inherit_fieldlist=array ( 'boundingboxes'=>array(), 'my_default' => NULL, 'label' => '', 'proclabel' => '', 'usescale' => 'DEFAULT', 'scaletype' => 'percent', 'iconscaletype' => 'percent', 'useiconscale' => 'none', 'scalevar' => 'in', 'template' => ':: DEFAULT ::', 'iconscalevar' => 'in', 'labelfont' => 3, 'relative_to' => '', 'relative_resolved' => FALSE, 'x' => NULL, 'y' => NULL, 'inscalekey'=>'', 'outscalekey'=>'', #'incolour'=>-1,'outcolour'=>-1, 'original_x' => 0, 'original_y' => 0, 'inpercent'=>0, 'outpercent'=>0, 'labelangle'=>0, 'iconfile' => '', 'iconscalew' => 0, 'iconscaleh' => 0, 'targets' => array(), 'infourl' => array(IN=>'',OUT=>''), 'notestext' => array(IN=>'',OUT=>''), 'notes' => array(), 'hints' => array(), 'overliburl' => array(IN=>array(),OUT=>array()), 'overlibwidth' => 0, 'overlibheight' => 0, 'overlibcaption' => array(IN=>'',OUT=>''), 'labeloutlinecolour' => array(0, 0, 0), 'labelbgcolour' => array(255, 255, 255), 'labelfontcolour' => array(0, 0, 0), 'labelfontshadowcolour' => array(-1, -1, -1), 'aiconoutlinecolour' => array(0,0,0), 'aiconfillcolour' => array(-2,-2,-2), // copy from the node label 'labeloffset' => '', 'labeloffsetx' => 0, 'labeloffsety' => 0, 'zorder' => 600, 'max_bandwidth_in' => 100, 'max_bandwidth_out' => 100, 'max_bandwidth_in_cfg' => '100', 'max_bandwidth_out_cfg' => '100' ); $this->width = 0; $this->height = 0; $this->centre_x = 0; $this->centre_y = 0; $this->polar = FALSE; $this->image = NULL; } function my_type() { return "NODE"; } // make a mini-image, containing this node and nothing else // figure out where the real NODE centre is, relative to the top-left corner. function pre_render($im, &$map) { // don't bother drawing if there's no position - it's a template if( is_null($this->x) ) return; if( is_null($this->y) ) return; // apparently, some versions of the gd extension will crash // if we continue... if($this->label == '' && $this->iconfile=='') return; // start these off with sensible values, so that bbox // calculations are easier. $icon_x1 = $this->x; $icon_x2 = $this->x; $icon_y1 = $this->y; $icon_y2 = $this->y; $label_x1 = $this->x; $label_x2 = $this->x; $label_y1 = $this->y; $label_y2 = $this->y; $boxwidth = 0; $boxheight = 0; $icon_w = 0; $icon_h = 0; $col = new Colour(-1,-1,-1); # print $col->as_string(); // if a target is specified, and you haven't forced no background, then the background will // come from the SCALE in USESCALE if( !empty($this->targets) && $this->usescale != 'none' ) { $pc = 0; if($this->scalevar == 'in') { $pc = $this->inpercent; $col = $this->colours[IN]; } if($this->scalevar == 'out') { $pc = $this->outpercent; $col = $this->colours[OUT]; } } elseif($this->labelbgcolour != array(-1,-1,-1)) { // $col=myimagecolorallocate($node_im, $this->labelbgcolour[0], $this->labelbgcolour[1], $this->labelbgcolour[2]); $col = new Colour($this->labelbgcolour); } $colicon = null; if ( !empty($this->targets) && $this->useiconscale != 'none' ) { debug("Colorising the icon\n"); $pc = 0; $val = 0; if($this->iconscalevar == 'in') { $pc = $this->inpercent; $col = $this->colours[IN]; $val = $this->bandwidth_in; } if($this->iconscalevar == 'out') { $pc = $this->outpercent; $col = $this->colours[OUT]; $val = $this->bandwidth_out; } if($this->iconscaletype=='percent') { list($colicon,$node_iconscalekey,$icontag) = $map->NewColourFromPercent($pc, $this->useiconscale,$this->name ); } else { // use the absolute value if we aren't doing percentage scales. list($colicon,$node_iconscalekey,$icontag) = $map->NewColourFromPercent($val, $this->useiconscale,$this->name, FALSE ); } } // figure out a bounding rectangle for the label if ($this->label != '') { $padding = 4.0; $padfactor = 1.0; $this->proclabel = $map->ProcessString($this->label,$this,TRUE,TRUE); // if screenshot_mode is enabled, wipe any letters to X and wipe any IP address to // hopefully that will preserve enough information to show cool stuff without leaking info if($map->get_hint('screenshot_mode')==1) $this->proclabel = screenshotify($this->proclabel); list($strwidth, $strheight) = $map->myimagestringsize($this->labelfont, $this->proclabel); if($this->labelangle==90 || $this->labelangle==270) { $boxwidth = ($strheight * $padfactor) + $padding; $boxheight = ($strwidth * $padfactor) + $padding; debug ("Node->pre_render: ".$this->name." Label Metrics are: $strwidth x $strheight -> $boxwidth x $boxheight\n"); $label_x1 = $this->x - ($boxwidth / 2); $label_y1 = $this->y - ($boxheight / 2); $label_x2 = $this->x + ($boxwidth / 2); $label_y2 = $this->y + ($boxheight / 2); if($this->labelangle==90) { $txt_x = $this->x + ($strheight / 2); $txt_y = $this->y + ($strwidth / 2); } if($this->labelangle==270) { $txt_x = $this->x - ($strheight / 2); $txt_y = $this->y - ($strwidth / 2); } } if($this->labelangle==0 || $this->labelangle==180) { $boxwidth = ($strwidth * $padfactor) + $padding; $boxheight = ($strheight * $padfactor) + $padding; debug ("Node->pre_render: ".$this->name." Label Metrics are: $strwidth x $strheight -> $boxwidth x $boxheight\n"); $label_x1 = $this->x - ($boxwidth / 2); $label_y1 = $this->y - ($boxheight / 2); $label_x2 = $this->x + ($boxwidth / 2); $label_y2 = $this->y + ($boxheight / 2); $txt_x = $this->x - ($strwidth / 2); $txt_y = $this->y + ($strheight / 2); if($this->labelangle==180) { $txt_x = $this->x + ($strwidth / 2); $txt_y = $this->y - ($strheight / 2); } # $this->width = $boxwidth; # $this->height = $boxheight; } $map->nodes[$this->name]->width = $boxwidth; $map->nodes[$this->name]->height = $boxheight; # print "TEXT at $txt_x , $txt_y\n"; } // figure out a bounding rectangle for the icon if ($this->iconfile != '') { $icon_im = NULL; $icon_w = 0; $icon_h = 0; if($this->iconfile == 'rbox' || $this->iconfile == 'box' || $this->iconfile == 'round' || $this->iconfile == 'inpie' || $this->iconfile == 'outpie' || $this->iconfile == 'gauge' || $this->iconfile == 'nink') { debug("Artificial Icon type " .$this->iconfile. " for $this->name\n"); // this is an artificial icon - we don't load a file for it $icon_im = imagecreatetruecolor($this->iconscalew,$this->iconscaleh); imageSaveAlpha($icon_im, TRUE); $nothing=imagecolorallocatealpha($icon_im,128,0,0,127); imagefill($icon_im, 0, 0, $nothing); $fill = NULL; $ink = NULL; $aifill = new Colour($this->aiconfillcolour); $aiink = new Colour($this->aiconoutlinecolour); if ( $aifill->is_copy() && !$col->is_none() ) { $fill = $col; } else { if($aifill->is_real()) { $fill = $aifill; } } if ($this->aiconoutlinecolour != array(-1,-1,-1)) { $ink=$aiink; } if($this->iconfile=='box') { if($fill !== NULL && !$fill->is_none()) { imagefilledrectangle($icon_im, 0, 0, $this->iconscalew-1, $this->iconscaleh-1, $fill->gdallocate($icon_im) ); } if($ink !== NULL && !$ink->is_none()) { imagerectangle($icon_im, 0, 0, $this->iconscalew-1, $this->iconscaleh-1, $ink->gdallocate($icon_im) ); } } if($this->iconfile=='rbox') { if($fill !== NULL && !$fill->is_none()) { imagefilledroundedrectangle($icon_im, 0, 0, $this->iconscalew-1, $this->iconscaleh-1, 4, $fill->gdallocate($icon_im) ); } if($ink !== NULL && !$ink->is_none()) { imageroundedrectangle($icon_im, 0, 0, $this->iconscalew-1, $this->iconscaleh-1, 4, $ink->gdallocate($icon_im) ); } } if($this->iconfile=='round') { $rx = $this->iconscalew/2-1; $ry = $this->iconscaleh/2-1; if($fill !== NULL && !$fill->is_none() ) { imagefilledellipse($icon_im,$rx,$ry,$rx*2,$ry*2,$fill->gdallocate($icon_im) ); } if($ink !== NULL && !$ink->is_none()) { imageellipse($icon_im,$rx,$ry,$rx*2,$ry*2,$ink->gdallocate($icon_im) ); } } if($this->iconfile=='nink') { // print "NINK **************************************************************\n"; $rx = $this->iconscalew/2-1; $ry = $this->iconscaleh/2-1; $size = $this->iconscalew; $quarter = $size/4; $col1 = $this->colours[IN]; $col2 = $this->colours[OUT]; assert('!is_null($col1)'); assert('!is_null($col2)'); imagefilledarc($icon_im, $rx-1, $ry, $size, $size, 270,90, $col1->gdallocate($icon_im), IMG_ARC_PIE); imagefilledarc($icon_im, $rx+1, $ry, $size, $size, 90,270, $col2->gdallocate($icon_im), IMG_ARC_PIE); imagefilledarc($icon_im, $rx-1, $ry+$quarter, $quarter*2, $quarter*2, 0,360, $col1->gdallocate($icon_im), IMG_ARC_PIE); imagefilledarc($icon_im, $rx+1, $ry-$quarter, $quarter*2, $quarter*2, 0,360, $col2->gdallocate($icon_im), IMG_ARC_PIE); if($ink !== NULL && !$ink->is_none()) { // XXX - need a font definition from somewhere for NINK text $font = 1; $instr = $map->ProcessString("{node:this:bandwidth_in:%.1k}",$this); $outstr = $map->ProcessString("{node:this:bandwidth_out:%.1k}",$this); list($twid,$thgt) = $map->myimagestringsize($font,$instr); $map->myimagestring($icon_im, $font, $rx - $twid/2, $ry- $quarter + ($thgt/2),$instr,$ink->gdallocate($icon_im)); list($twid,$thgt) = $map->myimagestringsize($font,$outstr); $map->myimagestring($icon_im, $font, $rx - $twid/2, $ry + $quarter + ($thgt/2),$outstr,$ink->gdallocate($icon_im)); imageellipse($icon_im,$rx,$ry,$rx*2,$ry*2,$ink->gdallocate($icon_im) ); // imagearc($icon_im, $rx,$ry,$quarter*4,$quarter*4, 0,360, $ink->gdallocate($icon_im)); } // print "NINK ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\n"; } // XXX - needs proper colours if($this->iconfile=='inpie' || $this->iconfile=='outpie') { # list($colpie,$node_iconscalekey,$icontag) = $map->NewColourFromPercent($pc, $this->useiconscale,$this->name); if($this->iconfile=='inpie') $segment_angle = (($this->inpercent)/100) * 360; if($this->iconfile=='outpie') $segment_angle = (($this->outpercent)/100) * 360; $rx = $this->iconscalew/2-1; $ry = $this->iconscaleh/2-1; if($fill !== NULL && !$fill->is_none() ) { imagefilledellipse($icon_im, $rx, $ry, $rx*2, $ry*2, $fill->gdallocate($icon_im) ); } if($ink !== NULL && !$ink->is_none()) { // imagefilledarc ( resource $image , int $cx , int $cy , int $width , int $height , int $start , int $end , int $color , int $style ) imagefilledarc($icon_im, $rx, $ry, $rx*2,$ry*2, 0, $segment_angle, $ink->gdallocate($icon_im) , IMG_ARC_PIE); } if($fill !== NULL && !$fill->is_none() ) { imageellipse($icon_im, $rx, $ry, $rx*2, $ry*2, $fill->gdallocate($icon_im) ); } // warn('inpie AICON not implemented yet [WMWARN99]'); } // if($this->iconfile=='outpie') { warn('outpie AICON not implemented yet [WMWARN99]'); } if($this->iconfile=='gauge') { warn('gauge AICON not implemented yet [WMWARN99]'); } } else { $this->iconfile = $map->ProcessString($this->iconfile ,$this); if (is_readable($this->iconfile)) { imagealphablending($im, true); // draw the supplied icon, instead of the labelled box $icon_im = imagecreatefromfile($this->iconfile); # $icon_im = imagecreatefrompng($this->iconfile); if(function_exists("imagefilter") && isset($colicon) && $this->get_hint("use_imagefilter")==1) { imagefilter($icon_im, IMG_FILTER_COLORIZE, $colicon->r, $colicon->g, $colicon->b); } else { if(isset($colicon)) { // debug("Skipping unavailable imagefilter() call.\n"); imagecolorize($icon_im, $colicon->r, $colicon->g, $colicon->b); } } debug("If this is the last thing in your logs, you probably have a buggy GD library. Get > 2.0.33 or use PHP builtin.\n"); if ($icon_im) { $icon_w = imagesx($icon_im); $icon_h = imagesy($icon_im); if(($this->iconscalew * $this->iconscaleh) > 0) { imagealphablending($icon_im, true); debug("SCALING ICON here\n"); if($icon_w > $icon_h) { $scalefactor = $icon_w/$this->iconscalew; } else { $scalefactor = $icon_h/$this->iconscaleh; } $new_width = $icon_w / $scalefactor; $new_height = $icon_h / $scalefactor; $scaled = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); imagealphablending($scaled,false); imagecopyresampled($scaled, $icon_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $icon_w, $icon_h); imagedestroy($icon_im); $icon_im = $scaled; } } else { warn ("Couldn't open ICON: '" . $this->iconfile . "' - is it a PNG, JPEG or GIF? [WMWARN37]\n"); } } else { if($this->iconfile != 'none') { warn ("ICON '" . $this->iconfile . "' does not exist, or is not readable. Check path and permissions. [WMARN38]\n"); } } } if($icon_im) { $icon_w = imagesx($icon_im); $icon_h = imagesy($icon_im); $icon_x1 = $this->x - $icon_w / 2; $icon_y1 = $this->y - $icon_h / 2; $icon_x2 = $this->x + $icon_w / 2; $icon_y2 = $this->y + $icon_h / 2; $map->nodes[$this->name]->width = imagesx($icon_im); $map->nodes[$this->name]->height = imagesy($icon_im); // $map->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "NODE:" . $this->name . ':0', '', array($icon_x1, $icon_y1, $icon_x2, $icon_y2)); $map->nodes[$this->name]->boundingboxes[] = array($icon_x1, $icon_y1, $icon_x2, $icon_y2); } } // do any offset calculations $dx=0; $dy=0; if ( ($this->labeloffset != '') && (($this->iconfile != '')) ) { $this->labeloffsetx = 0; $this->labeloffsety = 0; list($dx, $dy) = calc_offset($this->labeloffset, ($icon_w + $boxwidth -1), ($icon_h + $boxheight) ); #$this->labeloffsetx = $dx; #$this->labeloffsety = $dy; } $label_x1 += ($this->labeloffsetx + $dx); $label_x2 += ($this->labeloffsetx + $dx); $label_y1 += ($this->labeloffsety + $dy); $label_y2 += ($this->labeloffsety + $dy); if($this->label != '') { // $map->imap->addArea("Rectangle", "NODE:" . $this->name .':1', '', array($label_x1, $label_y1, $label_x2, $label_y2)); $map->nodes[$this->name]->boundingboxes[] = array($label_x1, $label_y1, $label_x2, $label_y2); } // work out the bounding box of the whole thing $bbox_x1 = min($label_x1,$icon_x1); $bbox_x2 = max($label_x2,$icon_x2)+1; $bbox_y1 = min($label_y1,$icon_y1); $bbox_y2 = max($label_y2,$icon_y2)+1; # imagerectangle($im,$bbox_x1,$bbox_y1,$bbox_x2,$bbox_y2,$map->selected); # imagerectangle($im,$label_x1,$label_y1,$label_x2,$label_y2,$map->black); # imagerectangle($im,$icon_x1,$icon_y1,$icon_x2,$icon_y2,$map->black); // create TWO imagemap entries - one for the label and one for the icon // (so we can have close-spaced icons better) $temp_width = $bbox_x2-$bbox_x1; $temp_height = $bbox_y2-$bbox_y1; // create an image of that size and draw into it $node_im=imagecreatetruecolor($temp_width,$temp_height ); // ImageAlphaBlending($node_im, FALSE); imageSaveAlpha($node_im, TRUE); $nothing=imagecolorallocatealpha($node_im,128,0,0,127); imagefill($node_im, 0, 0, $nothing); #$col = $col->gdallocate($node_im); // imagefilledrectangle($node_im,0,0,$temp_width,$temp_height, $nothing); $label_x1 -= $bbox_x1; $label_x2 -= $bbox_x1; $label_y1 -= $bbox_y1; $label_y2 -= $bbox_y1; $icon_x1 -= $bbox_x1; $icon_x2 -= $bbox_x1; $icon_y1 -= $bbox_y1; $icon_y2 -= $bbox_y1; // Draw the icon, if any if(isset($icon_im)) { imagecopy($node_im, $icon_im, $icon_x1, $icon_y1, 0, 0, imagesx($icon_im), imagesy($icon_im)); imagedestroy($icon_im); } // Draw the label, if any if ($this->label != '') { $txt_x -= $bbox_x1; $txt_x += ($this->labeloffsetx + $dx); $txt_y -= $bbox_y1; $txt_y += ($this->labeloffsety + $dy); # print "FINAL TEXT at $txt_x , $txt_y\n"; // if there's an icon, then you can choose to have no background if(! $col->is_none() ) { imagefilledrectangle($node_im, $label_x1, $label_y1, $label_x2, $label_y2, $col->gdallocate($node_im)); } if ($this->selected) { imagerectangle($node_im, $label_x1, $label_y1, $label_x2, $label_y2, $map->selected); // would be nice if it was thicker, too... wimagerectangle($node_im, $label_x1 + 1, $label_y1 + 1, $label_x2 - 1, $label_y2 - 1, $map->selected); } else { $olcol = new Colour($this->labeloutlinecolour); if ($olcol->is_real()) { imagerectangle($node_im, $label_x1, $label_y1, $label_x2, $label_y2, $olcol->gdallocate($node_im)); } } #} $shcol = new Colour($this->labelfontshadowcolour); if ($shcol->is_real()) { $map->myimagestring($node_im, $this->labelfont, $txt_x + 1, $txt_y + 1, $this->proclabel, $shcol->gdallocate($node_im),$this->labelangle); } $txcol = new Colour($this->labelfontcolour[0],$this->labelfontcolour[1],$this->labelfontcolour[2]); #$col=myimagecolorallocate($node_im, $this->labelfontcolour[0], $this->labelfontcolour[1], # $this->labelfontcolour[2]); if($txcol->is_contrast()) { if($col->is_real()) { $txcol = $col->contrast(); } else { warn("You can't make a contrast with 'none'. [WMWARN43]\n"); $txcol = new Colour(0,0,0); } } $map->myimagestring($node_im, $this->labelfont, $txt_x, $txt_y, $this->proclabel, $txcol->gdallocate($node_im),$this->labelangle); //$map->myimagestring($node_im, $this->labelfont, $txt_x, $txt_y, $this->proclabel, $txcol->gdallocate($node_im),90); } # imagerectangle($node_im,$label_x1,$label_y1,$label_x2,$label_y2,$map->black); # imagerectangle($node_im,$icon_x1,$icon_y1,$icon_x2,$icon_y2,$map->black); $map->nodes[$this->name]->centre_x = $this->x - $bbox_x1; $map->nodes[$this->name]->centre_y = $this->y - $bbox_y1; if(1==0) { imageellipse($node_im, $this->centre_x, $this->centre_y, 8, 8, $map->selected); foreach (array("N","S","E","W","NE","NW","SE","SW") as $corner) { list($dx, $dy)=calc_offset($corner, $this->width, $this->height); imageellipse($node_im, $this->centre_x + $dx, $this->centre_y + $dy, 5, 5, $map->selected); } } # $this->image = $node_im; $map->nodes[$this->name]->image = $node_im; } function update_cache($cachedir,$mapname) { $cachename = $cachedir."/node_".md5($mapname."/".$this->name).".png"; // save this image to a cache, for the editor imagepng($this->image,$cachename); } // draw the node, using the pre_render() output function NewDraw($im, &$map) { // take the offset we figured out earlier, and just blit // the image on. Who says "blit" anymore? // it's possible that there is no image, so better check. if(isset($this->image)) { imagealphablending($im, true); imagecopy ( $im, $this->image, $this->x - $this->centre_x, $this->y - $this->centre_y, 0, 0, imagesx($this->image), imagesy($this->image) ); } } // take the pre-rendered node and write it to a file so that // the editor can get at it. function WriteToCache() { } function Reset(&$newowner) { $this->owner=$newowner; $template = $this->template; if($template == '') $template = "DEFAULT"; debug("Resetting $this->name with $template\n"); // the internal default-default gets it's values from inherit_fieldlist // everything else comes from a node object - the template. if($this->name==':: DEFAULT ::') { foreach (array_keys($this->inherit_fieldlist)as $fld) { $this->$fld=$this->inherit_fieldlist[$fld]; } } else { $this->CopyFrom($this->owner->nodes[$template]); } $this->template = $template; // to stop the editor tanking, now that colours are decided earlier in ReadData $this->colours[IN] = new Colour(192,192,192); $this->colours[OUT] = new Colour(192,192,192); $this->id = $newowner->next_id++; } function CopyFrom(&$source) { debug("Initialising NODE $this->name from $source->name\n"); assert('is_object($source)'); foreach (array_keys($this->inherit_fieldlist)as $fld) { if($fld != 'template') $this->$fld=$source->$fld; } } function WriteConfig() { $output=''; # $output .= "# ID ".$this->id." - first seen in ".$this->defined_in."\n"; // This allows the editor to wholesale-replace a single node's configuration // at write-time - it should include the leading NODE xyz line (to allow for renaming) if($this->config_override != '') { $output = $this->config_override."\n"; } else { # $defdef = $this->owner->defaultnode; $dd = $this->owner->nodes[$this->template]; debug("Writing config for NODE $this->name against $this->template\n"); # $field = 'zorder'; $keyword = 'ZORDER'; $basic_params = array( # array('template','TEMPLATE',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('label','LABEL',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('zorder','ZORDER',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('labeloffset','LABELOFFSET',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('labelfont','LABELFONT',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('labelangle','LABELANGLE',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('overlibwidth','OVERLIBWIDTH',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('overlibheight','OVERLIBHEIGHT',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('aiconoutlinecolour','AICONOUTLINECOLOR',CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('aiconfillcolour','AICONFILLCOLOR',CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('labeloutlinecolour','LABELOUTLINECOLOR',CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('labelfontshadowcolour','LABELFONTSHADOWCOLOR',CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('labelbgcolour','LABELBGCOLOR',CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('labelfontcolour','LABELFONTCOLOR',CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR) ); # TEMPLATE must come first. DEFAULT if($this->template != 'DEFAULT' && $this->template != ':: DEFAULT ::') { $output.="\tTEMPLATE " . $this->template . "\n"; } foreach ($basic_params as $param) { $field = $param[0]; $keyword = $param[1]; # $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist[$field] : $defdef->$field); if ($this->$field != $dd->$field) { if($param[2] == CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR) $output.="\t$keyword " . render_colour($this->$field) . "\n"; if($param[2] == CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL) $output.="\t$keyword " . $this->$field . "\n"; } } // IN/OUT are the same, so we can use the simpler form here # print_r($this->infourl); #$comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' #? $this->inherit_fieldlist['infourl'][IN] : $defdef->infourl[IN]); if ($this->infourl[IN] != $dd->infourl[IN]) { $output.="\tINFOURL " . $this->infourl[IN] . "\n"; } #$comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' #? $this->inherit_fieldlist['overlibcaption'][IN] : $defdef->overlibcaption[IN]); if ($this->overlibcaption[IN] != $dd->overlibcaption[IN]) { $output.="\tOVERLIBCAPTION " . $this->overlibcaption[IN] . "\n"; } // IN/OUT are the same, so we can use the simpler form here # $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' # ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['notestext'][IN] : $defdef->notestext[IN]); if ($this->notestext[IN] != $dd->notestext[IN]) { $output.="\tNOTES " . $this->notestext[IN] . "\n"; } # $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' # ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['overliburl'][IN] : $defdef->overliburl[IN]); if ($this->overliburl[IN] != $dd->overliburl[IN]) { $output.="\tOVERLIBGRAPH " . join(" ",$this->overliburl[IN]) . "\n"; } $val = $this->iconscalew. " " . $this->iconscaleh. " " .$this->iconfile; $comparison = $dd->iconscalew. " " . $dd->iconscaleh . " " . $dd->iconfile; if ($val != $comparison) { $output.="\tICON "; if($this->iconscalew > 0) { $output .= $this->iconscalew." ".$this->iconscaleh." "; } $output .= ($this->iconfile=='' ? 'none' : $this->iconfile) . "\n"; } # $comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' # ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['targets'] : $defdef->targets); if ($this->targets != $dd->targets) { $output.="\tTARGET"; foreach ($this->targets as $target) { if(strpos($target[4]," ") == FALSE) { $output.=" " . $target[4]; } else { $output.=' "' . $target[4].'"'; } } $output.="\n"; } # $comparison = ($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['usescale'] : $defdef->usescale) . " " . # ($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['scalevar'] : $defdef->scalevar); $val = $this->usescale . " " . $this->scalevar; $comparison = $dd->usescale . " " . $dd->scalevar; if ( ($val != $comparison) ) { $output.="\tUSESCALE " . $val . "\n"; } # $comparison = ($this->name == 'DEFAULT' # ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['useiconscale'] : $defdef->useiconscale) . " " . # ($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['iconscalevar'] : $defdef->iconscalevar); $val = $this->useiconscale . " " . $this->iconscalevar; $comparison= $dd->useiconscale . " " . $dd->iconscalevar; if ( $val != $comparison) { $output.="\tUSEICONSCALE " .$val . "\n"; } #$comparison = ($this->name == 'DEFAULT' #? $this->inherit_fieldlist['labeloffsetx'] : $defdef->labeloffsetx) . " " . ($this->name == 'DEFAULT' # ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['labeloffsety'] : $defdef->labeloffsety); $val = $this->labeloffsetx . " " . $this->labeloffsety; $comparison = $dd->labeloffsetx . " " . $dd->labeloffsety; if ($comparison != $val ) { $output.="\tLABELOFFSET " . $val . "\n"; } #$comparison=($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['x'] : $defdef->x) . " " . # ($this->name == 'DEFAULT' ? $this->inherit_fieldlist['y'] : $defdef->y); $val = $this->x . " " . $this->y; $comparison = $dd->x . " " . $dd->y; if ($val != $comparison) { if($this->relative_to == '') { $output.="\tPOSITION " . $val . "\n"; } else { if($this->polar) { $output .= "\tPOSITION ".$this->relative_to . " " . $this->original_x . "r" . $this->original_y . "\n"; } else { $output.="\tPOSITION " . $this->relative_to . " " . $this->original_x . " " . $this->original_y . "\n"; } } } if (($this->max_bandwidth_in != $dd->max_bandwidth_in) || ($this->max_bandwidth_out != $dd->max_bandwidth_out) || ($this->name == 'DEFAULT')) { if ($this->max_bandwidth_in == $this->max_bandwidth_out) { $output.="\tMAXVALUE " . $this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg . "\n"; } else { $output .="\tMAXVALUE " . $this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg . " " . $this->max_bandwidth_out_cfg . "\n"; } } foreach ($this->hints as $hintname=>$hint) { // all hints for DEFAULT node are for writing // only changed ones, or unique ones, otherwise if( ($this->name == 'DEFAULT') || (isset($dd->hints[$hintname]) && $dd->hints[$hintname] != $hint) || (!isset($dd->hints[$hintname])) ) { $output .= "\tSET $hintname $hint\n"; } } if ($output != '') { $output = "NODE " . $this->name . "\n$output\n"; } } return ($output); } function asJS() { $js = ''; $js .= "Nodes[" . js_escape($this->name) . "] = {"; $js .= "x:" . (is_null($this->x)? "'null'" : $this->x) . ", "; $js .= "y:" . (is_null($this->y)? "'null'" : $this->y) . ", "; $js .= "\"id\":" . $this->id. ", "; // $js.="y:" . $this->y . ", "; $js.="ox:" . $this->original_x . ", "; $js.="oy:" . $this->original_y . ", "; $js.="relative_to:" . js_escape($this->relative_to) . ", "; $js.="label:" . js_escape($this->label) . ", "; $js.="name:" . js_escape($this->name) . ", "; $js.="infourl:" . js_escape($this->infourl[IN]) . ", "; $js.="overlibcaption:" . js_escape($this->overlibcaption[IN]) . ", "; $js.="overliburl:" . js_escape(join(" ",$this->overliburl[IN])) . ", "; $js.="overlibwidth:" . $this->overlibheight . ", "; $js.="overlibheight:" . $this->overlibwidth . ", "; if(preg_match("/^(none|nink|inpie|outpie|box|rbox|gauge|round)$/",$this->iconfile)) { $js.="iconfile:" . js_escape("::".$this->iconfile); } else { $js.="iconfile:" . js_escape($this->iconfile); } $js .= "};\n"; $js .= "NodeIDs[\"N" . $this->id . "\"] = ". js_escape($this->name) . ";\n"; return $js; } function asJSON($complete=TRUE) { $js = ''; $js .= "" . js_escape($this->name) . ": {"; $js .= "\"id\":" . $this->id. ", "; $js .= "\"x\":" . ($this->x - $this->centre_x). ", "; $js .= "\"y\":" . ($this->y - $this->centre_y) . ", "; $js .= "\"cx\":" . $this->centre_x. ", "; $js .= "\"cy\":" . $this->centre_y . ", "; $js .= "\"ox\":" . $this->original_x . ", "; $js .= "\"oy\":" . $this->original_y . ", "; $js .= "\"relative_to\":" . js_escape($this->relative_to) . ", "; $js .= "\"name\":" . js_escape($this->name) . ", "; if($complete) { $js .= "\"label\":" . js_escape($this->label) . ", "; $js .= "\"infourl\":" . js_escape($this->infourl) . ", "; $js .= "\"overliburl\":" . js_escape($this->overliburl) . ", "; $js .= "\"overlibcaption\":" . js_escape($this->overlibcaption) . ", "; $js .= "\"overlibwidth\":" . $this->overlibheight . ", "; $js .= "\"overlibheight\":" . $this->overlibwidth . ", "; $js .= "\"iconfile\":" . js_escape($this->iconfile). ", "; } $js .= "\"iconcachefile\":" . js_escape($this->cachefile); $js .= "},\n"; return $js; } }; // vim:ts=4:sw=4: ?> WebSVN - weathermap - Blame - Rev 125 - /WeatherMapNode.class.php


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