inherit_fieldlist=array ( 'my_default' => NULL, 'width' => 7, 'commentfont' => 1, 'bwfont' => 2, 'template' => ':: DEFAULT ::', 'splitpos'=>50, 'labeloffset_out' => 25, 'labeloffset_in' => 75, 'commentoffset_out' => 5, 'commentoffset_in' => 95, 'commentstyle' => 'edge', 'arrowstyle' => 'classic', 'viastyle' => 'curved', 'usescale' => 'DEFAULT', 'scaletype' => 'percent', 'targets' => array(), 'duplex' => 'full', 'infourl' => array('',''), 'notes' => array(), 'hints' => array(), 'comments' => array('',''), 'bwlabelformats' => array(FMT_PERC_IN,FMT_PERC_OUT), 'overliburl' => array(array(),array()), 'notestext' => array(IN=>'',OUT=>''), 'labelstyle' => 'percent', 'labelboxstyle' => 'classic', 'linkstyle' => 'twoway', 'overlibwidth' => 0, 'overlibheight' => 0, 'outlinecolour' => array(0, 0, 0), 'bwoutlinecolour' => array(0, 0, 0), 'bwfontcolour' => array(0, 0, 0), 'bwboxcolour' => array(255, 255, 255), 'commentfontcolour' => array(192,192,192), 'inpercent'=>0, 'outpercent'=>0, 'inscalekey'=>'', 'outscalekey'=>'', # 'incolour'=>-1,'outcolour'=>-1, 'a_offset' => 'C', 'b_offset' => 'C', #'incomment' => '', #'outcomment' => '', 'zorder' => 300, 'overlibcaption' => array('',''), 'max_bandwidth_in' => 100000000, 'max_bandwidth_out' => 100000000, 'max_bandwidth_in_cfg' => '100M', 'max_bandwidth_out_cfg' => '100M' ); // $this->a_offset = 'C'; // $this->b_offset = 'C'; // $this->targets = array(); } function Reset(&$newowner) { $this->owner=$newowner; $template = $this->template; if($template == '') $template = "DEFAULT"; debug("Resetting $this->name with $template\n"); // the internal default-default gets it's values from inherit_fieldlist // everything else comes from a link object - the template. if($this->name==':: DEFAULT ::') { foreach (array_keys($this->inherit_fieldlist) as $fld) { $this->$fld=$this->inherit_fieldlist[$fld]; } } else { $this->CopyFrom($this->owner->links[$template]); } $this->template = $template; // to stop the editor tanking, now that colours are decided earlier in ReadData $this->colours[IN] = new Colour(192,192,192); $this->colours[OUT] = new Colour(192,192,192); $this->id = $newowner->next_id++; } function my_type() { return "LINK"; } function CopyFrom(&$source) { debug("Initialising LINK $this->name from $source->name\n"); assert('is_object($source)'); foreach (array_keys($this->inherit_fieldlist) as $fld) { if($fld != 'template') $this->$fld = $source->$fld; } } // image = GD image references // col = array of Colour objects // widths = array of link widths function DrawComments($image,$col,$widths) { $curvepoints =& $this->curvepoints; $last = count($curvepoints)-1; $totaldistance = $curvepoints[$last][2]; $start[OUT] = 0; $commentpos[OUT] = $this->commentoffset_out; $commentpos[IN] = $this->commentoffset_in; $start[IN] = $last; if($this->linkstyle=="oneway") { $dirs = array(OUT); } else { $dirs = array(OUT,IN); } foreach ($dirs as $dir) { // Time to deal with Link Comments, if any $comment = $this->owner->ProcessString($this->comments[$dir], $this); # print "COMMENT: $comment"; if($this->owner->get_hint('screenshot_mode')==1) $comment=screenshotify($comment); if($comment != '') { # print "\n\n----------------------------------------------------------------\nComment $dir for ".$this->name."\n";; list($textlength, $textheight) = $this->owner->myimagestringsize($this->commentfont, $comment); $extra_percent = $commentpos[$dir]; // $font = $this->commentfont; // nudge pushes the comment out along the link arrow a little bit // (otherwise there are more problems with text disappearing underneath links) # $nudgealong = 0; $nudgeout=0; $nudgealong = intval($this->get_hint("comment_nudgealong")); $nudgeout = intval($this->get_hint("comment_nudgeout")); $extra = ($totaldistance * ($extra_percent/100)); # $comment_index = find_distance($curvepoints,$extra); list($x,$y,$comment_index,$angle) = find_distance_coords_angle($curvepoints,$extra); # print "$extra_percent => $extra ($totaldistance)\n"; #printf(" Point A is %f,%f\n",$curvepoints[$comment_index][0], $curvepoints[$comment_index][1]); #printf(" Point B is %f,%f\n",$curvepoints[$comment_index+1][0], $curvepoints[$comment_index+1][1]); #printf(" Point X is %f,%f\n",$x, $y); # if( ($comment_index != 0)) print "I "; # if (($x != $curvepoints[$comment_index][0]) ) print "X "; # if (($y != $curvepoints[$comment_index][1]) ) print "Y "; # print "\n"; if( ($comment_index != 0) && (($x != $curvepoints[$comment_index][0]) || ($y != $curvepoints[$comment_index][1])) ) { # print " -> Path 1\n"; $dx = $x - $curvepoints[$comment_index][0]; $dy = $y - $curvepoints[$comment_index][1]; } else { # print " -> Path 2\n"; $dx = $curvepoints[$comment_index+1][0] - $x; $dy = $curvepoints[$comment_index+1][1] - $y; } $centre_distance = $widths[$dir] + 4 + $nudgeout; if($this->commentstyle == 'center') { $centre_distance = $nudgeout - ($textheight/2); } // find the normal to our link, so we can get outside the arrow $l=sqrt(($dx * $dx) + ($dy * $dy)); # print "$extra => $comment_index/$last => $x,$y => $dx,$dy => $l\n"; $dx = $dx/$l; $dy = $dy/$l; $nx = $dy; $ny = -$dx; $flipped=FALSE; // if the text will be upside-down, rotate it, flip it, and right-justify it // not quite as catchy as Missy's version if(abs($angle)>90) { # $col = $map->selected; $angle -= 180; if($angle < -180) $angle +=360; $edge_x = $x + $nudgealong*$dx - $nx * $centre_distance; $edge_y = $y + $nudgealong*$dy - $ny * $centre_distance; # $comment .= "@"; $flipped = TRUE; } else { $edge_x = $x + $nudgealong*$dx + $nx * $centre_distance; $edge_y = $y + $nudgealong*$dy + $ny * $centre_distance; } if( !$flipped && ($extra + $textlength) > $totaldistance) { $edge_x -= $dx * $textlength; $edge_y -= $dy * $textlength; # $comment .= "#"; } if( $flipped && ($extra - $textlength) < 0) { $edge_x += $dx * $textlength; $edge_y += $dy * $textlength; # $comment .= "%"; } // FINALLY, draw the text! # imagefttext($image, $fontsize, $angle, $edge_x, $edge_y, $col, $font,$comment); $this->owner->myimagestring($image, $this->commentfont, $edge_x, $edge_y, $comment, $col[$dir], $angle); #imagearc($image,$x,$y,10,10,0, 360,$this->owner->selected); #imagearc($image,$edge_x,$edge_y,10,10,0, 360,$this->owner->selected); } } } function Draw($im, &$map) { // Get the positions of the end-points $x1=$map->nodes[$this->a->name]->x; $y1=$map->nodes[$this->a->name]->y; $x2=$map->nodes[$this->b->name]->x; $y2=$map->nodes[$this->b->name]->y; if(is_null($x1)) { warn("LINK ".$this->name." uses a NODE with no POSITION! [WMWARN35]\n"); return; } if(is_null($y1)) { warn("LINK ".$this->name." uses a NODE with no POSITION! [WMWARN35]\n"); return; } if(is_null($x2)) { warn("LINK ".$this->name." uses a NODE with no POSITION! [WMWARN35]\n"); return; } if(is_null($y2)) { warn("LINK ".$this->name." uses a NODE with no POSITION! [WMWARN35]\n"); return; } if( ($this->linkstyle=='twoway') && ($this->labeloffset_in < $this->labeloffset_out) && (intval($map->get_hint("nowarn_bwlabelpos"))==0) ) { warn("LINK ".$this->name." probably has it's BWLABELPOSs the wrong way around [WMWARN50]\n"); } list($dx, $dy)=calc_offset($this->a_offset, $map->nodes[$this->a->name]->width, $map->nodes[$this->a->name]->height); $x1+=$dx; $y1+=$dy; list($dx, $dy)=calc_offset($this->b_offset, $map->nodes[$this->b->name]->width, $map->nodes[$this->b->name]->height); $x2+=$dx; $y2+=$dy; if( ($x1==$x2) && ($y1==$y2) && sizeof($this->vialist)==0) { warn("Zero-length link ".$this->name." skipped. [WMWARN45]"); return; } $outlinecol = new Colour($this->outlinecolour); $commentcol = new Colour($this->commentfontcolour); $outline_colour = $outlinecol->gdallocate($im); $xpoints = array ( ); $ypoints = array ( ); $xpoints[]=$x1; $ypoints[]=$y1; # warn("There are VIAs.\n"); foreach ($this->vialist as $via) { # imagearc($im, $via[0],$via[1],20,20,0,360,$map->selected); if(isset($via[2])) { $xpoints[]=$map->nodes[$via[2]]->x + $via[0]; $ypoints[]=$map->nodes[$via[2]]->y + $via[1]; } else { $xpoints[]=$via[0]; $ypoints[]=$via[1]; } } $xpoints[]=$x2; $ypoints[]=$y2; # list($link_in_colour,$link_in_scalekey, $link_in_scaletag) = $map->NewColourFromPercent($this->inpercent,$this->usescale,$this->name); # list($link_out_colour,$link_out_scalekey, $link_out_scaletag) = $map->NewColourFromPercent($this->outpercent,$this->usescale,$this->name); $link_in_colour = $this->colours[IN]; $link_out_colour = $this->colours[OUT]; $gd_in_colour = $link_in_colour->gdallocate($im); $gd_out_colour = $link_out_colour->gdallocate($im); // $map->links[$this->name]->inscalekey = $link_in_scalekey; // $map->links[$this->name]->outscalekey = $link_out_scalekey; $link_width=$this->width; // these will replace the one above, ultimately. $link_in_width=$this->width; $link_out_width=$this->width; // for bulging animations if ( ($map->widthmod) || ($map->get_hint('link_bulge') == 1)) { // a few 0.1s and +1s to fix div-by-zero, and invisible links $link_width = (($link_width * $this->inpercent * 1.5 + 0.1) / 100) + 1; // these too $link_in_width = (($link_in_width * $this->inpercent * 1.5 + 0.1) / 100) + 1; $link_out_width = (($link_out_width * $this->outpercent * 1.5 + 0.1) / 100) + 1; } if($this->viastyle=='curved') { // Calculate the spine points - the actual curve $this->curvepoints = calc_curve($xpoints, $ypoints); // then draw the curve itself draw_curve($im, $this->curvepoints, array($link_in_width,$link_out_width), $outline_colour, array($gd_in_colour, $gd_out_colour), $this->name, $map, $this->splitpos, ($this->linkstyle=='oneway'?TRUE:FALSE) ); } if($this->viastyle=='angled') { // Calculate the spine points - the actual not a curve really, but we // need to create the array, and calculate the distance bits, otherwise // things like bwlabels won't know where to go. $this->curvepoints = calc_straight($xpoints, $ypoints); // then draw the "curve" itself draw_straight($im, $this->curvepoints, array($link_in_width,$link_out_width), $outline_colour, array($gd_in_colour, $gd_out_colour), $this->name, $map, $this->splitpos, ($this->linkstyle=='oneway'?TRUE:FALSE) ); } if ( !$commentcol->is_none() ) { if($commentcol->is_contrast()) { $commentcol_in = $link_in_colour->contrast(); $commentcol_out = $link_out_colour->contrast(); } else { $commentcol_in = $commentcol; $commentcol_out = $commentcol; } $comment_colour_in = $commentcol_in->gdallocate($im); $comment_colour_out = $commentcol_out->gdallocate($im); $this->DrawComments($im,array($comment_colour_in, $comment_colour_out),array($link_in_width*1.1,$link_out_width*1.1)); } $curvelength = $this->curvepoints[count($this->curvepoints)-1][2]; // figure out where the labels should be, and what the angle of the curve is at that point list($q1_x,$q1_y,$junk,$q1_angle) = find_distance_coords_angle($this->curvepoints,($this->labeloffset_out/100)*$curvelength); list($q3_x,$q3_y,$junk,$q3_angle) = find_distance_coords_angle($this->curvepoints,($this->labeloffset_in/100)*$curvelength); # imageline($im, $q1_x+20*cos(deg2rad($q1_angle)),$q1_y-20*sin(deg2rad($q1_angle)), $q1_x-20*cos(deg2rad($q1_angle)), $q1_y+20*sin(deg2rad($q1_angle)), $this->owner->selected ); # imageline($im, $q3_x+20*cos(deg2rad($q3_angle)),$q3_y-20*sin(deg2rad($q3_angle)), $q3_x-20*cos(deg2rad($q3_angle)), $q3_y+20*sin(deg2rad($q3_angle)), $this->owner->selected ); # warn("$q1_angle $q3_angle\n"); if (!is_null($q1_x)) { $outbound=array ( $q1_x, $q1_y, 0, 0, $this->outpercent, $this->bandwidth_out, $q1_angle, OUT ); $inbound=array ( $q3_x, $q3_y, 0, 0, $this->inpercent, $this->bandwidth_in, $q3_angle, IN ); if ($map->sizedebug) { $outbound[5]=$this->max_bandwidth_out; $inbound[5]=$this->max_bandwidth_in; } if($this->linkstyle=='oneway') { $tasks = array($outbound); } else { $tasks = array($inbound,$outbound); } foreach ($tasks as $task) { $thelabel=""; $thelabel = $map->ProcessString($this->bwlabelformats[$task[7]],$this); if ($thelabel != '') { debug("Bandwidth for label is ".$task[5]."\n"); $padding = intval($this->get_hint('bwlabel_padding')); // if screenshot_mode is enabled, wipe any letters to X and wipe any IP address to // hopefully that will preserve enough information to show cool stuff without leaking info if($map->get_hint('screenshot_mode')==1) $thelabel = screenshotify($thelabel); if($this->labelboxstyle == 'angled') { $angle = $task[6]; } else { $angle = 0; } $map->DrawLabelRotated($im, $task[0], $task[1],$angle, $thelabel, $this->bwfont, $padding, $this->name, $this->bwfontcolour, $this->bwboxcolour, $this->bwoutlinecolour,$map, $task[7]); // imagearc($im, $task[0], $task[1], 10,10,0,360,$map->selected); } } } } function WriteConfig() { $output=''; # $output .= "# ID ".$this->id." - first seen in ".$this->defined_in."\n"; if($this->config_override != '') { $output = $this->config_override."\n"; } else { # $defdef = $this->owner->defaultlink; $dd = $this->owner->links[$this->template]; debug("Writing config for LINK $this->name against $this->template\n"); $basic_params = array( array('width','WIDTH',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('zorder','ZORDER',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('overlibwidth','OVERLIBWIDTH',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('overlibheight','OVERLIBHEIGHT',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('arrowstyle','ARROWSTYLE',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('viastyle','VIASTYLE',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('linkstyle','LINKSTYLE',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('splitpos','SPLITPOS',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('duplex','DUPLEX',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('commentstyle','COMMENTSTYLE',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('labelboxstyle','BWSTYLE',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('usescale','USESCALE',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('bwfont','BWFONT',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('commentfont','COMMENTFONT',CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL), array('bwoutlinecolour','BWOUTLINECOLOR',CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('bwboxcolour','BWBOXCOLOR',CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('outlinecolour','OUTLINECOLOR',CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('commentfontcolour','COMMENTFONTCOLOR',CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR), array('bwfontcolour','BWFONTCOLOR',CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR) ); # TEMPLATE must come first. DEFAULT if($this->template != 'DEFAULT' && $this->template != ':: DEFAULT ::') { $output.="\tTEMPLATE " . $this->template . "\n"; } foreach ($basic_params as $param) { $field = $param[0]; $keyword = $param[1]; # $output .= "# For $keyword: ".$this->$field." vs ".$dd->$field."\n"; if ($this->$field != $dd->$field) #if (1==1) { if($param[2] == CONFIG_TYPE_COLOR) $output.="\t$keyword " . render_colour($this->$field) . "\n"; if($param[2] == CONFIG_TYPE_LITERAL) $output.="\t$keyword " . $this->$field . "\n"; } } if ($this->infourl[IN] == $this->infourl[OUT]) { $dirs = array(IN=>""); // only use the IN value, since they're both the same, but don't prefix the output keyword } else { $dirs = array( IN=>"IN", OUT=>"OUT" );// the full monty two-keyword version } foreach ($dirs as $dir=>$tdir) { if ($this->infourl[$dir] != $dd->infourl[$dir]) { $output .= "\t" . $tdir . "INFOURL " . $this->infourl[$dir] . "\n"; } } if ($this->overlibcaption[IN] == $this->overlibcaption[OUT]) { $dirs = array(IN=>""); // only use the IN value, since they're both the same, but don't prefix the output keyword } else { $dirs = array( IN=>"IN", OUT=>"OUT" );// the full monty two-keyword version } foreach ($dirs as $dir=>$tdir) { if ($this->overlibcaption[$dir] != $dd->overlibcaption[$dir]) { $output .= "\t".$tdir."OVERLIBCAPTION " . $this->overlibcaption[$dir] . "\n"; } } if ($this->notestext[IN] == $this->notestext[OUT]) { $dirs = array(IN=>""); // only use the IN value, since they're both the same, but don't prefix the output keyword } else { $dirs = array( IN=>"IN", OUT=>"OUT" );// the full monty two-keyword version } foreach ($dirs as $dir=>$tdir) { if ($this->notestext[$dir] != $dd->notestext[$dir]) { $output .= "\t" . $tdir . "NOTES " . $this->notestext[$dir] . "\n"; } } if ($this->overliburl[IN]==$this->overliburl[OUT]) { $dirs = array(IN=>""); // only use the IN value, since they're both the same, but don't prefix the output keyword } else { $dirs = array( IN=>"IN", OUT=>"OUT" );// the full monty two-keyword version } foreach ($dirs as $dir=>$tdir) { if ($this->overliburl[$dir] != $dd->overliburl[$dir]) { $output.="\t".$tdir."OVERLIBGRAPH " . join(" ",$this->overliburl[$dir]) . "\n"; } } // if formats have been set, but they're just the longform of the built-in styles, set them back to the built-in styles if($this->labelstyle=='--' && $this->bwlabelformats[IN] == FMT_PERC_IN && $this->bwlabelformats[OUT] == FMT_PERC_OUT) { $this->labelstyle = 'percent'; } if($this->labelstyle=='--' && $this->bwlabelformats[IN] == FMT_BITS_IN && $this->bwlabelformats[OUT] == FMT_BITS_OUT) { $this->labelstyle = 'bits'; } if($this->labelstyle=='--' && $this->bwlabelformats[IN] == FMT_UNFORM_IN && $this->bwlabelformats[OUT] == FMT_UNFORM_OUT) { $this->labelstyle = 'unformatted'; } // if specific formats have been set, then the style will be '--' // if it isn't then use the named style if ( ($this->labelstyle != $dd->labelstyle) && ($this->labelstyle != '--') ) { $output .= "\tBWLABEL " . $this->labelstyle . "\n"; } // if either IN or OUT field changes, then both must be written because a regular BWLABEL can't do it // XXX this looks wrong $comparison = $dd->bwlabelformats[IN]; $comparison2 = $dd->bwlabelformats[OUT]; if ( ( $this->labelstyle == '--') && ( ($this->bwlabelformats[IN] != $comparison) || ($this->bwlabelformats[OUT]!= '--')) ) { $output .= "\tINBWFORMAT " . $this->bwlabelformats[IN]. "\n"; $output .= "\tOUTBWFORMAT " . $this->bwlabelformats[OUT]. "\n"; } $comparison = $dd->labeloffset_in; $comparison2 = $dd->labeloffset_out; if ( ($this->labeloffset_in != $comparison) || ($this->labeloffset_out != $comparison2) ) { $output.="\tBWLABELPOS " . $this->labeloffset_in . " " . $this->labeloffset_out . "\n"; } $comparison=$dd->commentoffset_in.":".$dd->commentoffset_out; $mine = $this->commentoffset_in.":".$this->commentoffset_out; if ($mine != $comparison) { $output.="\tCOMMENTPOS " . $this->commentoffset_in." ".$this->commentoffset_out. "\n"; } $comparison=$dd->targets; if ($this->targets != $comparison) { $output.="\tTARGET"; foreach ($this->targets as $target) { if(strpos($target[4]," ") == FALSE) { $output .= " " . $target[4]; } else { $output .= ' "' . $target[4] . '"'; } } $output .= "\n"; } foreach (array(IN,OUT) as $dir) { if ($dir==IN) { $tdir="IN"; } if ($dir==OUT) { $tdir="OUT"; } $comparison=$dd->comments[$dir]; if ($this->comments[$dir] != $comparison) { $output .= "\t" . $tdir . "COMMENT " . $this->comments[$dir] . "\n"; } } if (isset($this->a) && isset($this->b)) { $output .= "\tNODES " . $this->a->name; if ($this->a_offset != 'C') { $output .= ":" . $this->a_offset; } $output .= " " . $this->b->name; if ($this->b_offset != 'C') { $output .= ":" . $this->b_offset; } $output .= "\n"; } if (count($this->vialist) > 0) { foreach ($this->vialist as $via) { if( isset($via[2])) { $output .= sprintf("\tVIA %s %d %d\n", $via[2],$via[0], $via[1]); } else { $output .= sprintf("\tVIA %d %d\n", $via[0], $via[1]); } } } if (($this->max_bandwidth_in != $dd->max_bandwidth_in) || ($this->max_bandwidth_out != $dd->max_bandwidth_out) || ($this->name == 'DEFAULT')) { if ($this->max_bandwidth_in == $this->max_bandwidth_out) { $output.="\tBANDWIDTH " . $this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg . "\n"; } else { $output .="\tBANDWIDTH " . $this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg . " " . $this->max_bandwidth_out_cfg . "\n"; } } foreach ($this->hints as $hintname=>$hint) { // all hints for DEFAULT node are for writing // only changed ones, or unique ones, otherwise if( ($this->name == 'DEFAULT') || (isset($dd->hints[$hintname]) && $dd->hints[$hintname] != $hint) || (!isset($dd->hints[$hintname])) ) { $output .= "\tSET $hintname $hint\n"; } } if ($output != '') { $output = "LINK " . $this->name . "\n".$output."\n"; } } return($output); } function asJS() { $js=''; $js.="Links[" . js_escape($this->name) . "] = {"; $js .= "\"id\":" . $this->id. ", "; if (isset($this->a)) { $js.="a:'" . $this->a->name . "', "; $js.="b:'" . $this->b->name . "', "; } $js.="width:'" . $this->width . "', "; $js.="target:"; $tgt=''; foreach ($this->targets as $target) { if(strpos($target[4]," ") == FALSE) { $tgt .= $target[4] . ' '; } else { $tgt .= '"'.$target[4] . '" '; } } $js.=js_escape(trim($tgt)); $js.=","; $js.="bw_in:" . js_escape($this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg) . ", "; $js.="bw_out:" . js_escape($this->max_bandwidth_out_cfg) . ", "; $js.="name:" . js_escape($this->name) . ", "; $js.="overlibwidth:'" . $this->overlibheight . "', "; $js.="overlibheight:'" . $this->overlibwidth . "', "; $js.="overlibcaption:" . js_escape($this->overlibcaption[IN]) . ", "; $js.="commentin:" . js_escape($this->comments[IN]) . ", "; $js.="commentposin:" . intval($this->commentoffset_in) . ", "; $js.="commentout:" . js_escape($this->comments[OUT]) . ", "; $js.="commentposout:" . intval($this->commentoffset_out) . ", "; $js.="infourl:" . js_escape($this->infourl[IN]) . ", "; $js.="overliburl:" . js_escape(join(" ",$this->overliburl[IN])); $js.="};\n"; $js .= "LinkIDs[\"L" . $this->id . "\"] = ". js_escape($this->name) . ";\n"; return $js; } function asJSON($complete=TRUE) { $js = ''; $js .= "" . js_escape($this->name) . ": {"; $js .= "\"id\":" . $this->id. ", "; if (isset($this->a)) { $js.="\"a\":\"" . $this->a->name . "\", "; $js.="\"b\":\"" . $this->b->name . "\", "; } if($complete) { $js.="\"infourl\":" . js_escape($this->infourl) . ", "; $js.="\"overliburl\":" . js_escape($this->overliburl). ", "; $js.="\"width\":\"" . $this->width . "\", "; $js.="\"target\":"; $tgt=""; foreach ($this->targets as $target) { $tgt.=$target[4] . " "; } $js.=js_escape(trim($tgt)); $js.=","; $js.="\"bw_in\":" . js_escape($this->max_bandwidth_in_cfg) . ", "; $js.="\"bw_out\":" . js_escape($this->max_bandwidth_out_cfg) . ", "; $js.="\"name\":" . js_escape($this->name) . ", "; $js.="\"overlibwidth\":\"" . $this->overlibheight . "\", "; $js.="\"overlibheight\":\"" . $this->overlibwidth . "\", "; $js.="\"overlibcaption\":" . js_escape($this->overlibcaption) . ", "; } $vias = "\"via\": ["; foreach ($this->vialist as $via) $vias .= sprintf("[%d,%d,'%s'],", $via[0], $via[1],$via[2]); $vias .= "],"; $vias = str_replace("],],", "]]", $vias); $vias = str_replace("[],", "[]", $vias); $js .= $vias; $js.="},\n"; return $js; } }; // vim:ts=4:sw=4: ?> WebSVN - weathermap - Blame - Rev 107 - /WeatherMapLink.class.php


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