and also specifying part of // an image with an IMAGE control. // // class HTML_ImageMap_Area { var $href; var $name; var $id; var $alt; var $extrahtml; function common_html() { $h = ""; if($this->name != "") { $h .= " alt=\"".$this->name."\" "; $h .= " id=\"".$this->name."\" "; } if($this->href != "") { $h .= " href=\"".$this->href."\" "; } if($this->extrahtml != "") { $h .= " ".$this->extrahtml." "; } return $h; } } class HTML_ImageMap_Area_Polygon extends HTML_ImageMap_Area { var $points = array(); var $minx,$maxx,$miny,$maxy; // bounding box var $npoints; function asHTML() { foreach ($this->points as $point) { $flatpoints[] = $point[0]; $flatpoints[] = $point[1]; } $coordstring = join(",",$flatpoints); return 'common_html().' shape="poly" coords="'.$coordstring.'" />'; } function asJSON() { $json = "{ shape:'poly', npoints:".$this->npoints.", name:'".$this->name."',"; $xlist = ''; $ylist = ''; foreach ($this->points as $point) { $xlist .= $point[0].","; $ylist .= $point[1].","; } $xlist = rtrim($xlist,", "); $ylist = rtrim($ylist,", "); $json .= " x: [ $xlist ], y:[ $ylist ], minx: ".$this->minx.", miny: ".$this->miny.", maxx:".$this->maxx.", maxy:".$this->maxy."}"; return($json); } function hitTest($x,$y) { $c = 0; // do the easy bounding-box test first. if( ($x < $this->minx) || ($x>$this->maxx) || ($y<$this->miny) || ($y>$this->maxy)) { return false; } // Algotithm from from // for ($i = 0, $j = $this->npoints-1; $i < $this->npoints; $j = $i++) { // print "Checking: $i, $j\n"; $x1 = $this->points[$i][0]; $y1 = $this->points[$i][1]; $x2 = $this->points[$j][0]; $y2 = $this->points[$j][1]; // print "($x,$y) vs ($x1,$y1)-($x2,$y2)\n"; if (((($y1<=$y) && ($y<$y2)) || (($y2<=$y) && ($y<$y1))) && ($x < ($x2 - $x1) * ($y - $y1) / ($y2 - $y1) + $x1)) { $c = !$c; } } return ($c); } function HTML_ImageMap_Area_Polygon ( $name="", $href="",$coords) { $c = $coords[0]; $this->name = $name; $this->href= $href; $this->npoints = count($c)/2; if( intval($this->npoints) != ($this->npoints)) { die("Odd number of points!"); } for ($i=0; $ipoints[] = $point; } $this->minx = min($xlist); $this->maxx = max($xlist); $this->miny = min($ylist); $this->maxy = max($ylist); // print $this->asHTML()."\n"; } } class HTML_ImageMap_Area_Rectangle extends HTML_ImageMap_Area { var $x1,$x2,$y1,$y2; function HTML_ImageMap_Area_Rectangle ( $name="", $href="",$coords) { $c = $coords[0]; $x1 = $c[0]; $y1 = $c[1]; $x2 = $c[2]; $y2 = $c[3]; // sort the points, so that the first is the top-left if($x1>$x2) { $this->x1=$x2; $this->x2=$x1; } else { $this->x1=$x1; $this->x2=$x2; } if($y1>$y2) { $this->y1=$y2; $this->y2=$y1; } else { $this->y1=$y1; $this->y2=$y2; } $this->name = $name; $this->href = $href; } function hitTest($x,$y) { return ( ($x > $this->x1) && ($x < $this->x2) && ($y > $this->y1) && ($y < $this->y2) ); } function asHTML() { $coordstring = join(",",array($this->x1,$this->y1,$this->x2,$this->y2)); return 'common_html().' shape="rect" coords="'.$coordstring.'" />'; } function asJSON() { $json = "{ shape:'rect', "; $json .= " x1:".$this->x1.", y1:".$this->y1.", x2:".$this->x2.", y2:".$this->y2.",name:'".$this->name."'}"; return($json); } } class HTML_ImageMap_Area_Circle extends HTML_ImageMap_Area { var $centx,$centy, $edgex, $edgey; function asHTML() { $coordstring = join(",",array($this->centx,$this->centy,$this->edgex,$this->edgey) ); return 'common_html().' shape="circle" coords="'.$coordstring.'" />'; } function hitTest($x,$y) { $radius1 = ($this->edgey - $this->centy) * ($this->edgey - $this->centy) + ($this->edgex - $this->centx) * ($this->edgex - $this->centx); $radius2 = ($this->edgey - $y) * ($this->edgey - $y) + ($this->edgex - $x) * ($this->edgex - $x); return ($radius2 <= $radius1); } function HTML_ImageMap_Area_Circle($name="", $href="",$coords) { $c = $coords[0]; $this->name = $name; $this->href = $href; $this->centx = $c[0]; $this->centy = $c[1]; $this->edgex = $c[2]; $this->edgey = $c[3]; } } class HTML_ImageMap { var $shapes; var $nshapes; var $name; function HTML_ImageMap($name="") { $this->Reset(); $this->name = $name; } function Reset() { $this->shapes = array(); $this->nshapes = 0; $this->name = ""; } // add an element to the map - takes an array with the info, in a similar way to HTML_QuickForm function addArea($element) { if (is_object($element) && is_subclass_of($element, 'html_imagemap_area')) { $elementObject = &$element; } else { $args = func_get_args(); $className = "HTML_ImageMap_Area_".$element; $elementObject =& new $className($args[1],$args[2],array_slice($args, 3)); } $this->shapes[] =& $elementObject; $this->nshapes++; // print $this->nshapes." shapes\n"; } // do a hit-test based on the current map // - can be limited to only match elements whose names match the filter // (e.g. pick a building, in a campus map) function hitTest($x,$y,$namefilter="") { $preg = '/'.$namefilter.'/'; foreach ($this->shapes as $shape) { if($shape->hitTest($x,$y)) { if( ($namefilter == "") || ( preg_match($preg,$shape->name) ) ) { return $shape->name; } } } return false; } // update a property on all elements in the map that match a name // (use it for retro-actively adding in link information to a pre-built geometry before generating HTML) // returns the number of elements that were matched/changed function setProp($which, $what, $where) { $count = 0; for($i=0; $ishapes); $i++) { // this USED to be a substring match, but that broke some things // and wasn't actually used as one anywhere. if( ($where == "") || ( $this->shapes[$i]->name==$where) ) { switch($which) { case 'href': $this->shapes[$i]->href= $what; break; case 'extrahtml': $this->shapes[$i]->extrahtml= $what; break; } $count++; } } return $count; } // Return the imagemap as an HTML client-side imagemap for inclusion in a page function asHTML() { $html = 'name != "") { $html .= ' name="'.$this->name.'"'; } $html .=">\n"; foreach ($this->shapes as $shape) { $html .= $shape->asHTML(); $html .= "\n"; } $html .= "\n"; return $html; } function subJSON($namefilter="",$reverseorder=false) { $json = ''; $preg = '/'.$namefilter.'/'; foreach ($this->shapes as $shape) { if( ($namefilter == "") || ( preg_match($preg,$shape->name) )) { if($reverseorder) { $json = $shape->asJSON().",\n".$json; } else { $json .= $shape->asJSON().",\n"; } } } $json = rtrim($json,"\n, "); $json .= "\n"; return $json; } // return HTML for a subset of the map, specified by the filter string // (suppose you want some partof your UI to have precedence over another part // - the imagemap is checked from top-to-bottom in the HTML) function subHTML($namefilter="",$reverseorder=false) { $html = ""; $preg = '/'.$namefilter.'/'; foreach ($this->shapes as $shape) { if( ($namefilter == "") || ( preg_match($preg,$shape->name) )) { if($reverseorder) { $html = $shape->asHTML()."\n".$html; } else { $html .= $shape->asHTML()."\n"; } } } return $html; } } // vim:ts=4:sw=4: ?> WebSVN - weathermap - Blame - Rev 73 - /HTML_ImageMap.class.php


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