# # $Id: HotSaNICshellio.pm,v 1.10 2004/02/07 23:03:11 bernisys Exp $ # package HotSaNICshellio; ($VERSION = '$Revision: 1.10 $') =~ s/.*(\d+\.\d+).*/$1/; use POSIX qw(:termios_h); my ($term, $oterm, $echo, $noecho, $fd_stdin); $fd_stdin = fileno(STDIN); $term = POSIX::Termios->new(); $term->getattr($fd_stdin); $oterm = $term->getlflag(); $echo = ECHO | ECHOK | ICANON; $noecho = $oterm & ~$echo; open FILE,"clear|"; $CLS=; close FILE; ###################################################################### # # waits for a key to be pressed and checks it against a keylist # if just "enter" is pressed, the default value will be filled in # # syntax: # # readkey_list($keylist,$default_answer); # # $keylist List of valid characters # $default_answer the default character # # returns the first valid key pressed # sub readkey_list { my $list=lc shift; my $default=lc shift; my $input=""; print " > "; while ($input eq "") { $input=lc readkey(); chomp $input; print "$input\n"; if ($input eq "") { $input=$default; } elsif (index($list,$input) < 0 ) { print "please answer [$list] > "; $input=""; } } return $input; } ###################################################################### # # ask yes/no question and wait for user input. # # syntax: # # askyesno($question,$default_answer); # # $question raw question to be asked without final "?" # $default_answer either "y" or "n" (default: "y") # # returns either "y" or "n". # sub askyesno { my $string=shift; my $default=lc shift; my $input=""; if ($default eq "n") { print "$string? (y/N)"; } else { print "$string? (Y/n)"; $default="y"; } return readkey_list("yn",$default); } ###################################################################### # # let the user choose one item from a list. # # syntax: # # $result=choose($currentvalue,$errormessage,@items) # # $currentvalue the currently selected item # # $errormessage error that will be printed when @items is empty # # @items arry that contains all items to choose from # # # If $currentvalue is an element of @items, $currentvalue will be # returned by default, without user-interaction. # # To force interaction set $currentvalue to something NOT in @list # sub choose { my ($value,$errormsg,@ITEMS)=@_; $ok=0; if (@ITEMS) { foreach $nn (@ITEMS) { chomp $nn; if ( $nn eq $value ) { $ok=1; } } if ($ok == 0) { if ($#ITEMS == 0) { print "detected: ",$ITEMS[0],"\n"; $input=HotSaNICshellio::askyesno("is this corrrect","y"); if ($input eq "y") { $ok=1; $value=$ITEMS[0]; } } else { print "select one of these items:\n"; $pos=0; foreach $nn (@ITEMS) { chomp $nn; printf "%5i $nn\n",$pos++; } $input=-1; print "by just pressing ŽENTERŽ, item \"0\" will be selected.\n"; print "select item 0 ... ",($pos-1),"? > "; while ( $input < 0) { if ($pos<10) { $input=lc readkey(); print "$input\n"; } else { $input=; } chomp $input; if ($input eq "") { $input=0; } elsif ($input!~ /^[0-9]+$/) { print "please enter a positive number! > " if $pos>9; $input=-1; } elsif ($input >= $pos) { print "input has to be between 0 and ",($pos-1),"! > " if $pos >9; $input=-1; } } $value=$ITEMS[$input]; } } } else { print "\nERROR: $errormsg\n\n"; } return $value; } sub cls { system "tput clear"; } sub goto { my $x=shift || 0; my $y=shift || 0; system "tput cup $x $y"; } ###################################################################### # # prints a table at the given position. If the terminal supports # ANSI colors, it will be printed on blue background. # # usage: # table($x,$y,$head,@lines); # sub table { my $x=shift || 0; my $y=shift || 0; my $head=shift || ""; my @lines=@_; # require Curses; # $win=new Curses; my $maxlen=length($head); for (@lines) { my $len=length($_); if ($maxlen < $len) { $maxlen=$len; } } HotSaNICshellio::goto($x++,$y); setattr("BG_BLUE","FG_WHITE","UNDERLINE"); printf "%-".$maxlen."s",$head; setattr("NORMAL","BG_BLUE"); for (@lines) { # $win -> addstr($x++,$y,$_); HotSaNICshellio::goto($x++,$y); printf "%-".$maxlen."s",$_; } setattr("NORMAL"); print "\n"; # $win -> refresh(); } sub setattr { my $line=""; my %ATTR=( "BG_BLACK"=>"setab 0","FG_BLACK"=>"setaf 0", "BG_RED"=>"setab 1","FG_RED"=>"setaf 1", "BG_GREEN"=>"setab 2","FG_GREEN"=>"setaf 2", "BG_YELLOW"=>"setab 3","FG_YELLOW"=>"setaf 3", "BG_BLUE"=>"setab 4","FG_BLUE"=>"setaf 4", "BG_MAGENTA"=>"setab 5","FG_MAGENTA"=>"setaf 5", "BG_CYAN"=>"setab 6","FG_CYAN"=>"setaf 6", "BG_WHITE"=>"setab 7","FG_WHITE"=>"setaf 7", "BOLD"=>"bold","DIM"=>"dim", "UNDERLINE"=>"smul","NO_UNDERLINE"=>"rmul", "NORMAL"=>"sgr0" ); for (@_) { if ( defined $ATTR{$_} ) { $line=$line."\n".$ATTR{$_}; } } if ($line eq "") { $line="setab 0\nsetaf 7\ndim\n"; } system "tput -S<setlflag($noecho); $term->setcc(VTIME, 1); $term->setattr($fd_stdin, TCSANOW); } ###################################################################### # # local echo on # sub cooked { $term->setlflag($oterm); $term->setcc(VTIME, 0); $term->setattr($fd_stdin, TCSANOW); } ###################################################################### # # clear screen # sub clear { print $CLS; } 1; WebSVN - hotsanic - Blame - Rev 9 - /branches/HotSaNIC-0.5.0-jablonecka/lib/HotSaNICshellio.pm


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