") {read_proc(%args)} if ($_ eq "mem") {read_mem(%args)} if ($_ eq "users") {read_users(%args)} } } # users.rrd -> tty pty pts # cpu.rrd -> cpuusr cpusys cpunic cpuidl # load.rrd -> load15 load5 load1 # proc.rrd -> procslp procrun proczmb procstp # mem.rrd (Linux) -> memfre memshr membuf memcac swpfre swpuse ##################################################################################### # build CPU statistics # in /proc/stat there is a CPU entry which provides us with the # number of ticks the CPU was in all states ( user nice system idle ) # We simply have to gather this information and calculate the actual percentage :) # To do this we have to remember the last read values of course! # sub read_cpu { my %args=@_; my $multicpu=0; # read actual state # assumed order is: user nice sys intr idle $cpuraw = `sysctl kern.cp_time`; chomp $cpuraw; ($cpu, $cpu1, $cpu2, $cpu3, $cpu4, $cpu5)=split / /, $cpuraw; if ($cpu eq "kern.cp_time:") { $cpu = "cpu"; } $cpu1{$cpu}=$cpu1; $cpu2{$cpu}=$cpu2; $cpu3{$cpu}=$cpu3; $cpu4{$cpu}=$cpu4; $cpu5{$cpu}=$cpu5; $cpu1old{$cpu}=0; $cpu2old{$cpu}=0; $cpu3old{$cpu}=0; $cpu4old{$cpu}=0; $cpu5old{$cpu}=0; if ($cpu eq "cpu1") { $multicpu=1; } } # read last state and store actual state # usr nice sys idle int if ( -e "cpu.dat" ) { open(CPU,"cpu.dat"); while () { $line=$_." 0 0 0 0 0 0"; ($cpu, $cpu1old, $cpu2old, $cpu3old, $cpu4old, $cpu5old)=split / /,$line; if ($cpu !~ /cpu/) { $cpu5old=$cpu4old; $cpu4old=$cpu3old; $cpu3old=$cpu2old; $cpu2old=$cpu1old; $cpu1old=$cpu; $cpu="cpu"; } $cpu1old{$cpu}=$cpu1old; $cpu2old{$cpu}=$cpu2old; $cpu3old{$cpu}=$cpu3old; $cpu4old{$cpu}=$cpu4old; $cpu5old{$cpu}=$cpu5old; } close(CPU); } open(CPU,">cpu.dat"); foreach $cpu (keys %cpu1) { print CPU $cpu." ".$cpu1{$cpu}." ".$cpu2{$cpu}." ".$cpu3{$cpu}." ".$cpu4{$cpu}." ".$cpu5{$cpu}."\n"; # calculate everything.... # $all{$cpu}=($cpu1{$cpu}+$cpu2{$cpu}+$cpu3{$cpu}+$cpu4{$cpu}+$cpu5{$cpu})-($cpu1old{$cpu}+$cpu2old{$cpu}+$cpu3old{$cpu}+$cpu4old{$cpu}+$cpu5old{$cpu}); $cpuusr{$cpu}=($cpu1{$cpu}-$cpu1old{$cpu})/$all{$cpu}; $cpunic{$cpu}=($cpu2{$cpu}-$cpu2old{$cpu})/$all{$cpu}; $cpusys{$cpu}=($cpu3{$cpu}-$cpu3old{$cpu})/$all{$cpu}; $cpuidl{$cpu}=($cpu4{$cpu}-$cpu4old{$cpu})/$all{$cpu}; $cpuint{$cpu}=($cpu5{$cpu}-$cpu5old{$cpu})/$all{$cpu}; # store data # if ( ! -e "rrd/".$cpu.".rrd" ) { system("./makerrd",$cpu); } RRDs::update "rrd/".$cpu.".rrd", time.":".$cpuusr{$cpu}.":".$cpunic{$cpu}.":".$cpusys{$cpu}.":".$cpuidl{$cpu}.":".$cpuint{$cpu}; if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { print time," ",$args{MODNAME},": unable to update cpu.rrd: $ERROR\n"; } # on single-cpu machines only the global database has to be updated. # last if ($multicpu==0); } close(CPU); } ##################################################################################### # here we go with the load-average value ... # sub read_load { my %args=@_; (undef,undef,$load1,$load5,$load15)=split(/ /,`/usr/sbin/sysctl vm.loadavg`); if ( ! -e "rrd/load.rrd" ) { system("./makerrd","load") } RRDs::update "rrd/load.rrd", time.":".$load15.":".$load5.":".$load1; if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { print time," ",$args{MODNAME},": unable to update load.rrd: $ERROR\n"; } } ##################################################################################### # now the processes. We have to check how many processes are sleeping, # running, zombieng spwapped to disc or stopped. To do this we simply # have to walk through the /proc tree, check all "stat" files of each # process-id subdir and increment the according state-counter. # sub read_proc { my %args=@_; $procslp=$procrun=$proczmb=$procstp=$procdsc=0; @states=`/bin/ps axostate`; foreach (@states) { $procslp++ if (/^S/); $procdsc++ if (/^D/); $procrun++ if (/^R/); $proczmb++ if (/^Z/); $procstp++ if (/^T/); } if ( ! -e "rrd/proc.rrd" ) { system("./makerrd","proc") } RRDs::update "rrd/proc.rrd", time.":".$procslp.":".$procrun.":".$proczmb.":".$procstp.":".$procdsc; if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { print time," ",$args{MODNAME},": nable to update proc.rrd: $ERROR\n"; } } ##################################################################################### # read users stats # sub read_users { my %args=@_; @users=`who`; ($tty,$pty,$pts)=(0,0,0); foreach (@users) { # print $_; if (index($_," tty") >=0 ) { $tty++; } elsif (index($_," pty") >=0 ) { $pty++; } elsif (index($_," pts") >=0 ) { $pts++; } } if ( ! -e "rrd/users.rrd" ) { system("./makerrd","users") } RRDs::update "rrd/users.rrd", time.":".$tty.":".$pty.":".$pts; if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { print time," ",$args{MODNAME},": nable to update users.rrd: $ERROR\n"; } } #################################################################################### # here we go with the memory and swapfile statistics... # sub read_mem { my %args=@_; # if ( ! -e "rrd/mem.rrd" ) { system("./makerrd","mem") } # RRDs::update "rrd/mem.rrd", time.":".$memfree.":".$memwire.":".$memactv.":".$meminac.":".$memcach.":".$swpfre.":".$swpuse; # if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) { print time," ",$args{MODNAME},": nable to update `mem.rrd': $ERROR\n"; } } 1; WebSVN - hotsanic - Blame - Rev 29 - /branches/HotSaNIC-0.5.0-jablonecka/modules/system/platform/


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